The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby

Chapter 92: Nutrient solution 3.2w


Zhan Xi listened to the little boy's questioning and said without blushing or beating his heart: "You remembered it wrongly. Dad has never cheated you of your red envelope."

The little boy wanted to say something, but Zhan Xi shook the report card and changed the subject: "Ning, tell Daddy again, how did you get so many points?"

As soon as the topic of grades was mentioned, the little guy's attention was instantly diverted.

He felt proud and a little aggrieved: "Kid, you just sit there and don't move, but the teacher is still mean to you."

What he said was that he was sitting still, his mind was wandering, and he was discovered by the teacher.

Zhan Xi kissed his little face and comforted him: "Our little one is so well behaved, why is the teacher so fierce?"

The little boy was comforted and he was fine. He started to be proud again: "The teacher praised me and said I am smart!"

Zhan Xi certainly knew that his son was very smart, but he just didn't like to use his intelligence in studying.

He chatted with the little guy for a while, then hugged Lele.

"Le Le, on our way back to the deserted planet, we will stop by Planet B1. We will tell your mother and then go back to celebrate the New Year, okay?"

Such a big incident happened during this winter camp, and the parents actually made a lot of noise. But among these emotional parents, there was no sign of Lele's mother.

Even when Zhan Xi got Lele's mother's number and called her, she never answered the phone.

Later one night, the call was connected.

Zhan Xi briefly talked about Lele's situation. He did not mention anything about the little insect king. He only said that Lele played very well with his cubs and that they had a very ridiculous recognition of each other.

Lele wants to live with them.

While Zhan Xi was saying this, he also asked for Lele's mother's opinion.

He thought that Lele's custody was with his mother, and if he wanted Lele to come and live with him, at least the custody issue had to be resolved.

But he didn't expect that Lele's mother would tell him: "Lele has not been registered. If you want custody of him, you don't need to ask for my opinion."

She also said: "Zhan Xi, I know you. I saw the cub you raised on the Internet. You raised him to be very fat."

Later, Lele’s mother hung up the phone on him.

Zhan Xi looked at the hung up phone and thought about Lele's mother's choking voice. He was silent for a long time, and finally edited a long message and sent it.

Lele is a mixed-race little bug, and according to Lele himself, there are bugs trying to kill him.

Lele's mother has raised Lele alone, and the psychological pressure she has been under until now is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Maybe what she needs now is calmness.

In the long message he edited, Zhan Xi attached his address, family situation, and other detailed information.

It has been some time since he sent the message.

Before going home for the New Year, Zhan Xi wanted Lele to at least have a chance to meet his mother.

"Mom doesn't want to see Lele."

Lele also trusted Zhanxi. He whispered to Zhanxi, "Mom has a boyfriend now. If Lele goes back, Mom will be unhappy."

Zhan Xi heard this and kissed his little face: "If mom is unhappy by then, we will leave immediately."

"Lele, don't you want to see your mother again?"

Lele rested his head in the crook of Zhan Xi's neck and stopped talking.

He missed his mother very much.

Listening to Lele's previous narration, Zhan Xi could hear the pressure that Lele's mother was under and her increasingly broken mental state.

He can understand Lele's mother, but he also feels sorry for Lele.

Put yourself in his shoes. If his kid encounters something like Lele, even his family won’t want him anymore…

Zhan Xi just thought about it for a moment and felt as if countless needles were stabbing him in his heart.

"We'll take a look at mom and then go home to celebrate the New Year."


Lele buried her face in Zhan Xi's arms and responded in a low voice.

Not only they want to go back, Wagner and Sevi also want to go back.

Wagner stayed here to play with Ningzai and Lele, but he didn't expect that he would study every day here.

Wagner, who obviously did not rank last in the exam, did not want to take extra classes.

As a result, the tutor asked him several questions on the spot. Wagner opened his mouth but couldn't answer any of them.

He didn't answer, and the teacher made the final conclusion: "Your learning level is not up to standard, so you still need to make up for it."

For more than half a month, the cubs were all so distracted from their lessons.

In order to take Ningzai and Lele away, Zhan Xi had to tell Ludwig.

"Have you prepared everything for your return trip?"

"I'm planning on getting it tomorrow."

Zhan Xi held a cub in each hand and said to Ludwig, "Thank you for taking care of Ning for the past half month."

"It's no trouble."

Ludwig said, looking at César who had just come to the study: "César, take Ningzi and Lele to my private library to pick out New Year gifts in advance."

When the little kid heard that he had to choose gifts in advance, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He took two steps forward and climbed onto Ludwig's lap.

"Uncle Lulu, I wish you a happy new year!"

It’s time to receive New Year gifts, and the little guy is very polite and wishes a happy new year to Uncle Lulu.

He kissed Ludwig on the face and said a lot of sweet flattery, saying that he loved Uncle Lulu the most and that Uncle Lulu was the best. Ludwig looked indifferent after hearing this flattery so many times, but turned around and asked César to pick out a few more gifts for the little guy.

One can imagine how many treasures there are in the private treasury of the emperor of the empire.

Zhan Xi didn't go with them.

Xizel led the two cubs, opened the private vault and walked in.

As soon as he entered, the little guy was stunned.

"Uncle Lulu, you are so rich!!"

The little cub was like a kitten that had fallen into a pile of fish. He touched this and that and wanted everything.

"Brother, I don't know what to choose!"

"You can choose one that is expensive and practical." Xizel gave him the right to choose and only gave some suggestions.

After being reminded by his brother, the little boy thought seriously for a while. Finally, he brought out a big golden bowl: "I want to eat with this!"

The big bowl made of gold is indeed both expensive and practical.

In addition to the big golden bowl, the little guy also took out a complete set of tableware that was said to have been passed down from ancient Earth.

The tableware looks very beautiful and can be used alternately with the big golden bowl.

Xizel looked at the things that the little boy had picked out. He was silent for a moment and asked, "Ningzi, are you sure you want these? Don't you want to change them?"

The little kid held the things he had chosen lovingly and shook his head vigorously.

No change, no change.

Babe likes this!

Lele didn't choose the gold bowl, he chose a glowing bead: "Lele wants to hang this on the bed."

He is afraid of the dark. If he has this glowing bead at night, he won't be afraid when he sleeps.

"Well, pick a few more."

There were quite a few glowing beads, and Césardo gave him a few.

Coming out of the private vault, the two kids were very satisfied.

"Brother, why don't you choose?"

The little boy was a little puzzled when he saw his brother coming out empty-handed: "There are so many good things in there. Brother can also pick a gift."

Huo Lin was not moved when he heard this.

He said calmly: "No need to pick, I will inherit these in the future."

Little cub: “…”

The little cub opened his mouth slightly.


My brother is Uncle Lulu’s son and can inherit Uncle Lulu’s inheritance in the future!

Just like the elder brother can inherit Uncle Lulu’s treasure house, the baby can also inherit his father’s things.

"elder brother."

The little boy tugged at his brother's hand, and when his brother looked down, he said proudly with his chubby face, "I can inherit Dad's junk factory in the future!"

From now on, Dad won’t have to collect scraps along the way. He can earn more pocket money by selling the scraps he picks up to Dad.

One is the treasury of the emperor of the empire, and the other is a not-so-large scrap factory.

The little guy didn't feel disappointed at all. His chubby face was full of pride and he sincerely thought that his junk factory was awesome.

After staying in the palace for quite a while, Zhan Xi finally brought the two cubs back.

He took the two cubs away, and the other two cubs in the palace also went back on the same day.

Savi was a little unhappy when he went back. He originally wanted to take the stupid Lele back with him, but Lele wanted to go back to the deserted planet to celebrate the New Year.

When Ling Qi returned home from the palace, he had already cleaned the house and prepared hot meals.

"Ningzi, Lele, wash your hands and eat."

"Uncle Lingqi, help Zizi wash this bowl!"

Ningzi held up his small golden bowl with great effort, wanting Uncle Lingqi to wash it for him: "Zizi wants to eat with this!"

Ling Qi looked at the big golden bowl and asked, "Did Uncle Lulu give it to you?"


The little boy said happily: "It's a New Year's gift from Uncle Lulu to me."

"Have you wished Uncle Lulu a happy new year?"

"Bai La!"

The little boy said in a soft voice: "When the New Year comes, I will kowtow to Uncle Lulu again."

According to the customs of ancient Earth, when younger generations pay New Year's greetings to their elders, they are required to kowtow and ask for red envelopes.

The little boy had already kowtowed to the adults when he celebrated the New Year on the deserted planet.

Ling Qi washed his bowl while talking to him.

"Okay, take it and use it."

The baby has just replaced his old golden bowl for eating, and now he enjoys eating rice more now than before.

Ling Qi poked his chubby face and teased, "Ningzi, will the food taste better if you eat from a golden bowl?"

“Good times!”

The little kid, who was eating actively, held up his spoon and said loudly, "You can have another bowl, kid!"

With a big golden bowl, the little guy's appetite has increased.

After eating and drinking, the little guy slept with Lele, while Zhan Xi continued to sleep in the same room with Ling Qi.

There are only two rooms with beds in their house, and there is usually not enough space for guests.

"Zhan Xi."

The lights were off. Ling Qi kicked Zhan Xi and urged him, "Didn't you say you wanted to free up another room? There are too few rooms now. We can't squeeze in."

Zhan Xi laughed when he heard this: "We are so busy, how can we have time to vacate a room?"

"Let's wait until after the Chinese New Year. It's not crowded now anyway."

Ling Qi kicked him again: "How long have we been squeezed together? How can this be called not squeezing?"

Zhan Xi: “…”

Zhan Xi shamelessly patted his side and said, "Come closer to me, it won't be crowded if you come closer."


The two adults stayed up late in the room, and the two kids were also covered with quilts, secretly playing the Star Machine game.

"Finally we don't have to go to class, Lele, we can play games all night long!"

With teachers watching over him in the palace, Ningzai didn’t even dare to play with the Star Machine.

Before going to the winter camp this time, his brother gave him the Star Machine, and his father did not confiscate it after he came back. So now he can just play games with Lele.

There are many varieties of Star Machine games.

The two cubs stayed up until almost dawn, rubbing their eyes and falling asleep.

Before going to bed, the little boy hid the Star Machine under his pillow so that when his father came to wake him up the next day, he wouldn't be able to find him playing games.

It won't be long.

It was completely bright outside, and Zhan Xi came over to wake up the cubs. Seeing that both cubs were sleeping soundly and could not be awakened no matter how he called, Zhan Xi frowned and asked, "Could it be that the pressure of studying is too great?"

He and Ling Qi were going out to buy things today, and they had originally wanted to bring the two cubs with them to see what they wanted to buy.

At this moment, the two cubs were unable to get up, so Zhan Xi gave up on taking them with him.

He bent down, covered the two cubs with the quilt, and then walked out quietly.

Ling Qi put the prepared breakfast in the pot to keep it warm, and the little one would come to find it when he woke up.

The stove is not high, and the kid can just move a chair and stand on it to get the food.

"Ling Qi, the two of us can just go out. The two cubs may be tired from studying recently, so let them sleep a little longer."


Zhan Xi and Ling Qi bought a lot of things. The supplies on the barren planet were scarce and everything was in short supply.

Baiwu Star is the capital of the empire, and it has everything.

Zhan Xi and Ling Qi bought several bags of things. While they were shopping, Ling Qi suddenly asked Zhan Xi, "By the way, when are you going to open those big boxes that the Zerg brought for Lele?"

Zhan Xi's mouth twitched: "I would like to open them, but those boxes are all locked, and Barry forgot to give me the key."

Ling Qi: “…”

Ling Qi was choked and shut his mouth.

Zhan Xi was open-minded: "Barry said that the box contains Lele's living expenses. Anyway, our family doesn't really need his tuition, so we don't need to move the box now."

"When I get a chance to see Barry later, I'll tell him about the box."


Zhan Xi and Ling Qi had so many things to buy that they were delayed for another two days. During these two days, the two cubs couldn't get up in the morning, but they had time in the afternoon and would occasionally go out with their parents to buy them food and toys.

Zhan Xi and Ling Qi each held a cub in their arms, and they also bought gifts for Lele's mother when they visited her.

"Ningzi, Lele, why do you two seem to have dark circles under your eyes?"

Zhan Xi was a little puzzled: "Did you two not sleep well at night?"

After Zhan Xi asked the question, the little guy got nervous and choked on the candy. He couldn't breathe and his chubby face turned red.

Zhan Xi was startled, so he picked him up and used first aid to make him cough out the candy.

The little kid was coughing and crying, which scared Zhan Xi a lot.

After all this trouble, Zhan Xi didn't bother to ask him about the dark circles under his eyes.

"How many times have I told you to be careful when eating candy?"

After Zhan Xi was done worrying about the little kid, he began to teach him a lesson: "Next time you dare to eat candy like this, I will confiscate all your candies."

After being scolded by his father, the little boy became listless and didn't want to talk.

The two adults stayed on White Mist Star for another day before they packed up their things and took the two cubs home.

On their way home, they can take a short detour to visit Planet B1. Planet B1 is not large, but it is said that the environment is good.

The night before going home.

The little boy was afraid that Lele would not be able to sleep well because he was going to see his mother, so he simply pulled Lele to play games all the time.

As long as you don’t sleep, you won’t have a bad sleep!

The two cubs made it until daytime, and sat on the bed, groggily sleepy.

Huo Lin came to send the little guy off and came early on purpose.

When he came, the little one saw him, yawned and lay in his arms: "Brother, I'm sleepy."

Huo Lin frowned and held up his chubby face to look at it carefully.

"What did you do at night? Why are you so sleepy?"

"At night... I miss my brother!"

"I do not believe."

Huo Lin was not easy to fool, so he reached under his pillow and took out the Star Machine.

The little boy has already turned off the game, so he is not worried at all about his brother seeing it.

He leaned in his brother's arms and watched his brother not clicking on the game, but on the settings of the star machine - device usage time.

Little cub: “?”

(End of this chapter)