The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 96: Gain a contract


Hand up and down.

The heart is the most important part. The chest of a living person contains the heart, while the chest of a dead person contains energy. Once the chest ruptures and the energy dies, then death is waiting for her.

The female ghost fell down without even uttering an exclamation. There was a hole in her chest, and the white streamer was leaking out little by little. She fell to the ground and watched Lu Man. , His eyes are full of incredible.

She obviously didn't believe that an unarmed person like Lu Man could knock her down so easily.

Lu Man didn’t pay too much attention. After walking around her for a while, she squatted beside her, fiddled with her gradually becoming transparent body, and said: "You should know that you don’t have How much time has passed."

The female ghost didn't speak, she still gritted her teeth and looked at her.

Lu Man didn't mind her attitude, and went on casually: "But there is one thing I forgot to tell you."

"My blood can save you."

Hearing this, the female ghost seemed to have a reaction. The hatred in her eyes began to dissipate, and she was replaced by a fierce desire to survive. The living person still has a soul, but if the dead person dies again , That is really dissipating between the heaven and the earth, there is nothing left.

Lu Man was very satisfied with her reaction, so he paused: "I think you should have heard of the power of pure Yin."

When she heard the four words of Pure Yin Power, the female ghost’s eyes began to shine. She sat up on her back. Due to the violent movements, the rupture of her chest was torn open, and the inside continued. The leakage of white energy comes.

With the loss of energy, she also began to weaken. She stared at Lu Man for a while before she said astringently, "Are you really the power of pure Yin?"

Lu Man didn't speak, her eyes met the female ghost for a long while, and the female ghost's expression changed from shock to doubt, and finally to determination.

She slowly lowered her head: "What do you want me to do?"

Listening to her words, Lu Man applauded her in his heart. She is not too stupid. The adult world is full of intrigue, and no one is willing to waste energy on something that is not profitable.

She understood Chen Tzuyu's intention to let her come alone. He was to experience her and prepare for the Freedom Challenge Month two months later.

And she chose this female ghost because she still lacks power.

"It's very simple, make a contract with me." Lu Man faintly threw out his answer.

Her meaning was very clear. In other words, if she refused, Lu Man would not be so kind to save her. Life and death are only between her thoughts.

After listening to the female ghost, she was stunned for a moment, her lips turned blue due to excessive energy loss, and she had reached the limit.

"You better want to hurry up." As time passed, Lu Man became impatient. She frowned and knocked on the ground, and then said: "Otherwise, you will soon be wiped out."

It seemed that she was stimulated by the ashes, and the female ghost suddenly became agitated.

"Okay, I promise you." She couldn't wait to say these words.

Lu Man smiled with satisfaction and cut his wrist. As her movements unfolded, a sweet smell of blood floated in the air. The female ghost sucked her nose with enjoyment and her face flashed. After a ray of red light, it was Lu Man's blood.

After a long while, Lu Man retracted his wrist, looked at her and said: "I don't know your name yet."

"Just call me Linlin." The female ghost suddenly became temperamental, lowered her head docilely, folded her hands on her legs, and looked like a good baby, completely no longer arrogant.