The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 20


Jian Ning's complaint finally aroused Huo Lin's idea.

Huo Lin, who was on the phone, turned around and saw his mother sitting up, and the chubby baby supporting her. He was petrified on the spot.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The petrified little prince was motionless, his eyes fixed on his mother who was looking at him. He suspected that he was having an illusion, or was still dreaming.


How could mommy wake up

Reason told the little prince that he couldn't believe what he saw, but his emotions made him cry out hoarsely with red eyes, "Mom."

His Majesty the Emperor, who was still on the phone, asked: "?"

The Emperor's tone became more severe: "Xizel, it's no use for you to call me mother. As the heir to the empire, you are so reckless. This is—"

"My mother is awake."

Huo Lin interrupted his father's harsh reprimand. His breathing became rapid and he repeated again: "My mother is really awake."

His Majesty the Emperor was completely furious.

His tone was cold, like a ferocious beast whose reverse scales had been touched: "Xizel, you shouldn't joke with me like this."

His Majesty the Emperor's rage could make people feel oppressive even through the phone.

Jian Ning, who heard the sound of the phone, touched his head and muttered, "Hu Lu Hu Lu Mao, the cub can't be scared."

Seeing that Zizi was frightened, Huo Lin hung up the phone without any hesitation.

He put down the star machine and ran to the coffin.

Queen Ivy was rubbing Ningzi's head with her hand. She didn't speak for a long time, and her voice sounded a little hoarse: "Sorry, Ludwig's temper seems to be even worse."

Ningzai, whose head was touched by the beautiful aunt, felt that his head became fragrant.

Although he really wanted to be close to his aunt, his little head was spinning and he thought that his brother should be close to his pretty aunt first.

You guys can line up!

The thoughtful little cub pointed at his brother and introduced him to the pretty auntie, "Auntie, hold my brother!"

Ivy took back her hand from touching the little cub, and looked at Huo Lin with tenderness and trepidation. When she gave birth, her body had just been severely injured by the war.

In order to give birth to the child safely, she exhausted all her mental energy.

Over the years, she has never participated in her child's growth, so when facing her beloved child, her heart is full of self-blame, but at the same time, full of love.


Ivy suppressed her anxiety and said softly, "I'm sorry, I woke up too late."

Huo Lin shook his head.

He couldn't say a word at this moment. Looking at his mother's face, tears fell from his sore eyes and his voice choked: "Mom."

He opened his arms and hugged his mother tightly.

Ivy felt the warmth of her son in her arms, and tears glistened in her beautiful eyes.

The mother and son hugged each other tightly.

Jian Ning watched from the side for a few seconds, then tilted his head. The next second, he opened his chubby little arms and hugged his brother and aunt.

One big and two small ones were held like this.

After an unknown amount of time, Huo Lin, who still hadn't been hugged enough but was too embarrassed to hug her any longer, pushed back a little. He turned his face away and was about to wipe his eyes, but Ivy had already wiped his face.

Jian Ning followed suit, standing on tiptoe and wiping his brother's face with his chubby little hands. His chubby little hands were dirty, and all the dust on them was wiped onto his brother's face.


The little cub became dirtier the more he wiped, and stopped in confusion.

Ivy laughed at his amusing words, then she picked up a handkerchief from her burial objects and wiped the faces and hands of the two cubs.

While wiping his hands, Huo Lin, who had calmed down a little, asked in a voice that he thought was calm but was actually a little trembling, "Mom, do you want to go back to the palace with me?"

Ivy said "hmm" in a natural tone.

If she didn't go back, Ludwig would have taken care of the baby she had risked her life for.

She was not completely unaware during these two years.

She could hear all the complaints from her own children, and there were many times when she was so angry that she almost flipped over the coffin.

And the conversation just now, Ivy, who has very good hearing, heard every word of their conversation.

But she would have to settle these accounts with Ludwig after she got back. Now, she just wanted to have a good talk with the kid in front of her.

"Mom, was it Ningzai who woke you up?"

Huo Lin is very smart. Compared to a certain kid who can't even quit milk powder, his brain is more active: "When Ning Zai saw you for the first time, he said you were sleeping."

Ivy looked at the well-behaved curly-haired little cub. She seemed to want to say "hmm", but for some reason, she hesitated.


Ivy asked, "Can you tell me everything about Ningzi's coming here?"

Huo Lin replied without hesitation: "Okay."

He has a very good ability to tell stories. He described everything clearly, from Ningzai falling into a coma, to Ningzai needing the Phoenix Feather Stone, to Ningzai waking up from the Phoenix Feather Stone.

But Jian Ning was too young at that time and didn't remember it as clearly as he did.

After listening to the whole story, a trace of sadness flashed across Ivy's eyes, but it was gone in an instant. She then asked, "Who knew that Ningzi used the Phoenix Feather Stone?"

"Ningzi's father and uncles, no one else knows. I didn't even tell my father."

Huo Lin only told his mother the secret that he did not tell his father. From this, we can see that the relationship between father and son in the royal family is really not very good.

Ivy listened to him patiently and gently. After a while, she smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Lin, let's keep the matter of Ningzi and Fengling Stone a secret, okay?"


Although Huo Lin didn't know why it was kept secret, from the information he read, the Fengling Stone, which was either tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years old, was indeed not a good stone.

It was regarded as a stone of inheritance by a former royal family, but the entire royal family was eventually destroyed.

Even though it saved Ningzai and his mother, Huo Lin still instinctively felt a little averse to it.

After talking to Huo Lin, Ning Zai, who was waiting in line to be hugged by his aunt, finally saw his aunt looking at him. He quickly opened his little hands and asked for a hug.

"Ningzi is a little heavy, let me hold him."

Huo Lin was worried that his mother would not be able to keep up with the physical strength after sleeping for such a long time, so he took the initiative to come over and take the little weight into his arms.

But when Jian Ning saw him coming closer, he immediately buried his chubby face in his pretty aunt's neck and pretended not to see his brother.

Ning likes to be hugged, and is usually hugged by his father and uncles. The uncles are all hard! Sister Huaya and the others are soft, but they can't grab the uncles, so they can only watch Ning being hugged by the hard uncles.

Now he has a beautiful aunt who is sweet and soft, and the little baby who loves to hug her doesn’t want to let go at all.

"Auntie, it smells so good!"

"Auntie, hug me again!"

"Auntie, do you want to kiss the baby?"

Jane Ning's baby voice echoed in the background, and his clingy appearance was so cute that it almost melted the heart of a mother who had failed to raise her cub properly.

While holding the cute little cub in her arms, she asked Huo Lin, "Xiao Lin, were you as cute as Ningzi before?"

Huo Lin: “…”

Huo Lin told the truth: "I'm not cute."

He was raised by his father. During his growing up life, he had never acted like a spoiled child like Ning Zai. Even when he was training, he bled but never shed tears.

Ivy frowned. She recalled, "You were indeed very cute when you were just born."

At that time, Linzi didn't cry, make a fuss or cause trouble, as if he knew that his mother was not in good health. Every time his mother picked him up, he cooperated very well and didn't let his mother put in too much effort.

When his mother bends down and kisses him, he will immediately smile.

Unfortunately, she could only hold the cute little cub for a while before she could no longer hold it. Now the little cub was being raised by Ludwig, which made her feel distressed.

I stayed in the tomb for a long time.

After Ivy stood up, she embedded the Phoenix Feather Stone directly into the bottom of the coffin. After she embedded it in, she covered it with other stones, as if to cover it up.

"Xiao Lin, Ningzi, from now on, just pretend that this stone doesn't exist. No matter what the situation is, don't move it out again, okay?"

Although Ivy's tone was gentle, it revealed that there was no room for negotiation.

They were not very interested in the Phoenix Feather Stone. Instead of studying the Phoenix Feather Stone, they might as well study Ningzai's kindergarten admission.

"Okay, let's go back."

Ivy picked up the tiny Jian Ning and walked out. It wasn't that she didn't want to hold Huo Lin, but the latter felt that he was too big and didn't want to be held.

I only took two steps.

Ivy noticed that her son was limping. She looked at his ankle and said, "Xiao Lin, what's wrong with your foot?"

"I did it by accident."

Spraining your ankle while getting off the spacecraft sounded so stupid. Huo Lin, who wanted to maintain a good image in front of his mother, was vague and refused to tell the reason.

Seeing this, Ivy subconsciously thought it was her husband's fault again.

Ludwig could be hard to control when he got angry, and she knew that very well.

Seeing his brother who had difficulty walking, Jian Ning immediately broke free and got off the ground. He came in front of his brother, opened his little hands, and said in a firm voice: "Ning, hold me!"

He didn't want a hug, he wanted to hug his brother.

The little boy, whose head was as big as a carrot, hugged his brother who was several heads taller than him. His arms, as thick as lotus roots, tightly hugged his brother's waist.


The little cub tried his best to suck the milk and shouted slogans to himself, but his chubby face turned red and he didn't manage to lift his brother up at all.

I don’t know how long I held her.

The little cub, who was too tired to stand, sat down on the ground. He sighed deeply, then looked up at his brother with a worried look on his fat face: "I can't hold you."

Huo Lin cleared his throat and pulled him up: "If you drink the milk well, you will gain strength and pick me up."

Jian Ning: “…”

Jane Ning's chubby face wrinkled even more.

what to do.

The baby still doesn't want to drink milk.

Finally, Ivy held her son's hand, supported him, and refused to walk out.

After coming outside.

Huo Lin saw the neatly-arranged army and a spaceship in front of the army. The exterior of the spaceship was painted pink, and various cartoon patterns were printed on the hull.

"Hey, you're back."

Zhan Xi heard some noise behind him, so he turned around. He looked at the woman holding Ningzai's left hand and the little prince's right hand, and felt that she looked familiar.

But for a moment, he couldn't think of where he had seen this woman.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Ivy, Huo Lin's mother."

Ivy walked up to Zhan Xi and introduced herself to him politely.

Zhan Xi was stunned when he heard the self-introduction: "Huh? Who did you say you were?"

Ivy, isn't this the name of the Empress of the Empire

Ivy smiled at him gently, and her soft tone was soothing: "I think we can go into the spaceship and have a good talk."

The other person is Ningzai's father. Although Ivy knows that he is not his biological father, she can feel the other person's love for Ningzai.

The two adults talked for a while, and Ai Wei was going to return to the palace with Huo Lin. Before leaving, she asked Zhan Xi: "Can you allow me to take Ningzi back to Baiwu Star for a few days? Baiwu Star has the best schools. I heard from Xiao Lin that you are choosing a school for Ningzi."

Ivy's proposal made Zhan Xi both excited and worried.

He pursed his lips, then said, "Ningzi has never been on a long trip alone. He looks well-behaved, but he is actually not easy to take care of."

"Your Highness, it may be troublesome if you take him with you."

Ivy smiled: "I don't think it's troublesome."

Zhan Xi did not make a hasty decision regarding Ivy's suggestion. He held Jian Ning on his lap and asked in a low voice for a while. Only after getting the little one's answer did he agree.

The little boy, who had never been out of the house, agreed to go home and play with his brother.

Ai Wei and Zhan Xi agreed on a time: "I will send him back in three days."

Zhan Xi said “hmm”.

After the agreement, Ivy boarded the military spaceship with her two children. When she appeared in front of the admiral of the First Legion, the other party almost thought she was an imposter.

But Ivy came to the console and verified her identity skillfully.

Seeing this, the admiral took out the communication machine.

Ivy glanced at him and said calmly, "Before I arrive at the palace, no one is allowed to tell Ludwig about my presence on the ship."

Admiral: “…”

The admiral looked at the Queen, then thought about the Emperor. Finally, he put away the communicator and prayed for the Emperor in his heart.

The spaceship was moving very fast.

The admiral was full of doubts, but he didn't ask a single question.

Jian Ning sat on Ivy's lap and played happily with her. While playing, he suddenly raised his chubby face and asked in confusion: "Auntie, my brother has a mother, but I don't."

He was asking why the cub had no mother.

The smile on Ivy's face froze, and her pale, slender fingers suddenly tightened.

She didn't know how to answer this question.

Fortunately, the fat boy only asked once, and when he saw that his aunt didn't answer, he stopped asking. He leaned against his pretty aunt, dangling his little feet, and boasted, "Baby, I have a daddy!"

His father is not fierce at all, that's so nice!

The little boy compared his dad to Uncle Lulu in his mind, and felt satisfied that his dad was the best in the world!

It took only two hours for the military spacecraft to arrive in front of the emperor's palace.

Ivy didn't want to enter the palace too high-profile, as she hadn't yet figured out how to appear in public.

"Xiao Lin, Ningzi, Mommy will take you another way."



Ningzai, who was visiting the palace for the first time, held his aunt's hand and looked around. He thought the palace was very beautiful, with many flowers and plants, more than any other flowers and plants he had ever seen!

There is no vegetables.

Ning Zai watched and said like a little adult: "Brother, we need to grow vegetables!"

If my brother doesn’t grow vegetables, how will we eat

As they walked, Jian Ning let go of her aunt's hand and looked ahead as if she was exploring a new world. Huo Lin walked slowly, following her mother behind.

There are small animals kept in the palace.

Jane Ning spotted a cat with her sharp eyes, a furry white cat.

He shouted with joy: "Cat!"

The kitten was frightened and ran away. Jian Ning subconsciously stretched out his short legs to chase it. While he was chasing the cat, he didn't even look at the road.

After chasing for a few steps, he bumped his head into the adult's leg.

The little kid, who had a carrot head, quickly hugged the long leg in front of him when he was about to fall. His chubby little butt also sat on the other person's shoe.

The little kid, with a red forehead and tears in his eyes, looked up with grievance.


"Don't cry."

Ludwig stopped the cub coldly after he whimpered.

His aura was so terrifying that the crying kid closed his mouth immediately. Although his mouth was closed, tears were still falling from his eyes.

As luck would have it, the queen who came over witnessed the entire scene of him terrorizing the little cub.

(End of this chapter)