The Vicious Supporting Role Only Wants to Debut as Center

Chapter 17


There was a hint of surprise in Xiao Huai's eyes. He didn't expect Ji Zeyu to have such strong decision-making and execution skills, and he was very suitable to be a captain.

After everyone left the practice room, Xiao Huai slowly walked up to Ji Zeyu and said to him: "Captain, what I just said is nonsense. You don't have to accept my opinion, and... those teammates can't understand it."

"Really?" Ji Zeyu glanced at him, his face expressionless, "What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that the song I wrote in the end will not be good." Xiao Huai scratched his gray-blue hair, with a trace of hesitation on his face.

"This result is within the scope of my consideration." Ji Zeyu said without hesitation, "Compared with this, you should first worry about whether you can write the lyrics this afternoon."

After finishing speaking, Ji Zeyu left the practice room without looking back.

Xiao Huai froze on the spot, muttering to himself in disbelief: "I'll go, so cool?"

The time stipulated by Ji Zeyu was very short, and the contestants in Group B were all thinking hard. Everyone was thinking about how to write about food-related topics.

This theme, if written well, can increase the sense of surprise, but if it is poorly written, it will appear rustic, and it is indeed very difficult.

However, Ji Zeyu didn't care whether it was difficult or not. When the time came, he immediately called his teammates to the practice room to check and accept the results.

Picking up the lyrics they wrote and looking at them, Ji Zeyu found that everyone's writing was actually quite good. Even Xiao Huai wrote fresh and refined lyrics.

Each of them chose different foods. Some chose fruits, some chose candies, and some chose cocktails. At first glance, they looked very different, but if you look closely, you can find that each food represents the lyricist. itself.

For example, Bai Shengjie wrote about sandwich toffee, which is highly consistent with himself: fair and cute on the outside, but in fact there are more potentials under the appearance that are easily overlooked.

Based on the words they wrote, Ji Zeyu unified the format and length, and changed some words to ensure rhyme. One word was completed in one afternoon.

"Oh my God, we are too awesome." Bai Shengjie looked at the lyrics and applauded himself, then realized, "Oh no, it's the captain who is too awesome."

Xu Jing, who was originally quite critical of this, did not say anything against it at this moment.

After writing the lyrics, a creative mentor comes to help them compose the music. The creative mentor is named Luo Cheng, a young male artist who is only 26 years old and is known as a creative genius in the music industry.

Luo Cheng was a little surprised after reading the lyrics written by group B. He said, "The lyrics written by your group are pretty good, no worse than the group next door, and they are very novel."

After being praised by the instructor, his teammates were very happy. Xiao Huai glanced at Ji Zeyu and winked at him to express approval, his expression looked handsome and playful.

Next, Luo Cheng taught the players how to write songs. Since Xiao Huai's music theory knowledge was poor, Luo Cheng basically taught him step by step, but at least it went smoothly.

After composing the music, the next step is choreography.

The choreographer really likes this song. The lyrics are interesting and profound, the melody is bright and cheerful, and the chorus has the unique style of a boy band song. It is very brainwashing. After listening to it a few times, you will become addicted.

Therefore, the dance designed by the choreographer for the singing group B is also very cheerful, trying to show the youthful, sunny and beautiful side of the boy band members, in order to echo the theme.

After watching the choreographer's tutorial, Bai Shengjie couldn't help but applaud: "Oh my God, the teacher is so awesome. This dance looks so handsome and sexy!"

Everyone else was also very satisfied with the dance, except Ji Zeyu and Xiao Huai.

They were both thinking about the same thing.

Before Xiao Huai could speak, Ji Zeyu spoke first: "Teacher, can the difficulty of this dance be lowered? I think the difficulty of the practice needs to be considered."

"Ah, why?" The choreographer was very satisfied with the dance, but he suddenly saw the famous Xiao Huai, and immediately understood what Ji Zeyu meant. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Of course it can be simplified, but to be honest, The dance in Group A is not simpler than this, are you sure you want to change it?"

Xu Jing immediately objected: "No, we can't change it. Originally, we were the last ones to appear. If the dance is easier than that of Group A, the audience will definitely not vote for us."

Tang Xiayan also expressed opposition.

Seeing everyone's opposition, Ji Zeyu could only turn his attention to Xiao Huai and asked, "Are you confident?"

Of course Xiao Huai is not confident. In his opinion, this dance is more difficult than the first performance, and he also has to learn a brand new song. For him, it is simply more difficult than climbing to the sky.

"You can't just accommodate Xiao Huai." After the teacher left, Xu Jing frowned and whispered.

"Let's do this first. You start practicing according to the video given by the teacher." Ji Zeyu said to his teammates, "Xiao Huai... you should practice first too."

Xiao Huai took a deep breath and nodded bravely.

In the next few days, the members of Ji Zeyu's group improved rapidly. Except for Xiao Huai, the worst Xu Jing could already memorize the songs and all the dance moves.

And Xiao Huai... not only couldn't remember the tune, but his movements were completely out of sync with everyone else's.

After Ji Zeyu finished practicing his part, he walked up to Xiao Huai and asked, "How far have you practiced?"

Xiao Huai stopped the stiff movements in his hands, sighed, and replied: "The level of broadcasting gymnastics."

Ji Zeyu was speechless for a moment.

In line with the mentality of "never give up, never abandon", Ji Zeyu guided Xiao Huai's movements, but the latter completely missed the point.

"Forget it." Ji Zeyu said helplessly, "Let's practice singing first. Come on, sing this part again..."

Five minutes later, Ji Zeyu felt his head was buzzing, and he deeply understood what powerlessness meant, and also understood why Feng Yan still lost the game despite being ranked fourth.

Xu Jing on the side finished his dance practice and walked directly to the two of them and said to them: "Let's start practicing the formation right away. Time is running out and we still have to break in."

Ji Zeyu glanced at Xiao Huai and said to Xu Jing: "The four of us will practice first. Xiao Huai cannot join yet. It will be too late for Xiao Huai to join in the next few days."

Tang Xiayan shook his head aside. He obviously didn't think Xiao Huai could learn it in a few days.

"I, I will practice as soon as possible..." Xiao Huai stood miserably behind Ji Zeyu, his gray-blue bangs hanging in front of his forehead, with guilt in his eyes, "You guys should practice first."

When Xu Jing heard this, he turned around helplessly and walked away. Before leaving, he whispered:

"There are only four days left before the performance. How can we make it in time? I really don't know why I chose him as my teammate..." The voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear, including Xiao Huai.

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When Xiao Huai heard this, his eyes darkened obviously, and his eyes were filled with frustration.

"Everyone wants to win, and it's normal to complain, but do you have to say it in person?" Ji Zeyu's voice was calm with a hint of coldness, which stunned everyone present.

Xu Jing's back froze. He turned back to look at Ji Zeyu. He was frightened by his momentum and said hesitantly: "I, what did I say? Isn't what I said the truth..."

"I wanted to remind you."

Ji Zeyu walked up to Xu Jing, looked at him and said slowly.

"I am the captain and I will be responsible for my teammates. What you have to do is to complete your part. It is useless to complain to your teammates in person."

Ji Zeyu's tone was calm and firm.

"When you took a break to drink water just now, Xiao Huai has been practicing. Although he is a slow learner, please be patient with him."

"If you don't even believe in your teammates, it will be useless to practice the formation in the end. What will appear will only be a soulless empty shell."

Everyone was stunned.

Xiao Huai looked at Ji Zeyu, his dark brown eyes trembling slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart, because no one had ever spoken for him like Ji Zeyu.

Xiao Huai suddenly felt that the descriptions in the rumors were all nonsense. The young man in front of him did not have any aura of domineering. Instead, he was like a tall and handsome tree, giving him an unprecedented sense of peace of mind.

After Ji Zeyu said these words, Xu Jing did not dare to make irresponsible remarks to Xiao Huai.

During the break, Ji Zeyu took advantage of Xiao Huai to go to the toilet and found Xu Jing. He changed his tough attitude and said softly to Xu Jing: "I don't want to accuse you. It's normal for you to have opinions, but complaining in person will make Xiao Huai's training is worse, and it will affect the cohesion of other teammates. What I said just now is just to let others have some confidence in Xiao Huai. If you have to complain, just complain to me, I am thick-skinned."

Xu Jingcheng nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. I understand. I was impulsive just now."

After the practice, Ji Zeyu was a little tired. He wanted to go back to the dormitory and take a shower, but Xiao Huai stopped him.

"Captain, I have something to ask you."

Ji Zeyu turned his head and saw Xiao Huai smiling at him. He said, "Thank you for speaking for me today."

Ji Zeyu said matter-of-factly: "It's okay. I'm just afraid that you guys won't trust each other, which will be bad for the performance. You have to take the time to practice yourself."

"Well, I'll do my best." Xiao Huai nodded at him, and suddenly thought of something, "Ah, by the way. Can you go to my dormitory?"

"What's wrong?" Ji Zeyu was stunned.

Xiao Huai went to hold his hand directly, winked at him, and said in a playful tone, "You will know if you follow me."

Ji Zeyu followed Xiao Huai to the dormitory door of Class F. Xiao Huai took him into the room. Seeing that there was no one in the dormitory, he locked the door and started rummaging through the boxes in front of him.

Just when Ji Zeyu was confused, Xiao Huai took out a lot of snacks from the cabinet, including biscuits, chocolates and Yakult, which reminded Ji Zeyu of a squirrel hiding pine cones.

"Are you a hamster? Why have you hidden so many snacks?" Ji Zeyu's eyes widened in surprise, "Didn't the program team confiscate all the snacks?"

Xiao Huai made a gesture of silencing him, then suddenly laughed, put the snacks in a bag, and whispered: "These are my favorite flavors, I'll give you half of them." As he said, he put the snacks in a bag and whispered: The snacks were handed to Ji Zeyu.

Ji Zeyu was stunned and didn't know if he should answer it for a moment. To be honest, I can only eat in the canteen of the show crew for such a long time. It would be a lie to say that I am not greedy.

at the same time.

The top three contestants in the show were asked by the sponsor to shoot a snack commercial. When it ended, it was almost dinner time. Seeing that they were tired, the sponsor gave them some snacks of their own.

What Lu Nanyun got were several packs of bear biscuits, which were beautifully packaged and sold well in the market. When he first came to "Stars Shine", Lu Nanyun also saw Ji Zeyu eating biscuits from this brand.

Last time at the swimming pool, Ji Zeyu handed a towel to Qi Aodong in front of Lu Nanyun. This incident made Lu Nanyun angry for a long time.

Later, Lu Nanyun thought about it carefully and felt that what Qi Aodong said did make sense. He had rejected Ji Zeyu so many times before, so it was strange that he could give him something.

Lu Nanyun thought that Ji Zeyu had been avoiding him all this time, probably because he had been rejected too many times and was losing his temper.

Lu Nanyun suddenly felt that he had guessed Ji Zeyu's thoughts, and thought that since Ji Zeyu was losing his temper with him, he would find an opportunity to reluctantly give him something to calm him down.

After the three of them returned to the dormitory, Wei Yichen and Feng Yan were going to have dinner, but Lu Nanyun said, "You go ahead, I'll go back to the dormitory."

The two nodded and went to the cafeteria. Lu Nanyun put a pack of bear biscuits in his pocket and walked towards the dormitory. He planned to give biscuits to Ji Zeyu, so that Ji Zeyu would be surprised and would no longer hide from him in the future.

From the outside to the inside are the dormitories of Class F to Class A.

Lu Nanyun hadn't walked a few steps when he suddenly saw the door of a Class F dormitory opened, and a familiar figure walked out, carrying an oversized plastic bag filled with various snacks.

Xiao Huai then came out of the dormitory and said to Ji Zeyu like a spy: "While there are few people now, hurry up and take it back to the dormitory and hide it. If you are discovered, say that you just finished filming a commercial. This is a gift from the sponsor." of."

"Okay." Ji Zeyu nodded solemnly, then turned back after taking a few steps, "Thank you."

"Thank you, I can't finish the meal anyway." Xiao Huai raised the corners of his lips, his fair cheeks looked more gentle, and there was a little unconscious doting in his eyes.

Lu Nanyun stood at the corner, his figure frozen, and his fingers subconsciously pinched the pack of bear biscuits in his pocket.