The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 85: Nutrient solution 2.8w


The teacher saw that the three of them were eating well, so he didn't keep staring at them.

"Ningzi, the teacher is going to make some juice for you. Do you want some?"


The little boy never refused any food or drink. He didn't use the chopsticks given by the teacher, but instead held the spoon he brought from home and ate his meal with big mouthfuls.

The teacher smiled and went to the kitchen to make juice for him.

The three cubs at the table continued to eat. Ning, who was the fastest eater, finished a full bowl of food and then found that Lele had only eaten a little.

He was not in a hurry, he just coaxed Lele: "Lele, you need to eat a little faster, otherwise the rice will be cold and spicy."

Although you can eat cold rice, sometimes you will have stomachache after eating it.

Lele nodded obediently and continued to eat slowly.

By the time the little one had finished three bowls of rice, Lele still hadn't finished his bowl.

"LeLe, open your mouth, I'll feed you."

The little cub, who had always been fed by others, fed his own cub for the first time. He fed Lele a little unfamiliarly and almost poked Lele several times.

By the end of the feeding, Lele was so full that he cried out "wow".

"LeLe's belly is about to burst."

Lele, wearing a lunch bag, was crying. He lifted up his clothes to let Ningzi's father see his belly.

Ningzai wanted to feed Lele some more food, but when he saw Lele’s belly, he was stunned.

"LeLe, are you full?"

Lele choked up and nodded: "Lele's stomach is going to burst."

Ningzi: “…”

Ningzai, still a little confused, raised his hand and touched his belly.

"So round."

After touching Lele's belly, Ningzi finally confirmed that Lele was too full. He went to the teacher for help: "Teacher, save my baby!"


There was a look of confusion in the teacher's eyes.

Fortunately, the calm Wagner also came over. He pulled Lele over and pointed at Lele and explained the situation in detail: "Lele is too full. Teacher, do you have any digestive tablets for Lele?"

The teacher squatted down and carefully examined Lele's stomach.

"It's a bit overwhelming."

The teacher frowned slightly: "Le Le, you can't eat anymore, why don't you say so?"

Lele wiped his tears and hid behind Wagner after the teacher touched his belly a few times. His timid appearance gave the teacher a headache.

Their winter camp is not about helping parents take care of their children one-on-one, nor is it about letting the children travel comfortably. Their purpose is to train the children's self-care abilities.

It’s just the beginning, so they gave the cubs an adaptation period.

From the third day on, the cubs will become independent.

But Lele's personality makes it clear that he is difficult to train.

"I have medicine in my room. I'll go get it for him. Ningzi, Wagner, do you want to continue eating?"

Ningzi hesitated for two seconds and said, "I don't want to eat anymore."

He shouldn't have wavered before Lele and Fan!

The teacher went to get medicine for Lele. He did not share the juice he squeezed in the kitchen with Lele, but only gave it to Ningzai and Wagner.

After settling the kids down, the teacher sat at the head of their beds and gave them some vaccinations in advance.

"Ningzi, Wagner, Lele, the teacher wants to remind you in advance."

The teacher took out the winter camp manual and told them: "The purpose of our winter camp is to cultivate the independence of each child, so no matter how close you three are, you can't stick together all the time."

"From now on, you need to sleep alone, and do your own things. Ningzi, Wagner, you can't help Lele with anything anymore."

"Teacher, Lele is too young."

After realizing that what the teacher said was not good for Lele, Ningzai was the first to speak up. He tried to get the teacher to change her mind: "Lele is so young, he needs someone to take care of him!"

The teacher looked at Ningzai and pointed out sharply: "Ningzai, you are only a few months older than Lele. You can't always take care of Lele. He needs to be independent."

Ningzi shook his head and insisted: "Teacher, no, Lele is my child, I have to take care of him."

I always feel confused when I hear this: “What on earth are you talking about?”

The teacher, who didn't understand, gave the final order: "Anyway, you can't always take care of Lele from now on. Our winter camp is still very strict. From now on until the end of the winter camp, you must grow up to be qualified and independent children."

The teacher said as he covered them with the quilt and allowed them to sleep together for the last time.

Ningzai couldn't change the teacher's meaning, and his face wrinkled.

After the teacher stood up, he saw Savi in the same room. He looked at him a few more times before leaving.

Ningzi and Wagner both take too much care of Lele, which is not conducive to Lele's growth in the winter camp. It is obvious from the character of Saiwei that he will not give Lele special care.

If we divide the groups again, we will put Lele in the same group with Savi.

The more the teacher thought about it, the more satisfied he became with his decision. He closed the door quietly and returned to his room.

As soon as he left, the little boy Savi, whom he had taken a fancy to, sat up.

"LeLe, come here."

Savi, who still had to teach Lele, frowned and called Lele. He taught Lele during the day, but Lele couldn't learn no matter how hard he tried.

Savi was so stubborn that he got angry with himself. He swore that he would hand Lele, the stupid crybaby, over to the church before the end of the winter camp.

Lele, whose name was called, poked his head out from Ningzai's arms. He looked at Savi, who had slept in the same room with him for two days and had hugged him. His expression was no longer as timid as when he saw the teacher.

He called softly, "Brother Savi."

Saiwei: “…”

Saiwei's brows furrowed even more. He asked Lele, "What do you call Ningzi?"

Lele said softly, "Dad."

Savi's eyes narrowed immediately: "I don't want to be a brother!"

Lele: “…”

Maybe it was because Savi’s voice was a little loud, or maybe it was because Savi’s refusal was a little harsh, Lele sniffed and lay back on Ningzai’s father’s shoulder.

Ningzai had just eaten his fill when he was pressed down like this. If it were someone else, he would be unhappy.

But who can blame him for holding Lele in his arms? As a new dad, Ningzai cannot lose his temper with his own child.

So Ningzai took out his anger on Savi.

Just now when Savi was talking to Lele, Savi, who is proficient in several languages, used the B1 planet language, which is Lele's native language. While they were using B1 language, Ningzai directly opened the translation software!

He could understand what Savi was saying.

"You don't want to be Lele's brother, and I don't want to have another cub!"

Ningzai, who has ridden the rocking car many times, has become very smart now.

He knew that Lele was his child, and if Savi was Lele's brother, then he would have to be Savi's father.

Ningzai, the dad who is already very tired of taking care of Lele, doesn't want a child with a bad temper at all.

Wagner was more cautious than Ningzai. He looked at Savi and emphasized, "Even if you don't want to be a brother, you can't be Lele's father."

Lele already has two dads, so he doesn’t need any more!

Savi snorted coldly and ignored them.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while. In the end, Savi ignored the name and continued to call Lele.

"It's so crowded for you three to sleep together."

Saiwei patted his bed and called Lele: "Come here, I'll teach you and then let you sleep."

Hearing that Savi was going to teach Lele, Ningzi carried Lele over with great difficulty. Fortunately, Lele was very light, otherwise Ningzi really couldn't carry him.

Lele, who had just been yelled at, looked at Savi and didn't dare to say anything.

Savi had a sour face and stretched out his hand to him.

Seeing this, Lele called out softly, "Brother Savi."

Seeing his cowardly little rabbit look, Savi snorted coldly, but this time he didn't say anything harsh.

The little rabbit was so timid. He wasn't really fierce at all. He just made a loud voice, which scared the little rabbit so much that it ignored him.

"Savi, don't bully Lele, or the adults in my family will come after you."

After introducing Lele to the family, the little guy no longer threatens others with himself. He directly brings the adults in the family out.

There are many adults in his family, and they all love their children!

If Savi dares to bully their children, his parents will definitely come to find Savi.

Feeling threatened, Savi glanced at them and wanted to say something, but swallowed it back.

He had seen Ning Zai and Wagner on Starnet. He also knew that Ning Zai had a good relationship with the imperial royal family and that Wagner was the son of a federal marshal, but his status was not worse than theirs.

If Savi had not promised his parents before leaving that he would not reveal his identity easily, he would have threatened them back.

"Le Le will sleep with you tonight."

The little boy was always pressed down by Lele at night, and he had nightmares. He handed Lele to Sevi, and then slept with Wagner.

He had slept with Wagner before, and neither of them pressed the other down when they slept.

Saiwei looked at Lele who had already sat in his bed and muttered in disdain: "I don't know how you grew up. How could you be so weak-willed?"

It seemed as if the cub would be frightened and shrink back at the slightest disturbance.

Lele, who was being taught by Savi, didn't last long before he started yawning. He was so sleepy that he didn't dare to sleep. He yawned until tears welled up in his eyes, but he still kept his mouth open and followed Brother Savi's pronunciation in a serious manner.

Seeing that his little body began to stagger from side to side, Savi frowned again.

How was this cub raised

Not only does he not refuse people, he is also so afraid of people. Did his previous family abuse him

Savi was full of doubts, but seeing that Lele could no longer open his eyes, he could only swallow his doubts temporarily and let Lele lie down to sleep.

After handing Lele over to Savi, the little kid in the next bed had a good sleep.

The next day.

When the teacher came over to call for help, he found Ningzai and Wagner sleeping together, one at the head of the bed and the other at the foot. Ningzai, who was at the head of the bed, had half of his body hanging out and looked like he was about to fall down at any moment.

In the other two small beds, Savi had already woken up. Although Lele was not awake, he had changed his clothes and was sleeping obediently in his own bed.

The teacher was very satisfied with this scene.

He turned to Savi and asked, "Did Lele wear his clothes by himself?"

The teacher had no suspicion and was visibly satisfied with Lele's performance.

“That’s great.”

The teacher looked at Lele, then at Ningzai who was lying on the bed next to him. He said with relief, "Now that Lele can be independent, Ningzai won't have to take care of him too much."

It was time to get up, and the teacher woke up Ningzai and Wagner who were sleeping.

After getting up, the teacher gave them time to dress and wash themselves.

"We'll be leaving for breakfast in half an hour."

With the temptation of breakfast, the little kid, who was still sleepy, overcame his sleepiness and climbed out of bed.

Savi also reminded Lele.

He looked at Lele who only ate a little, and then at Ningzai who could finish several bowls of rice at a time, and was confused.

They are all cubs, but why do some cubs eat like piglets? Some cubs are as weak as dodder cubs.

In the past, Ningzai’s clothes were given to him by adults at home.

Zhan Xi said that he would let the little guy dress himself, but that morning, when the little guy was still sitting on the bed in a daze, Zhan Xi found clothes for him and put them on himself.

The same was true in the palace. Even if Ludwig had a meeting in the morning, he would dress the little one before leaving.

Now that there are no adults to dress him, the little guy just wears whatever he wants. He doesn’t care about whether the clothes match or not, he just wears whatever clothes he finds.

After putting on some casual clothes, the little boy put on his slippers and ran to see Lele.

Lele's clothes are already on, so he doesn't need to put them on again.

"Savi, help Lele put on his shoes."

After saying something to Savi, the little guy sat on the ground and put on his shoes.

Savi looked at the outgoing little kid and was about to ask why he should put on his shoes, but before he could finish his words, Lele handed him his own little shoes.


Lele sat down on the edge of the bed and swung his feet.

Wagner, who was lying on the bed next to him, looked at Lele who was waiting for someone to serve him, and vaguely thought of Ningzai.

Ningzai used to shake his chubby feet like this and ask people to put shoes on him.


As expected, Ningzai looks more like Lele’s father.

After coming out of the room, the teacher took the children to have breakfast first.

Since Lele ate too much last night, he only ate a little for breakfast.

The little boy who was very active in eating looked at Lele's appetite and felt that it was not good. He turned his head and said to Lele seriously: "Lele, when we go home, let Uncle Lingqi make you a good meal."

"My brother has a good family too. You will definitely get fat by then."

Hearing this, Lele shook his head: "Lele doesn't want to be fat."

Little cub: “…”

The kid, who had always been called little fat boy, was a little stiff in holding the bowl.

Lele is an emotionally sensitive cub. When he saw Ningzi's father suddenly stopped moving, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"LeLe likes fat ones."

Little Fatty Ben: “…”

The little fat boy was even more heartbroken, he didn't want to be a fat boy, he wanted to be a slim boy!

"Ningzi, Lele, you two should eat well and stop whispering."

Children sometimes don’t concentrate when eating. If you don’t remind them, they can take a long time to eat breakfast.

After being reminded by the teacher, Ningzai and Lele continued to eat obediently.

After dinner.

As expected, the teacher in charge of the team announced various rules for the children to start being independent.

The first rule is that children must take care of themselves, such as eating, dressing, and washing their own clothes.

The second article stipulates: Children should strengthen their common sense of life. Teachers will teach them various common sense of life, and then the children must remember them firmly and apply them in practice.

Article 3 stipulates: Winter camps will simulate some dangerous scenarios, and children must learn to escape from these dangerous scenarios.

There are also Articles 4 and 5...

The little guy always turns a blind eye to such long speeches.

The teacher also expected that some children would not listen attentively, so after explaining it several times, several teachers in charge explained it again to each child.

The little boy who was always distracted in class was very experienced in dealing with this kind of situation. He looked at the teacher seriously and acted like a good boy, but in fact he didn't hear a few words.

After explaining these rules to the children, the group of children all walked for the rest of the journey.

The teacher introduced the buildings we saw along the way to the children, but these buildings were very short, not like the tall buildings they often see today. Not only were the buildings short, but there were also many basements.

The teacher is a fan of ancient earth. He told the children about the basement: "There was a country in ancient earth that once had many basements. Since the excavation of this site, our experts have speculated that this site should belong to this country."

The teacher talked incessantly, but the kid kept shaking his head from time to time.

What the teacher said is wrong. Is this where the ancient people on Earth lived? The ancient people on Earth also built very large houses and had very tall buildings. They also had very beautiful lotus flowers, and their lotus flowers were pink.


Wagner walked beside him and whispered to him: "Have you really never been to this place before?"


"Then why do you think this isn't where the ancient Earthlings lived?"

"I just know it."

The little guy was silent for a long time and didn't know how to explain it. Anyway, he instinctively felt that he knew where the ancient earthlings lived.

Because he knew it, he knew whether this was the place where the ancient earthlings lived.

The teacher is still leading the team in front.

The place they are going to is the forest ruins of ancient Earth. However, this ruins cannot be restored, so they can only set up a virtual environment. In this virtual environment, there are various creatures of ancient Earth. When the children are outside, they will also feel as if they are in the scene.

Although Wagner and Ningzi are very good friends, the two cubs would have some disagreements from time to time. For example, Wagner now thinks that the ancient earthlings lived here.

The teacher explained it very carefully, he definitely wasn't lying to them.

The two cubs who had a disagreement looked at each other, and finally, they kept silent and ignored each other.

Just when the children were about to be placed in a specific environment by their teachers to begin the special training of the winter camp, the little prince far away in the empire had already started missing his cub.

Without the cubs coming to eat in the palace, Ivy felt a little bored.

The three of them had a meal together, and if she didn't speak at the table, the father and son would not say a word.

After being tense for a few days, Huo Lin couldn't bear it anymore and went to the study to find his father.

"Father, can I choose the place for my practice during this winter vacation?"

The Crown Prince is the hope for the future of the entire empire. He must be outstanding and powerful enough so that he can inherit and take his father's position in the future.

If you want to be excellent and powerful, it is not enough to just stay in the palace.

The crown prince and emperor of the empire never need a too gentle environment.

Huo Lin went outside during his summer vacation, where he killed a king insect. Although that king insect was not the one their empire wanted to find the most, being able to kill a king insect was already a great achievement.

After Huo Lin finished his request, he waited quietly for his father's response.

Ludwig was sitting at the desk and looked over.

"Xizel, do you want to go to the practice ground or visit Ningzi?"

Ludwig, as a father, was not at all tactful. He directly exposed his son's situation.

Huo Lin pursed his lips, paused for a few seconds, and replied truthfully: "Both."

He wanted to go to the practice site, but he also wanted to see Ningzai.

It might be because Ningzai had been staying by his side since kindergarten, so he couldn’t adapt to Ningzai’s sudden departure.

"Father, Ningzi's report card is out. I can just give it to him."

Ludwig: “…”

Ludwig raised an eyebrow: "Why didn't I receive a transcript?"

Huo Lin was silent for a moment, then replied, "Maybe Uncle Zhan hasn't had time to send it to you yet."

The kindergarten final exam papers have been graded, and netizens on Starnet are also paying close attention to the kindergarten's final exam results.

Especially after the little one’s identity was exposed, people would check in and ask questions every day under the comments of the royal account—

"Your Majesty, have the results of the little fat boy come out yet?"

"I beg for the little fat boy's report card! I want to see if the little fat boy's knocking his head is of any use!"

"Wuwuwu, please let me know how many points my son got in the exam. I also prayed to Grandpa Confucius before the exam, but my results haven't come out yet!"

"Make a wish every day. His Majesty the Emperor is too busy. Please ask His Royal Highness César or Her Royal Highness the Queen to record a video of a little cub seeing the report card. I haven't seen this little fat cub for a long time. Auntie wants to suck the cub!"

The three members of the royal family have all seen these messages on Star Network.

Without these people telling him, Ludwig also planned to record a video, but it was not certain whether he would post it after recording it.

On the official account of the royal family, there is only one clarification video about the fat boy showing his face. Apart from that, Ludwig has not updated the status of the fat boy again.

Ludwig knew that excessive exposure would not necessarily bring benefits. He had saved many videos of the little fat boy on his Star Camera, but he would not post them.

"When did Zhan Xi send you the order?"

Ludwig was still asking his son. There was no emotion on his face, but he was already unhappy in his heart.

He actually knew about the big event of the little guy's achievements later than César.

Just when Ludwig asked, Zhan Xi just sent him the transcript.

When Ludwig heard the message, his slightly frowned brows smoothed out in a second.

He lowered his head and zoomed in on the star machine screen.

On the screen of the star machine, the bright red failing report card of the little boy suddenly caught his eyes.

(End of this chapter)