The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 769: Finale (1)


There was no pain as expected. The house wandered up and raised his eyes in surprise, only to see his accessories trembling all over, and a buzzing sound emanated from the sword.

It sounds like crying.

House Tour looked at it affectionately, and then resolutely said: "Do it!"

"Om..." The sword's voice gradually increased, seeming to express his dissatisfaction.

"Do it!"

The house swam with red eyes and roared loudly.

In the next second, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck, countless blood gushing out from his wound, and he could even feel his head falling from mid-air.

For about ten minutes after his head was cut off, he still maintained a clear consciousness, so he clearly saw that the demon soldier was defeated, and the brother he always loved was panicked and ran at him at this time. Came over, and then borrowed his head and body, which were falling continuously.

"Brother!" Che Ziyou hugged his head with his hands trembling, as if he was afraid that he might crush him with a little bit of force.

"Brother! Don't scare me! Brother!"

His voice moved from far to near, and from near to far. Jiayou wanted to answer, but his throat was cut off just now. It was worthy of his sword, and he made a sharp move.

He couldn't say anything, he could only stare blankly at the car friend in front of him crying, crying, as if to cry all the tears of this life.

Finally, he finally felt tired and gradually closed his eyes.

It's over... It's all over at last...

After the house swam to death, the devil world was in chaos. For a time, there was no leader in the group of dragons, and he admired the upper position of Che Ziyou, but Che Ziyou was immersed in the sorrow of the death of the house. And ordered Che Ziyou to never return to the Devildom.

He had nowhere to go, so he settled down on the banks of the Ming River, holding the corpse of the house swimming, and spent three months on the Styx River.

I heard that during those three months, he had not dripped in, and he had covered a thick energy cover, and no one was allowed to approach him.

But these... have nothing to do with Lu Man.

The ghost's crisis has been resolved, and she and Chen Ziyu can finally live a good life with a family of three in the Hades Palace, without worrying about any disturbances in the outside world that will affect her small family.

Chen Tzuyu also removed the mask of the ghost monarch and became the occasionally naughty and casual ghost monarch she had just met, and became a stern and loving father.

Chenghuan's growth rate is faster than that of ordinary people, but in just a few days, she is about the size of a mortal two-year-old daughter.

At this time, it was the age of crying and noisy, coupled with her natural supernatural power, and always not able to control her well, Lu Man was injured in the process of taking her.

Let's just say a few days ago. At that time, she was knocking sunflower seeds with Lin Li in the outer courtyard, and suddenly a dark figure rushed towards her.

She didn't see exactly what it was, and with a subconscious block, she lifted Cheng Huan two meters away.

The sound of "boom" was directly stunned.

It took a long time to get up from the ground, squeezed the corners of his mouth and said aggrievedly: "Mommy! Mommy badass!"

Lu Man saw that she was about to cry and apologized again and again. It took a long time to coax her.