The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 44


Ivy stood by the bed, and the more she looked, the more she felt something was wrong. She bent down and was about to see what was going on when she saw Ludwig "hushing" at her.

Ivy: “?”

Ivy looked puzzled.

Ludwig raised his hand and pointed at the bed sheet.

After he pointed it out, Ivy finally understood. She took a closer look at the baby who was lying in bed and found that it was very funny when the baby pretended to be asleep.

The little boy who always used to get angry when he woke up, today had a tense face and was motionless.

Ivy found it funny.

She admired the little boy pretending to sleep for a while, then cleared her throat and said, "Okay, you two continue to sleep. I'll go out and see if breakfast is ready."

As soon as Ivy left, the lazy boy relaxed a little.

Ludwig opened his eyes, watching calmly to see how long the little cub could hold it in. He didn't have to wait long, and the little cub, who had been secretly listening to the noise, opened his eyes.

The moment Ludwig opened his eyes, he deliberately closed them again.

The little boy got up and immediately checked if Ludwig was awake. He put his chubby face close to Ludwig and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Lulu, are you awake?"

Ludwig said nothing.

Seeing this, the little boy turned his head and thought for a few seconds. He thought he was very smart and pulled Ludwig's eyelids.

Ludwig was stretched so thin that he could hardly keep his clothes on.

Fortunately, he had a strong desire to watch the fun, so he didn't "wake up" even when his eyelids were pulled.


The little boy finally confirmed that Uncle Lulu was still sleeping. He drooped his little face and lifted the quilt. The quilt was lifted, revealing a wet sheet underneath.

Looking at the wet sheets, the little boy, who was originally just sighing, suddenly had red eyes.

Why did my baby wet the bed again

The little boy, feeling ashamed, tried to cover the wet bed sheet, but he not only wet the bed sheet, but also wet Uncle Lulu's pajamas.

"what should I do?"

The little cub sitting on the bed murmured softly.

He didn't want his pretty aunt and Uncle Lulu to know that he wet the bed. If they knew that he wet the bed, they would definitely not want to sleep with him next time.

After sitting on the bed for a long time, Zizi couldn't think of a good solution, so he had to use the most primitive method to destroy the body.

He first tried to pull off Uncle Lulu's pajamas, and after pulling them off, he began to pull the sheets. If Ludwig hadn't cooperated, he wouldn't have been able to do such a big move, even if he had tired the kid out.

After pulling off the wet pajamas and sheets, the little one dragged them all to the bathroom barefoot.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Ludwig stood up.

Ludwig casually put on a bathrobe and peeked at the bathroom door.

Not only did he watch it himself, he also took a video to share with Ivy: "Look, she is secretly washing the sheets. She is quite smart. She knows how to put the sheets into the basin and then stand in it and step on it."

"Oh, the basin has overturned."

Ludwig was still sharing, but Ivy couldn't stand it anymore.

Ivy scolded him, "The basin has been overturned, why don't you go in and check? It's so early in the morning, what if he catches a cold? Go in quickly, and be careful that he doesn't get caught in the basin."

Ivy has seen some videos of puppies before. Some of them accidentally knocked over the basin when playing with water and dunked themselves in it.

The little cub in the basin looks like a little turtle. It is cute, but it is easy to catch a cold. It is much more troublesome for a cub to catch a cold than for an adult.

Under Ivy's rebuke, Ludwig had to give up watching the show.

He knocked on the door and asked, "Is anyone in there?"

The kid who was secretly washing the sheets: “!”

When the little boy heard the knock on the door, his eyes widened. He hurriedly climbed out of the water, rushed over and started blocking the door: "There's no one inside!"

Ludwig raised his eyebrows and teased the silly kid inside: "There's no one inside, so who is talking to me now?"

Little cub: “…”

The little kid covered his mouth with a snap.

Ludwig wanted to continue playing with him, but thinking of his wife's face, he had to regretfully stop teasing the cub.

"Okay, stop playing."

Ludwig opened the door, looked down at the wet baby beside the door, his eyelids twitched, and he carried the baby into the bedroom.

"Are you cold?"

Although the little cub used warm water when washing the sheets, Ludwig touched his little hand and still felt it was a little cold: "Lower your head and take off your clothes."

Ludwig skillfully changed the wet clothes on the little cub.

When he was changing his clothes, the little one stretched out his hands and feet listlessly and put on his clothes very cooperatively.

The atmosphere is quite harmonious with the two of them, big and small.

It was not until the little boy sat down on the bed and Ludwig held his feet to help him put on his shoes that he spoke in a sullen tone: "Uncle Lulu, did you see the boy washing the quilt?"

While Ludwig was putting his shoes on, he slowly replied, "Uncle may not have seen it."

The little guy was stunned.

Ludwig put the last little shoe on him, then raised his hand and pinched his cheek: "As long as you behave better in front of your uncle, your uncle can keep it a secret for you."

Ludwig's words made the little boy's eyes light up.

From the time he left the bedroom to the time he had dinner, the little guy was extremely attentive to Ludwig. He held his round spoon and even tried to feed Ludwig.

Ivy saw the clue and kicked Ludwig angrily. She lowered her voice and asked Ludwig: "Can you still have some shame? You even bully Ningzi."

Ludwig didn't react when he was kicked. After all, he was not afraid to be thick-skinned in front of his wife.

Huo Lin naturally knew about the little boy's affairs, but for the sake of the little boy's face, Huo Lin refrained from mentioning it.

He sent Zaizai to Zhanxi after dinner and asked Zhanxi to take Zaizai to the sports meeting.

Now that Uncle Ling Qi is here, Huo Lin can only sit in the back row.

After Huo Lin sent Zaizai away, he sat in the car on his way back and casually checked Star Camera on the way. He wanted to see if the photos taken by the media yesterday had captured Ning Zaizai's face, or if they had released Ning Zaizai's photos.

He swiped for a long time but couldn't find it. Just as he was about to put away the star machine, he saw his mother's name.

Just one look and Huo Lin's nerves tensed up.

His mother's awakening was great news for him and his father, but this good news could not be easily made known to the public.

In the past two hundred years, loss of control over mental power and exhaustion of mental power have been big problems.

If your mental power gets out of control, you will go crazy or die.

When mental energy is exhausted, one will fall into a "death state". To describe this death state accurately, it should be called suspended death.

At present, in the public's perception, whether the mental power is out of control or exhausted, the result is inevitable death.

Once they knew that Her Majesty the Queen, whose mental energy was exhausted, had awakened, their first thought would only be -

The queen has woken up, so can the others who have exhausted their mental energy also wake up

They will frantically ask the queen for help.

When Huo Lin thought of this result, he almost broke out in a cold sweat.

He suppressed his inner uneasiness and clicked on the report about his mother. But after reading it for a few seconds, the news disappeared.

He immediately called his father, but the line was busy, so his father might be busy.

"Auburn, drive faster."


The car sped up and rushed towards the palace.

Ningzai, who was still unaware of the crisis, was being carried by his father into the kindergarten. The little boy leaned on his father's chest, too lazy to walk.

Zhan Xi looked at the other children who were walking on the ground, lowered his head and coaxed the baby in his arms: "Ningzi, can we go down and walk for a while? It's just right, it can be used as a warm-up."

Before he could finish his persuasion, Teacher Lily came over.

Teacher Lily smiled and called the kid down from his father's arms: "Ning, we are going to change clothes and put on makeup. Come here and go backstage with the teacher."

The baby who doesn't like to walk is very obedient to the teacher. After he got off the ground, he ran to the teacher and was led by the teacher to the backstage to prepare.

Zhan Xi watched him leave.

After the little cub's back completely disappeared, Zhan Xi turned his head and looked at Ling Qi: "Have you brought all the equipment? The boss and the others are waiting to see."

Ling Qi took out the equipment he brought: "I have cleaned the lenses. I also tried it before coming here. It can take clear pictures."

This was the first time that their Ningzai participated in the Zaizai Sports Meet, so naturally they had to keep a memory of it.

Although there will be special people recording in the park, the person in charge of the park will definitely not just film their own cubs.

Zhan Xi and Ling Qi only wanted to take pictures of their own children.

The adults were waiting in the front while the kids were getting ready backstage.

"Ningzai, are your clothes too small?" Roy came over and looked at the clothes of the little boy in front of him. He felt that the clothes seemed a little tight.

When Ningzai signed up for Zaizai Gymnastics, he was at his peak and thinnest because he had eaten his father's diet buns, so the size of the clothes he ordered was a little different from his current size.

But facing Roy's questioning, the little cub sucked in his belly and refused to admit that his clothes were tight: "It's not tight, cub can wear it!"

Roy: “…”


Roy didn't hesitate for too long, as they still needed to have a brief rehearsal backstage before going out for the performance.

Teacher Lily played music and personally led them in dancing the moves they had practiced before.

As she was teaching, her eyes were drawn to Ningzai in the middle. Standing in the middle, Ningzai followed the music and performed the movements in a methodical manner, which was different from the lighter Zazai beside him.


Teacher Lily regained her composure. It was impossible to change people at this time.

Besides, the little fat kid doing gymnastics is...very cute.

After the rehearsal, Teacher Lily encouraged the little kids again, saying, "Your parents are watching you in the audience, kids, we need to let our parents see how awesome we are, okay?"


The babyish answer echoed throughout the backstage.

After Teacher Lily finished her mobilization, she began to wait for the program to be announced. Their Green Grass class was the front class in the kindergarten, so when it came time to perform, they were also arranged to be at the front.

The cubs all looked very brave at the moment, and didn't care whether they were the first or not.

As the announcement sounded.

Teacher Lily was getting nervous because of the atmosphere. She encouraged the little kids who were about to perform for the last time: "Okay, it's our turn. Kids, do you still remember the movements we made just now? We will dance to the music after we go up."

"After you finish dancing, you can go down to find mom and dad."

Teacher Lily said this, asking them to rush to the stage one by one.

And the audience.

The parents who had been waiting for a long time also took out their video recording tools and started filming their children.

Ling Qi was in charge of recording, while Zhan Xi was watching carefully.

He looked at his own little baby on the stage. The more he looked, the cuter he found the baby. Especially with the red dot between the baby's eyebrows, the red dot made the baby's little face even cuter.

The music started.

The little ones looked at Teacher Lily in the audience, followed Teacher Lily's instructions, and bravely made their first move.

The little ones were all doing very well, but as they were doing it, one of them was attracting more and more attention.

(End of this chapter)