The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 23: It has been looking for you for a while


Generally speaking, the wildfires are all forest green and the temperature is extremely low, but this group of wildfires is different. It is green all over, but the edges are scarlet. The two colors are mixed together, which looks indescribable.

Lu Man stared at the ghost fire for a long time, then talked to Chen Ziyu about the question in his heart.

I saw Chen Tzuyu staring at the group of wildfires with a smile on his face, and said: "The pure and broken wildfires are naturally green, but this group of wildfires..."

He didn't finish his words, and Lu Man was confused. She was about to continue to ask when she saw the ghost fire that had been dangling on the second floor. It suddenly stopped, and there was a pause for about two seconds. , And then suddenly rushed in a certain direction, the speed increased several times, almost in the blink of an eye, Lu Man saw it appear in the center of 203's bedroom.

"Crap!" Lu Man obviously didn't expect it to move towards his dormitory. Now imagine that Lin Li is still in the dormitory.

"Don't worry." Chen Tzuyu patted her on the waist, and said softly and relievedly: "Let's look at it and talk about it."

For human eyes, when standing at this height, Lu Man can hardly see everything. She can only see the ghost fire and the dark dormitory building. There is no light in the dormitory building, so the ghost fire Especially conspicuous, she just guessed where it is now based on her own feelings and the movement trajectory of the ghost fire.

Chen Tzuyu seemed to have thought of this. His hand clicked on Lu Man's eyelids, and a cold touch spread from her eyelids. She instinctively closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, She even found out that she could see everything in the dormitory clearly, and she could even see where there was a pair of shoes in the corner.

"It's amazing." She felt like an unseen bun at the moment.

Chen Tzuyu smiled, did not speak, and put his arms around her waist tightly, and said, "Look at it."

Then, Chen Tzuyu smashed her head abruptly.

Before, she saw a layer of scarlet flames on the outside of the ghost fire, but now she can see it more realistically. It is not just a layer, but a ball, a very strong ball, just like an open flame.

She could even see clearly that the scarlet flame burned in the air and the temperature caused it to twist the air.

This is unscientific! It is impossible for a wildfire to have this temperature.

At this moment, she saw the ghost fire swaying around the bedroom of 203. Its speed was extremely slow. It seemed to be looking for something. It walked from the door all the way in. Lin Li's bed was near the door, sleeping On the upper bunk, the ghost fire flew over her head, seeming not to notice her at all, then floated to the lower bunk, and finally the bottom of the bed, and then flew to the opposite side, fell to her sex, and did not leave for a long time.

"It's looking for me?" Lu Man is a little strange. Could it be that it has been looking for her these days

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a cold snort from above, "It has been looking for you for a while."

"Why are you looking for me?" Lu Man asked subconsciously.

Chen Tzuyu lowered his head, smiling rather than smiling: "Has no one told you that the blood in your body is a great supplement to ghosts?"

Listening to Chen Tzuyu's words, Lu Man's body trembled. She was quite a blind woman. She mentioned two things, saying that she used these things when she was a child. There was no way that they married her. She used to treat them all. Nonsense, I didn't expect this to happen.