The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 85: After the spring


The treatment process lasted for a long time. During this process, Lu Man’s body absorbed a large amount of light, and her whole body became crystal clear, as if different light beams came out of her body. Chen Ziyu's face became extra thorough, and Chen Ziyu was fascinated for a moment. He attacked her quickly, leaving a purple mark all the way on her body.

When he woke up the next morning, Lu Man felt that he was going to fall apart.

She turned over from the lab's body, and the originally intact screen window had already rotten a hole at this time, and a ray of sunlight came in from the outside, illuminating the entire lab.

There is a small sofa in the southeast corner of the laboratory. At this moment, Chen Ziyu is sitting on it, with a pair of Erlang's legs tilted, slightly squinting peachy eyes, and looking at her thoughtfully.

Seeing her waking up, he hooked his mouth and said, "Madam is awake?"

Chen Tzuyu had put on his robe again, and only his neck was left outside of his whole body, with one or two red marks left on it.

Lu Man's gaze paused, and there was a flush of crimson on his face.

"Wake up." She replied faintly, her eyes falling on Chen Tzuyu's body.

Chen Tzuyu's body has improved a lot. It is no longer as transparent as before, and it seems that he is almost invisible. Seeing him like this, Lu Man was happy, and now he didn't care about being shy or not, so he ran towards Chen Tzuyu. , Hugged his neck tightly and said: "How are you?"

Chen Tzuyu steadily caught her, looking at her with some confusion, "Is this monarch okay, don't you know?"

Lu Man was startled, as if he didn't quite understand what he meant.

Chen Tzuyu was in a good mood, "Would you like me to tell you personally?"

"Huh?" As if to tease, he hummed softly in Lu Man's ear. When Lu Man heard it, his whole body became soft.

Is there a mistake? She served him all night last night!

Lu Man had a black line, his hands firmly supported his chest, feeling the temperature from a certain part of him, and a sorrow flashed in his heart: "Chen Ziyu, can you restrain yourself a little! I... I'm still a living person. !"

If you continue to toss you like this, you will soon become dead! Of course she didn't say the last half sentence.

If ordinary people were told by her like this, the old face would definitely be unbearable, but Chen Ziyu is not an ordinary person, he just tilted his head and thought about it, so he seriously denied her proposal.

"Madam." His expression was serious, "My lord has only been a wife like you for the past thousand years."

"Are you trying to suffocate your husband?"


After half an hour, she put on her clothes on her waist and stood up with a face like a dish. She is lack of Yang Qi, Yang Qi is insufficient! Chen Tzuyu is killing her!

Just as she had just put on her clothes and stood up, the surrounding temperature fell cold, and Aning appeared in the air out of thin air. She had a cold face, holding a set of clothes in her hand, and handed it to her angrily, saying: "The Lord asked me to prepare it for you."

After that, she stomped her foot and disappeared in mid-air.

Lu Man looked at the dress that was dropped by her. It was a white suspender dress. The material was silk. There was no extra style. It only made a waist waist design. Strangely, it looked flat. Wuqi's piece of clothing turned out to be particularly suitable after being put on.