The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 114


The big and the small looked at each other, and finally, the confused little one spoke: "I just want to take care of you."

Uncle Zhu gave him food and he worked for Uncle Zhu. This was only natural!

An Zheng looked at Zaizai who was wearing cartoon pajamas. If he was simply Zaizai's boss, then he wouldn't need to apologize. But he was not only Zaizai's boss, he was also Zaizai's uncle.


An Zhu bent down, his eyes level with the little boy's. He took out the small gold lock from his pocket and gently hung it around the little boy's neck. When hanging it, he noticed the ruby necklace around the little boy's neck.

The familiar ruby necklace made An Zhu pause as he was putting on the small gold lock.

He paused for only a second before hanging the small golden lock on the cub's neck: "I'll give this back to you, and this one."

The little gold lock and the little gold bracelet were put back on the little boy.

The little cub became more and more confused.

An Zhu looked at his confused expression and stuffed the candy he had brought from his pocket into his hand: "Ningzi, there is something I want to tell you."

The little boy looked at his boss who suddenly became gentle, and his confusion turned into nervousness: "You, you tell me."

An Zhu touched his little face and whispered, "My full name is An Zhu, the An of An Nuo and the An of An Zhu."

Little cub: “…”

The little guy hadn't reacted yet, he just said: "What a coincidence, you and my uncle have the same last name."

Hearing this, An Zhu hit a straight ball: "I am your uncle, I am your younger uncle, An Nuo and your mother are my brothers and sisters."

Little cub: “?”

The little cub opened his mouth, his fat face full of shock.

An Zhu didn't have any proof of his royal identity. He thought for a few seconds and simply pointed at his face: "We in the royal family are all good-looking. Look, am I good-looking?"

Little cub: “!”

It’s really beautiful!

The little boy was still shocked and dazed by An Zhu's self-identification.

He stuttered for a while before saying, "Baby, baby already has an uncle."

He already has Uncle Anno.

An Zhu was particularly patient with his cub at this moment. He smiled and said, "An Nuo is your uncle, but that doesn't mean he is your only uncle."

"Although the survival rate of our royal cubs is not high, the number of people in our royal family is not that small."

Regardless of whether they are male or female, the cubs born to their partners will inherit their royal family's healing skills, and all the cubs will live in the royal family.

Therefore, the total number of people in their royal family was not too small before.

An Zhu patiently talked to the little boy for a long time. Finally, he changed the subject: "Ningzi, when you first came to the city, I didn't recognize you."

An Zhu was not trying to make excuses for himself. He was just telling the cub, "You... are very different from our royal cubs, so I never thought of you as a royal cub."

"If I knew you were my child, I would treat you well and would not ask you to take care of me. I would take care of you."

The little guy standing on the bed was a little confused by this sudden recognition. He looked at An Zhu, but still couldn't think of An Zhu as his uncle.

He didn't know how to express his feelings, so after being stunned for a moment, the little fat face said "Oh" and pretended to be serious: "Baby, you have to think about it carefully."

An Zhu looked at the soft little cub. After knowing the cub's identity, he looked at the cub through a filter.

The serious look of the little cub was so adorable in his eyes that he wanted to kiss him.


It’s too late to recognize your parents. The little cub won’t let you kiss him now.

"Okay, you can think about it carefully." An Zhu took out all the candies and small toys in his pocket at once and put them on the bed.

He stared at the little cub, and didn't say much to disturb him. He just said, "Ningzi, from now on, your uncle will like you and treat you well like your uncle An Nuo."

Since the survival rate of cubs is not high, the royal family members have an almost pathological desire to protect their own cubs. Of course, this desire is only limited to their own cubs.

After saying his last sentence, An Zhu turned and left.

When he walked to the door, he saw An Nuo outside.

"Hey, brother, you are here."

An Rong was still a little afraid of his brother An Nuo. What he feared most was his older sister, and the second person he feared was An Nuo. An Nuo looked to be in poor health and very weak, but when he beat him as a child, he really didn't show any mercy.

Although An Zhu never suffered any beatings, he was still afraid of his older brothers and sisters. This fear was probably the natural fear of his older brothers and sisters that a younger brother has.

An Nuo witnessed how he coaxed the cub and was quite satisfied with his performance.

The two brothers looked at each other, and finally An Zhu came over, put his head close to An Nuo, and asked him: "Brother, do you still want to beat me up?"

An Nuo: “…”

An Nuo looked at him leaning forward and patted his head again in annoyance: "Alright, stop being so annoying. Ningzi hasn't called you uncle yet, you still have a lot to coax."

An Zhen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll coax him well and he'll be fine."

An Rong has lived in such a place for so many years, so naturally he is no longer as innocent as he was before in the royal family. He is now scheming, cruel, and has many means.

He can do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Tonight, he had a plan for Ningzi. He had sharp eyes and could see that his cub was not difficult to coax. He didn't need to use any clever tricks. He only needed to use some self-torture and play a little pity, and the cub would surely soften.

But he didn't want to resort to tricks.

He has plenty of patience and sincerity to coax his own children.

The two brothers didn't say much. An Zhu still had to go find Yi Er. He looked at Raphael who was walking towards him, thought for a moment, and asked, "By the way, brother, are you really the queen?"

An Nuo didn't answer, but just glanced at his brother.

An Zhu smiled and touched his arm: "Brother, I think this marriage is not bad. The emperor is called Raphael, right? He is serious about you."

Anno could naturally feel Raphael's seriousness towards him.

He didn't tell his brother about his relationship with Raphael, he just asked his brother: "Have you finished dealing with things here? If you have, we will leave directly."

"It's done."

An Zhu said, and applied to An Nuo: "Brother, I plan to live with Ningzi for a while, and then go out for a walk after a while."

"Okay, follow your own ideas."

After the two of them agreed, An Zhu did not go back. He planned to leave on the spaceship.

In the room.

After the little cub was recognized by his parents, he was sitting cross-legged on the bed. He fiddled with the toys with his chubby hands, then looked up at his brother.

Just now when An Zhu came in to talk to the little boy, Huo Lin was sitting behind the little boy and remained quiet without interrupting.

He took no part in their conversation.

Now, the little boy asked his brother for help: "Brother, tell me, is Uncle Zhu really my uncle?"


Huo Lin gave his own judgment: "He should be."

An Nuo was still on the spaceship, so there was no need for An Rong to lie to his son like this.

When the little boy heard his brother's affirmation, his chubby face became even more worried: "I haven't thought about it... There is also my uncle, I don't know how to call him."

“Don’t make it hard on yourself.”

Huo Lin sat behind him and raised his hand to rub his curly hair: "If you feel you can't scream now, don't be in a hurry. There will be time later."

"If he is really nice to you in the future and you like him very much, then you will scream out."


The little cub rubbed his brother's palm, looking like a good little boy.

Huo Lin helped him put away the candies and toys. While collecting the candies, Huo Lin thought about the little kid who had been eating candies all day long. Somehow, he felt his eyelids twitching.

Not long.

Zhan Xi came out of the shower, and Ling Qi just happened to bring over the midnight snack at this time. He only brought a soup bowl for the snack.

Huo Lin doesn't eat at night, and he and Zhan Xi don't have the habit of eating at night either.

Only the little kid on the bed started drooling when he saw the soup bowl.

"Uncle Lingqi, the baby still wants steamed buns."

A big white steamed bun with broth, or a big bowl of rice soaked in broth, eating the soup while chewing the meat, just thinking about it makes me happy.

Ling Qi didn't take the steamed bun, but stirred the soup with chopsticks.

“There are noodles cooking in it.”

"Baby loves noodles."

The little cub, who is not a picky eater, stretched out his chubby little hands and anxiously took the bowl, wanting to put the food into his mouth quickly.

Ling Qi didn't let him eat in bed.

He used to take care of the little guy, and when he saw that the little guy was unwilling to move in the bed, he set up a small table and put the food on it.

Then, before he finished his meal, he was accidentally covered with the bed by the little one.

After that lesson, Ling Qi didn't even consider letting him eat on the bed: "Ningzi, come here and sit here to eat."

The little cub ate up the whole bowl of rice. After eating, he opened his clothes and let his brother touch his belly.

The bed in the room is not big.

But the little guy insisted that all the adults sleep with him, even his uncle and aunt.

Raphael took one look at the small bed and refused without a second thought: "No, no appointment, your uncle and I can just sleep next door."

When the little boy heard what his aunt said, his fat face was full of regret.

Finally, Zhan Xi, Ling Qi and Huo Lin squeezed onto the bed with the little one. They slept on a small bed, next to each other.

The little guy was sleeping in the middle, he spread out his little body with his chubby feet on his brother's legs, and he was holding Uncle Lingqi's hand. Both on his left and right were people who made him feel safe.

Surrounded by layers of security, the little cub slept soundly.

The spacecraft stayed for two days and then headed back.

Before going back, Huo Lin took the little boy back on the bus. He went there to vent his anger for the boy.

The people who had bullied the little cub were amused when they saw that the little cub brought back a cub that didn't look very old. They thought they would be retaliated by the person who picked up the little cub last time.

Seeing that there was only such a young kid here, it is conceivable that those who had bullied the kid before would not be afraid at all.

"Ningzi, are you asking your brother to come here and get beaten up together?"

"If I punch a kid this big, he'll probably die."

These people were so arrogant that the little boy clenched his chubby fists. He snorted heavily and warned everyone: "My brother is very powerful! Even if you are adults, you can't beat him!"

The confident little boy is a big shot.

He boasted about how great his brother was, and Huo Lin, his brother, did not disappoint him. However, there were too many adults here, and they were at a disadvantage in the early stages. But in the later stages, they deliberately blocked the two cubs' way and did not let them go back.

Huo Lin looked up at the adults who couldn't afford to play. His people were waiting at the entrance. If the people here dared to use their numbers to bully the few, they would soon experience the real experience of "using their numbers to bully the few".

The adults surrounded the two cubs. When the cubs saw this, they instinctively became afraid.

"Brother, the baby is scared."

Just now when the brother was venting his anger for the baby, the baby was still very majestic, but now that he was surrounded, the baby suddenly became scared.

Huo Lin didn't feel any fear.

He always managed to arrange things properly, and even though he was surrounded at this moment, he remained calm and composed.

But the little cub that jumped into his arms was shaking with fear.

"Brother, the cub wants to go back."

Huo Lin looked at the frightened little cub and was about to say yes when a man came over from not far away.

It was An Zhu who said he would not come back.

An Zhu came alone, without bringing anyone with him. As soon as he arrived, all eyes in the city were on him.

"Everyone, don't panic, I'm just here to pick up the kids."

An Zhu said calmly, walking step by step to the two cubs.

The people who had been surrounding the two cubs just now had all dispersed. The little cub, who had buried his face in his brother's arms, also looked up at him.

"Ningzi, do you want me to hold you?"

The little guy wanted to find someone to hug him at this moment. He looked at himself, then at his brother, and finally at An Zhu.

After weighing the pros and cons, the little cub chose to be held by An Zhu.

The baby has eaten too much in the past two days and is a little heavy. If his brother holds him, he will be tired.

The little kid didn't want to tire his brother out, so he took a step back and chose to hold De Anzhu in his arms.

Although the little cub allowed himself to be held, he still did not recognize his uncle.

The little uncle himself didn't care. He held the soft cub in his arms with a smile on his lips, and looked very satisfied.

After finding the place of punishment before leaving, the little boy recovered and no longer thought about the bullying he had suffered.

On their way back, Ludwig finally met up with them.

When Ludwig came back, the little guy was the first to see him.

"Uncle Lulu!!!"

The little cub saw Ludwig and rushed towards him excitedly. Because he rushed too fast, he hit his head on Ludwig's leg.

The hit was so strong that the kid, who was excited just now, instantly had tears in his eyes.

Ludwig looked at the cub whose brakes failed, and a hint of helplessness flashed across his originally cold eyes.

He picked up the cub who was covering his head with tears in his eyes and asked, "Why are you running so fast?"

"Baby, I miss you."

The little cub who found his relatives this time is very clingy to every adult. Now after waking up, he will act like a little tail, following this one or that one.

Ludwig didn't come back, so the little guy has been missing him for a long time.

"Uncle Lulu, do you miss your baby?"


Ludwig touched the little baby's face, it was soft and warm, just like the touch he remembered.

If he didn't miss the cub, he wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to come and find it in person this time.

After holding the big and the small for a while, Ludwig had something to discuss with other people, so he handed the baby to Huo Lin.

All the people who came were here, and the spaceship started to speed up as it went back.

Another day and a half passed.

The spaceship arrived at the White Mist Star, and the little cub successfully returned home with his father.

Huo Lin was out for too long this time and all his training was delayed, so as soon as he came back, before he had time to follow the little kid home, he was asked to go to training first.

Ludwig also had a lot of political matters to deal with.

Seeing that they were very busy, the little boy followed them to the palace first. After meeting Ivy in the palace, the little boy asked his father to pick him up. He waved his little hands to Uncle Lulu, his brother and Aunt Ivy: "Uncle Lulu, brother, Aunt Ivy, I'm leaving, you must remember to miss me!"

Ivy waved to him in cooperation, then smiled and responded, "Don't worry, Auntie will miss you. Ningzi, when are you going to come and see Auntie again?"

The little cub blinked his eyes and said in a very loud voice: "It's dinner time, cub, come and finish your meal."

Ivy: “Pfft.”

Even though they were separated for just a short while, the little one still waved his hands at them reluctantly.

When he just returned to Baiwu Star, Zhan Xi always followed the little guy's instructions.

An Zhu rented a house on Baiwu Star. An Nuo originally wanted to live with Zhan Xi, but when he saw that he was renting a house, he went to help take a look.


Zhan Xi and Ling Qi looked through the messages on the star machine, their brows furrowed more and more.

They had a bad signal outside before, so they couldn't receive many messages, but now they are back, why haven't they received the graduation news from Zaizai

"Ling Qi, don't you think it's possible that—"

"Not likely. Wait a little longer. Don't be impatient."


The two of them spoke to each other in low voices for a few minutes and then stopped talking.

The little kid, who had put his toys under the bed, climbed onto the bed happily and squeezed himself between his father and Uncle Lingqi.

At first, the two adults thought it was okay that the baby didn’t sleep alone but slept with them.

After all, the little guy was really scared outside this time.

But after a few days, the strangeness of the little cub made them realize that something was wrong.

Their cub has clearly returned to his parents, but his sense of security has not yet returned.

The little kid who used to dare to go pick up scraps by himself with a fertilizer bag, now follows two adults every day with his toys in his hands, and talks to them from time to time.

The little cub refuses to be alone.

He hugged his little quilt and refused to sleep in his little bed, insisting on sleeping in his father's big bed.

Zhan Xi looked at his situation and felt it was a difficult situation for a moment.

Another late night, Ling Qi did not sleep at home because of something.

Zhan Xi got up and went to the bathroom. He stayed in the bathroom for a while, and when he went out, he almost stepped on a cub.


Zhan Xi was shocked when he saw the little kid squatting at the bathroom door.

The sleepy little kid heard his father's voice, rubbed his eyes, and said in a sleepy voice: "Daddy, are you done peeing?"

Zhan Xi: “…”

Zhan Xi's face turned green.

(End of this chapter)