The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 34: The youngest little priest


When she arrived, the altar had already been densely packed with many people. I am afraid that they hadn't been there like this during the Chinese New Year. She saw the uncle Zhang who sold cigarettes and alcohol around the corner, and also saw Aunt Wang who sold umbrellas at the end of the alley. Of course, she was also in the crowd and saw the strange old woman who had just met on the bus.

Just now the woman was standing behind the old woman, and she seemed to look in Lu Man's direction in response.

Lu Man and her looked at each other, and suddenly realized that her eyes were the same as those of the old woman, with more white eyes and less black eyes.

When the woman found out that it was Lu Man, she moved away quietly.

"Thank you everyone for coming to participate in the sacrificial ceremony of our tribe in your busy schedule."

At this moment, an old voice came from the center of the altar. Lu Man followed the voice and looked over. It turned out to be a blind mother-in-law. She was wearing a black robe, a bit like a costume in a period movie. The two sleeves were extremely big and big. It was almost dragged to the ground, and many butterflies were embroidered with gold silk on the robe, which looked lifelike.

"I know that everyone's time is precious, and the old lady knows the purpose of coming here, so I will make a long story short."

At this moment, she stretched out her hands to make a circle in the air, and then overlapped on her chest. After scanning the field, her muddy eyes fell on Lu Man.

"Man'er, come here." Then, the blind woman beckoned to her.

Lu Man was taken aback for a moment, and then pointed to his nose in disbelief. Everyone around turned to look at her after the blind mother had spoken. The middle-aged woman just looked at her, but I don’t know if it was her. She actually felt that the middle-aged woman’s eyes were... jealous

What is she jealous of

"Man'er!" Her daunting movements seemed to make the blind woman very upset, and her face sank immediately.

Lu Man didn't dare to dare anymore, and quickly climbed onto the sacrificial platform. Just as she stood firm, the blind mother grabbed her wrists, and her old hands gently patted her face on the back of her hands. A rare smile appeared, and then she pulled Luman and turned around, facing everyone.

Flutteringly said: "I would like to introduce to you, Lu Man, the youngest priest of our clan."

As soon as the voice fell, the pot immediately exploded underneath.

"What? It turned out to be Lu Man?"

"Didn't she leave the village to go to college a long time ago? How could it be her?"

"Isn't it? There must be some conspiracy."

The area of the altar was small, and these voices fell into Lu Man’s ears without fail. She was a little embarrassed, but at the same time she couldn’t figure it out. She only heard things like the little priest in Chen Ziyu’s words. After a sentence or two, why all of a sudden, she became a little priest

"Patriarch!" Just when everyone was shocked, a sharp girl suddenly stood out, "I'm not convinced!"

Lu Man looked for her voice, and saw that it was a girl about her size. She was in good shape, exquisite and elegant, with her long hair combed behind her head into a ponytail, which looked quite aura. .

It's just... Lu Man squinted his eyes as she watched her walking from behind the crowd step by step.

This person is very familiar and seems to have seen it somewhere.

"Only by Lu Man, why is she?" The girl walked to the stage and said bitterly!

right! With this bitter and mean look, Lu Man suddenly remembered that she is the daughter of the uncle's family! That cousin who stumbled her since childhood!