The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 87: Nutrient solution 2.9w


On the spaceship.

The "odd jobber" Zhan Xi was in the room of the Imperial Crown Prince, sorting out the things he had brought with him.

"Linzi, can we see Ningzi when we get there?"

Zhan Xi squatted on the ground, checking the things he had brought with him: "I brought him some clothes, but I don't know if these clothes are enough."

Huo Lin looked down after hearing this and said, "Ningzi took some clothes with him when he left. Uncle Zhan, I think we should bring more food with us."

After Huo Lin finished speaking, Ling Qi, who had been silent beside him, spoke up: "Time was tight, I didn't bring him much food, I just made a little at the last minute."

Huo Lin took a look at the "little bit" that Ling Qi mentioned, and found that there was a whole big box.

The three of them stayed in the room for quite a while. Finally, after Huo Lin came out, Zhan Xi and Ling Qi didn't come out either.

Zhan Xi and Ling Qi are studying the route for their cub.

“Ancient Earth Sites.”

These words, not only the little one would be interested, but also Zhan Xi and Ling Qi were very interested. The two adults looked up information together: "How did Ningzi know about the ancient earth ruins for this winter camp?"

Ling Qi shook his head: "Not sure."

The ancient Earth era is a long, long time away from the present era, but the culture left over from the ancient Earth era still amazes interstellar people.

The interstellar people are very interested in everything about the ancient Earth and want to explore and research it.

"Forget it, we're not going to any ancient Earth ruins, we're just going to see Ningzai."

Although when the fat boy's final results came out, Zhan Xi was so shocked that he almost blacked out.

But time and distance are magical things. After not seeing the little cub for several days, Zhan Xi started to think about his little cub again.

Isn’t it just that I got the last place in the exam

Scores and grades don’t mean everything. At worst, they can send the kids to the palace for extra lessons after they come back from winter camp.

The kid who ranked last in the exam is also their favorite kid!

After this self-brainwashing, Zhan Xi really looked forward to meeting the little boy with all his heart.

The spacecraft will have to fly for a long time before it can land.

And in the forest.

Several cubs were running for their lives, and Wagner accidentally slipped while carrying Lele on his back.

He protected Lele in time when he slipped. Lele didn't fall hard, but he was dizzy.

"Wagner, how are you?"

"I'm fine!"

Ningzai watched Wagner get up, then carried Lele on his back and continued running.

He looked at Savi beside him and asked, "Savi, can you still hold on?!"

There were several blood marks on Savi's face. He was irritated by these insects, and his eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at the insects.

"I can hold on."

Saiwei gritted his teeth and said, "I will kill them all!"

The little cub was more rational than Sewi. He looked at Wagner's knees, then at Lele, and said in a serious voice: "We can't keep bothering with them! Let's take Lele and leave quickly."

Seeing that Savi was getting too excited, the fat kid who was busy killing insects ran over and kicked him: "Run away quickly, or you will be eaten by insects!"

After persuading Savi to calm down, the little fat boy took Lele from Wagner's back and carried him on his own back.

Wagner's calf was injured and he could no longer carry Lele on his back.

"Ningzi, I can carry it."

Wagner was still being stubborn and planned to continue carrying Lele on his back.

But the little fat boy didn't let him carry him: "Wagner, your mental power is strong, use your mental power to block them."

Wagner is Marshal Tang En's only son. He inherited Marshal Tang En's high-level mental power, but he was not very good at using his high-level mental power before.

After transferring back to the federal kindergarten, Wagner was taught this lesson by his father alone -

How to use mental power skillfully and use it as offensive power.

Dad is very patient in taking care of his cubs, and Wagner has learned this lesson well.

He switched roles with the insect killer Ningzai. Ningzai was responsible for finding the way, while he and Savi used their mental power to intercept the insects.

I don’t know how long I ran.

Maybe they were lucky enough, or maybe the little fat boy found the way well, they actually managed to run out of the forest.

Fortunately, there was no unusual movement outside.

After the four cubs came out, they sat down on the ground.

They looked at the forest in front of them, and finally, Wagner asked in a hoarse voice, "Didn't the other children and teachers run out?"

It was quiet all around, no children or teachers were to be seen. It was as if there were only four of them left in the vast world.

Savi, who always has a grumpy face, now has his hands shaking.

Lele was also sitting on the ground, one of his hands still tightly held by the little fat boy.

"Ningzi's father, it was Lele who caused the trouble."

Lele cried so much that she could hardly make any sound at this moment: "The bug wanted to catch Lele. It was Lele who caused the trouble."

The other children and teachers were not the target of the insects.

He is.

Lele was terrified and blamed himself. Too many emotions weighed on him, making this already timid cub unable to digest them.

"Please put Lele back."

Lele looked at the forest that frightened him. Although his body was shaking with fear, he still said, "Lele, go back and bring back the teacher and other children."


Ningzi and Wagner said in unison: "You can't go back."

They had finally managed to escape, how could they possibly go back?!

Lele loosened his grip on Ningzai’s father’s fingers, wiped the tears from his face, and for the first time learned to refuse what Ningzai’s father said.

"LeLe wants to go back."

Lele said stubbornly: "If Lele doesn't go back, the bugs will come looking for Lele again."

In his previous dreams, there were green-eyed bugs in his dreams. Those bugs were looking for him and wanted to take him away.

His mother always told him that these were nightmares and that he would not dream about them again once he woke up.

But now, he knew very well that his mother had lied to him.

He is not dreaming.

There really are bugs looking for him. If he doesn't go back, Ningzi's father, Wagner's father, and brother Savi will all be implicated by Lele.

He likes Ningzi's father very much, and he also likes Wagner's father, and he also likes brother Savi a little bit.

He didn't want them to be taken by the bugs.

Ningzai looked at Lele who was about to be stubborn, and his brows suddenly frowned.


Lele looked at his father.

Ningzi, with a chubby and serious face, was also looking at Lele. The two cubs looked at each other. Finally, Ningzi spoke up: "Do you know what will happen if the cubs in our family don't listen?"

Lele was stunned for a second, and then he shook his head. He had not yet gone home with Ningzi's father, nor had he met Grandpa Zhanxi.

He doesn't know what will happen to his disobedient cub.

Ningzi looked at him and announced the answer seriously: "You will be spanked!"

Although Zhan Xi dotes on his kid, sometimes the little kid is so annoying that he has to discipline himself.

The spoiled little kid has been spanked a lot since he was a child.

Lele listened to what Ningzai's father said and reflexively touched his butt with his little hand.

Although his mother always locked him in the room, said things that made him sad when she was in a bad mood, and even smashed things in the room, she never hit him.

Lele has never been beaten since he grew up.

Ningzai, with a stern face, didn't ignore Lele at all just because time was urgent.

One time, he put his hand into the socket where his father plugged in the electricity, and his father saw it. His father was so anxious that he didn't even cook. He picked him up and gave him a good beating.

The little kid didn't cry because of the electric shock yet, but was spanked by his father and started crying. His crying alarmed the neighbors.

The neighbors have always been sympathetic to Zaizai, and when they saw this, they came over to speak for Zaizai.

As a result, after Zhan Xi pointed at the electricity and explained the reason why he beat the little kid, the adults who were originally feeling sorry for the kid, all turned to the father's side.

Even Uncle Ling Qi cut off his snacks for several days because of this incident.

Now Lele wants to run back to the forest to feed insects, which is the same as when he put his hand into the electrical socket.

"Grandpa Zhan Xi is not here, so I'm going to ask Grandpa Zhan Xi to spank you." The little boy said, and spanked Lele's butt several times.

After the spanking, Lele sobbed and buried his face in Wagner's arms. This time he didn't say anything about going back to look for bugs.

Savi originally wanted to stop it, but when he saw how effective spanking was, he shut up on the spot.

After solving the serious problem of Lele wanting to run back, the cubs started to think of ways to get help.

"We're going to make a phone call!"

The cubs just sat down and rested. They recovered some strength and then ran to the spaceship that brought them here.

Before entering the forest today, their star machines were kept by the teachers. Now that the teachers haven't come out, they can't get their star machines back.

But there are communication equipment on the spacecraft, so as long as they return to the spacecraft that brought them here, they can contact the adults outside.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Lele raised his finger and pointed the way: "There."

Following the direction Lele pointed, the cubs indeed found the spaceship.

But the moment they saw the spaceship, all the cubs were stunned.

Their spaceship had been wrapped in a layer of fine white cocoon. Ningzai, Wagner and Savi, who had taken classes about Zerg a long time ago, all recognized what the cocoon was.

This is the Zerg cocoon.

Such a large cocoon can only be spit out by a giant queen insect.

Savi's expression suddenly turned ugly: "If there is a worm queen here, there must be a lot of worms."

The little boy didn't take other classes seriously, but he took the class on insects many times. For some reason, his father and Uncle Lulu always forced him to watch many classes on insects.

"This is different from the insect mother in class."

The little guy noticed something was wrong and felt that this cocoon was different from the ones outside.

"Wagner, the bugs here are not the same kind as outside."

Ningzai's mind was working rapidly. He knew that this was different from the bugs outside, but the current situation was not the time for him to analyze.

"Wagner, let's go."

The spaceship couldn't get in, so they had to move to another place.

Without the spaceship, the kids were left with only a small backpack on their bodies. They looked dirty and tired.

"Ningzi, we need to find a place to sleep."

It's getting dark now. It would be very dangerous if they were all outside.

The ancient Earth environment that children once loved has now become a dangerous place that scares them.

The little cub, who had a strong sense of crisis, took Lele and started looking for a place to stay.

There was no teacher, no other children, and no adults either…

The only people they can rely on now are themselves. Lele held Ningzai's father's hand tightly and followed him to search.

It was getting darker.

The cubs searched for a long time and finally found an abandoned basement. The basement was dilapidated and located in a vent, so no one and no insects came in to use it.

All the little ones squeezed in.

Several of the cubs had no change of clothes, so they huddled together tightly.

"LeLe, are you hungry?"

The little kid who pulled his backpack to the front lowered his voice and said to Lele: "I found you something to eat!"

Although Lele has a small appetite, he was greatly frightened and didn't have dinner, so he is a little hungry now.

Finally hearing Lele say that he was hungry, the little cub contentedly opened his backpack and said, "I'll make you something to eat right away."

When the backpack was opened, Lele was shocked to see suffocated fish and shrimps and a few fat worms that died with their eyes open.

"Le Le, this bug is not a Zerg bug. They are still very good, crunchy!"

The little guy had roasted this kind of insects during the day, and he thought they tasted delicious, so he specially saved some for Lele.

When Saiwei saw the things in his backpack, his face fell: "Fish and shrimp are fine, but are these bugs edible?!"


The little cub said, puffing out his chest with pride: "Wagner and I have tried it, and we didn't die!"

They ate them and didn't die, which means these insects are not poisonous.

"Wagner, look after Lele."

After the little boy finished speaking, he patted Savi's shoulder and said, "Come with me to collect firewood."

It was too cold here. Even if the four cubs were huddled together, they would probably freeze to death. The most urgent thing now was to keep warm secretly.

Although Savi has a bad temper, fortunately he is obedient.

The two cubs sneaked around, picked up some things that could be burned, filled their backpacks, and carried them back.

After coming back, Ningzai crawled to the leaking place and personally blocked the leak with the cardboard he picked up.

After doing all this, Ningzai, who was even dirtier, crawled back to make a fire and roast some insects for everyone to eat.

The little food he had in his backpack would be even less after roasting. In the past, this amount would not even be enough for him to eat as a snack.

But now, the hungry little cub, after dividing the food into 4 portions, tore off half of his own roasted insect and fed it to Lele.

Lele was afraid of insects and didn't dare to open his mouth to eat.

The little guy was afraid that he would starve, so he made him close his eyes and then stuffed the worm into his mouth.

Lele: “…”

Lele was trying not to cry, and he didn't dare to chew it, so he just swallowed the worm.

Seeing him swallow the worm, a smile appeared on the little boy's dirty little face.

The four cubs slept until midnight and then moved to another place.

Except for Lele, the other three cubs have to take turns to keep watch at night.

When it was midnight, the sharp-eyed Ningzai noticed something unusual and decisively ran away with the other cubs.

They hid from place to place all night long.

From late night to day.

The four cubs really hope that they can see their teacher, other children and everyone here.

Unfortunately, it was already bright outside and they still couldn't see anyone.

"it does not matter."

The little fat boy held Lele's hand and encouraged him, "The teachers are very good. They will definitely come out of the forest. Even if we can't find the teachers, my parents will come to find me."

Savi is so exhausted that he is in a bad mood at the moment.

When he heard Ningzai's words, he asked coldly without thinking: "How do you know your parents will come to find you? Even if they want to come to find you, can they find our place!"

Savi's face was tense and he felt like he was going crazy.

Ning Zai looked at the emotionally unstable Savi and frowned: "I call my family every day. I didn't call yesterday. My father and brother must be worried about me. They will come to look for me!"

Even though he was in danger, Ningzai didn't feel like he would die.

He has a father and brother who love him the most in the world, as well as Uncle Lingqi, Uncle Lulu, Aunt Aiwei...

Everyone loves Zaizai very much, they will definitely come to find Zaizai.

The confident tone of the confident little fat boy slowly calmed down Savi, who was originally very irritable.

"When I was at home, I went out with my uncle. I can catch insects, make fire, roast insects, and dig holes to sleep in. Don't be afraid, we will all survive!"

The little fat boy demonstrated the skills he had. He wiped his dirty face, put on his backpack, and then found a place for everyone to sleep for a while.

Wagner and Sevi quickly fell asleep under the dilapidated building they found.

The little fat boy held Lele in his arms and was responsible for keeping watch.

It was quiet all around.

In this silence, Lele, who was not asleep, suddenly raised his head and said, "Dad, Lele has something to tell you."

"you say."

The little guy looked at Lele's equally dirty face and raised his hand to wipe it, but the more he wiped, the dirtier it became.

"Dad, Lele's eyes are green."

As soon as Lele finished speaking, his right eye slowly turned into an almost transparent green color. This green color stunned the little fat boy.

Without Lele saying anything more, the little fat boy recognized it—

This is the color of the Zerg.

"Lele is not a normal child. His mother said that Lele must hide all the time in order to survive."

After showing the color of his eyes to Ningzai's father, Lele let go of Ningzai's father's hand.

His face was filled with fear and uneasiness, but his voice was deliberately strong: "You, it's okay if you don't want Lele anymore. Lele can hide by herself."

It can be hidden or caught by insects.

Lele's voice sounded like he was about to cry. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. While waiting for Ningzai's father to react, he told Ningzai's father everything about himself in a disjointed manner.

He was hidden by his mother and never left the house.

He had never done anything bad, never made friends with other children, and never bullied anyone.

He didn't want to be a bad boy, nor did he want to have green eyes.

But, but he couldn't change the color of his eyes.

The little fat boy listened to what Lele said. As he listened, he sniffed and hugged Lele solemnly.

"I don't want you."

The little fat cub hates bugs very much, but Kelele is not a Zerg bug. He inherited his other eye from his mother, so he is also a human cub.

"Don't be afraid. Your grandpa Zhanxi is very good at raising cubs. When you come home with me, grandpa and uncles will take good care of you."

The two little cubs hugged each other. Wagner and Sevi, who had been woken up a long time ago, came over and hugged Lele after a moment of silence.

"Don't be a Zerg cub. Just be a stupid human cub. I will teach you to be smart." Savi said to Lele with a sour face.

Wagner touched Lele's face and said seriously, "Lele, you have a marshal grandfather. He is very powerful. With him around, you don't have to hide anymore."

Lele, who was accepted, looked at the three cubs in front of him, tears in his eyes, and nodded vigorously.

The warm moment didn't last long.

There were no insects in the ancient earth ruins, but suddenly more and more insects appeared. Lele looked at these insects and told Ningzi's father: "They woke up. They slept for a long, long time and now they are awake."

The Zerg do have a dormant period, but the Zerg outside dormant period is not long, between one to two months.

The bugs here...seem to have been sleeping for years.

Once a waking insect has woken up, it is impossible for it to burrow back into the ground.

They were moving around in the ruins, and several times they almost caught all the cubs.

The cubs were small and smart. They would run away at the slightest sign of trouble. They had no adult care and survived like this for three days.

Three days later.

The winter camp headquarters, which had lost contact with the winter camp troop, was in a state of panic, so Ludwig and Tang En came in person to hold them accountable.

And César, who was the first to discover that the little cub was missing, is now locating the detailed location of the ancient Earth ruins and related information.

The address given by the winter camp headquarters before was only an approximate address and not detailed. The second-in-command of the winter camp organization, who had the most detailed information about the ancient Earth ruins, was also in the team leading the children to the ruins this time.

For three whole days, Zhan Xi didn't get a full night's sleep.

"Rin, look at this!"

Zhan Xi hurriedly showed Huo Lin a newly found document. In this latest survey document, they found a shocking fact—

This so-called ancient Earth site is indeed an ancient Earth site.

But the people living in this site are not humans from the ancient Earth period, but Zerg who have just appeared in the ancient Earth period!

This group of Zerg has not shown up for many years and they have always stayed here.

Now the entire winter camp has lost contact, and the last signal sent by the winter camp captain indicating the appearance of Zerg are silently telling them what has happened to the winter camp in the Zerg territory.

The Zerg appeared, and the teacher and the cubs disappeared for many days.

These two things combined, Zhan Xi, who had endured three days, had a red look in his eyes: "Lin, hurry up, find Ning quickly."

He didn't dare to close his eyes now, let alone imagine what his precious baby was going through.

The adults were frantically looking for the cubs, but the cubs, who had survived for three days, were so dirty that their biological fathers might not be able to recognize them.

As food became increasingly difficult to find, the cubs went hungry for longer and longer periods of time.

Being extremely hungry, the little cub started looking for edible wild vegetables.

There are some plants on the roadside that look unattractive and like weeds, but they are actually edible. If you can’t eat them directly, you can smash them with stones and mash them into a paste.

The little kid, who was hungry every day, ate grass porridge crushed with stones. While swallowing it with difficulty, he missed the meals cooked by Zhan Xi's father with tears in his eyes.


It turns out that there are things in this world that are more disgusting than dad’s food.

Lele, who loves eating vegetables the most, chokes on eating wild vegetable porridge.

It's late at night again.

The four cubs sitting next to each other didn’t look at all like they did when they first arrived at the winter camp. Their stomachs were growling and they were holding the newly found wild vegetables in their little hands.

The little fat boy sniffed and remembered a video he had seen on StarNet before: "It said on the Internet that only those who are in love would go digging wild vegetables."

He choked up in a baby voice: "Baby, you're not in love, why do you want to eat wild vegetables?"

(End of this chapter)