The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 16: Here is an amulet for you


In the next few days, Chen Tzuyu appeared in bedroom 203 in the middle of the night, and hugged her to sleep in the same way as everyone watched.

At first, Lu Man refused, but couldn't bear Chen Ziyu's soft and hard foaming. After a few days, she suddenly realized that she was a little accustomed to his existence.

Every night Chen Tzuyu must show up before she is willing to go to bed. Although Chen Tzuyu always makes her ashamed and angry, she finds that she enjoys this situation quite a bit.

The school is not very clean these days, and there has been a lot of talk about the wrongdoing. Even the school’s senior officials knew it. Several waves of people were sent to clean the water heater, but no matter how it was cleaned, the hair was still only a lot more. Time was frightening, and Lu Man could be heard everywhere. Since Lin Li was frightened last time, he had been lingering fear of this kind of gods and gods, and Lu Man was also frightened all day long.

Finally, after Chen Tzuyu came tonight, she couldn't help but ask: "Do you know about the hair on the water boiler in our school?"

Chen Tzuyu was not in high spirits today, and hummed silently on top of her head.

Lu Man didn't pay much attention to it, "Then do you know what's going on?"

Chen Ziyu heard the words, and the hand holding her shoulder tightened. Lu Man was in pain, raised his head, and looked at the corner of his mouth with a sneer, "I know."

"You know!" Lu Man was taken aback and sat up from the **.

"That, that, that!"

She wanted to ask, is there really a ghost? The girl who died that day, she later learned from Chen Tzuyu's mouth that she had gone to reincarnation, so are there other ghosts in this school

Lu Man thought about his back getting cold, is it possible that they were all directed at her

Chen Tzuyu saw through her thoughts at a glance, and followed her back and said: "Don't think too much, you will be fine."

As he said, he turned Lu Man's face back and pressed her forehead to say: "I will protect you."

This Lu Man is not worried. If she hasn't been protected by him these years, she is afraid that she would have died long ago. I don't know how many times, but...

She raised her head and glanced at Lin Li, who was sleeping like a dead pig. She didn't have such good luck as herself. She was an ordinary person. How could she say that they were all best friends? She was still worried.

She told Chen Tzuyu about her worry again. Chen Tzuyu frowned and looked at her as if thinking about her words. After a while, she took out a black object from her sleeve.

The object seemed to be woven, like a Chinese knot, Lu Man touched it in his hand, like hemp rope.

"what is this?"

"My hair." Chen Ziyu glanced at the Chinese knot and said casually.

Lu Man shook his hands when he heard the words, and finally heard Chen Tzuyu say after he finally stabilized: "You bring this to Lin Li, no ghosts dare to enter her."

Lu Man responded casually and collected the black China. It took a while before he realized that something was wrong, and his hand stiffened and said, "No, what should I do?"

There was a strange flash in her heart, too fast for her to catch it. This is... Chen Tzuyu's hair, such a thick Chinese knot, I don't know how much of his hair is used, this... Is it just for people

Before I could figure it out, there was a laugh from the top of her head.

"you have me."