The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 69


The little boy held his face obediently and watched Grandpa Ram work. He was a diligent boy and would help Grandpa Ram tighten the screws from time to time.

Ram may be working very slowly because of his old age.

While he was working, he also had to teach his apprentice, who was the dark-skinned boy named Harry.

After hearing the name Harry, the little boy almost didn't react, and asked Harry, "Director Hardy?"

Harry: “?”

Harry didn't know Principal Hardy.

When the little boy saw that Harry didn't know his headmaster, he didn't bother too much and continued to look at Grandpa Ram.

Huo Lin didn't join in the fun.

Huo Lin set up a table and was doing his homework.

The little boy got a headache when he saw his homework. He turned his back to his brother and was determined not to turn back.

Huo Lin knew that he didn't like doing homework. Now in front of so many people, he couldn't bring the kid over to study. He could only save face for the kid for the time being.

"Ningzai, you like watching Grandpa Ram make mechas so much. When you grow up, do you want to be a mecha master too?" Harry asked casually because he saw that the boy was so interested.

The little boy listened to Harry's words and asked slowly, "Can a mecha master make a lot of money?"

Harry nodded: "Of course, as long as you can become a top mecha master, you can make a lot of money, more than you can spend."

Little cub: “…”

The little cub looked down at his round belly.

He blushed a little: "The baby can spend it all, the baby can eat a lot."

Harry laughed: "Can your appetite be as big as mine? Don't worry, you won't go hungry as a mecha master. When you grow up, remember to come to our sixth planet to learn mecha technology."

The little guy still hasn't made up his mind.

He looked worried on his chubby face: "It's so busy now that my baby has grown up."

Harry wondered, "What do you do when you grow up?"

The little boy counted on his fingers and began to tell Harry what he had to do: "I have to take care of my dad, Uncle Lingqi, Uncle Lulu, Aunt Ivy, and my eldest uncle, Uncle Dobby... Aunt Huaya."

"Zizizi also has to pick up waste, sell waste, grow vegetables, and sell vegetables..."

The kid kept counting until his ten fat white fingers were not enough. He counted seriously, while Harry was stunned.

This little cub is indeed very busy.

Huo Lin, who was doing his homework at a table not far away, listened to his little kid chatting with others. The corners of his mouth raised, and he felt that he was touched by the cuteness.

The little cub has excellent social skills.

Not only did he quickly become familiar with Harry and Grandpa Ram, but whenever guests came here to visit Grandpa Ram from time to time, the little cub would also greet them obediently and even bring small stools for the guests to sit on!

The visiting guests couldn't help but smile when they saw the little cub bringing a small stool to them and offering them a big glass of water. "Ram, where did you find this little grandson? He's really so cute."

Ram looked at the little kid who was moving stools and pouring water for the guests, with a smile in his eyes.

He worked every day, but today he was most happy to work. He laughed vaguely and did not deny that the cub was his grandson.

After seeing off a few guests, it started to get dark.

Harry saw that it was getting dark and immediately turned on the light.

The baby, who had been "busy" in the small yard for most of the day, was now hugging Grandpa Ram's thighs: "Grandpa, can you give me some food?"

Ram touched his head and smiled: "Okay."

The first time he ate at Grandpa Ram's house, the little boy emphasized one thing: "I can eat more! Grandpa, give me more food!"

Ram smiled and said, "Okay, Grandpa will let Harry cook more meals for you." Harry is an apprentice here and is responsible for the old man's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

He works hard and is good at cooking. Today, in order to entertain the cute little cubs, he added a lot of tricks to his cooking.

While Harry was cooking, the little guy brought his little stool to the kitchen and sat there, watching Harry cook.

"These are special dishes. You may not be able to eat them outside." Harry introduced his own dishes to the kid. His tone was full of pride. "Now many people on Planet Six are advocating nutritional supplements. A small tube of nutritional supplements can replace a whole meal. It can fill you up, but they can't taste good."

"Planet Six used to have a lot of food culture, but now it's almost gone."

Harry was full of regret when talking about this: "Those advanced people always advocate technology and intelligent life, but they themselves don't realize that the more they indulge in it, the more they are assimilated into intelligent machines."

Machines have no emotions. The most essential difference between humans and machines is that humans are emotional creatures, while machines are cold and dead objects.

Harry is also clearly a conservative.

Once he started talking, he couldn't stop. He kept talking about machines, intelligence, and humans to his only listener, the little boy.

The little kid was sitting in front of the stove, holding a fire stick in his hand, with a serious expression on his chubby face.

Harry was very touched by his expression. "Ning, thank you for listening to me. Master doesn't like to talk, and I don't dare to talk nonsense to him. You are so good... You are so young, you must not understand what I am saying, but you still listen to me so seriously."

Harry was deeply moved.

But the little guy was poking the fire with a fire poker, with a serious little face, and didn't react to his thanks.

Harry: “…”

Harry belatedly sensed that something was wrong.

He leaned over and pinched the little cub's cheek: "Ning cub, what are you doing?"

Did you listen to what he said

The little boy's face was pinched, and he finally showed some expression. He looked up and said to Harry, "The boy is cooking!"

Harry: “?”

Harry was stunned for a moment: "What are you cooking?"

The little cub answered seriously: "Eggs!"

Harry was even more confused. He looked at the little kid who had been sitting behind the pot without moving his little body. How could he cook a meal like this

Before Harry could ask more, the little kid pointed at the flames and explained, "Grandpa Ram said that you can put peanuts and melons in the fire. I didn't have any peanuts or melons, so I put eggs in!"

Harry guessed and deduced that the melon he was talking about was probably a sweet potato, and the egg—

"Ningzi, did you put the eggs in?"


The little guy nodded, with an expression that looked like he was waiting to be praised.

Harry's eyelids twitched violently, and his ears also caught the strange crackling sound in the flames. The next second, without thinking, he picked up the cub and ran out.

But I still ran a little slowly.

The explosion of the egg splashed wood ash and egg liquid all over them.

Harry's nose twitched, and at this moment, he inappropriately judged that the exploding egg seemed to be a rotten egg.

The little kid who was held by Harry around the waist was also stunned by the explosion.

His little face, which was rosy just now, was now gray, and his pretty clothes became dirty.

The stunned little boy kicked his short legs in the air, then turned around and was calling for his brother with tears in his eyes.

Huo Lin and Ram both heard the noise in the kitchen.

After hearing the noise, both of them looked stern and ran in.

"Harry, what's going on?!"

After seeing the mess in the kitchen and the baby kicking in Harry's arms, Ram's blood pressure almost soared.

The little boy was still scared at first, but when he heard Grandpa Ram was going to blame Brother Harry, he held back his tears and took the initiative to admit his fault, "It was the boy, the boy did it."

Harry put the cub on the ground.

The little boy didn't bother to look for his brother, but threw himself on Grandpa Ram's thighs first. He looked up at his little cat-like face and admitted his mistake, "I wanted to cook, but the food exploded."

Ram: “…”

Ram looked at Harry.

Harry later explained: "He threw the egg into the fire and it exploded."

The earthen pot in Ram's house is not common even on the White Mist Planet, let alone on the Sixth Planet.

The little boy had never cooked this kind of pot for his father before, and he didn't know that eggs couldn't be roasted in the fire. He looked back at the messy kitchen, raised his hand to wipe his eyes, and said in a baby voice with more guilt: "Grandpa, I will compensate you."

He receives lucky money every year. His father said that he will save the money for him now, and use it to help him get married when he grows up.

Now he doesn't want his wife anymore, he wants to compensate his grandfather with the money.

After Ram found out what happened to the cub, he first lowered his head to check if the cub was injured. After finding that he was not injured, he smiled and said, "It's okay, Grandpa doesn't need you to pay for it."

He stroked the cub's soft curly fur, then looked at Huo Lin: "Xizel, take Ningzi to clean up."

Huo Lin hummed, took the dirty little cub away, and took him to wash.

After the little one left, Harry cleaned up the kitchen again.

"Master, I didn't take good care of Ningzi just now..."

"it's not your fault."

Ram patted Harry's shoulder and asked him to clean up as well: "Leave this to me, take a shower and come back."

Due to a kitchen accident, dinner was delayed for more than an hour.

on the table.

The little boy, who had already been washed white, took out all the milk powder that he had secretly hidden in the suitcase and brought it with him, and wanted to give it to his brother Harry and Grandpa Ram.

When Xiaozaizai was delivering milk powder, Huo Lin lowered his voice and explained to the two of them how much Xiaozaizai treasured the milk powder.

Uncle Zhan felt that the baby was already in school and drinking milk powder would not be nutritious enough, so he weaned the baby off milk.

But although this method of weaning seems successful on the surface, the baby is actually still secretly making milk powder for himself without his father's knowledge.

Hearing that milk powder was so precious to the little ones, even though Ram and Harry didn't like the taste of milk very much, they gulped it down under the little ones' gaze.

The little cub felt a little relieved when he saw them drink the milk.

"Ningzi, come and eat."

Harry put a large piece of meat in the little cub's bowl. He cooked a lot of rice, which was sure to feed the little cub.

The little cub bit the meat in his mouth and shook his little feet contentedly.

The meal has just started.

The man who had come during the day suddenly visited again. After seeing that they were all eating, the man casually pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Why are you eating so late today?"

After the man finished asking, Harry was the first to answer: "Something delayed me today. Why did you come at this time? Is there something going on?"

"Oh it's all right."

When the man was talking to Harry, his eyes stayed on the cub.

He found that since he sat down, the little fat boy had been nervously guarding his bowl, as if he was afraid that he would snatch it away.

Just at this time, Ram asked him: "Do you want to eat something here? I'll ask Harry to serve you a bowl."

Raphael, who originally had no intention of eating for free, looked at the nervous look on the little fat boy's face and replied slowly: "Okay, give me a bowl."

Little cub: “!”

The little boy had a sullen face and looked unhappy.

Huo Lin knew his little cub's psychology best, so before the cub got angry, he lowered his voice and soothed the cub's emotions: "Be good, Ning, Harry cooked a lot of food, our Ning won't be hungry."

With his brother's comfort, the little boy stopped throwing a tantrum.

Harry's craftsmanship is excellent.

After the little cub finished his bowl of rice, he touched his stomach and handed the bowl over again. He said politely in his baby voice: "Please give me another bowl, cub."

The bowl that Harry used for the cub was a very cute cartoon-shaped bowl. For a normal cub, the amount of food in this bowl was enough.

But for a little kid who has been eating from big bowls since childhood, this bowl is very small.

If Zhan Xi's thinking of raising children were placed in the ancient Earth, it should be the thinking of the ancient Earth's grandmothers: "Feed the baby more, the baby can be fat, but must not be thin, because if it is thin, its resistance will be poor."

Adhering to the principle of letting the cubs eat more, Zhan Xi also feeds the cubs with a large bowl.

In addition, the barren planet was barren and food was precious. The little boy had learned from his surroundings that food should not be wasted. Although the food he ate was not very fine, the portion was definitely enough!

In less than a minute, the second bowl of rice was served to the little boy.

The little kid surrounded the rice bag his brother brought, held the rice spoon, and continued to eat.

Raphael sat opposite him and recorded a short video: "Looking at the little fat boy eating, it's really delicious."

The fat kid on the other side: “?”

The little fat boy angrily took another big mouthful of rice, his round eyes like black grapes were full of hatred.

He decided to eat two more bowls of rice today and then go and crush the bad uncle to death!

The little guy’s short-term goal: to crush the bad uncle to death!

With this goal in mind, the little boy finished his second bowl of rice and handed the bowl over again: "I want another bowl, little one!"

Harry: “…”

Harry was confused.

He thought that it was incredible that a little cub could eat two bowls of rice.

Why is it the third bowl already

He looked at Huo Lin uncertainly, and the latter's expression was very calm: "Give him another bowl, he's not full yet."

Huo Lin also discovered that the bowl used by the little one was much smaller than usual. Using this small bowl to hold rice, the fourth bowl would probably only be equivalent to the second bowl the little one used to have.

Huo Lin's words made Harry feel completely confused.

Raphael was also a little surprised.

He looked at the chubby pink baby carefully. He never expected that the fatness of the baby was not gained for nothing. It was all gained by eating mouthful by mouthful of food.

Tsk, that’s not easy.

"Ahem, Ningzi."

Looking at the bowl of rice handed over by the little kid, Harry felt a little embarrassed: "I thought you were full..."

The little cub lifted his clothes and let Harry touch his belly: "My belly is not round yet!"

You can eat a little more!

Harry's expression became even more interesting. He hesitated to speak and blurted out the truth: "Ningzi, there is no rice in the pot."

He thought he could estimate the little cub's appetite, but he never expected that he was wrong.

When the little guy heard what Harry said, his chubby face froze for a moment.

He looked at his empty bowl and said in a low voice: "Baby, I want another bowl."

One more bowl and the baby will be full.

Harry looked at the chubby little boy with a depressed face, and then looked at his own bowl which he had also finished. He really couldn't make up for it unless he went back to the kitchen and started cooking again.

But by then it will be even later to start over again.

"Ningzai, can I go to the kitchen and make you something to eat?" Harry didn't care that it was late and planned to make some more.

Before he left, the little guy grabbed him and said, "No more."

It’s so troublesome to cook again.

The little kid, who didn't want his brother Harry to cook again, touched his belly and sniffed: "Kid, let's lose weight today."

Raphael, who was sitting opposite the little kid and snatched a bowl of rice from him, said: “Pfft.”

No way.

He was dying of laughter.

The fat kid drank three bowls of rice, touched his belly and said he wanted to lose weight.

Raphael had never seen such a funny cub.

He took out his star camera and took another photo of the cub, intending to share this funny thing with An Nuo when he got back.

The kid, who was already in a bad mood, glared at Raphael angrily after hearing the laugh: "You are bad!"

Stealing the baby's food and still laughing at the baby!

The little guy who was planning to lose weight just now decided not to do so in a second. He asked his brother to pour him a large bowl of water and started drinking!

The physical examination teacher said that babies will gain weight by drinking water.

The cub, who wanted to grow more meat, drank water until his belly was round, and then walked to Raphael in a heroic manner. He snorted at Raphael fiercely, and then sat on Raphael's feet.

"I'm going to crush you to death!"

Raphael: “…”

Raphael took a breath and looked painful: "Ah, Fatty is sinking again. Uncle's feet are going to be crushed by you. Hiss, it hurts."

Hearing Raphael cry out in pain, the little guy twisted his chubby little butt proudly.

While the little fat boy was still trying hard to "crush" the bad uncle, Huo Lin and Harry beside him realized that Raphael was acting.

Huo Lin frowned and wanted to pick up his baby.

But before he could pick up the little fat boy, Raphael had already revealed his true colors: "Little fat boy, you have to hold uncle's legs well."

Little Fatty: “Ah?”

Before the fat kid finished shouting "Ah", Raphael had already raised his foot and lifted the kid up with him.

After seeing the little fat boy's expression begin to change, Raphael smiled and planned to pick him up, pinch his little fat face, and coax him.

After all, the crown prince of the empire is still here. He really made the fat boy cry. I guess the crown prince will hold a grudge against him.

I heard that the Crown Prince of the Empire, Xizel, has the same temperament as his father.

But his father, Ludwig, was not a man of good temper.

Raphael's idea was good, but before he started to coax the cub, the cub couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

As soon as the cub started crying, Huo Lin's expression changed immediately and he snatched the cub back.

"Uncle, what do you want to do?"

"I'm not doing anything, I just came to visit casually."

Raphael said, looking at the tearful cub, he finally felt guilty: "Little fat cub, don't cry, I'll give you a gift."

The little fat boy cried and hugged his brother's neck, burying his face in his brother's shoulder.

Raphael touched his pocket, trying to find a small thing to give to the crying little cub. Although he was stingy and frugal, he had some brains. Giving a small gift seemed to be coaxing the little cub, but in fact it was to comfort Caesar.

This gift can be regarded as the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Raphael searched for a long time but didn't find anything to eat. He only found a silk handkerchief. The silk handkerchief was something An Nuo always carried with him. It was stained with An Nuo's scent. He would occasionally carry it with him when he went out.

The little kid lying in his brother's arms suddenly shrugged his nose.

Next second.

The little boy turned around and stared at the handkerchief in Raphael's hand.

Raphael: “…”

There was no way Raphael would give Anno's things away.

He gritted his teeth and was about to put the handkerchief into his pocket when the little kid suddenly stretched out his hand to him: "I want it, kid!"

Raphael: “Ahem.”

Raphael: "Let's exchange gifts."

Raphael continued to feel his pockets, but he had nothing with him except the silk handkerchief.

The little guy was still looking at him.

This time, the little guy's eyes were obviously on Sipa.

Raphael said he would give a gift. He is the king of a country and cannot go back on his word.

"Uncle, my son wants a silk handkerchief."

Huo Lin saw that the little boy liked the silk handkerchief, so he took the initiative to ask for it. His words made it impossible for Raphael to refuse. If he refused again, the little prince of the empire would probably really turn hostile.

He was not afraid of the little prince turning against him. He was afraid that after the little prince turned against him, his identity would be exposed one day, and then the little prince would tell the story of him bullying the little cub and making the little cub cry.

By then, he would be somewhat embarrassed.


Raphael's blood was dripping, and he comforted himself that after he brought this silk handkerchief out, Anno would never use it again.

At worst he could just get himself a new one.

After giving the silk handkerchief to the little fat boy, Raphael felt that he had lost a lot and didn't want to stay any longer. He said something to Ram and got up to leave.

As soon as Raphael left, the little boy clutched the handkerchief, and his eyes, which were covered with tears just now, were now sparkling.

"Brother, it smells nice."

The scent on the silk handkerchief made the little baby feel sweet.

Huo Lin sniffed it, but didn't smell any fragrance.

He looked at the time. It was getting late. "Ningzi, we should rest."

The little girl was still playing with her silk handkerchief and wasn't paying attention to what her brother was saying.


Raphael returned to the luxurious palace, but Anno had not yet rested. Now Anno could sometimes sleep for several days in a row, and sometimes he would suffer from insomnia for several days.

His health is really bad.

Raphael forced himself to ignore Anno's deteriorating reality. He hugged Anno and showed him the photos and videos he had taken.

As he was watching, Raphael suddenly paused a photo.

He himself seemed a little surprised: "Annuo, if this little fat boy loses weight... he might look a bit like you."

The royal family produces beauties, and each of them is a rare and stunning beauty in the world.

Such a beauty's eyes and eyebrows are not something that anyone can imitate.

But when Raphael looked at the photo of the little fat boy, he really saw some similarities.

An Nuo looked at the little fat cub and liked him inexplicably. He touched the photo with his slender white fingers, with a faint smile on his lips: "It is indeed a very cute cub, Raphael, can I meet him?"

Raphael frowned and didn't say yes or no.

Although Raphael thought the cub was cute, it was still difficult to let the cub meet An Nuo. The cub had always lived outside, and he was worried about letting An Nuo come into contact with it without disinfection.

But if he disinfects the cub, it will definitely get angry and want to crush him again.

(End of this chapter)