The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 8


Zhan Xi didn't sleep well that night. He woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom with Jian Ning in his arms. Jian Ning leaned in his arms without even opening his eyes.

After going to the bathroom, Jane Ning turned over and wanted to sleep face down.

But Zhan Xi didn't allow him to use this position, fearing that he would not be able to breathe when he fell asleep and would suffocate to death.

"Be good, go back to sleep."

After turning the cub over, Zhan Xi coaxed it in a low voice. After just a few words, the easy-to-coax little cub closed its eyes, pinched the small pillow and continued to sleep.

There was wind blowing outside the window, the whistling sound reached his ears, and Zhan Xi suddenly sat up straight.

Next second.

He sealed the window, wrapped the little cub on the bed, and turned around and left the room.

Jian Ning's ears moved, as if he heard something. But he was still playing with the handsome little brother in his dream, and he really didn't want to open his eyes.

Until it was bright.

Jian Ning closed his eyes and cried twice out of habit. If it were in the past, Zhan Xi would have picked him up the moment he cried for the first time.

But this time he cried several times, but Zhan Xi didn't come to hug him.

The hungry and grumpy little kid grabbed the pillowcase, his face red from crying, and he finally stopped when he was almost out of breath.


He got up, with a wet face, and looked for Zhan Xi in the room.

I looked around but couldn't find it.

He sniffed and tried to find the bottle as the next best thing, but there was not even a drop of milk in the bottle placed on the bedside.

There is no crying and no milk to drink.

The poor little kid sat on the bed, looking at the floor with his head tilted. The bed in the room was not high enough for Zhan Xi, who was only 1.87 meters tall.

But for a tiny cub, it is so high that it is scary.

Just as Jian Ning clenched his chubby fists and was about to jump down to find Zhan Xi, he saw the learning machine on the bed.


Jian Ning's eyes lit up, and he crawled over to pick up the learning machine. He had already learned how to use the buttons on the learning machine.


Jian Ning entered the holographic scene. His purpose here was very clear: to find Guo Guo!

As soon as he came in, Jian Ning crawled towards the place where the toy cars were placed yesterday. He crawled very fast and soon reached the front of the car.


He yelled and banged on the door with his fist. After two bangs, the unlocked door opened, and the inside was empty, without a pot at all.

Jian Ning was stunned for a moment. Just as he was clutching the car door in confusion, the voice of the fat boy was heard not far away.

The fat boy spoke faster than him and was very noisy. He repeated the few words he knew loudly over and over again, often making Jane Ning's ears hurt.

As soon as she heard his voice, Jane Ning immediately became panicked.

He can't beat this kid!

In order to avoid being seen by the little fat man, Jian Ning climbed into the car and closed the door. After closing the door, he did not sit on the seat, but curled up into a small ball to hide himself.

The little fat man's voice went from far away to near, and then from near to far away, until it disappeared completely.

The little kid curled up in the car for an unknown amount of time before he dared to stick his head out. As soon as his little head stuck out, he was suddenly pushed down.

Jane Ning: “!!!”

Jane Ning was so frightened that she fell backwards with a thump.

The little prince outside the car: "..."

The little prince listened to the sound of children falling on their butts and the cries of the cub. He was silent for a moment, then he opened the car door and took the frightened cub out.

Jane Ning, who was carried out, tilted her little face up and looked at the person who was holding her with tears in her eyes.


His eyelids were red and his voice was hoarse. He was obviously frightened by Guoguo just now, but he didn't bear a grudge at all and took the initiative to rub his wet little face against Guoguo.

Huo Lin found a chair and put the sticky cub down.

The two cubs, one standing and the other sitting, just looked at each other.

Huo Lin had a sullen face, not knowing what was wrong with him. He hated coming here to study, as the content of the studies here was of no use to him.

The learning content was useless and the cubs inside also annoyed him.

But the cub in front of him inexplicably made him want to cast his eyes on it. Even when he was offline, he still thought of this cub.

Perhaps the cub attracted too much of his attention. When he went to sleep at night, he only thought of the cub. He did not need his father's mental comfort and slept until dawn for the first time in his life.

After waking up, he skipped his morning class and logged in again.


Jian Ning stretched out his chubby little hands and grabbed Huo Lin's clothes. With tears in his eyes, he asked Huo Lin: "Ba Ba! Ba Ba!"

Huo Lin: “?”

Huo Lin frowned and thought for a while before he understood: "Your father is missing?"

After asking for her father's help, Jian Ning pulled Huo Lin's hand up, put it on her belly, and asked him to touch her belly: "Dandan." When she encountered a word she didn't know how to say, Jian Ning would say "Dandan."

Fortunately, Huo Lin corrected him in time: "It's not the balls, it's the stomach. Your stomach is flat, didn't you drink the milk powder?"

Jian Ning understood the word "milk powder". He didn't need to answer, his aggrieved little expression said it all.

He couldn't make milk powder for the cub. Not only that, he couldn't even find the cub's father.

"I'll take you to see the teacher."

The teacher has the parents' contact information, so in addition to looking for the teacher, Huo Lin can also look for his own parents. But if he looks for his own parents, according to his father's temperament, he will definitely pay special attention to this cub and its family.

By then, the cub's family might reject them.

Huo Lin thought about these things seriously in his head. As he thought, he lowered his head to wipe the cub's wet face: "Don't cry."

This cub seems to be made of crystal, beautiful and fragile.

When Huo Lin was wiping his face, he didn't dare to use too much force.

After wiping his face and tidying up his clothes, Jian Ning was carried cleanly to find the teacher. On the way, he also learned a few more words.

"You were in the car just now... Were you looking for me?"

Huo Lin suddenly asked while holding the little weight in his arms.

The little weight hugged his neck, and after understanding, he nodded obediently: "Guoguo."

He is looking for Guoguo.

Huo Lin was silent for a few seconds. After a few seconds, he suddenly said, "Next time you want to find me, don't bother me so much."

He freed up one hand and pointed at a virtual item: "Next time you come in, tap this thing twice and I will come."

The virtual item that Huo Lin clicked on was a bracelet, which could only be used in this virtual space.

Whenever Jian Ning goes online from now on, she will have this virtual item given to her as a gift.


Jian Ning raised his arm and looked at the cartoon bracelet that suddenly appeared with curiosity. His startled look caught the eyes of Huo Lin, who paused and bought him a few more virtual toys.

Jian Ning, who suddenly became rich, looked at the toys, then the bracelet, and then at Huo Lin in a daze.


"Yes, I bought it."

Although Huo Lin is young, he has a lot of pocket money. He can use the money in his account at will, and his father never imposes any restrictions.

In comparison, Jian Ning, whose entire possessions consisted of a few outdated toys, two milk bottles, and three cans of milk powder, was an absolute poor kid.

Zhan Xi lived frugally, and most of the money he saved was used to buy weapons and various equipment to defend against invaders. The other half, he spent on Jian Ning.

Expensive test stones, extremely expensive milk powder that is hard to buy, a new learning machine, a baby walker, baby tissues, changing pads, clothes, picture books, and a few small toys.

All these big and small items add up to a lot of money.

The most difficult thing for Zhan Xi is that the cub is too young and cannot leave him. His current situation is basically only spending and no income, and he has no income.

Materially speaking, Jane Ning may not be a rich little cub, but in life, he has a lot of love. He is a little cub surrounded by love.


Jian Ning touched his toy and called "Dad" happily. He wanted to take the toy to his dad to play with it!

I estimated that another ten minutes passed.

Huo Lin took Jian Ning to find the teacher. After the teacher knew about Jian Ning's situation, he immediately started looking through the address book: "Ning, don't worry, the teacher will call your father right away."

There is Zaizai's notebook on the teacher's desk.

Huo Lin glanced over calmly and saw the cub's information in the record book.

His name is Ningzai, he is just over one year old. Like him, he has no mother, only a father.

The teacher was about to make a phone call when Jian Ning, who was still held by Huo Lin, suddenly twisted her body and said, "Baba, baba, come on!"

Jian Ning, who sensed Zhan Xi, didn't even care about the pot and hurriedly logged off.

When he opened his eyes again, Zhan Xi was standing in front of him.

Zhan Xi was wearing a black top with no decorations. The skulls and various animal bones that he used to use were long gone.

The little cubs are afraid of those things and if they get frightened, they will easily get sick.

The medical level on the deserted planet was extremely poor, and most adults had to rely on themselves to heal themselves when they were injured. If the cubs got sick, it would be even more dangerous.

When she saw Zhan Xi, Jian Ning's eyes turned red and she opened her hands for a hug.

But Zhan Xi didn't hug him.

"Drink your milk obediently, and then accompany daddy to rest for a while after you finish, okay?" Zhan Xi handed the bottle filled with milk to the hungry little cub, then he pulled out a chair and sat down.

Jian Ning's stomach growled with hunger. He held the bottle in his two chubby hands. Just as he was about to drink, he suddenly stopped and looked at Zhan Xi.

Zhan Xi's face was a little pale, and blood was faintly seeping from the back of his loose shirt.

Jane Ning twitched her nose, as if she smelled something.


He frowned, confused for a moment. But soon, he saw Zhan Xi's bad expression more directly than his breath.

Jian Ning had never seen Zhan Xi's face so pale.

He was a little worried.

The big and the small just looked at each other, and the hungry little cub handed over his bottle without any hesitation.

His voice was soft and firm: "Ba Ba!"

Drink milk!

(End of this chapter)