The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 36: Works related (36)


Si found it interesting at first, but when he cut, he did not dare to point the blade of the sickle at himself, but at the outside instead.

It is not easy to use force, and her handful of wheat is cut in a mess.

Wen Mu always pays attention to his identity, and he has to pose in the best posture in the camera when he bends down. He cut a few stubbles of wheat, and when he saw the photographer change his position, he quickly followed the photographer. With a dizzying effort, the sickle in his hand was cut on his left hand, and blood was poured out in an instant.

Wen Mu dropped his sickle and stood up in horror, facing the camera, covering his hands with a pale face.

The cameraman was shocked when he saw the blood on his hand, and hurried to call the accompanying medical staff to help him treat the wound.

As the cameraman left, Wen Mu saw Nie Zhen'er's figure and walked over quickly, "Zhen'er!"

Nie Zhener was too focused on cutting the wheat and didn't hear it, but Luan Qingxiao was very sensitive to the word "zhener" @感, and immediately raised his head to look for the person named Nie Zhener.

Seeing Wen Mu walking in the direction of Nie Zhen'er, he dropped his sickle and ran to stop him: "Wen Mu."

Wen Mu was turned around by her hand. Luan Qingxiao saw the blood on his hand and frowned, "Zhen'er is not a doctor. It's useless for you to find her. I will take you to the accompanying doctor."

Wen Mu saw Xiao Jia following Luan Qingxiao, knowing that he could not refuse Luan Qingxiao’s kindness in front of the camera, so he could only pale and nod his head: "Thank you."

Wen Mu's hand was injured, so naturally he could no longer cut the wheat.

After he bandaged the wound, he went back to Nie's house to rest.

Luan Qingxiao was afraid that Wen Mu would pretend to be pitiful in front of Nie Zhen'er to gain sympathy, and he was relieved when he watched Wen Mu leave, and returned to continue cutting the wheat.

Returning to his own piece of land, Luan Qingxiao saw Nie Zhen'er running over anxiously, "Qingxiao, are you okay?"

After cutting an acre of land, she came to see Luan Qingxiao's progress, but the sickle was thrown on the ground. Luan Qingxiao disappeared, not even her cameraman.

Seeing a few drops of blood on Luan Qingxiao's body, Nie Zhen'er was even more worried: "Are you injured? How come there is blood?" Pulling up Luan Qingxiao's two hands to watch carefully.

"True, I'm fine." Luan Qingxiao withdrew his hand.

She raised both hands on her chest and showed Nie Zhen'er back and forth: "Someone is injured, but that person is not me."

"Who is it?" Nie Zhen'er asked with a sigh of relief.

"Wen Mu, he cut his hand with a sickle, and his body was covered with blood. When I accompanied him to the doctor, he accidentally got a few drops on his body."

"By the way, the director asked me to tell you that Wen Mu couldn't cut the wheat anymore because he injured his hand. He gave me and Muse to cut the land."

Nie Zhen'er looked at Luan Qingxiao's face, a little distracted.

Why is Luan Qingxiao so good to Wen Mu? Wen Mu just hurt her hand, but she put aside the things in her hand and was busy...

"True? What are you thinking?" Luan Qingxiao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her.

Nie Zhener's eyes flashed, and she lowered her head and said, "It's nothing, you're fine, I'll go see Muse."

Qing Xiao still doesn't know what Wen Mu said to her in the kitchen, so he has no complaints about Wen Mu. Should she tell her

No, it doesn't work. She wants to be the kind and tough girl in Luan Qingxiao's eyes, and this must not be revealed from her.

Nie Zhen'er thought about the matter and walked to the land allocated to Muse, and found that Muse was twitching his shoulder, cutting wheat while crying.

She cut the wheat very awkwardly, and the speed was very slow. The cut wheat was long and short, and very irregular. But Muse has been insisting and has not given up.

"Muse." Nie Zhener called her.

Muse raised his head and his red eyes lit up: "Sister Zhener, woohoo, you are finally here, I, I won't cut it, so please teach me again."

Nie Zhen'er couldn't help laughing. She thought Muse would cry and say not to do it.

Nie Zhen'er walked over to explain the essentials to Muse again. After trying several times, Muse finally dared to cut the wheat with the sickle blade at him.

Although the action is still so slow, the cut wheat is neater.

Nie Zhen'er encouraged: "The muse is so powerful, it's not like someone who cuts the wheat for the first time. You will definitely become more and more skilled if you cut it a few times."

Muse finally broke into a smile.

Nie Zhen'er said a few words to her and then went back to harvest the wheat.

Because cutting wheat requires constant bending over, after half a day, Luan Qingxiao's waist was sore that he could hardly straighten up.

Muse was holding his waist and happily taking a picture with the wheat he had cut.

Highlights after three days:

Nie Zhen'er taught them to cut the wheat, and then turned around to cut the wheat. The scene mainly highlights the figure of Nie Zhen'er cutting the wheat neatly.

Muse cut the wheat while crying. After Nie Zhen'er came to ask her for advice, she didn't mention giving up. In the end, it was her small face with a big smile leaning against the wheat she had harvested.

Wen Mu's cutting of the wheat was messy, and he got it on without cutting two hands. Luan Qingxiao kindly took him to the accompanying doctor to bandage the wound.

@宣霏: I feel so sorry for Zhen'er. Seeing her skillful movements when cutting wheat, she must have suffered a lot before, she is only fourteen years old!

@孟军军: enmmmm, only I think Wen Mu intentionally cut his hand to escape work

@夜夜: Qing Xiao is too kind, she doesn't know how Wen Mu "apologized for her" in the kitchen last time. I hope Qing Xiao will see Wen Mu's true face earlier.

@小溪: Oh my god, this little girl named Muse is so cute crying and cutting wheat! (I don’t blame Auntie!)

Howards 10

Wen Mu didn't work with him for a few days because of a hand injury.

He couldn't do it, so he had to sit aside and cheer for the three of them. If the girl was pregnant, and seeing such a handsome and gentle boy beside him, he would not let his heart beat twice.

It's a pity that the girls Wen Mu encountered were not ordinary and unseen girls. The three of them focused on playing wheat, and didn't give Wen Mu any extra gaze and concern, which made Wen Mu very depressed.

After the autumn harvest in Luozhuang Village is over, the children who work on the farm during the holiday will go back to school, and Nie Zhen'er is no exception.

Because the interaction between Nie Zhen'er and Luan Qingxiao gathered a lot of popularity on the Internet, the director was afraid that the three rich second generations would have nothing to film after Nie Zhen'er left, so he found the principal of the Luozhuang town middle school and stuffed all three of them in. Nie Zhener's class. The beautiful name is to let them experience the teaching resources of the town firsthand, so that they will know how to cherish the learning opportunities when they return to the city.

Nie Zhener is in the second year of junior high this year, Luan Qingxiao is the big one and the small is the young. Luan Qingxiao is the first year of high school this year, Muse is the first year of this year, and Wen Mu is the third year of high school this year. The table is for the three of them.

When Muse entered the school, his mouth had not been closed. When he entered the classroom, his eyes were even more round and round.

The three of them sat down at the end in the eyes of a group of simple children. Muse lightly tapped the wooden desk painted with dark gray paint with one finger, and whispered in Luan Qingxiao’s ear: "Sister Qingxiao , How come the desks here look like this? The blackboard is also different from the school, it looks like the wall is painted with a layer of black paint."

Luan Qingxiao said: "Because it is poor." When they were in junior high school, after the blackboard was opened, there was a touch-screen whiteboard behind the whiteboard. The whiteboard was connected to the Internet. Teachers could use the Internet to find audio, video and pictures for teaching at any time.

The wall skin on the wall of the classroom where they were sitting was peeling off, and their feet were on the concrete floor. The "classmates" next to them were unadorned in their clothes and expressions on their faces.

Among the three of Luan Qingxiao, Wen Mu's academic performance is not bad. Luan Qingxiao doesn't like learning, and Muse's innocent mind has no trace of learning.

Now it's class time. After the class teacher arranged them, he walked to the front and started class.

Leaning on his mouth and a piece of chalk, the head teacher finished a lesson in Mandarin with a parental accent.

Luan Qingxiao and Miao Si were stunned throughout the whole process. They had already spent a lot of brainpower in converting the "Mandarin" of the head teacher into Mandarin that they could understand, and it was a bit difficult for them to understand the text.

Wen Mu knew that a few cameras had been installed in the classroom in advance, so the back of the class was straight, his eyes kept on the blackboard, and he listened more carefully than everyone in the class.

Occasionally, he would look in the direction of Luan Qingxiao and Muse, watching their blank expressions, frowning slightly, and disagreement in his eyes.

Little did he know that his manners were extremely speechless.

Wen Mu is already a senior in high school, and the second year courses are of no use to him, and they come to the class to experience the teaching environment, not the actual class, Wen Mu's appearance is indescribable.

However, he was quite complacent. He felt that he had successfully played a good student in front of the camera, which was a bit different from the rich second generation of Luan Qingxiao Muse's eyes wandering around in class!

After the get out of class bell rang, I hugged and introduced to the students in the class: "The new classmates in the back are from a big city. Let us go to class for a few days to experience it. Everyone should get along with each other in peace." gone.

Luan Qingxiao pouted her mouth coldly, and everyone in the class dared not come over and talk to her. Miao Si and Luan Qingxiao were next to each other and were classified by the students.

On the contrary, Wen Mu, with a gentle expression, seemed to be very talkative, and in a short while, half of the class gathered around him.

"Sister Qingxiao, I want to go to the bathroom." Muse suddenly said.

Luan Qingxiao stood up: "Let's go to your Zhener Sister, she knows where the toilet is."

Nie Zhen'er was sitting in the middle of the first row. When Luan Qingxiao and Miao Si walked to her, she was re-copying the class notes, one by one, neatly.

"Hey, Nie Zhen'er." Luan Qingxiao stood on the stage and pressed her head down.

"Oh!" Luan Qingxiao used little strength, Nie Zhen'er's head just touched the notebook lightly, but he still exclaimed in surprise.

Nie Zhen'er raised his head, Xing's eyes were filled with anger and grievance: "What are you doing?"

Muse quickly squeezed Luan Qingxiao who was doing bad things away, and smiled at Nie Zhen'er: "Sister Zhen'er, I want to go to the bathroom, but I don't know where the bathroom is. Can you take me there?"

Nie Zhen'er calmed down, put down the pen, put the notebook away, stood up and said, "There is no toilet in the corridor. The toilet is on the playground. I will take you there."

What Nie Zhener said was "you", not "you". He was angry with Luan Qingxiao in his heart and didn't want to take her with him.

Luan Qingxiao didn't mind Nie Zhen'er's neglect at all, and went out of the classroom to the playground with them behind them.

Coming out of the teaching building, walking to the playground covered with black cinders in front of the building, Nie Zhen'er pointed to the front and said, "That's the toilet."

Muse looked confused, "Sister Zhener, didn't you say that the toilet is in the playground? Where's the playground?"

Nie Zhen'er said: "The black cinder field under your feet is our school's playground. Before the black cinder is spread, the playground is ordinary yellow ground. Every time we run, we are dusty."

Muse was even more confused. "But shouldn't the playground have rubber tracks and grass? Can I still need shoes after running on the black cinder?"

Nie Zhen'er sighed and squeezed her face: "It costs millions to build a rubber track. Our school doesn't have that much money."

"By the way, the toilets in the school are similar to the toilets at home, but they are in rows. Be careful not to fall." Nie Zhen'er warned.

Muse looked at Nie Zhen'er cautiously, as if she said some magical language: "...Falling down?"

"Well, but you just need to be careful."

Nie Zhen'er's affirmation made Muse even more frightened.

"No, Sister Zhen'er, Sister Qing Xiao, will you accompany me in, okay? If I really fall, you can save me."

"We are waiting for you at the door. There are a lot of people in the toilet, so I won't watch you fall in." Luan Qingxiao asked her to see the women's toilet where people came and went after class.

Muse turned his head back into the women's bathroom with a slumped mouth in three steps.

When she came out, covering her nose and mouth, her eyes turned red with grievances: "Sister Zhener, you are so pitiful, not only there is no touch-screen whiteboard, no playground, but even the toilet is like this."

The life muse in Nie Zhen'er's house can be tolerated. In such a shabby school, Muse really feels wronged for Nie Zhen'er.

After all, I only stayed here for a few days, and Nie Zhener is going to study here for three years.

Nie Zhen'er smiled helplessly, "I haven't seen anything you said, so I don't think the environment of my school is bad."

The three returned to the classroom just to ring the bell. The students around Wen Mu reluctantly returned to their seats. They had just asked Wen Mu a lot about big cities. The city is simply wonderful, and I am not afraid that they can be compared here.

This class is a math class. Many people are so excited after listening to Wen Mu's popular science that they can't listen to what the math teacher is talking about.

And the pride in Wen Mu's heart turned into regret when he saw Luan Qingxiao and Nie Zhen'er come back from outside with Muse.

His task is to fall in love with the heroine, but now the heroine's favorability towards him is still zero, and it hasn't improved at all.

Wen Mu didn't know what went wrong, but he would never give up.

You must know that as long as the hostess's affection for him reaches 100%, he can get more than 100 million rewards! The money is touching, not to mention the huge value of 100 million in front of us.

His current identity was originally very advantageous. He was a child of a rich family, with a gentle and handsome face, and a warm temper. It was logically the easiest to attract a girl like Nie Zhen'er who had never seen the world. But for more than half a month in Luozhuang Village, no matter how he showed his favor to Nie Zhen'er in the dark, Nie Zhen'er turned a blind eye to it.

After a day's time passed, many people surrounded Wen Mu every time get out of class was over. It was hard for him to even leave his seat, and it was even impossible for him to find Nie Zhen'er.

For the first time, Wen Mu regretted that his character was too gentle. In front of the camera, he could not destroy his image at all. He could only try to gently answer their questions about the big city.

After school, Wen Mu's face was already smiling stiff. He followed the three girls exhaustedly, his energy drained. He said too much today, and now he doesn't want to say a word any more.

In the next few days, Wen Mu got tired day by day, but he couldn't refuse.

The gentle eldest brother who I played is set, and I have to finish it even when I cry. He didn't know that his image on the Internet had become a scheming boy.

Finally a week has passed, and Saturdays and Sundays are ushered in. There is no need to go to school anymore, Wen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Before they knew it, they had lived in Luozhuang Village for 27 days, and they were leaving here to return to the big city in three days.

For the last three days, the expression on Nie Zhen'er's face has been very calm, no one can see the eagerness in her heart.

The night before leaving, Luan Qingxiao planned to find Nie Zhen'er to say goodbye to her, and tell her of her decision by the way.

She thought about it and let her parents sponsor Nie Zhen'er to go to school when she got home.

Given the degree of love Luan Ze and Ling Ya have for her, they will definitely not refuse.

Besides, Nie Zhen'er is so kind and lovely, and his studies are good, they have no reason to refuse.

Luan Qingxiao looked around for a while but couldn't find Nie Zhen'er. After asking the staff, she knew that Nie Zhen'er and her grandmother had gone outside.

Luan Qingxiao walked out of the door and looked around at Nie Zhen'er's figure. After walking a certain distance, she saw Nie Zhen'er and her grandmother talking solemnly.

Luan Qingxiao heard his name vaguely, afraid of disturbing the two, walked gently to the corner behind the two, and listened to the conversation between the two against the wall.

"That's a baby girl! Can you and her have a son? You listen to your grandma, you can't have a son, your position is not stable."

Nie Zhen'er pursed his lips and looked stubborn.

Nie Zhen’er’s grandma knew that she was stubborn, and the harder you were, the less she would listen, so she had to calm down her tone and continued: "Wen Mu is so good. I think he always finds opportunities to talk to you. It must be because he is interested in you. That's the way you want. Think about it, really, grandma won't hurt you."

"I know." Nie Zhen'er lowered his eyes.

Grandma Nie looked hopeful for persuasion, and hurriedly said, "If you were willing to put your mind on Wen Mu, this would have been done. If you want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, you have to pick that branch safely. Ah, look at Luan Qingxiao's violent temper, even if he flies up, he may be thrown off."

"You've tried your best to approach Luan Qingxiao this month, I think she still doesn't have a good face to you, what do you think you are?"

"Grandma has left beforehand, so think about it again."

After Grandma Nie left, Nie Zhen'er leaned against the wall motionless.

Luan Qingxiao, who heard Nie Zhen'er and Grandma Nie's conversation behind the wall, was stunned.

Luan Qingxiao: 520, did I have auditory hallucinations

【Ding! What the host hears is true~]

Luan Qingxiao: In other words, Zhener is approaching me purposefully in order to fly onto a branch and become a phoenix

[After system analysis, this is the case. 】

【Ding! Release the first mandatory plot in this world! Ask the host to come to the hostess and accuse her. 】

Luan Qingxiao: ... Don't tell me that the hero will come to comfort her after I finish accusing Zhener.

[Host is so smart(/ω\)]

Howards 11

There was an autumn rain yesterday, and the weather suddenly turned cold.

Luan Qingxiao thought that he would be able to go back if he found Nie Zhen'er and said a few words. He only wore a thin coat, and the cold wind pierced the neckline.

After the system 520 issued the mandatory mission, Luan Qingxiao walked around from behind the wall to Nie Zhen'er with a frozen face, "Flying on a branch to become a phoenix? Zhen'er, do you want to be a phoenix?" Qingrun's voice contained a cold breeze. The trembling caused was like an unbearable question under the sad heart.

Nie Zhen'er raised her head in surprise, "Qingxiao? Why are you... here."

Facing Luan Qingxiao's cold (?) face, Nie Zhen'er suddenly became dumb.

A gust of wind blew, Luan Qingxiao's body trembled, and asked: "What do you want to tell me?"

Nie Zhen'er smiled suddenly, breaking the calm on the face: "You have heard everything, what else can I say."

"Did you admit it?" Luan Qingxiao reached out and held her thin shoulder.

Facing Luan Qingxiao's face, Nie Zhen'er felt like something choked in his throat, making no sound at all. In the end, she took a deep look at Luan Qingxiao, turned her head and whispered, "Admit, my sparrow wants to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, and I want to find roots and branches for me to dwell."

"True, you are only fourteen years old, this is wrong..."

Luan Qingxiao: 520, I'm done with accusations.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the first mandatory plot. 】

"... But it's not too late to correct it."

Nie Zhen'er: "???" She was ready to be ridiculed by Luan Qingxiao, but Luan Qingxiao said she could change it? ?

"... How to change?" Nie Zhen'er pursed her lips and decided to listen to Luan Qingxiao's opinion.

"You have to be single-minded. Since you have chosen me to be the branch, you can't find someone else," Luan Qingxiao paused, adding, "Especially Wen Mu, never let your grandma go to him."

Nie Zhen'er only felt that his heart wrapped in the cold wind was warming up quickly, and the corners of his eyebrows and eyes were smiling, and he couldn't help it.

"Okay, I'm only looking for you."

【Ding! The heroine's trust value has risen to 30%! The host is getting better and better(/ω\)~】

With another gust of wind, Luan Qingxiao finally couldn't help but hug Nie Zhen'er, "It's too cold, my face is frozen, let me give it a hug."

Nie Zhener: "..."

It turned out that her face was frozen... She really thought Luan Qingxiao was angry just now.

Nie Zhen'er hugged Luan Qingxiao back, "Be careful of catching a cold, let's go back soon."

"Run back." Luan Qingxiao let go, eyes reflecting the full moon in the sky.

Nie Zhener put her hand into Luan Qingxiaoshu's unfolded palm, and she held it firmly, and smiled: "Well, run back."

Back at Nie's house, Luan Qingxiao went to the bedroom to change clothes, and Nie Zhen'er went to the kitchen to cook her ginger syrup.

Luan Qingxiao changed into a thick coat, but did not see Nie Zhen'er in the kitchen after he came out.

Muse came in with an empty bowl and placed it in the basin to wash.

Luan Qingxiao asked, "Muse, have you seen your true son?"

"Nie Fan called. Sister Zhen'er is in her grandparents' house." Miao Si said.

Luan Qingxiao was about to leave, Muse quickly said: "Sister Qingxiao wait for me, I will go with him."

Muse brushed the bowl clean and put it in the cabinet, dried his hands and said, "Sister Qingxiao, let's go."

Qing Xiao opened the curtain and went out. Muse suddenly pulled her sleeve and whispered, "I heard that Nie Fan is not living well in the city."

Luan Qingxiao looked back at her: "Where did you know?"

"I called home and my aunt told me. If Sister Zhen'er gets sad later, don't say anything bad, Sister Qingxiao."

"I... I see." Luan Qingxiao touched Muse's head. This younger sister didn't have a pair of eyes to discover the truth.

The two knocked on the door and entered the old Nie’s house. Nie Zhen’er was still talking to Nie Fan. Her eyes were red, as if she had cried. Even so, she kept saying to Nie Fan, “I’ll be home tomorrow. , Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

At the request of the program group, Nie Zhener started the broadcast. Nie Fan’s voice was full of unconfidence and hesitation: "Sister, I don’t want to stay here anymore. I have long wanted to go home, but , But I know it won't work, woo woo woo."

"My sister will pick you up at the station tomorrow." Nie Zhen'er's voice was a little hoarse, "Don't think about anything now, get a good night's sleep tonight, and be obedient."

"Sister, you must come to pick me up." Nie Fan sobbed.

"Definitely." Nie Zhen'er hung up tiredly, her eyes a little blank.

She wondered if the person who went to the family in the big city was her sister, would she not be so afraid of hesitation.

It is a pity that there is no if, even if there is, the family will not allow their sisters to decide without authorization.

So she must escape here, escape this poverty, a home full of calculations, not a son without dignity.

Muse was about to go to comfort Nie Zhen'er, Luan Qingxiao had already walked to Nie Zhen'er one step ahead of her, patted the top of her hair lightly, and said, "It will all pass."

Nie Zhen'er looked at her blankly: "Will it really pass?"

"Definitely, trust me."

In front of the cameras of many cameramen, Nie Zhen'er suddenly hugged Luan Qingxiao and buried her face in front of her. Luan Qingxiao felt Nie Zhen'er’s hot tears soak the cloth and wet a piece of skin in front of her. Luan Qingxiao’s heart was sore. The usual arrogant eyebrows softened, and the gentle voice comforted Nie Zhen'er: "I will always be with you, don't be afraid."

The current scene is not only dumbfounded by Muse, but also by all the cameramen in the house.

It was the first time that Luan Qingxiao treated Nie Zhen'er so openly, which made several cameramen very uncomfortable. Muse was really surprised. She always thought that Luan Qingxiao and Nie Zhen'er had a normal relationship. After all, every time Luan Qingxiao talked to Nie Zhen'er, she was stingy. Who would have thought that the relationship between the two of them would be so good!

Luan Qingxiao hugged Nie Zhen'er and coaxed him for half an hour, and Wen Mu was finally late.

He had a bad stomach after eating tonight, and he had been carrying it in the toilet just now.

After coming out of the toilet, I heard about Nie Zhen'er from the staff, and hurried over to comfort her.

Wen Mu opened the door and walked in. The people in the room covered their noses as he approached.

The toilet in the mountain village is different from that in the city. Wen Mu squatted in it for half an hour. Now his body smells so bad, every strand of hair is smelling, but he is used to smelling it in the toilet. smell.

"Brother Wen Mu, did you go to the bathroom just now?" Muse stopped him when Wen Mu was about to comfort the red-eyed Nie Zhen'er.

Wen Mu frowned slightly, "I was a little uncomfortable in my stomach just now."

Muse said, "No wonder you smell so bad." After talking, he exaggeratedly covered his mouth and nose with both hands.

Wen Mu: "!"

Wen Mu Siwen's white face quickly flushed, opened his mouth without saying anything, and turned stiffly, almost fleeing.

Luan Qingxiao: "..."

Nie Zhener: "..."

Cameramen around: "..."

"Muse, what you just said was too hurtful, remember to apologize to Wen Mu later." Luan Qingxiao said. The parents of several people usually communicate with each other. There is no need for Muse to conflict with Wen Mu because of this.

Muse stuck out his tongue and said obediently: "I know Sister Qingxiao, I'll go to Ge Wen Mu to apologize now."

After Muse left, Nie Zhen'er finally couldn't help laughing. Luan Qingxiao felt funny thinking about what happened just now, and the two of them laughed at each other for a long time.

Riches Raiders 12

Before going to bed at night, Luan Qingxiao used Nie Zhener's trust value to draw cards, and only one [Time Accelerator] was drawn three times.

Luan Qingxiao said in his heart: I wish I could stay with Zhen'er for a while, I don't need this [Time Accelerator] at all.

Early the next morning, several people took their packed luggage and prepared to go back to their home.

Wen Mu had been unable to lift up his energy because of what happened last night, his eyes were blue, and he obviously didn't sleep well. Muse greeted him, but he also ignored him.

I still hate Muse yesterday for revealing his short stories in front of the camera.

I got on the tractor out of the village, bumped for more than an hour, then transferred to a bus, and finally reached the high-speed rail station two hours later.

In a few minutes, the high-speed rail that the three parents and Nie Fan took will arrive at the station.

As time approached, Nie Zhen'er felt a little depressed, and her fingers were twisted together, whitening because of too much strength.

Luan Qingxiao separated her hands, held it gently, and accompany her silently.

Three minutes later, the high-speed rail pitted in.

Nie Zhen'er opened her apricot eyes and searched for Nie Fan in the crowd.

"Xiao Fan!" Nie Zhen'er took two steps forward and was hugged by Nie Fan who rushed out.

Nie Fan is twelve years old this year and she is still a little girl. The clothes she wears are all famous brands, which should have been bought for her by her exchange family.

"Sister, I will never go to a big city again. I will go back to Luozhuang Village, where is my home." Nie Fan said aggrievedly.

Nie Zhen'er patted her back and soothed, "Okay, sister won't let you go."

Nie Fan was followed by the parents of three families. Muse ran over with red eyes as soon as he saw his parents. He hadn't seen him for 30 days, so it was impossible to miss home.

Wen Mu's mother saw that Wen Mu was not in good condition, so she hurried over and took his hand and asked carefully.

On the other hand, Wen Qi snorted coldly with hatred for iron and steel. After all, he took the camera into consideration and didn't say anything excessive.

Luan Qingxiao's mother, Ling Ya, is indeed the goddess of the entertainment industry. When she appeared, many people turned their heads to look back. Several cameramen turned the camera to her and brought the serious Luan Ze beside her by the way.

"Dad, Mom." Luan Qingxiao walked in front of the two of them, with less wanton and more steadiness on his face, Ling Ya looked sad and proud.

"Baby, you must have suffered a lot, let mom and dad hug you."

Luan Ze was taken into his arms by Ling Ya, and Luan Qingxiao was evenly embraced. He couldn't help but red her ears, coughed uncomfortably, and said, "The director told your mother that you have performed well this month."

Luan Qingxiao raised her eyebrows and smiled, her delicate eyebrows gleaming: "That is, it doesn't depend on whose daughter I am."

"By the way, Mom and Dad, I have something to tell you."

Luan Qingxiao first glanced at Nie Zhen'er with anxiety, then led Luan Ze and Lingya to a quiet place, and told them what he thought of, "Jin'er is very good at learning, and he is motivated, but Luo The teaching conditions of Zhuangzhen Middle School are too poor. Parents, can you sponsor Zhen Er to go to school in b city?"

Luan Ze now sees how Luan Qingxiao looks pleasing to his eyes, just about to open his mouth to answer, but Ling Ya stops him.

Ling Ya said, "We will wait until your dad and I have met the truth in your mouth."

She has been in the big dyeing tank of the entertainment industry for more than 20 years, and she has never seen any kind of people.

She understands that her daughter is definitely not so easy to make friends with others, but Luan Qingxiao is now trying his best to say good things to them for Nie Zhen'er, this fact is abnormal.

Luan Qingxiao patronized and comforted Nie Zhen'er yesterday and forgot to mention it to her. As soon as Ling Ya said, she remembered, "Mom, I haven't had time to tell her."

"I'm going to see you who didn't come, what if she doesn't want to come to school in b city?"

Luan Qingxiao knew that from Ling Ya's perspective, what she said made sense.

It is impossible for others to be like her, knowing that Nie Zhen'er is her future girlfriend or even wife, so they had to walk next to the two sisters Nie Zhen'er.

Nie Fan's mood has calmed down a lot under Nie Fan's comfort, but she still feels very insecure and has been holding Nie Zhen'er's hand.

Luan Qingxiao came over, Nie Zhen'er glanced at her, Xingyan asked silently.

"My parents want to see you." Luan Qingxiao said.

"But I have something to tell you beforehand."

"Well, tell me." Nie Zhen'er said.

"True, you... Would you like to come to school in b city?"

"Go to city b? Why would you suddenly ask like that?" Nie Zhen'er asked in surprise.

"Your study is very good. It's a pity that you are in Luozhuang Town Middle School. I want my parents to sponsor you to come to city b. Would you like it?"

Nie Fan nervously grabbed Nie Zhen'er's hand and said, "Sister, don't go, the school there is not good at all, they will keep mocking you and teasing you."

Nie Zhen'er's expression changed: "Are they bullying you?"

Nie Fan only said: "Anyway, don't go, it's really bad there."

"Okay, I won't go to school there, Xiaofan, don't worry."

Nie Zhen'er raised her head and smiled at Luan Qingxiao: "I still won't go, say hello to my uncle and aunt."

Nie Zhen'er had just observed Luan Qingxiao’s parents’ faces from a distance, but Ling Ya, who looked gentle, became unhappy after Luan Qingxiao said to her just now. In addition to what Luan Qingxiao said to her just now, Nie Zhen’er immediately understood Ling Ya. She is regarded as a scheming woman who clings to the powerful.

Of course she had a scheming plan. She knew that if she wanted to be with Luan Qingxiao in the future, she would not be seen through by Ling Ya, leaving a bad impression on her, let alone owing the Luan family.

Nie Zhen'er's original plan was to be funded by one of them to go to school in city b, but after a conversation with Luan Qingxiao at the wall last night, Nie Zhen'er suddenly changed his mind.

She has to choose another path, a path that allows her to become a real phoenix in the future. Although the road was difficult, when she and Luan Qingxiao were together, it was the parasol tree that attracted the phoenix instead of her sparrow flying on the branch to become a phoenix.

"True." Luan Qingxiao still wanted to persuade her.

Nie Zhen'er smiled and said, "I haven't had time to tell you something. A brokerage company contacted me a few days ago and wanted to sign a contract with me to train me as a star. I borrowed sister Liu's mobile phone and checked the broker. The company, I also asked the director, which agency is one of the best in the industry, and I can’t make a mistake when I signed a contract with them."

"Are you not going to school?" Luan Qingxiao asked.

"Training while studying, but not in city b, but in city h." When Nie Zhen'er smiled, Xing's eyes were filled with stars, "When I become a big star, you can see me when you turn on the TV."

[The host is big, I think [Time Accelerator] is useful. 】

Luan Qingxiao: ... I don't want to.

"Then you remember my mobile phone number, buy a mobile phone and add me WeChat, no, I will buy you a mobile phone now."

"Qingxiao, don't go, there is no mobile phone store here. When I get to H city, the company will give me a mobile phone. I promise you that you will remember your mobile phone number."

Luan Qingxiao walked to his parents, Luan Ze asked: "Why didn't that little girl named Zhen'er come with you?"

Luan Qingxiao said, "She said she doesn't need funding."

Ling Ya thoughtfully after hearing this, and said, "I'm a girl with a backbone."

The three families and sister Nie Zhen'er had a meal together, they parted ways and went back to their own homes.

In the evening when I got home, Luan Qingxiao received a call from Nie Zhen'er in the evening. During the call, Nie Zhen'er said in a brisk voice: "Qingxiao, the company says I will train for five years. I will make my official debut in five years. You wait. I."

"I'm waiting for you."

Strategy 13

[Shi Bie 30th] After the program was aired, the response was very good. Many people were fans of Luan Qingxiao and Nie Zhen’er’s "Surface One Set Behind One Set", and even the "Luan Zhen cp" of two people was derived. Each has gained a lot