The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 25: Do you people like to do things in the air?


"This, this!" Lu Man was so excited that she couldn't say anything. She turned her head and looked at the void behind her, which was amazing.

Although she has seen a lot of monsters and ghosts, she never thought that one day she would be able to do the same thing as written in the novel.

She has been able to talk about this matter for a long time, after all, not everyone can have such a peculiar experience.

"Don't be eager to be happy." Chen Ziyu didn't know when it fell on her head lightly, watching with a smile on his face.

Since Lu Man is lying in mid-air now, Chen Tzuyu has to lie down on his body, so as not to create the visual illusion of standing on her. There was only a distance of about five centimeters between the two people, and Chen Ziyu’s nose almost touched her.

Lu Man felt that something was wrong for a while, this posture seemed a bit strange...

"Then what, get up first." She blushed and pushed Chen Ziyu calmly.

The smile on Chen Tzuyu's face deepened. He saw that Lu Man didn't move, and he seemed to have no intention of getting up. Lu Man swallowed and looked away.

"Chen Tzuyu." Lu Man said dryly.


"that… "

"you say."

"Cough cough." Lu Man suddenly felt embarrassed. After pretending to cough twice, his eyes flickered and said: "I know you have been dead for a long time, and I can understand your customs, but..."

At this point, she seemed to be even more embarrassed. Chen Ziyu frowned when she looked at her, and did not understand what she was saying: "It's just what?"

"It's just, is it possible that all of you guys like to do things in the air?"

Chen Tzuyu was given to Leide by her words. She wondered for a few thousand years that her cultivation base had not been long enough for thousands of years. Now women of this age are open to this point

"Are you suggesting something to me?" Chen Ziyu's nose rubbed against Lu Man's, with a smile on his mouth.

"No." Lu Man took a deep breath, trying to shrink back.

Immediately after he was hugged by Chen Tzuyu, his body retreated suddenly, Lu Man felt a breeze lift her up, and then recovered, she was already standing in the air.

She raised her eyes to look at Chen Tzuyu, only to see a teasing smile on his face, holding a pair of peachy eyes, looking at her sharply, and said: "We don't have this habit there."

"But if Madam likes it, I can make an exception for you."

Lu Man was shocked, only to realize that he was answering what he had just said, and he gave him a blank look, but his heart was as sweet as eating honey.

Just as they were flirting and yelling, the group of ghost fire had already turned over the entire bedroom of 203. It seemed that it was acting a little anxiously. When it returned to Lin Li's bed, the fire had already brought a trace of violence. Gas.

This violent air made Lu Man who was far in the air feel it, her heart was not good, and her figure moved, rushing towards the ghost fire.

"Madam, don't go!" Chen Tzuyu's voice sounded behind her, but it was too late. In just a moment, she had already flashed into the bedroom.

Just now she was far away, she didn't see clearly, now as soon as she came in, she saw a figure in the group of ghost fires. She was graceful, curvy, and exuding a trace of bone fragrance. She was instantly seductive. Lu Man smelled it. Somewhat in a trance.