The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 57: More than enough to deal with you! (corrected)


90% of the force was used to paint the ghost, she just wanted to see whether Chen Tzuyu wanted to protect herself or a human being.

However, Chen Tzuyu just snorted coldly. The hand holding Lu Man did not relax at all. The energy fluctuation brought by that palm was getting closer and closer to him. He didn't even blink his eyes. He hugged Lu Man around in the air, painting his skin. In the ghost's surprised eyes, he abruptly took this palm.

This chapter slammed firmly on his back, and Chen Tzuyu only felt that his chest had shaken twice and the ghostly energy in his body became disordered.

"Chen Tzuyu!" Lu Man shouted anxiously, firmly hugging his waist with one hand.

The two fell from the air. When they landed on the ground, Chen Ziyu's footsteps were a bit unstable. He staggered twice and then stopped, carrying a breath of air in his hand to push Lu Man into the distance.

In the next second, a purple ghost suddenly appeared all over her body, which surrounded her and couldn't move.

At the same time, the painter's ghost also came and fell in front of Chen Tzuyu. She lightly glanced at Lu Man, who was sealed by Chen Tzuyu, and said casually: "The original strength was not as good as before, and so much was wasted. Protecting an onmyoji, are you really the ghost who stomped and shook his feet three times in the past?"

As Chen Tzuyu listened, he raised his brows sharply, a trace of arrogance appeared on his face, a knot was quickly formed in his hand, and he said, "It's more than enough to deal with you."

"Don't say it too early!" The Painted Ghost snorted and flew out. At the same time, Chen Tzuyu's seal was already knotted. He blasted the Painted Ghost with a terrifying energy. With the power of space, the fluctuation surging crazily towards the surroundings of the Painted Ghost.

Painted Ghost's face changed drastically, her nails on her hands swelled up, and she slashed towards the air in front of her, abruptly splitting the void into a gap, her body quickly flashed towards the gap, and escaped the encirclement.

At this moment, Chen Tzuyu's figure surged, and when the Painter hadn't recovered at all, he fell in front of her. He had already accumulated most of the ghost energy in his hands, and it was exuding a purple color at this moment. Chen Tzuyu's face looked extremely cold in the purple light, and a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Go to hell!"

As soon as the voice fell, his hand went straight towards the face of Painted Ghost. When the Painted Ghost was unavoidable, he could only force the next palm.

"Boom!" A terrible energy wave erupted in the air.

For a time, dust and smoke were everywhere.

The speed of their fight was too fast, Lu Man could hardly see Chen Tzuyu's figure. It took a long while to see Chen Tzuyu flying upside down from the wave of spatial fluctuations. His robe was blown away by a corner at this moment, and his face was even paler. A bit.

Immediately afterwards, the painter flew out, and landed ten meters away. She was not as lucky as Chen Tzuyu. She saw that the dress on her body had been blown into strips by the shock wave, and the joy on her head. Pa didn't even know where she had been blown up, revealing her pitted, corpse-spotted face.

She frowned and stood up from the ground. Lu Man saw that there was only an empty sleeve left in her right hand. Her face was frantic, she looked at Chen Ziyu viciously, and suddenly screamed.