The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 31


The scene of Ludwig holding the baby came into the sight of Zhan Xi, who was frying buns. He did not rush over, but came over after he had fried the buns in his hand.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Zhan Xi was quite surprised to see that he was the only one coming. He put away the small desk he had set up for Jian Ning and invited Ludwig: "Come in and talk if you have anything to say."

It is indeed inappropriate for Ludwig, with his identity, to just stand outside.

Zhan Xi finished speaking, picked up the desk and a plate of fried buns, and walked to the backyard. Next to the small vegetable garden in the backyard, he put down the table and prepared to let his son continue writing here.

The backyard was empty and quiet.

Ludwig put the little cub in his arms down and looked up at Zhan Xi: "Why has Ning lost so much weight recently?"

When this was mentioned, Zhan Xi frowned.

He handed the freshly fried buns to Ludwig: "Your Majesty, please try our buns. I feel like Ningzi has lost weight from eating so much buns. But I think our buns are still delicious."

Zhan Xi said as he handed over the bun.

Ludwig looked at the golden fried buns. Judging from their appearance, they were quite good. He took one and took a bite.

After taking the first bite, his expression looked a little subtle.

With the second bite, he began to chew hesitantly.

Finally, adhering to the principle of not wasting food, Ludwig simply stopped tasting it and ate the rest of the bun in two big bites.

After eating the buns, Ludwig finally understood why the fat kid lost weight. He frowned and asked Zhan Xi: "Do you really think your buns are delicious?"

Zhan Xi nodded: "My parents used to make buns for me, and they tasted good. To be honest, after the buns were unsalable this time, I took them for food testing, and the test results showed that my buns are very healthy and there is nothing wrong with them."

"But I don't know why. Customers don't like it at all. I've been making innovations every day for the past half month, but both the old and new flavors of the buns are selling very little."

As Zhan Xi talked, Ludwig finally understood that Zhan Xi's sense of taste was either not normal or he had never eaten any good food since he was a child, so he couldn't tell what was delicious or not.

If he were to open a breakfast shop, it would be strange if the shop didn't go bankrupt.

Jane Ning, sitting on a small stool, watched them talking eagerly.

The kid with normal taste could tell that the homemade buns tasted weird, but he couldn't bear to tell his dad the truth when he saw how hard his dad worked to make the buns.

The filial little boy looked at his lost old father who couldn't sell his buns, so he had to help his father eat the buns with tears in his eyes every day.

Ludwig could see Zhan Xi’s efforts.

Tried hard, but to no avail.

He and Zhan Xi didn't have a deep relationship, so he didn't worry about hurting Zhan Xi. He told the truth: "It tastes terrible, change your career."

Zhan Xi: “…”

Zhan Xi was not giving up: "I improved the taste of the buns, do you want to try it?"

Ludwig: “…”

When Ludwig tasted the fifth bun, his face had turned livid. His golden eyes locked onto Zhan Xi's face, and he reminded him word by word: "Change your career."

Under the intimidation of the emperor's aura, the light in Zhan Xi's eyes dimmed.

He looked down at the cub on the stool and finally compromised: "I'll go look for new business tomorrow. I've picked up a lot of valuable scraps during the past few days, and I made a lot of money selling them at the scrap yard. If it doesn't work out, I'll do the scrap business."

The two talked for a while and finally moved into the house. This time, they did not bring the cub with them.

Before leaving, Zhan Xi squatted down, spread out the little boy's homework book, and turned to the page he was about to write: "Baby, you stay here and do your homework. Daddy has something to talk to uncle about."

As soon as the two adults left, the little boy called his brother. His baby voice was filled with joy: "Brother, Daddy doesn't sell wrapping paper anymore!"

Huo Lin: “?”

Huo Lin, who ate buns with his little boy every day, breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them were on a video call, and Huo Lin saw that he was doing his homework, so he didn't want to disturb him. This kid was very slow in doing his homework, and any small thing could distract his attention.

"Ningzi, put the Star Machine upright and do your homework well."

"Baby doesn't want to do homework."

The little boy holding a pen sat on the stool, holding the pen tightly, but the pen just wouldn't write on the notebook. His beautiful black eyes blinked, and he said in a soft voice: "Brother, talk to the boy."

Huo Lin is still very strict when it comes to supervising the little one doing his homework.

He looked at the dawdling kid on the screen and said calmly, "Brother won't talk to you until you finish your homework."

"You can only ask me if you have any questions while doing your homework."

Under Huo Lin's supervision through the screen, Ning Zai, holding a pen and puffing up his face, finally began to do his homework. He looked up at his brother after writing for a while, but his brother was also reading a book and didn't play with him at all.

After writing for a while.

Huo Lin began to check the homework: "Hold up your homework book, let me see it."

The kid, who had scribbled a lot, held up his homework book.

Huo Lin only looked at it for a few seconds before his blood pressure began to soar. "You wrote two and a half of the three lines of new words incorrectly, but the first word you wrote was correct. How come it changed as you were writing?"

Now the little guy is learning some simple new words from the Empire State Building. Every time Huo Lin sees him doing his homework, he feels that it is a test of his temper.

He has never been a gentle person. Born with S-level mental power, he often has to endure mental pain. These pains cause his emotions to be extremely out of control.

But in front of the little guy, he never showed any strangeness.

Even when he felt that his mental power was getting out of control, he would stay away from the little cub to avoid influencing him.

He could vaguely guess that the little cub seemed to be able to soothe the mental power of others, but he still never let the little cub soothe his own mental power.

The cub is too young, and he doesn’t think it would be a good thing to let the cub use this skill rashly.

Under Huo Lin's inspection, the child who had written his homework carelessly started to rewrite it aggrievedly. They were doing their homework outside, and in the room, the topic of the two adults also fell on the child.

Zhan Xi's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard that.

His tone was heavy: "Ouyun Star has long been the territory of the Zerg. They took Ningzi to Ouyun Star, could it be that they wanted to—"

He didn't need to say anything more. Ludwig had the same guess as him: "If the Venomous Spider hadn't intervened, this spaceship would have flown into a pile of Zerg."

It is easy to imagine what would happen to the little cub, who could not even speak at that time, if he entered the Zerg group.

Ludwig kept his promise and did not hide any of the findings.

But everyone on the spacecraft and their families were killed, and this was all he could find out for now.

At the end of the conversation, Ludwig revealed his itinerary: "I heard that the Zerg royal family has given birth to a male king worm. To celebrate the birth of this king worm, the Zerg are partying and arrogantly invading the outer planets of the empire. I will go out in person and chop off the head of this king worm."

The emperor of the empire was never a weakling who sat back and did not go to the battlefield. The number of Zerg killed by Ludwig was too numerous to count.

Three consecutive years of peace and the birth of the king insect have made these insects, which have never given up their ambitions of invasion, begin to become restless.

Mance has gone off to battle.

The place chosen by Ludwig for the expedition was Ouyun Star.

Ouyun Star has the most insects, and the king insect is likely born in this insect nest.

Zhan Xi learned about his itinerary and didn't say much.

It gets dark quickly on White Mist Star. When Ludwig left, the kids in the yard had already turned on the lights and put away their finished homework.

When the little guy saw Ludwig was about to leave, he hugged his legs.

"Uncle won't leave!"

The cub, who hadn't seen Ludwig for half a month, still missed him very much. He hugged Ludwig's calves tightly, and his chubby little butt was still pressed on his feet.

Ludwig lowered his eyes, picked up the boy who was blocking his way, and asked casually, "Miss me?"


The little boy never hid his feelings. After he was picked up, he hugged Ludwig's arm.

Ludwig looked at him for a few seconds and said, "Let's go back to the palace to sleep tonight."

Upon hearing this, the little boy hurried to see his father.

Zhan Xi thought about the little boy who had been eating steamed buns for many days, and thought it would be a good idea to let him go to the palace for a couple of meals. He didn't know how the food in the palace was cooked, but it was quite nourishing for the little boy. The little boy had gotten fat in the palace before.

He waved his hand and agreed: "Go ahead, go ahead, eat more when you get there."

Zizi nodded seriously and decided to eat three bowls.

That night, the little cub returned to the palace and had a midnight snack before going to bed. After Huo Lin hugged him, his face looked expressionless, but his lips were pursed, and he was obviously heartbroken.

When it was time to go to bed, the little guy hesitated for a long time, but finally chose Ludwig.

When Ludwig came back at night, he lifted him up to sit on his shoulders, and the little boy wanted to sit for a while longer. And the feeling of sleeping between Ludwig and Ivy at night made the little boy like it very much.

Ivy is a very caring mother who enjoys managing family relationships. The pajamas she buys for her family are all parent-child series, including those for Ningzai and Wagner.

Wagner was relatively independent and he never slept in Ludwig's bed.

On the big bed.

The little boy, who was well-washed and smelled good, used his chubby feet to push Ludwig. Ludwig was very heavy, so he had to push hard to push Ludwig out a little.

And every time Ludwig moved a little, he would giggle.

The little boy played this simple and childish game over and over again, and he never tired of it. When he kicked his chubby feet, he would occasionally accidentally kick his chubby feet on Ludwig's face, but the latter never got angry.

Not only was he not angry, Ludwig even grabbed his fat feet and pretended to throw him away.

The little cub's feet were grabbed, and he turned back to look for Ivy in a hurry, "Auntie! Save the cub!"

Ivy recorded the video with a smile on her face, encouraging the little cub to find a way to break free from the clutches of His Majesty the Emperor.

After making a lot of noise for a while, Ivy finally looked at the time and gave orders for both the big and small to go to bed. The big one was not allowed to deliberately make the little one make noise, and the little one was not allowed to kick his feet secretly after the game was over.

Before closing her eyes and falling asleep, Ivy bent down and kissed the baby's soft little face. The baby came over and wanted to kiss him.

After kissing the cub, the Emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at his wife: "I want one too."

Ivy: “…”

Well, you are an adult already, but you still want to compete with kids.

He slept soundly that night. The next day, Huo Lin came to wake up the late-sleeping kid, asked him to get dressed, and then carried him out to eat.

The little boy's status in the palace is almost that of a boss.

While Huo Lin was putting the rice bag on the little boy, Zhan Xi's steamed bun shop, which was about to close, suddenly welcomed a big business. The little boy, who had no idea, held the round spoon and listened to Ludwig saying that he was going on a long trip at the dinner table.

The little boy, who had been eating obediently, frowned immediately after hearing this. He looked at Ludwig and said in a baby voice full of displeasure: "Don't be rude! Uncle, don't be rude!"

Uncle can’t travel far now!

Ludwig didn't know why he objected, and even Huo Lin beside him tried to persuade him but it was useless.

The stalemate lasted until the end. The little boy stopped eating and climbed onto Huo Lin's legs. He buried his chubby face in Huo Lin's arms and complained to Huo Lin sadly, "Uncle is not obedient and doesn't listen to me."

When he was sleeping last night, the little buds popped out.

The little sprouts are coming out, which means uncle can't go out.

(End of this chapter)