The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 79: Harvest ghost spirit


As soon as she said, Lu Man knew what she was going to do. The yin at the crossroads was always the heaviest. When she was a child, she heard the blind mother say that people who died at the crossroads would stay at the crossroads forever, unable to reincarnate. He can only passively wait in place, waiting for the next dead man, otherwise he will never go out.

Since it was a serial car accident, there must be a lot of people stranded at the crossroads now.

Lu Man and Aning negotiated and settled on the past time. Since it is going to get the ghost spirit in the past, then midnight is the best. It was still early, just after eight o'clock, and she still had time to prepare something.

Lu Man left the bedroom and drove to the suburbs. There was a fortune-telling shop. He sold some yin and yang gossip mirrors and yellow symbols. Lu Man used to think these things were bluffing, so he didn’t. How to pay attention, some time ago, she secretly paid attention, only to realize that the boss of this family is really capable.

She also had no ink marks, so she bought a lot of yellow charms and brought a yin and yang gossip mirror.

After paying the money, she carried her things and left. As soon as she stepped out of the door, she was stopped by the store.

The store is an elderly middle-aged man, skinny, wearing a Taoist gown, but a bit of a fairy style.

"Little girl." He looked at Lu Man with a smile, holding a triangular yellow symbol in his hand, and said: "When I look at you, you know that you are a colleague. Since you take care of my business in this way, I also have something to send. Give you."

With that said, he stuffed the yellow talisman into Lu Man's hand.

As soon as Lu Man received the yellow talisman, he felt that he was warm and comfortable. The hand that had originally wanted to resign took the yellow talisman.

She took the things and left. She didn't see the back of the store watching her leave thoughtfully, and shook her head with regret, saying, "Tonight is another sleepless night."

Lu Man was carrying things and drove all the way forward, not knowing how far he drove out, the temperature in the car began to drop suddenly, Lu Man's fingertips began to gradually become cold, her heart condensed, and then, she saw A touch of red appeared on the co-pilot's seat, Aning still looked pure-hearted, she looked like strangers should not enter, and Lu Man naturally did not have the thought of having a hot face and a cold ass.

The two moved forward silently, and soon Lu Man saw the intersection.

It was a long road, visually capable of accommodating four large trucks passing side by side, the intersection was backlit, and from a distance, Lu Man saw a lot of black ghosts hovering over the intersection.

She was overjoyed and stepped on the accelerator faster.

"There are ghosts, but it doesn't mean that there are many wandering souls." Aning's voice came from the side faintly, extinguishing her enthusiasm that had just emerged.

Lu Man got out of the car at the intersection closest to the intersection and chose to walk there. The most likely thing to happen in this place is ghosts hitting the wall. The anger is too heavy, and she can't even be completely sure whether Aning will be at a critical moment. Fantastically, although she said she was the messenger under Chen Tzuyu's seat, Chen Tzuyu was seriously injured now and could not get out of Caiyu. If she had anything wrong with her, Lu Man could not help her.

Lu Man’s speed was very slow, and the yellow talisman was already in her hand. The yellow talisman is classified into three levels. She bought some for the upper, middle and lower levels. She was holding the lowest-level talisman against ordinary ones. Enough of the kid.

As she approached, the ghost spirit began to fluctuate violently. Lu Man stared at the surroundings cautiously. At this moment, a black ghost suddenly burst out of the air, coming towards Lu Man’s face, Lu Man’s heart The next surprise, the talisman in her hand was pasted.

"Ah!" With a scream, the ghost image suddenly melted into a bubble, and a ghost gas emerged from the place where the ghost image disappeared. Lu Man was shocked, and when he reached out and grabbed it, the ghost gas turned into a light ball. , Lying quietly in her hands.