The Useless Mr. Zhuang

Chapter 22


They didn't go home that night, so they slept in the company all night.

Get up the next day.

Qiu Zheyan was surprised to find that Zhuang Hanxue woke up earlier than him, so he went outside to buy breakfast. A drawer of steamed buns, a drawer of siu mai, two bowls of beef Hu spicy soup.

Zhuang Hanxue smiled at him while eating the steamed buns, and said, "Xiaoqiu, I couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about it. I found a way. Don't agree to the acquisition. I'll get you some investment back. This time It will definitely work.”

Qiu Zheyan asked strangely: "What kind of investment do you want? What other powerful people do you know?"

Now, even if Zhuang Hanxue said that he knew the president of a certain country, he would not directly deny it.

Zhuang Hanxue also pinched a Buddha's seal, put on a Buddha-like posture, and said mysteriously: "Oh, the secret of the heavens must not be revealed for the time being, and you will know when the time comes. I have great powers."

Qiu Zheyan was amused by his cuteness, and said: "Okay, then I will hold on. Anyway, Mr. Chu said that for the sake of your little master's plea, he is willing to wait for a reply. How much are you going to give me?" Investing?"

Zhuang Hanxue beamed and said, "Wait, I'll lend you money back. Is 100 million enough?"

Qiu Zheyan: "???"

This number is too big, and Qiu Zheyan didn't take it seriously at all. If Zhuang Hanxue borrowed tens of millions, he might have believed it directly. Qiu Zheyan laughed: "Hahaha, then I can not only come back to life, but also become bigger and stronger."

Zhuang Hanxue nodded: "That's right!"

Zhuang Hanxue took the time to contact the live broadcast company once, saying that there is no way to keep the live broadcast time in the future, and if it cannot be suspended, then the contract will be terminated.

The live broadcast company seriously warned him that if he violated the contract and forcibly terminated the contract without special circumstances, he would have to pay a liquidated damages of several million.

Without batting an eye, Zhuang Hanxue said proudly: "Well, I know, terminate the contract, and I will pay the liquidated damages."

When he comes home, this little money is nothing but drizzle.

Zhuang Hanxue felt that not only was he worthless, he was also a pure prodigal son, and he was earning money as an anchor. If I had known earlier that I would not do any live broadcasts from the beginning, but also came out online, and even hurt Jiji, the loss outweighed the gain.

Zhuang Hanxue opened his live broadcast room.

I found myself still in a bloodbath.

Someone wrote a small paper in the comment area, saying that he was lying from beginning to end, that he had no boyfriend at all, and that the company had an economic crisis, saying that his "boyfriend" didn't show up a while ago because his "boyfriend" didn't show up. Friend" was just hired and now resigned. They also scolded him for cheating money, scolded him for being ugly, and scolded him for pretending to be gay.

Zhuang Hanxue watched it calmly and started the live broadcast.

Because he has been very inattentive recently, the number of his viewers has dropped to a new low, and there is no prior notice, but there are still a group of fans who never leave to watch his live broadcast, and the number of people is slowly rising.

Zhuang Hanxue sorted out his mood and said:

"This is probably my last live broadcast. Because of some changes in real life and work, I don't have time to do live broadcasts."

"There are already talks about the termination of the contract."

"No, it's not job-hopping. I really don't want to do live broadcasts anymore."

"Ah, it's not cyber violence either. I didn't take what those trolls said."

"Stop swiping gifts for me. The more you swipe, the more money I will lose. Really, don't swiping, please."

"Forget it, you guys love to swipe, I'm not short of this little compensation."

"Ask me what would I do if I wasn't an anchor? What else could I do? Go to work in the company honestly."

"To be honest, I still like being an anchor. I am happy, and you are also happy. During this period of time, if I bring you some happiness, I will be satisfied."

"I like you guys."

"The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. See you in the future."

It's already Tuesday.

Zhuang Hanxue promised his mother to go home before Friday.

He had to tell Xiaoqiu that he was going home before that.

In the past, he dared to tell Xiao Qiu anything, but this matter was delayed again and again, and he dared not tell Qiu Zheyan.

How should I speak

He wasn't even sure what would happen when he went back.

Even if he is the only youngest son who listens to his mother now, it is impossible to get so much money easily. I can only go back to the company and inherit the family business. Moreover, he escaped once for six or seven years, and this time he went back, so he might not be able to escape again.

If you want to inherit the family business, you have to listen to the words of the family members.

His mother said that he would not force him anymore, but he knew that it was just a stopgap measure. Parents have been coaxing their children like this since they were young.

He may not be able to continue to fall in love with Qiu Zheyan.

Mom will definitely force him to marry.

What an annoyance.

But if you don't go home, Xiaoqiu's company will not be saved.

more annoying.

Let's talk about it when the time comes, first save Qiu Zheyan's company, and then see if he can escape.

If not... just take one step at a time.

First cheat the money, then find a way to get out and go back to be with Xiaoqiu.

What if it fails

Zhuang Hanxue thought, anyway, I'm just a worthless guy, not a good lover.

Moreover, I am not Xiaoqiu's unforgettable first love. Zhuang Hanxue thought sourly, now, he is a little bit jealous of Qiu Zheyan's first love, and also jealous of the person who can spend his whole life with Qiu Zheyan in the future.

But he dared to say that at least for now, Xiao Qiu liked him.

Although he has no idea what Xiaoqiu likes about him at all.

His butt is upturned, but it's not the most beautiful butt in the world.

How should he tell Qiu Zheyan

After thinking about it, Zhuang Hanxue felt that if he told the truth, Qiu Zheyan would definitely not let him go home.

If he doesn't go home, he won't be able to borrow money, and if he can't borrow money, Xiaozhuang's company will disappear.

Forget it, let's just say that we are going back to our hometown.

I don't know if Xiaoqiu thinks that he is afraid of being lazy so he ran away home, although he really likes leisure and hates work.

Procrastinate and procrastinate until the last day.

Zhuang Hanxue originally wanted to talk to Qiu Zheyan after returning home, but they were working in the company, and they worked until midnight. He didn't find the opportunity to mention Qiu Zheyan's going back to his hometown at all.

Qiu Zheyan said wearily: "I paved the floor at the company today."

Zhuang Hanxue was stunned: "Aren't you going home?"

Qiu Zheyan rubbed his temples: "I'm so tired. You go back, change your clothes, and bring me some clean clothes. I'm staying at the company all night, so I'll be fine after a while."

Zhuang Hanxue said anxiously, "That won't work."

Qiu Zheyan asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhuang Hanxue stared at him, holding so many words in his chest, his face turned red, but he still couldn't speak.

Qiu Zheyan seemed to have thought of something, smiled knowingly, took his hand, pulled him over, and sat on his lap, "Are you thinking about that? We haven't been intimate for a while."

Zhuang Hanxue blushed, he thought about it, thought about it, thought about it... and said in a muffled voice, "It's been a long time since I made love."

In case he can't come back, won't he have a chance to make out with Xiaoqiu in the future

But Zhuang Hanxue was a little worried: "You have worked so hard recently, can you still do it?"

Men, you can't say no! Speaking of this, Qiu Zheyan regained his energy and said with a smile, "I'll let you experience it for yourself to see if I can still do it."

Zhuang Hanxue did not submit to him shamelessly as before, but frowned, showing a hint of confusion.

He took Qiu Zheyan's hand from his waist and stood up.

Qiu Zheyan asked: "Are you tired and don't want to do it? You can just lie down."

Zhuang Hanxue shook his head, turned Qiu Zheyan's chair to the side, then knelt down in front of him and stretched out his hand.

Qiu Zheyan suddenly realized what Zhuang Hanxue was going to do, his ears turned red all of a sudden, Zhuang Hanxue had never done this to him before, he stretched out his hand, put his palm on Zhuang Hanxue's cheek, and asked softly: " Don't you dislike this?"

Zhuang Hanxue knelt, raised his head, glanced at him, and asked, "Don't you want it?"

Qiu Zheyan swallowed his saliva, after all he was telling the truth: "...I want to."

Zhuang Hanxue nodded, and asked diligently: "Xiaoqiu, I have never done this before, what do you want me to do, you teach me, I will listen to you."

the next day.

Qiu Zheyan woke up, and Zhuang Hanxue was no longer there.

He found a note left by Zhuang Hanxue on the table, which said: [Xiaoqiu, I'm home. Zhuang Han Study Abroad]

Are you going home to take a shower and change clothes

Qiu Zheyan smiled knowingly, it seems that Zhuang Hanxue still needs to show some face, but he thought he had tossed a lot last night, but in the past, Zhuang Hanxue was so tired and tired that he slept until noon the next day, and he still had the energy to go home .

It seems that he is not strong enough.

I've been really busy and exhausted lately.

But until the afternoon, Zhuang Hanxue did not return to the company.

Qiu Zheyan thought, maybe Zhuang Hanxue is sleeping at home, he is a slob, he has been exhausted from work recently, so he has to roll over the desk with him, let him rest.

As soon as Qiu Zheyan recalled that Zhuang Hanxue took the initiative to serve him last night, he felt full of tenderness, and loved Zhuang Hanxue so much.

Now he is more and more confident that Zhuang Hanxue likes him.

They are now in love with each other!

Just thinking about it in this way, the corners of Qiu Zheyan's mouth couldn't help but rise, his heart was as sweet as a honey pot overturned, his whole body seemed to be full of inexhaustible energy in an instant, even if he was told to stay up all day and work Can bear it!

He went back to the small rental house.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Slacker, are you still sleeping?"

No one answered him.

Qiu Zheyan saw that the living room was cleaned and the quilts in the bedroom were neatly folded.

Just without Zhuang Hanxue.

This slob can actually do housework

There seems to be something wrong.

Just went out

Qiu Zheyan wandered around the narrow room in a daze, and belatedly realized that something was wrong.

Zhuang Hanxue's dog, Doudou, is gone, along with the dog bowl.

Qiu Zheyan remembered that at the beginning, when he abducted Zhuang Hanxue, Zhuang Hanxue only brought a small suitcase of luggage and led a dog.

The first thing he did when packing his luggage was to take out the dog bowl and put it on, and said to him: "My Doudou likes this bowl very much, and he won't eat any other bowls."

Qiu Zheyan found that Zhuang Hanxue's suitcase was also missing, Zhuang Hanxue's toothbrush cup and even the small pillow were gone.

... Where did Zhuang Hanxue go