The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 19: Hallucinations


This matter quickly spread. The legend about the haunting of the female dormitories of the medical school became more and more fascinating, and even worse, it was said that Lin Li and Lu Man were messengers of hell. As long as they appeared, they would die. .

When this first came to Lu Man’s ears, she only thought it was ridiculous, but after thinking about it, Lin Li saw him the first time he died, Lu Man discovered it, and the second time he died. The two of them discovered at the same time, she seemed pale and weak even to refute when she thought about it.

The deceased was quickly taken away by the police. Lu Man obtained the information of the deceased through his own relationship. This person was called Zhang Hua and was only 20 years old this year.

Apart from sympathy, she began to fear again.

Lu Man thought for a long time, called the director, applied for an autopsy for Zhang Hua, and quickly got a reply.

"Lu Man, this thing is really a hot potato! Your call really solved my urgent need!" There was a fluke in the director's voice.

"Where is it." Lu Man laughed and hit haha, "It's all my job."

Fortunately, she had a good reputation in the police station in recent years, so she was easily qualified. After hanging up the chief's phone, she saw open mouth coming from the corridor and walking straight into their dormitory.

The corners of the open mouth were raised, and after turning his eyes around Lu Man, he smiled and sat on the opposite side of Lu Man.

Lu Man frowned and turned sideways. It was noon now, when the sun was the most poisonous of the day. Because of the trouble in the morning, she couldn't eat anything at all. By now she was already hungry. Stomach cramps, Lin Li happened to go downstairs to get the takeaway. At this time, only Lu Man and Zhang Dazui were in the bedroom.

He opened his mouth and lay down on his back, supporting his head with one hand, looking at Lu Man with a smile on his face.

Lu Man was a little dazed by her, got up and put down the mosquito net.

The mosquito net is transparent, and it can't stop the gaze of Big Mouth. Through the mosquito net, Lu Man saw that the body of Big Mouth was uneven. Her body has been thinner for more than half a circle. Her face is covered with strong makeup and her eyes are changed. The smoky makeup, the red lips are bright and dripping, and the whole person is indescribable.

Lu Man looked at him, wondering in his heart, isn't this big mouth secretly going for liposuction and plastic surgery, right? It's only a few days now? It turned out to be so thin.

Just when she was puzzled, Lin Li came back with two bowls of rice.

She stepped quickly, put the rice bowl on the table, and yelled at Lu Man: "Man'er, hurry up, it will be cold for a while."

Lu Man smashed his mouth and turned his mouth in the direction of the open mouth. Lin Li reacted. When he turned around, he shook his hand and swept the rice bowl to the ground at the moment he saw the open mouth.

"Is it okay?" Lu Man pulled her to his side, and the two of them sat down.

Lin Li shook her head, her hands were a little trembling, Lu Man looked at her like this, and said: "You can also see that there is something wrong with opening your mouth?"

"Yeah!" Lin Li nodded vigorously.

In fact, she was also unsure, she was instinctive, and Lin Li actually felt that way now.

"Where is the Chinese knot I gave you last time?" Lu Man shook her hand hard and asked.

"Here!" Lin Li took the Chinese knot out of her pocket, "I just found it in the classroom, didn't you say it is important?"

Lu Man nodded, put her Chinese knot into her clothes pocket, carefully instructed not to lose it again. The current situation is very strange. When in doubt, Chen Ziyu can't be wrong.

Speaking of Chen Tzuyu, I don't know where he went last night, and there is no ghost yet.

They talked very enthusiastically, completely unaware of the flash of fear in Zhang Dazui's eyes when he saw the Chinese knot.

Soon, Zhang Dazui stood up from the **, then walked to the table, stared at the rice bowl on the table for a while, and then smiled to Lu Man and said, "You just eat this stuff?"

"Otherwise, what to eat?" Lu Man asked strangely.

Zhang Dazui suddenly glanced at her. At this moment, Lu Man was stunned on the spot as if the whole person had been tapped on the acupuncture points, unable to move, she suddenly saw the world in front of her begin to spread red blood mist and fog. It was very full and thick, and gradually filled her vision. In the end, she couldn't see anything, and the whole figure seemed to be in blood.

Even her nose smelled of blood.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Lu Man motionless, Lin Li gave her a hard push.

Only then did Lu Man come back to her senses, and the world in front of her returned to normal again. She blinked her eyes, fearful in her heart, looked around, but saw that her big mouth was gone.

"Open your mouth?" Lin Li looked strange, "She's not here!"

"Isn't she still here just now?" Lu Man pointed to an open space in front of the table.

Lin Li was holding two bowls of rice in her hand at the moment. She looked at the open space and then at Lu Man, "No, I only saw you when I came in."

"She was lying in sex when you came in, and then she stood up and walked to this position." Lu Man suddenly realized something was wrong, she stood up and walked to the bed with her mouth open, and then walked to the clearing. .

At this moment, her eyes suddenly caught her mosquito net, which was actually hanging! She obviously put it down!

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Li saw that something was wrong with her, and quickly put down the rice bowl.

"When did you come in?" Lu Man asked slowly, watching her movements blankly.

"Just now!" Lin Li said, "What the hell is wrong with you! Don't scare me!"

just! Lu Man's body shuddered suddenly. She remembered that Lin Li came in at least ten minutes ago, but she said that she just came in. What is going on? Is there something wrong with her memory? Or is it all an illusion

"No." Lu Man shook his head and backed away, looking at Lin Li with a vigilant expression, "No, you shouldn't have just come in."

"What do you mean!" Lin Li looked at her anxiously, reaching out to help her, but she avoided her.

"Don't scare me!" Lin Li yelled at her, "I just went downstairs to get the takeaway, and then came up. I saw you in a daze when I came back, I really didn't see any open mouth!"

"Where is the Chinese knot I gave you?"

"What?" Lin Li didn't hear clearly.

"I ask you, the Chinese knot I gave you!" Lu Man yelled at her.

Lin Li quickly took the Chinese knot out of her pocket and said, "Here it is!"

Lu Man felt a little relieved looking at the Chinese knot in her hand. She glanced at the phone, and the time was displayed as 12:05. She remembered clearly that it was 11:50 when Lin Li went to get it outside. In other words, after only five minutes, it is impossible for her to perform the play just now in ten minutes.

If Lin Li didn't lie and she was really sitting here in a daze, it could only explain one thing. The Lin Li and the open mouth she just saw were hallucinations!