The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 33


Zhan Xi saw that his cheeks were puffed up with anger, and he couldn't help but reach out and poke him: "What's wrong? Didn't you sleep with Uncle Lulu yesterday?"

Zhan Xi asked several times, and the angry little kid buried his head in his arms and didn't move like a piece of wood.

Wagner, who was still eating slowly, told the truth: "He didn't let His Majesty the Emperor go out when he was eating in the morning. His Majesty the Emperor lied to him and said he was going to the study to read..."

Upon hearing this, Zhan Xi immediately realized that something was wrong.

He lowered his head and lifted up his child's head, his expression also had a hint of seriousness: "Ningzi, you don't let uncle go out, is it because uncle's mental strength is not good?"

The little guy caught the three words "spiritual power" and nodded.

Zhan Xi trusted his son very much, and without any hesitation, he called Ludwig's private number. But after calling several times, no one answered.

After failing to get through to Ludwig, Zhan Xi called Queen Ivy.

He said to Ivy in a serious tone: "Please make sure His Majesty does not use any mental power, and ask him to come back immediately. If His Majesty's mental power is disturbed on the battlefield, Your Majesty, the consequences will be very serious."

Since the empire adopted the imperial system, the people had extremely high trust in the emperor. When the emperor went on a campaign, holographic recording was often used to record the scene of the emperor killing the enemy.

Bloody battlefield, powerful emperor.

Countless people watch all of this projected on the holographic screen, and their hearts are filled with fanatical worship for His Majesty the Emperor.

The people of the empire are born with a strong desire, and all the emperors who have served in the empire have been the strongest in the entire empire, without a doubt. This is why the little prince of the empire has to learn how to fight since he learned to walk.

Zhan Xi's slightly hurried voice did not make Ivy too flustered.

Ivy said to him calmly: "Ludwig sensed his own mental power before he set out, and his mental power has been very stable during this period. Did Ningzi tell you that there is something wrong with Ludwig's mental power?"

"That's right, Your Majesty."

Zhan Xi didn't beat around the bush with her. He said simply and directly: "Whether Ningzi's judgment is wrong or not, I believe you know better than me."

Ningzai's secret is not a secret at all to the emperor and empress.

Zhan Xi waited patiently for Ivy's response. After a few seconds, Ivy finally said, "I will go to Blue Star in person."

Ivy has not yet appeared in public, and many people still remember her mental exhaustion a few years ago. If she were to appear in public at this time, it would probably cause an uproar.

Since she woke up, the people who had seen her were either her trusted loyal ministers or those who had been ordered by the emperor himself to keep silent.

In short, until now, some rumors can still be heard occasionally in the upper circles, but among the ordinary people, this is still an unopen secret.

Zhan Xi was stunned when he heard that Ivy was going to Lan Ou Star in person.

"Can't you call him back now?"

"He won't listen."

Ivy knew her husband too well: "He has already started swinging his knife at the Zerg. At this juncture, there is no way he will stop just because of a few words from me."

If she wants to bring Ludwig back, she must do it in person.

Zhan Xi thought about the time that would be wasted going back and forth, and then thought about the Emperor who might already be fighting the Zerg, and a fierce struggle emerged in his eyes.

Zhan Rao's words still rang in his ears—

"Zhan Xi, remember, don't let Ning cub frequently heal others' mental strength. He is still a cub, and the most important thing for him during this period is to eat more and work hard to grow up."

"I have checked people who have healing skills and use them frequently. None of them lived long after using this skill."

"The book records that the genius boy who started to heal other people's mental powers at the age of fifteen did not live to be eighteen."

Zhan Rao looked quite big and strong, but he actually wanted to learn more. After learning to read, he read a lot of books. He even read a lot of books about spiritual power.

He told Zhan Xi all the records related to Ningzai.

Zhan Xi never lets the cub use his skills rashly, even if he wants to save himself.

"Zhan Xi, I'm going to hang up now. Thank you for your reminder."

Ivy on the other end of the phone was about to hang up.

A second before she hung up the phone, Zhan Xi held his little fat boy in one hand and whispered to her, "You can take Ningzi with you."

Nothing must happen to Ludwig.

This was the strongest thought that came to Zhan Xi's mind after weighing the pros and cons.

In addition to the Emperor, Marshal Tang En also knew Ningzai's healing skills. If the Emperor fell, his Ningzai would lose his greatest protective barrier.

Zhan Xi’s suggestion stunned Ivy for a few seconds.

A few seconds later.

Ivy chuckled and said, "Zhan Xi, even the strongest warrior in the empire needs proof of adulthood. Let's wait until Ningzi reaches adulthood before going to the battlefield."

Ivy refused to take Ningzi with her.

Zhan Xi figured it out almost instantly. She had considered her child's health. Ivy didn't waste any more time on the phone. She hung up and rushed to the battlefield.

And in the backyard of the bun shop.

The little brat, who just now angrily said that he would never pay attention to Ludwig again, is now rubbing his chubby face against his father. He doesn't say anything, but his intention is very obvious.

Zhan Xi was rubbed by him for a long time, and then he lifted him up by his fat waist, which was not easy to find: "Tell me, what do you want to do by acting like a spoiled child to me like this?"

"Uncle Lulu—"

"Didn't Zizi ignore Uncle Lulu?" Zhan Xi asked him first.

The little fat boy choked.

"It just so happens that your uncle Lingqi is on his way here. Ningzi, let's go pick up your uncle Lingqi and visit Uncle Lulu at the same time, okay?"

This "by the way" takes care of the little one's self-esteem.

The little kid, who had a frown on his face just now, nodded and hugged his father's neck.

Zhan Xi's own spaceship was parked in his warehouse. If he wanted to leave, he could just move the spaceship out at any time. After the spaceship with cartoon patterns printed on it was moved out, it was also favored by Wagner.

“This spaceship is so beautiful!”

Wagner touched the pattern on the spaceship and asked Zhan Xi excitedly: "Uncle Zhan, can I buy your spaceship? I can pay a lot of money!"

Zhan Xi: “?”

Zhan Xi, who was checking the spaceship, heard his words and teased him, "You can buy it if you want, but it will cost you a month's pocket money. If you buy my spaceship, you will be without pocket money for a month."


Varner was shocked: “Uncle, your spaceship costs five million?”

Wagner likes to study spaceships very much. He can tell the model of the spaceship in front of him. Even if this spaceship is brand new, it can only be sold for a maximum of 800,000!

Zhan Xi, who was also stunned by the 5 million, even trembled with his hands while checking the screws.

He asked Wagner in confusion: "How much pocket money do you get a month?"

Wagner replied: "Five million."

His father would deposit pocket money into his account every month, and there would be someone specifically managing his pocket money. He would not be restricted in what he bought, but when he had trouble spending money, the person who managed his pocket money would manage the money.

After Wagner answered, he looked at Zhan Xi, then at the curly-haired kid who was counting with his fingers. He hesitated for a moment and asked, "How much pocket money does Ningzi have?"

After counting on his fingers for a long time, he still couldn't figure out how much five million was. He looked up and said stupidly, "I get one star coin every day."

One star coin, which means 30 star coins per month.

Wagner was also stunned by this number. He looked at the little boy with an incredible look in his eyes: "Why are you so poor?"

The poor boy opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after thinking for a while, he honestly admitted that he was not as rich as Wagner.

He hugged Zhan Xi's neck, his soft and chubby face pressed against his father, and his baby voice was firm: "Baby, you will be rich in the future!"

The vegetables he grows in his small vegetable garden can be eaten or sold.

When he sells the vegetables, he will have money, and then he will give all the money to his father. The child can be poor for a while, but his father will not be poor soon!

Wagner didn't mean to laugh at Jane Ning for being poor, he was just simply shocked.

He was the son of a federal marshal and the only heir to the marshal's throne. Although his father was very strict, Wagner had never been treated unfairly in terms of material things.

The spacecraft has been inspected and will be ready to depart soon.

Wagner held onto Jane Ning's chubby little hand and secretly discussed with him: "Can you take me with you? My dad is also killing bugs, and I want to go see him."

Wagner hadn't seen his father for a long time and missed him very much.

The boy who was held back had no idea that the place where Marshal Tang En killed insects was different from that of Ludwig. He just shook Wagner's hand and said loyally, "Come on, let's go together!"

Time is running out.

Zhan Xi asked for leave from Teacher Lily over the phone, then he took his two cubs and drove to Lan Ou Star.

On the way.

In order to know the latest situation of Ludwig, Zhan Xi turned on the TV. On TV, the report about His Majesty the Emperor was still on the noon news.

Zhan Xi opened a popular forum, which was full of fanatical fans of the emperor. They would often share the latest news about His Majesty the Emperor and the little prince with each other.

At the top of the popular posts is a post with a simple and easy-to-understand title: [Reasoning, was the duck pendant on His Majesty's sword a gift from the young prince?]

Hundreds of buildings have been built under this title.

In the eyes of outsiders, His Majesty the Emperor is always cold-blooded and ruthless. When he was raising the little prince, his parenting methods had been condemned more than once by the little prince's online mother fans.

In the public videos and photos, the royal father and son have never shown any intimate behavior. They are like replicas of each other, one big and one small, just like a big ice cube and a small ice cube.

At this moment, it seems that the small ice cube gave the big ice cube a childish and cute duck pendant, and the big ice cube put it on the handle of the knife very preciously.

Are these father and son going to take the more affectionate approach

Everyone was guessing this in their hearts. They discussed it for a long time, and finally someone in the building told the truth: "The duckling was not given by the little prince. I heard that the little prince has a favorite cub who is in kindergarten. The cub often rides in the royal car and lives in the palace."

When this news came out, no one in the building believed it.

Don't their fans know how difficult it is to deal with Big and Small Ice Cube? How can a kindergarten cub handle this father and son in one go

Zhan Xi flipped through it but didn't find any useful information, so he closed it directly.

A few hours later.

The spaceship arrived at Lan Ou Star. The kid on the spaceship stepped on something soft as soon as he got off the spaceship. He looked down and saw the body of an insect.

The insect was cut in half, and green blood was sticky on the ground.

The little cub, who hadn't killed an insect for a while, turned pale and almost vomited.

Not far away.

There was a lurking insect, staring at him with a pair of green eyes, as if it was about to attack. This insect had a strange appearance, and it was obviously a deformed insect.

(End of this chapter)