The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 38: Works related (38)


By the way, Nie Zhen'er was actually tripped by Zang Xitong’s foot before he could not hold the bucket steady..."

"Hey, it is indeed Zang Xitong's fault when speaking of this. Of course, cousin also has some faults. It's all because cousin usually spoils her too much and makes her forget who she is."

In the last sentence, Luan Feiyun said that he was wrong, but it meant that Zang Xitong would do this kind of thing after he cultivated his mind. It has nothing to do with him.

"Cousin, since Zang Xitong is your woman, you can handle it yourself, and you don't need to tell me in the end." Luan Qingxiao nodded to Luan Feiyun and turned to leave.

Luan Feiyun hurriedly held her, "Qing Xiao, the cousin's Hongye Fengju project is about to start recently, I don't know..."

"Oh, unfortunately, my cousin said it was too late. I have handed the project of Hongye Fengju to my cousin Ling Yue. Cousin Ling Yue has a good understanding of architecture from university."

Luan Feiyun smiled stiffly: "Haha, it's really good to give it to Ling Yue, haha."

Made (expletive) Luan Qingxiao's multi-billion project was so handed over to that dead girl Ling Yue!

"Cousin don't need to send it." Luan Qingxiao brushed away Luan Feiyun's hand and opened the door to leave.

Although I told Luan Feiyun that I didn't need to tell myself the result of the treatment of Zang Xitong, Nie Zhen'er called as soon as Zang Xitong's role was changed.

"Hello? Really."

Luan Qingxiao held the phone to her ear, leaned back on the back of the chair, and asked softly, "Is there no filming at this time?"

Nie Zhen'er said: "Zang Xitong's female number two has been changed. The director is telling the new actor about the play. We will retake the previous shots of Zang Xitong later."

"Who is Zang Xitong? Why was she replaced?" Luan Qingxiao pretended to be puzzled.

Her flamboyant acting skills made Nie Zhen'er laugh, "Haha, Qing Xiao, don't do that."

Nie Zhen'er did not speak for ten seconds after smiling, and Luan Qingxiao could only hear her breathing.

"Qing Xiao, thank you." Nie Zhen'er said seriously.

Luan Qingxiao smiled and said, "How do you want to thank me? Just forget it if you don't say a word of'thank you'?"

"How do you want me to thank you?" Nie Zhen'er's voice was very soft, and she penetrated Luan Qingxiao's ears through her mobile phone.

"Marry me, be my wife, and spend the rest of my life with me... Zhener, I want you to thank me for the rest of your life, are you willing?"

Boom Boom's heartbeat echoed in her ears, Luan Qingxiao unconsciously sat up straight, her fingers pressed slightly, her sweaty palms pressed against the cold phone case.

"Okay." Nie Zhen'er sounded briskly with a smile.

Luan Qingxiao blinked and immediately stood up excitedly and walked to the window: "You promised? Zhener, did you really promise to marry me?"

"My birthday next week, it will be the legal age of marriage after my birthday, let's go get the certificate." Nie Zhen'er even set the date of getting the certificate.

"What about the wedding? Do you like Chinese style or Western style?" Luan Qingxiao's mouth curled up with joy.

"Qingxiao, I don't think we will hold the wedding for now."

"Why?" Luan Qingxiao had imagined the grand wedding of the two centuries as early as five years ago.

"I want to wait until I stand at the same height as you, and then announce our relationship to everyone. Shall we get married first?"

Although Luan Qingxiao had some regrets, it would be more beneficial to Nie Zhen'er's acting career. She said softly, "Okay."

A week later, Nie Zhener asked the director for a long time off, and lined up with Luan Qingxiao to receive a marriage certificate.

"Can I not live apart after marriage?" Luan Qingxiao asked while holding the marriage certificate of the two in the car.

Nie Zhener said: "I haven't told my agent..."

It seems impossible.

Luan Qingxiao sighed disappointedly.

Nie Zhen'er hugged her and kissed her twice, "After filming this scene, I'll talk to my agent about living alone, OK?"

"You said." Luan Qingxiao clasped Nie Zhen'er's neck with his backhand, and contained Nie Zhen'er's answer in his mouth.


Wen Mu got off the plane, looked at the bustling "owners" around him, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In five years, he finally returned.

As a male protagonist, Wen Mu can keep abreast of Nie Zhen'er's dynamics at any time.

When and where Nie Zhen'er was, and what kind of occupation he was currently engaged in were clearly displayed on his panel.

After he went abroad five years ago, Nie Zhen'er's career changed from a student to a student + trainee.

Last month, Nie Zhen'er became an actor by profession.

Wen Mu knew that his opportunity had arrived.

He just finished his studies and is about to return to China. His grandfather Shuijin is the actual owner of the famous water entertainment in the entertainment industry. When that time comes, he will also arrange himself in the entertainment industry, as long as he and Nie Zhen'er take a few photos together. Nie Zhen'er's heart will be captured in the play as a loving couple in it.

Wen Mu's abacus sounded, and after returning home, he went directly to the water house to find Shui Jin.

"Grandpa, my dad is strong and physically fit. He doesn't need my help for the time being in his company. I am very interested in acting abroad. Can you arrange it for me?" Wen Mu stood behind Shui Jin and kneaded his shoulders. .

Shui Jin squinted his eyes with enjoyment, opened his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and turned his head to give Wen Mu a glance, "Grandpa dare not arrange you into the entertainment circle, you should explain your dad first, and be careful that he scolds you for not doing business."

"Grandpa, don't worry about my dad. What I want to do is my freedom. My dad has only one son. Even if I don't do business in his eyes, even if he doesn't look down on me, Wen's real estate can only be mine in the end. "Wen Mu said nonchalantly.

"Your parents didn't tell you?" Shui Jin looked back in surprise.

"Grandpa, what did my parents tell me?" Wen Mu lowered his head and approached Shui Jin questioningly.

After he went abroad, except for his parents' birthdays and some anniversaries, he barely contacted his family.

Shui Jin patted Wen Mu's hand and sighed: "The year you went abroad, your mother suddenly found out that she was pregnant. The next year she gave birth to a younger brother, named Wen Cheng, inherited from you. What Dad likes, you don’t need your mother to watch your children, and you take them to the company every day."

"Your mother may think that she is still having a second child at such an age, and she is a little embarrassed that she didn't tell you."

Wen Mu's brain went blank for a moment.

"Grandpa, I'll go home first and go... to see my brother." Wen Mu left the Shui family mansion after speaking in a muddled manner.

Wen Mu thought a lot on the road. His younger brother was Wen Cheng, and Wen Qi's thoughts were clear at a glance.

He wants to give up his eldest son and pass on the company to Wen Cheng!

Without the identity of heir, how could he pursue Nie Zhen'er

From the first sight of Nie Zhen'er, he knew that she was an ambitious girl, without a proud family background, it was almost impossible to conquer her.

Back at Wen's house, Wen Mu stood at the door of the house and rang the doorbell.

He just wanted to open the door with his fingerprints, but the fingerprint lock couldn't be opened.

Soon someone came to open the door, a strange middle-aged woman.

When the woman saw Wen Mu, she was taken aback, and patted her head: "You must be Wen Mu, my wife told me, you are home today. Come in, come in!"

Wen Mu entered the villa and found that the living room had changed drastically.

The floor was covered with soft carpets, and every corner of the furniture was carefully covered with sponge. The tea set on the coffee table disappeared and replaced with various dinosaur models.

Wen Mu looked at everything in front of him, took a deep breath and didn't lose his temper.

After the woman greeted her, she introduced herself: "My name is Peng Ran. You can call me Peng's wife. I was originally my husband and wife specially invited to take care of Chengcheng's confinement. Because she took good care of her, she continued after her confinement. Hire me, I have been working at Wen's for four years."

"Thanks to my wife who showed me your picture of Wen Mu before going to the beauty salon. You look the same as you were five years ago. I have lived for most of my life. I have never seen a handsome boy than Wen Mu. You can compare to TV. There are so many celebrities on me."

Peng's praise after sentence made Wen Mu's mood a lot better. When Peng mentioned the star, his relaxed face went dark again.

Because of Wen Cheng's existence, it is impossible for him to be a star. The most important thing now is to tell Wen Qi that he wants to join the company.

"Sister Peng, where is my dad?"

Sister Peng said: "Mr. went to the company early in the morning."

After answering Wen Mu’s question, Peng’s wife exclaimed: “It’s not easy for Mr. not only to go to work for meetings and business trips, but also to take care of Chengcheng. My wife wants to share some of the burden for him and her husband is not allowed. I have never seen this. A man who loves his wife. His wife is really married to the right person."

Wen Mu laughed sarcastically, how could he hurt his wife, he was obviously hurting his little son.

The eldest son was raised by his wife, which is not what he wanted. Of course, he has to raise the younger son by himself.

"My mom went to the beauty salon? When will I be back?" Wen Mu interrupted Peng's wife's praise.

"Ao, my wife usually comes back at five o'clock in the afternoon, just at that time, Mr. and Chengcheng also came back."

"Well, I see, Sister Peng, go ahead." Wen Mu glanced at the spoon in Sister Peng's hand and said.

Sister Peng suddenly said: "By the way, I'm making chicken soup."

Sister Peng hurriedly turned around to go back to the kitchen, and said to Wen Mu before leaving: "Chengcheng loves my chicken soup. The two brothers should have similar tastes. Knowing that you come back, I specially cooked two more bowls. Wen Mu, you can Good fortune."

After talking three steps and making two steps into the kitchen.

Wen Mu: "..." He opened his mouth and closed his mouth to "Cheng Cheng" and "Cheng Cheng". Isn't he just a five-year-old kid who is regarded as a treasure by you!

Wen Mu went upstairs with his luggage to sleep and rest. He came to his door and saw the big tree sticker on the door. Wen Mu suddenly had a bad feeling.

He pursed his lips and pushed open the door, almost suppressing the anger in his heart.

His bedroom was turned into a children's playroom! Do Wen Qi and Shui Yan have their own son in their hearts? ! !

Wen Mu walked to the stairs on the second floor with a cold face and shouted: "Sister Peng! Sister Peng! Sister Peng!"

"Hey, here comes, what is wrong with you Wen Mu?" Peng Sao hurriedly ran to the bottom of the stairs and asked.

"Where is my bedroom?" Wen Mu gritted his teeth, his eyes flushed with anger.

"Your bedroom? I, I haven't been to the second floor, I don't know, Wen Mu, you open the doors one by one and take a look. I remember your wife said that when you changed rooms, the furnishings in your house remained the same."

"Do you know that my original room became a children's playroom?"

Sister Peng said: "I just heard my wife mention that I happened to be back home when I changed the room for you. My chicken soup is almost ready. I will go back to the kitchen first. You can ask her about this when my wife comes back. ."

After Peng's wife left, Wen Mu bitterly thumped down the stair railing, and he grinned in pain.

At the same time, when the last scene of "Starry Sky and Heart" came to an end, Nie Zhen'er pushed the evening party, and under Luan Qingxiao's soft and hard soaking, returned home and finally mentioned the move with his agent.

Nie Zhen’er’s agent, Cheng Tong, is in her thirties. She looks like a very gentle woman, but Nie Zhen’er heard from his company’s artists that Cheng Tong is super good at tearing up. Cheng Tong had a lot of resources for the actress before. Cheng Tong tore them all.

"Sister Tong, my friend's apartment is vacant, can I rent it? The security work in that community is very good, and the paparazzi will definitely not be able to sneak photos in the future."

Cheng Tong: "..."

She raised her eyes silently, and looked at Nie Zhen'er and said, "You just finished filming a TV series and started to care about the future when it became popular? The monthly rent for a well-guarded community is 50,000, and your account only has Twenty thousand."

"I still have the pay for "Starry Sky and Heart". And my friend won't ask me for so much rent. Sister Tong, please agree to me."

"The salary of "Starry Sky and Heart" is only 100,000. After excluding the company share and taxes, there is only more than 30,000. Even if your friend wants a small rent, let’s settle for 25,000 a month, and you will only live for two in the past. Months?"

"I know you want to have your own space, but this matter is not yet realistic for you now."

Cheng Tong's eyes were like x-rays, "Zhen'er, tell Sister Tong, are you in love?"

Nie Zhen'er: "..." I got married directly.

"No, Sister Tong, I'm not in a relationship." Saying this is not a lie.

"You are only nineteen years old, don't be fooled by men who only talk sweetly in the entertainment industry."

"I know, Sister Tong, I won't believe the sweet words of those men." She only believed the sweet words of Luan Qingxiao.

In order to prevent Cheng Tong from continuing to doubt, Nie Zhener could only temporarily give up talking to her about moving.

She went back to the room to send a message to Luan Qingxiao.

Zhen'er: Qing Xiao, I can't persuade sister Tong, what should I do? Shall we slow down our cohabitation

Luan Qingxiao made a video call directly.

Nie Zhen'er clicked the green sign, and Luan Qingxiao's face appeared on the screen in the next second.

"How did you tell her? Now repeat it with me." Everything can be slowed down, and the cohabitation must not be slowed down.

Nie Zhen'er talked to Luan Qingxiao about the conversation between himself and Cheng Tong, "I really don't know how to say it."

Luan Qingxiao pondered for a moment, "Leave this to me, you don't have to mention it to Sister Tong again."

Two days later, Cheng Tong received a call from the boss, saying that the company had arranged a better apartment for Nie Zhen'er and asked Nie Zhen'er to move in as soon as possible.

Cheng Tong: "..."

Strategy 16

Cheng Tong hung up the phone and sat in the living room to screen the script while waiting for Nie Zhen'er to return.

The film that Nie Zhener participated in has just finished, and Cheng Tong has not arranged a job for her temporarily. Give her a week off. Today is the first day of the holiday. Nie Zhen'er said that he would go out shopping while he was still not famous. Cheng Tong had a job and could not go with her.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Luan Qingxiao sent Nie Zhen'er to the apartment downstairs. Nie Zhen'er unlocked the seat belt to get off the car. Luan Qingxiao hugged her and said, "Stay with me for a while."

Nie Zhen'er hugged Luan Qingxiao back and whispered softly: "It will be long in the future. Sister Tong will be suspicious if I go back too late."

"Kiss me before you leave." Luan Qingxiao let go, and looked at Nie Zhen'er deeply.

Nie Zhen'er touched her lips with the tip of her tongue, "hiss!" Luan Qingxiao made the tiny opening on it, "No way, I can't ask for a kiss on my mouth."

"Just touch it lightly." Luan Qingxiao's low hoarse voice seduced/confused Nie Zhen'er.

Nie Zhen'er looked at Luan Qingxiao's eyes, blushing, her eyes drooping, and she put it on Luan Qingxiao's lips: "You said, touch it gently."

Facing Luan Qingxiao’s aggressive gaze, Nie Zhen’er closed her eyes embarrassedly, and slowly approached Luan Qingxiao. Her lips touched a soft spot. Nie Zhen’er moved away as soon as she touched and opened her eyes and said, “The kiss is over, I I really want to go."

Luan Qingxiao touched his cheek, and there was still the touch of Nie Zhen'er's lips: "Although you kissed the wrong place, you are barely qualified."

Nie Zhen'er was able to leave, but she was reluctant to let go, holding Luan Qingxiao's hand for a long time.

"I can't bear you~" Nie Zhen'er put her cheek on Luan Qingxiao's body, and circled her fingers in the palm of her hand.

Luan Qingxiao was itchy by her and touched the top of her hair and said: "If you don't go now, you will regret it tomorrow. Go ahead, for your actor dream."

Nie Zhen'er raised her head and said, "You are right, I really left this time." The first sentence is correct, but she is not for her actor dream, but to be with Luan Qingxiao in an open and honest manner. She is working hard to become a true phoenix.

Nie Zhen'er walked back into the apartment building one step at a time, took the elevator to the door of the house, took out the key to unlock the door, opened the door and changed the room slippers in Xuanhuan.

Nie Zhen'er turned into the living room and found Cheng Tong was sitting on the sofa with arms crossed and wandering, with laptops and tablets nearby.

"Sister Tong." Nie Zhen'er walked over and looked at the lit screen: "Do you have a good script?"

Cheng Tong heard Nie Zhen'er's voice and recovered, released his arm and leaned on the back of the sofa, raised his hand to check the time on the watch, and said, "It is half past nine, I remember you said to be back at nine o'clock. ."

Nie Zhen'er blushed, and his eyes didn't dare to look like Tong lowered his head and said nothing.

She had just been in the car with Luan Qingxiao for half an hour, so she came back late.

"Did you drink?" Cheng Tong suddenly smelled a faint smell of alcohol.

Nie Zhen'er immediately raised her index finger and said, "I just drank a little bit, not drunk."

"Who did you go shopping with today?" Cheng Tong patted the position next to him and asked Nie Zhen'er to sit over and talk.

Nie Zhener sat down next to Cheng Tong, blinking clear apricot eyes and said: "With my friend, I told you two days ago that you want to rent the apartment to me. I have known her for five years and signed a company. I knew it before. She is a woman, not a man."

Cheng Tong: "..." Xingba, knowing that he can't be with a man.

"Well, I won't intervene more with your friendship status. I know you are a well-measured girl."

"By the way, the general manager called me today and said that the company has rented you a new apartment and wants you to move in as soon as possible."

"Sister Tong, how about you?" Nie Zhener asked.

"I still live here." Cheng Tong looked at Nie Zhen'er's mouth and couldn't help but smiled. He also smiled, and said, "Do you want to live by yourself?"

"Yes, it's more comfortable to live by yourself." Nie Zhen'er said: "I can live by myself after I move sister Tong. You must be very happy now."

Cheng Tong nodded and said, "That's right."

"I just read a few scripts, and one of them is okay. I'll send it to you in a while. You can't open your tired eyes anymore. Go and rest. Read the script tomorrow."

Nie Zhen'er went out on a date with Luan Qingxiao early this morning. The two went shopping to watch movies and dinner and went to the amusement park for a whole day. It was because she had good physical strength and was a little tired now.

Nie Zhen'er returned to her room and clicked on WeChat. Luan Qingxiao sent a message five minutes ago saying that she had arrived home.

Nie Zhener immediately dialed the video call, and it took more than ten seconds for Luan Qingxiao to connect.

"Zhen'er." Luan Qingxiao's background is in the bathroom. She is lying in the bathtub and soaking with a layer of fine bubbles on the water.

Nie Zhen'er lay on the bed, turned sideways and took her mobile phone and said: "Sister Tong told me about the move as soon as I came back. She said that the general manager personally called her. Maybe you were looking for us. Mister, right?"

"My cousin and your boss are fairly familiar. They often play together. I asked my cousin to talk about it."

"But I am in danger of being discovered if I move out. If Sister Tong comes over and sees everything in the house is in pairs, we will definitely not be able to hide our affairs." Nie Zhen'er said in distress.

"Don't worry, I'll help you figure it out. The apartment is a two-family apartment. I bought a first floor. You move your things to Room 01. Usually we live in Room 02 together. Don't worry. Before becoming a well-deserved movie queen, I will definitely help you keep it tight."

Nie Zhen'er was relieved now.

Early the next morning, Nie Zhen'er woke up and looked at the time and found that it was half past eight. She sent Luan Qingxiao a good morning and got up to wash.

After breakfast, Nie Zhen'er went to the study to study the script Cheng Tong sent her.

Nie Zhen'er first read the plot once, and then he thought it was good before he began to read it carefully. This script was adapted from the script. Nie Zhen'er came to be interested and went to the website to read it again. The day passed.

Nie Zhener said to Cheng Tong during dinner, "Sister Tong, I think the script is good."

Cheng Tong smiled and said: "I knew you would like it. Which role do you want? The director prefers you to play Fangfei, but I think you can try to challenge the role of Xing'er."

"Sister Tong, you really know me too well, and I want to play Xing'er too." Nie Zhen'er said he must hesitate: "But the director wants me to play another role. Will he disagree if I want to play Xing'er?"

Cheng Tong smiled confidently: "He can disagree now, Sister Tong will persuade him, you just wait for the good news." They are really born to be actors, as long as she wants to act, she can give her a role. She brought it.


Wen Mu's situation on the other side is really bad.

On the day he returned home, he not only found that he had an extra brother that his parents loved, but also found that his bedroom had become his brother's playroom, and he was so angry.

He looked at all the rooms on the second floor and found his own room. His bedroom was moved to the dark side!

Originally, Wen Qi and Shui Yanxin lived in the master bedroom on the second floor. He lived in the second bedroom, but now a partition was added to the master bedroom. A small bed was added to the partition. The second bedroom was changed to Wen Cheng’s playroom. From the second bedroom to the smallest and shady room.

Wen Mu thought a lot while waiting for Wen Qi and Shui Yanxin to come back.

Originally, he wanted to wait for them to come back and have a big fight, and talk to them about his dissatisfaction and sadness, but then he thought, if Wen Qi and Shui Yanxin had only one son, he might have a lot of thoughts in the face of Hysteria. They share compassion and love, but they now have a candidate to replace themselves. If they argue with them, they will be called "not filial", and they will give them an excuse not to inherit the company to themselves, or even not to give him the inheritance, to take everything Leave it to Wen Cheng.

This is something he never wants to see!

So when Wen Qi and Shui Yanxin returned home at five o'clock, they found that Wen Mu was standing outside the door waiting for them with longing face, hugging them, calling them parents with blushing eyes, something moved in their hearts.

"Just come back." Wen Qi rarely looked at Wen Mu without a look of disgust.

"By the way, Mu Mu, there is something my mother hasn't told you..." Shui Yan smiled blankly, picked up the little boy she was holding, and said, "Chengcheng, this is your elder brother, called elder brother. "

"Mu Mu, this is your brother, Chengcheng." When Shui Yanxin looked at Wen Cheng, her eyes were pure affection. Even Wen Qi kept smiling when she looked at Wen Cheng.

"What big brother, I don't know!" Wen Chengsheng's tiger-headed brain is completely different from Wen Mu's exquisiteness. He is more like Wen Qi, and Wen Mu is more like Shui Yanxin.

Shui Yanxin kissed his parents and said softly: "Didn't your mother show you a picture of your elder brother? This is your elder brother."

"I don't want big brother wow wow wow!" Wen Cheng suddenly started to spoil him, Shui Yan couldn't hold him, Wen Qi hurriedly took Wen Cheng over, walked aside to coax him: "Well, Cheng Cheng doesn't know me if I don’t know him, and I don’t want to call him. I don't want to call."

Shui Yanxin smiled awkwardly at Wen Mu: "Don't be angry with your brother, he is still young and ignorant."

Wen Mu lowered his eyes to cover the gloom of his eyes, his lips curled up, and said: "I am the brother, how can I care about Cheng Cheng?"

As long as Wen Qi and Shui Yanxin show some kindness to him and mention him more in front of Wen Cheng, it is impossible for Wen Cheng to resist him so much now.

He is now standing in front of his parents as a failed product.

Shui Yan said with satisfaction: "You are all mothers' good sons. After you get along for a long time, brotherhood will definitely be good."

But Wen Mu thought lightly in his heart: No, how can brotherhood be good? Regardless of whether he likes Wen Cheng or not, children are the most sensitive, as long as he realizes that Wen Qi and Shui Yanxin don’t care about him. , Would not be good with his brother.

At this time, Wen Qi finally coaxed Wen Cheng with "buy toys", and the four of them opened the door and entered the house.

Wen Cheng twisted his body and wanted to get out of Wen Qi's arms. Wen Qi squatted down gently and put Wen Cheng on the ground. Wen Cheng immediately cheered and ran to the coffee table to play with his dinosaur toys.

Sister Peng heard the movement coming out of the kitchen and said with a smile: "Mr. and Mrs. are back. The food is already cooked. I will bring it to the table immediately."

When eating, Shui Yanxin wanted to take care of Wen Cheng. Wen Qi went to see Wen Cheng after taking two bites. Seeing that he had eaten a big bite of rice, she immediately narrowed her eyes with a smile. She was like the president of Wen's Real Estate, she was obviously a stupid dad. .

Wen Mu was so heartbroken that he didn't eat a few bites of the meal.

"Dad, I have nothing to do when I return to China. Why don't you arrange a position for me in the company? My son will definitely do it well." Wen Mu emphasized the word "son".

Wen Qi pondered for a moment and said, "It's okay to arrange a position for you, but you have just graduated now and you have no work experience, so you can only work at the lowest level."

"No problem, I know Dad is to train me, I won't let you down." Wen Mu smiled on his face and gritted his teeth in his heart.

A week later, Wen Mu became a real estate salesman at the direct sales office of Wen's new real estate, Shuyejuting.

Coincidentally, the new residence that Nie Zhener moved to happened to be Shuiye Juting.

Shui Ye Ju Ting is a project jointly developed by Wen's Real Estate and Hongye Group. It focuses on high-end apartments. The apartment is located in the center of the urban area and has convenient transportation.

Luan Qingxiao hasn't been able to contact System 520 recently, and she doesn't know that Wen Mu is working in Shui Ye Ju Ting. If she knows, she must take Nie Zhen'er to move immediately.

Wen Mu was very uncomfortable on the first day at work. No one here knows his identity, because he is a newcomer and he is allowed to do everything.

After a while, he went to copy the documents, and then to give the client water, but he was scrupulous about Wen Qi, and could not turn his face and lose his temper. He could only solve it with the word "forbearance".

After get off work in the evening, Wen Mu checked Nie Zhen'er's activity on the panel as usual. When he saw Nie Zhen'er staying in the Shui Ye Juting day and night, Wen Mu's chaotic brain immediately awoke.

He sat up from the bed "suddenly", what is this called? It's all effortless, inadvertently inserting willows into the willow, and the hero and the heroine are destined to meet.

Wen Mu only felt exhausted and full of energy.

After all, Nie Zhen'er walked 100 million, if he got 100 million...

The muscles on Wen Mu's face twitched with excitement. .

He now has to think about how he and Nie Zhen'er had a romantic encounter in Shui Ye Ju Ting.

Wen Mu walked back and forth in the room with excitement, and the movement was inevitably bigger. Wen Cheng, who was in the master bedroom opposite, was watching cartoons. He was not happy to be disturbed by Wen Mu's "dongdongdong" footsteps, and made trouble with Wen Qi:" Dad, you tell him not to go!"

"Okay, okay, Dad will go and say, you watch cartoons obediently."

Wen Qi walked outside and knocked on Wen Mu's door. Wen Mu opened the door and revealed a smiling face. Now he looks at Wen Qi very pleasingly, "Dad, are you looking for me?"

"..." To Wen Mu's brilliant smile, Wen Qi forgot to say something for a while. It's been a long time since he had seen Wen Mu smile like this.

"Ah, you must be tired all day at work. Go take a bath and rest early."

"Okay, Dad, I'll take a bath right away, and you should rest early, good night." Wen Mu smiled in a good mood.

Wen Mu didn't care about Wen Qi's moment, the tenderness flowing between father and son.

Shui Ye stayed in the courtyard, Luan Qingxiao sat on the sofa with Nie Zhen'er in his arms and watched TV.

On the TV screen, the male protagonist wants to chase the female protagonist, so he designed a series of strategies for chasing his wife.

In the drizzle, the male protagonist took the umbrella and rescued the female protagonist who did not bring the umbrella, and gently escorted the female protagonist back to the door. The hostess thanked the male protagonist for two hundred yuan and said, "Thank you for sending me back. Home, this is your reward."

"Hahaha Qingxiao, look at the male protagonist's dumbfounded expression haha." Nie Zhen'er couldn't help laughing at the plot of the sand sculpture.

"If a man chases me like this, I must try to give him 200 yuan."

Luan Qingxiao lightly flicked her forehead: "No, it's raining tomorrow. I have already put the umbrella in your bag for you. You can only choose to open your umbrella or call me to pick you up. "

Nie Zhen'er fell on Luan Qingxiao and hugged her and said, "I know, I won't care about them. I am a married woman now."

Luan Qingxiao smiled and kissed the tip of her nose: "You know it."

The next day, Luan Qingxiao went to work in the company early in the morning, and Nie Zhen'er was going to the branch office in the afternoon to give acting classes and body classes.

It was still raining when I went out. Nie Zhen'er looked at the drizzle outside, and suddenly thought of the sand sculpture TV series I watched yesterday, thinking that if a handsome guy appeared to hold an umbrella for her now, it would be interesting.

Nie Zhen'er thought as she lowered her head and prepared to take out the umbrella Luan Qingxiao had prepared for her from her bag.

Just when his hand touched the zipper, a little melancholy male voice rang in front of him: "I see you have been standing here for a long time, did you not bring an umbrella? I can send you where you want to go."

Seeing Nie Zhen'er slowly raising his head, Wen Mu showed a very gentle smile.

Raiders 17

Nie Zhen'er was a little surprised when he saw Wen Mu.

She recognized Wen Mu, but she was suspicious of Wen Mu's current state.

Wen Mu didn't know what was going on. Wearing a cheap suit, he smiled gently at her with a strong purpose, as if he wanted something from him.

Nie Zhen'er could be sure that Wen Mu recognized himself, but he didn't directly call his name. Nie Zhener guessed that something happened in the Wen family, and Wen Mu would not recognize her because of inferiority.

Nie Zhen'er smiled lightly at Wen Mu and said, "Thank you, I'm going to the bus stop outside." Wen Mu pretended not to know her, and she didn't need to tear off his self-esteem.

It’s not bad to treat each other as strangers.

Wen Mu held an umbrella to Nie Zhen'er, and the two walked into the continuous rain curtain together.

When he reached the stop sign, Wen Mu closed his umbrella and took out his phone to add Nie Zhener's WeChat.

Nie Zhen'er seemed to know the meaning of his actions, and suddenly flashed through the clear apricot eyes, and took out the mobile phone in the bag.

"I'll sweep you." Nie Zhen'er said with a smile.

Wen Mu didn't expect the progress to go so smoothly. He hurriedly clicked on his QR code and handed the phone screen to Nie Zhen'er, thinking in his heart: Nie Zhen'er has more than 100 million credits! He must make this money!

Nie Zhener said "Huh" and said: "Your QR code doesn't seem to be right, it should be like this." After finishing speaking, he quickly clicked on the screen of Wen Mu's mobile phone, and then took his mobile phone to scan.

Just listen to the sound of "ding!", the QR code is scanned successfully.

Wen Mu took back his mobile phone and waited for Nie Zhen'er's friend to apply. After two seconds, the mobile phone voice broadcast: "WeChat arrival: two hundred yuan!"

Wen Mu: "..." There seems to be something wrong.

"You..." Wen Mu raised his head in astonishment to look at Nie Zhen'er, only to see a bus stop. Nie Zhen'er quickly patted his shoulder and said: "Come on, don't be overthrown by life." After that, he ran up. Got the bus.

The bus started, leaving a bit of exhaust, Wen Mu's face alternated from blue to white, and he kicked the trash can bitterly.

"I tm!" Ashamed!

Nie Zhen'er must have thought that he sent her to the station for money. Although he did it for money, he needed 100 million, not two hundred!

Wen Mu stared at the transfer information on the phone screen, gasping for breath.

How does he look like he is short of two hundred dollars!

The shiny metal table reflected Wen Mu's desperate appearance. Wen Mu accidentally glanced at him and saw his cheap suit...

The first thing Nie Zhener does when he gets on the bus is to take out his mobile phone to send a message to Luan Qingxiao.

True: Qing Xiao! Do you remember the TV series we watched last night

Qingxiao: What TV series

Luan Qingxiao was in a meeting and took the time to reply after receiving WeChat.

True: The male protagonist wants to chase the female protagonist, and gives the female protagonist an umbrella to approach her on a rainy day!

Without Luan Qingxiao's reply this time, Nie Zhen'er's messages continued to be sent over.

Really: Isn't it a light rain today? I just came out and walked to the door to get an umbrella.

Truth: As a result, a man suddenly appeared with an umbrella and said he wanted to give me away.

True: I thought he wanted to chase me...

True: But the way he looked at me was like looking at a lot of money.

True: Do you know who he is? Wen Mu! He is wearing a cheap suit and looks bad. I guess their family may be bankrupt.

Truth: When I thought that he used to be a rich and rich young master, but now he is so poor, I relented for a while and agreed to him to send me to the stop sign.

Luan Qingxiao saw that there was nothing else that he didn't understand. It must be the male protagonist pretending to be impoverished to gain sympathy in order to get close to Nie Zhen'er. She must expose the true face of the hero.

Qingxiao: The Wen family is not bankrupt.

Nie Zhen'er saw the message sent by Luan Qingxiao and was surprised to delete the words he had typed.

Really: Huh? … I thought he sent me for money, and he gave me the WeChat QR code, and I transferred him two hundred dollars… It’s over_(:з」∠)_, won't Wen Mu be angry

In the conference room of Hongye Group, Manager Wu is reporting on the completion of tasks at this stage. Originally, Luan Qingxiao put his mobile phone