The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 118


In a corner outside the classroom, a little cub rolled up his sleeves and sat directly on another cub, greeting the cub with his chubby little fists.

Before he could say anything, the cub's classmates came over and lifted the cub up.

Seeing this, Roy also rushed over.

Several cubs were fighting together. One of the cubs nearby saw that the situation was not good and wanted to run over to complain.

The little cub who was beating someone was multitasking. When he saw the cub who was about to complain, he quickly moved his weight away from the cub under him, and then held down the cub who was about to run away.

"Don't complain!"

After the little cub finished speaking, the cub that he had beaten also got up and came over to threaten: "Yes, you are not allowed to complain, or I will beat you!"

The complaining cub: "..."

The complaining cub: "Woo."

These two kids are not reasonable at all!

After working together to stop the cub who was about to complain, the little cub looked at the cub who had just been beaten, and then both snorted in dissatisfaction.

"I was talking about Xizel just now, not you. Why are you rushing over here?"

The beaten cub still had anger in his tone, and he looked at the little cub as if he were a little lunatic.

The little boy hadn't put down his sleeves yet. He snorted heavily and declared, "If you dare to say anything about Xizel again, I'll beat you up every time you say it!"

"Why can't I tell him? He has a bad temper and is not popular at all. This is what my cousin told me. He is in the third grade now!"

"No matter what grade you are in, it won't work. If your cousin says anything and I hear him, I will beat him up."

The little boy started fighting as soon as he disagreed with something. His completely unreasonable behavior made the boy who was beaten so angry that he burst into flames in his eyes.

"Just wait, I won't let you go!"

"Just wait."

The little guy was not afraid at all. His neck was scratched a little, and before he could deal with it himself, Roy put a Band-Aid on him.

"Ningzi, this is a limited edition."

Roy showed off the Band-Aid to him: "The cartoon dragon on it is a co-branded product. It's hard to buy."

The little cub tilted his face up and let him put one on his neck.

After putting on the Band-Aid, the little cub sat on the chair and felt as if he was going to be the big brother.

"Roy, was I cool just now?"


Roy was stunned by the question. He looked at the little kid. When the little kid fought, he used himself to suppress others. He relied entirely on tonnage to win. It didn't look very cool.

But meeting the cool look of the little cub, Roy could only say, "It's kind of cool."

Hearing this, the little cub said proudly: "If someone bullies you in the future, I will help you fight."

Roy: “…”

Roy had to remind the little boy: "Ning, the teacher said we are not allowed to fight."

Although no one complained about their fight today, there is no guarantee that no one would complain afterwards.

Roy still has a strong sense of crisis.

But the little guy sat steadily on the chair, not worried at all.

"It's okay, we won't let the teacher know."

They were going to eat lunch at school. The little guy looked at the time, and as soon as the cafeteria opened for lunch, he pulled Roy to the cafeteria.

In such a big school, what the little boy remembers most clearly is the way to the cafeteria!

Roy could have gone home to eat, but after seeing the cub in the morning, he asked his dad to pay for his lunch as well.

The two cubs ran to the cafeteria.

The cubs in the same class were a little slower, and after seeing the two of them running away, one of the cubs behind them asked.

"That Ningzi...was he a school bully?"

"I don't know. He looks cute, but he loves to fight. My family won't let me play with kids who love to fight. Sigh."

"Come on, even if you want to play with others, they may not want to play with you."

"I think Ningzi has a good temper. It's not his fault that he got into a fight with someone."

A group of children behind him started talking about the little kid who had already run far away.

Children can distinguish between beauty and ugliness, and they even pay a lot of attention to appearance.

Although the little cub is a little chubby, the exquisiteness of his facial features has begun to show. There is no cub in the whole class who is cuter and better looking than him.

Kids who only care about faces always use their own filters when it comes to such a good-looking cub.

"Come on, let's go eat too."

"Let's go, let's go together."

Children who knew each other went to the cafeteria together.

The cafeteria is very large, and in order to take care of the little carrot-headed cubs, some of the windows for getting meals are opened very low. These windows are set up for the cubs in the lower grades.

Little Zizi and Roy held the lunch boxes and chose for a while before deciding what to eat.

When eating in the primary school cafeteria, you need to bring your own lunch box.

The lunch box used by the little one is specially customized. This lunch box is very large, twice the size of Roy's lunch box.

When the two cubs went to get their meals, the auntie who served the food was a little confused when she saw the lunch boxes handed over by the little cubs.

"Little boy, do you want to eat with others?"

"No, the baby eats it by himself."

"Then this lunch box is too big. If Auntie fills it up for you, you won't be able to finish it."

"The cub can finish it."

The little boy proudly puffed out his chest and said to his aunt, "I need to eat two servings to feel full."

With such a big lunch box, the kid still can’t be full after eating it only once.

Auntie was still a little shocked.

Roy personally testified: "Auntie, Ningzi is a great eater, you don't have to worry about him not being able to finish his meal."

When the little boy saw that his aunt hadn't given him any food yet, he blinked his eyes, and his chubby face showed a pleading look.

"Auntie, serve some food to the kid."

"Okay, then Auntie will fill it up for you."

The aunt filled the kid's huge lunch box with doubts, and when she handed it back, she reminded him, "Don't waste it. If you can't finish it, don't give so much next time."

"Yeah! Don't waste it, cub!"

After the little guy finished speaking, he waited for Roy to finish his meal, and then followed him to find a table to eat.

When I was in kindergarten, the whole class sat together to eat. It was very lively at that time. Before eating, everyone would tacitly give some of their food to the little ones.

The kids are not around anymore.

The little guy put the lid of the lunch box aside, then put down the kettle hanging around his neck and opened the lid.

"Roy, let's eat!"

The little guy said something and started to eat with his head down. He ate with big mouthfuls and didn't care that there were rice grains on his chubby face.

After eating for a while, drink a sip of water.

The food in the cafeteria is a little different from that in the kindergarten, but it is also delicious.

The little boy quickly emptied the big lunch box. He got down from the chair and took the big lunch box to get more rice.

Roy hadn't finished eating yet, so he didn't follow.

As soon as the little guy left with the big lunch box, Roy's ears were filled with a lot of sounds from all around.

"Oh my god, that cub is out getting food again."

"He eats more in this meal than I eat in a day."

"What's going on? How come this year's primary school enrollment still recruited a useless kid?"

"Is he not getting enough to eat at home? That's why he eats so much here."

"Don't talk nonsense. Look how fat he is. His family must have made sure he had enough food to eat."

All these discussions were centered around the little cub.

Roy looked at them, but the people who were talking seemed to be seniors, and he didn't listen to them at all.

Roy was not as reckless as the kid who would swing his fist when he was unhappy. He was eating his meal with a look of annoyance on his face.

These people are so ignorant.

Ningzai just ate a little more, but these people are making a fuss about it. They really have never seen the world.

Not long after, the kid came back with another full lunch box.

He even took an extra chicken drumstick: "Roy, this is for you."

Roy looked at the chicken drumstick.

The little boy smiled at him with his eyes bent, "I know you like to eat chicken legs. This chicken leg is delicious."

Roy took the chicken leg and was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

Ningzai is so nice. He even remembers to bring him chicken legs when he gets his meal!

He wants to be best friends with Ningzai!

Roy was very touched by the chicken legs that the little cub brought. The two cubs continued to eat. When the little cub finished his second meal, Roy finally finished his meal.

Roy held the lunch box and wanted to put it in his schoolbag and take it back for his parents to wash.

But the little guy stopped him and said, "Let's go wash the lunch boxes."

Roy said honestly: "My mother said that I could take it back and let her wash it."

The little cub shook his head and said in a serious voice: "There is water at the entrance of the cafeteria. We can wash ourselves."

The little boy thought it was not a good idea to put the dirty lunch box into his schoolbag and then bring it to his parents.

Under the guidance of the little boy, Roy followed him obediently and went to wash the lunch boxes together.

Behind them, the leader who came to inspect the eating situation of the new cubs happened to capture the conversation between the two cubs.

"That cub holding the big lunch box must also be a newborn."

"He's a new student. His name is Ningzai and he has a very good personality."

There happened to be a teacher in the leadership team who was the little boy's homeroom teacher. The homeroom teacher was already satisfied with the little boy, and now he was even more satisfied: "I checked Ning's admission scores, and they were not very good. But I checked his previous test scores and found that he improved very quickly, which shows that he has a very flexible mind."

"There are not many stupid people who can pass the exam to our school. I don't think Ningzai is stupid."

The head teacher praised the cub in front of the leaders, and the leaders also had a good impression of the cub.

However, the lunch break is not over yet.

The head teacher saw the surveillance footage of the cubs fighting. He was stunned and almost thought he was dazzled.

After reading it several times, the head teacher's face turned black.

"Go call Ningzi over here."

The head teacher had a sullen face and asked the kid who just came into the office to go and call their classmate Banning.

Ningzai was taking a nap when he was called. When he heard the teacher calling him, he rubbed his eyes and was still a little confused.

"What are you calling me for?" The little kid was confused and wanted to continue sleeping.

"I don't know, maybe it's time to elect class leaders."

The kid who came over and called Ningzai didn’t know Ningzai at first, but before coming, Ningzai’s class teacher gave him a reminder—

"Just go find the fattest and best-looking cub in the class."

With such an obvious reminder, the children accurately found the chubby and cute Ningzai.

"Class leader?"

The little kid has never been able to get any position in the kindergarten.

"I don't know, maybe."

After the two cubs chatted like this, the little cub's sleepiness disappeared. He went to the office happily, and when he saw the head teacher, he called out obediently, "Hello, teacher!"

When the head teacher saw the cub, his eyes were full of complexity.

He sat on the chair and said straight to the point: "Ningzi, I originally wanted you to be the monitor."

Little cub: “!!!”

The little cub's eyes suddenly lit up.

He raised his chubby face, expecting the teacher to continue saying that he could be the class monitor.

But the next second, the head teacher said with a sullen face: "But I saw your fight video, so I can't let you be the class monitor anymore."

Little cub: “…”

The little kid was stunned by this bolt from the blue.

He stared at the head teacher blankly and asked, "Is there no more monitor for the class?"

Why does this squad leader experience card only last for a few seconds

The head teacher met the stunned look in the eyes of the little boy and said coldly, "The first rule of our school rules is that we cannot fight in private. Ningzi, you have violated the rules."

Little cub: “…”

The little guy is about to cry.

He sniffed, clenched his fists, and said to the teacher, "I don't want to fight."

The head teacher looked down at him and asked, "Then why do you still want to fight?"

"That little kid said bad things about my brother."

After the little boy finished talking about his brother, he suddenly remembered that his brother didn't allow him to mention him at school.

So, he raised his face and changed the topic: "Zizi just wanted to beat him."

head teacher:"… "

The head teacher was so upset that he almost frowned.

The surveillance cameras in their school have a recording function, so the class teacher heard everything the kids said during the fight.

The reason why the Ning cub in their class fought was very simple. It was because he heard the cubs in the next class saying bad things about Xi Zeer.

"You and Cesar—"

"I didn't say anything about Caesar." The little boy's face was tense, he was basically confessing himself.

head teacher:"… "

The head teacher looked at the cub, seemingly thinking about something.

The royal family’s official account posted a video of the cub two years ago, but it was only posted once.

After that, the royal family never released any videos about the little cub in public. The royal family did this to protect the little cub.

After such a long time, netizens' attention to the little guy has naturally declined.

The head teacher thought for a long time, but I don’t know if he remembered anything.

The little boy stood there and also looked at the head teacher.

After a while.

The head teacher lowered his eyes and looked at the cub, then said, "No matter what the reason is, fighting in private is not allowed."

"When your parents come to pick you up after school tonight, ask them to come to my office to see me."

Little cub: “…”

Oh no, parents are invited to the school on the first day of school. The kid is definitely going to get beaten.

When the little boy was in kindergarten, he also had the experience of having his parents come to visit. Every time, he would be spanked by his father when he returned home.

"Teacher, you are wrong."

The little boy was able to bend and stretch, and he admitted his mistake to the teacher on the spot: "Can you please not invite the parents?"

The head teacher coldly refused: "No."

Little cub: “…”


The little kid who failed to become a class monitor and had his parents called to the office had a dark cloud on his head when he walked out of the office.

He walked out of the office dejectedly, and then returned to the classroom with heavy steps.

Roy knew that he had been called away by the head teacher, and he was very curious: "Ningzi, what did the teacher say to you? I heard from other children that the teacher wants you to be the class monitor."

When the little guy heard the word "class monitor", his eyes turned red.

"Zizi wants to be the monitor."

"Then you take charge!"

Roy is still very optimistic about Ningzai being the squad leader. He thinks Ningzai is such a good guy and it is very suitable for him to be the squad leader.

If Ningzai became the squad leader, he would definitely take the lead and listen to Ningzai's words!

"I can't be the one anymore."

The baby's voice became heavy, and while the teacher was not here yet, the baby lay down on the table and took the opportunity to be in seclusion for a while.

The kid sitting in the back row frowned when he saw the kid like this, and poked the kid's back with a pen: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The little cub was poked several times before he raised his head and turned to look at the cub behind him.

"Don't poke me."

The little kid whose autism was interrupted had a sullen face and said to the kid behind him: "If you poke me again, I will be very angry."

The kid behind: “…”

The kid behind looked at the little kid's tearful eyes, was silent for a few seconds, and put the pen back.



The afternoon classes were not heavy, and one of the four classes was an outdoor class. Roy held the little boy's hand and he followed everyone else in the activities.

The number of students in their class is almost half male and half female. The girls look sweet, but when they take fighting classes, they are more ferocious than the other.

Fortunately, the little guy’s performance in practical classes has always been good.

After barely finishing an afternoon of classes, when school was over in the evening, the little kid was still packing his schoolbag in a drudgery, not showing any enthusiasm at all.

Roy had already packed his schoolbag. Seeing the kid taking so long, he was so anxious that he wanted to do it himself: "Ningzi, hurry up and pack your textbooks. Dad and the others must be waiting for us outside. We need to go out early."

There are many adults in Roy's family, and they will take turns to pick him up.

The adults in Roy's family all know Zhan Xi, and they often chat with each other when picking up the children.

"Roy, you go first, I'm not in a hurry."

The little guy put away his textbooks slowly and spoke to Roy slowly.

He had not told Roy or the other children that he wanted to invite their parents because the little one felt a little embarrassed.

"No, we are good friends and we should go together!"

Roy patted the little boy's shoulder, very loyally.

Little cub: “…”

No matter how much the little boy procrastinates, there will come a time when he can no longer procrastinate.

After a while, the little boy, carrying a green dinosaur backpack and walking with his short legs, walked towards the school gate hand in hand with Roy.

"Ningzi, do you want to buy some spicy noodles?"

"In no mood."

The kid who still needs to please his parents is no longer in the mood to eat spicy noodles.

However, he turned to look at Roy and reminded him, "If you can't finish it, I can help you eat some."

Roy shook his chubby little hand and said with a smile: "Then I'll bring you some spicy noodles tomorrow."

The two cubs walked slowly, and by the time they reached the school gate, the other day students had already been picked up by their parents.

There are not many adults left at the school gate.

Zhan Xi waited until now, and finally his baby came out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, they're out."

Zhan Xi smiled a little and said to Roy's father beside him: "These two kids are really slow."

Roy's father also smiled and followed him to pick up the baby.

When Roy saw his father, he let go of the hand holding the cub and ran towards his father.


"Hey, Dad's here."

Roy's father hugged his son who rushed over to him.

Zhan Xi looked at Roy who was rushing over, then looked at the little kid who was still walking slowly behind him, and his eyelids suddenly twitched.

There's something wrong with this.

This is not usually the reaction his kids have when they see him after school.

If it were in the past, his son would have rushed over like a little cannonball, then raised his excited chubby face, calling daddy and begging his dad to carry him to the convenience store.

The state of his son after school today was very abnormal.


No matter how slowly the little cub walked, he finally reached his father.

His chubby face was a little red, but according to Zhan Xi's inference, this blush was not the blush of excitement after seeing him.

The father and son looked at each other, and before they could say anything, Roy's father next to them spoke first.

"Zhan Xi, why aren't you leaving yet? I heard from Roy that they have to do a small homework today."

"We're leaving now."

Zhan Xi looked at the guilty little fat boy and realized that the little fat boy was most likely in trouble. The school gate was not the place to talk, so he planned to take the little fat boy back and ask him about it.

"Ningzi, let's go."

Zhan Xi bent down, intending to take the cub home.

But before he took the cub away, the cub tugged at his clothes and reminded his father in a low voice: "Dad, don't leave in a hurry."

Zhan Xi glanced at him: "Dad is in a hurry to leave."

He hurried back to deal with the cub.

Roy's father next to him was also waiting for Zhan Xi to go together.

Being watched by two adults and being carried by his father, the little boy couldn't hold it in any longer. His chubby face turned red, and he made up his mind and informed his father.

"Dad, the teacher invites you to have tea!"

Zhan Xi: “?”

Zhan Xi's heart sank: "Where are we going for tea?"

The little cub lowered his head in shame: "Go, go to the office and have some tea."

Zhan Xi: “…”


Is he going to show up on the first day of school

(End of this chapter)