The Vicious Supporting Role Only Wants to Debut as Center

Chapter 31


Ji Zeyu swallowed involuntarily and felt the warmth of his palms against the side of his face, and the thin calluses of his palms brought a slightly rough touch.

Lu Nanyun now looked very much like the teacher Ji Zeyu was most afraid of when he was a child.

He didn't dare to turn his head anymore and looked straight at the bullseye. Under Lu Nanyun's guidance, he relaxed his shoulders and shot the arrow with the correct posture, hitting the nine rings without any bias.

At the moment of the hit, Ji Zeyu had an incredible feeling, as if the loser had made rapid progress after being given guidance. The surprise brought by it made him couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"Wow, you are really amazing." Ji Zeyu couldn't help but turn his head to look at the person behind him and praised him sincerely.

However, Ji Zeyu was stunned the next second. The two were so close that his ears almost brushed the tip of Lu Nanyun's nose, and he could even feel the slight heat from his breath.

Lu Nanyun could see Ji Zeyu's long eyelashes and beautiful amber eyes.

Ji Zeyu couldn't help but froze. After a moment, he turned around and distanced himself. He took a step back, looked into Lu Nanyun's eyes, and whispered, "Thank you."

There was a bit of politeness in his tone, but more of a loss.

Lu Nanyun originally had a look of pleasure because of the boy's progress, but the moment he saw him moving away from her, it seemed as if cold water had been thrown on him, and the emotion in his eyes instantly dimmed.

Before Lu Nanyun could say anything, Gu Weicheng walked quickly from the side, laughed a few times, and said to Ji Zeyu: "Xiaoyu, go and practice for a while, and I will have a few words with Brother Nan."

Ji Zeyu nodded, turned around and walked to stand in front of the other targets.

Gu Weicheng mistakenly thought that it was Ji Zeyu who took the initiative to ask Lu Nanyun to teach him. The unhappy expression on Lu Nanyun's face seemed to confirm this, so he said to Lu Nanyun: "Brother Nan, Xiaoyu, I will teach him, you can go aside. "

Lu Nanyun frowned slightly, looked at Gu Weicheng calmly, and asked in a cold voice: "Are you a better teacher than me?"

"I didn't mean that." Gu Weicheng said hurriedly, "Isn't this because I am afraid that there will be unhappiness between you two." Ji Zeyu had found a similar excuse to approach Lu Nanyun before and asked him to teach him how to dance. In the end, the scene became very embarrassing.

"Will it make him unhappy if I teach him?" Lu Nanyun frowned deeper.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Gu Weicheng pushed Lu Nanyun in the other direction, "Go and play with Wan Long, just pretend that Xiao Yu doesn't exist."

Lu Nanyun's face became a bit colder, he pursed his lips tightly and stared at the direction Gu Weicheng left without saying a word for a long time.

Gu Weicheng thought he had done a good thing. He returned to Ji Zeyu and said to him happily: "You should stop looking for Lu Nanyun recently. Look at his expression just now, as if he wants to target me."

Ji Zeyu's eyes widened: "I didn't..." I wasn't looking for him!

"No need to say more, I understand." Gu Weicheng interrupted Ji Zeyu with an expression of "I still love him because of your behavior", "But Brother Nan can't like you, so you should keep your distance from him. He said before that even if he is single all his life, he will never fall in love with you. Don't worry, even if he hates you, I will still be your good buddy."

Ji Zeyu took a deep breath: "Wei Cheng, you seem to have misunderstood something, I..." I didn't want to approach him at all!

"You want to say that you are willing to give and don't care about the outcome, right?" Gu Weicheng's eyes were a little distressed, "Oh, people who fall in love are like this, but falling in love with a straight man will make you cry until you are hoarse late at night. … Oh yes, he is in the bed opposite you now, you can’t even cry loudly.”

"I won't tell you anymore!" Ji Zeyu angrily threw the bow to the side, "I think you are the straight man." After saying that, he strode out of the gymnasium, secretly vowing to do it next time. You need to stay away from Lu Nanyun, otherwise you will be regarded as a backstabber again.

Gu Weicheng looked at Ji Zeyu's angry look and muttered in confusion: "What's wrong? Lu Nanyun is so angry."

In fact, when Lu Nanyun taught Ji Zeyu archery just now, his attitude was still cold, but the guidance was very professional and patient. Ji Zeyu was quite grateful to him.

But in order to prevent others from misunderstanding, Ji Zeyu decided to continue to keep a distance from Lu Nanyun. Even if the two of them were in the same bed, there seemed to be a gap between them.

On this day, Lu Nanyun came to Gu Weicheng, frowned and asked, "What did you say to Ji Zeyu?"

"It's nothing, I just want to persuade him to stay away from you." Gu Weicheng said innocently, "Isn't this what you have always wanted?"

Lu Nanyun said subconsciously: "I am..." He frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but held back.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Nanyun swallowed back the rest of his words and sighed, "What else did you say?"

"Just say that you can't like him and persuade him to give up." Gu Weicheng also sighed, "I think he still likes you, that's why he said these things."

Lu Nanyun's attention was attracted by the second half of Gu Weicheng's sentence, and he suddenly asked: "... Do you also think he still likes me?"

Gu Weicheng looked at him blankly, not understanding why he suddenly asked this question, and subconsciously replied: "Yes, what else?" Otherwise, why would he ask you to teach him archery? Isn't this what you like

Lu Nanyun looked at Gu Weicheng calmly and said coldly: "Let it go. Don't say these things to him in the future." After saying that, he turned and left, his expression much better than before.

Gu Weicheng was even more confused. If Ji Zeyu still likes Lu Nanyun, shouldn't Lu Nanyun be troubled? Why does it seem to be accepted so naturally

I really don't understand these two people.

When Lu Nanyun returned to the dormitory, Qi Aodong happened to come to the dormitory to deliver hot milk to Ji Zeyu. Lu Nanyun's fingers tightened slightly on the doorknob, and then relaxed after a moment.

Ji Zeyu sat cross-legged on the bed. His pajamas were a bit short, revealing his long, white calves. He looked at Qi Aodong with a helpless expression: "You are really on time."

Qi Aodong's eyes stayed on Ji Zeyu's legs for a few seconds, then he gave a low "hmm" and sat on the edge of the bed, handing him the milk in his hand.

In the past few days, Qi Aodong always appeared in dormitory No. 1 on time and stayed for a long time every time. Sometimes, even though he has nothing to talk about, he still refuses to leave. It is often Ji Zeyu who says "it's very late" before letting him leave.

Ji Zeyu took the milk and took a sip, then suddenly put the cup on the bedside table, got out of bed, put on slippers, walked to the cabinet, rummaged for a while, and took out a pack of biscuits.

The biscuits were given by Xiao Huai, and they were all in the shape of numbers.

Ji Zeyu sat back on the edge of the bed with the number cookies. After opening them, he picked out the "2" and "8" shaped cookies and ate them carefully.

"What are you doing?" Qi Aodong looked at him in confusion, "Eating puffed food so late?"

Unlike Xiao Huai, Qi Aodong is very concerned about Ji Zeyu's body management and always tells him what he can and cannot eat in a strict manner.

"I'll just eat a few." Ji Zeyu said while eating cookies, "Isn't there an archery competition tomorrow? My lucky number is 28. I'll eat a few more '2' and '8' cookies. I hope I don't miss the target tomorrow. .”

"I thought you were going to score 28 points." Qi Aodong complained, "I also wanted to ask you when did you become so confident."

"As long as you don't miss the target." Ji Zeyu had very low requirements for himself.

After drinking the milk, Qi Aodong helped Ji Zeyu put away the cups and biscuits and said to him: "I'm leaving. You go to bed early tonight and perform well tomorrow."

Ji Zeyu nodded obediently: "Thank you Aodong."

After Qi Aodong left, Ji Zeyu went to wash up. After washing, he came out and found Xiao Huai sitting on the bed. He raised his eyes and looked at him: "Are the cookies delicious?"

"...I forgot what it smells like." Ji Zeyu thought for a while and replied, "It should be okay."

"The biscuits will bring you good luck." Xiao Huai slightly raised the corners of his lips and said slowly.

Lu Nanyun looked in the direction of Ji Zeyu, his eyes containing some emotions he had never seen before.

The next second, Wei Yichen's voice came:

"I turned off the lights."

The room fell into darkness, and Lu Nanyun's handsome face also fell into darkness, staring at the ceiling. During this time, he was troubled by emotions he had never felt before.

Lu Nanyun's mother and Lu's father fell in love when they were young. At that time, they both had nothing. Lu Nanyun's mother accompanied his father to start a business and watched him grow the business. However, he was abandoned in the end. Lu's father married a rich and powerful man. woman.

Mother Lu was already pregnant for a long time at that time. She chose to leave and raise her child with pride, never looking back at Father Lu again. Growing up, the thing his mother taught him the most was: "You don't need to please anyone."

Lu's mother was a dancer and lived an elegant life all her life. However, she gave up her career for Lu's father and ended up with nothing. These things had a profound impact on Lu Nanyun, and also developed his strong character.

When Lu Nanyun was sixteen years old, after Lu Nanyun's mother passed away, Lu's father took him back to the Lu family. He did not put on a flattering posture and lived independently after he became an adult.

In order to fulfill his mother's dream, Lu Nanyun calmly and firmly entered the entertainment industry, regardless of the fierce opposition from the Lu family. For him, this is his own life, and he does not need to please anyone, even the fans who later like him.

In Lu Nanyun's consciousness, the relationship between people is to get together when they get along, and to break up when they don't get along. For this reason, he was reported by the media as "playing a big role" and having a "bad temper".

The word "please" does not exist in Lu Nanyun's dictionary at all. His philosophy is: as long as you do things perfectly, people will naturally come to please you, so there is no need to waste time doing such things.

Lu Nanyun has always felt that trying to please and show weakness is a sign of weakness.

So when Ji Zeyu approached him, tried to please him, and wanted to unspoken rules for him, he only had contempt and disdain in his heart.

But later, his attention was gradually attracted to this young man, and like a man possessed, his eyes followed him unconsciously.

Even the opponent's arrows missed the target and they found it very pleasing to the eye, and they even took the initiative to lend a helping hand.

But Ji Zeyu never took the initiative to find him again.

At this moment, Lu Nanyun was lying on the bed, thinking of Ji Zeyu's dodging eyes after he taught him archery, and how he had avoided him these past few days, and felt a sense of rejection.

For the first time, the word "please" appeared in Lu Nanyun's mind.

He actually wanted to please Ji Zeyu.

Lu Nanyun seemed to be frightened by this word, frowning slightly, and an unknown emotion flashed in his eyes in the darkness.

Something broke out in Lu Nanyun's heart, making him sleepless for a long time.

There was an archery competition the next day. Everyone in the dormitory got up very early, and Lu Nanyun was the first to get up.

When Ji Zeyu got up, he found that the person on the other side of the bed was gone.

Ji Zeyu got out of bed, put on his slippers, and prepared to grab the water glass on the bedside to get some water - this was his habit, and he drank a glass of water on an empty stomach every morning.

But when he picked up the cup, he was slightly startled by the heavy feeling and found that the cup was already full of water.

Ji Zeyu looked at the cup strangely and muttered, "When did I get the water?"

He didn't think too much. After drinking half a glass of water, he got up and went to wash up. He happened to meet Lu Nanyun coming out of the bathroom.

Lu Nanyun's expression was still the same as usual, a little cold, but it seemed a little different today, and there was something else in his eyes.

Lu Nanyun looked at the young man in front of him calmly and said nothing.

Ji Zeyu quickly avoided him and waited until he walked away before entering the bathroom and closing the door without looking up into Lu Nanyun's eyes.

As usual, Ji Zeyu's attitude towards Lu Nanyun was as cold as ice.

The moment the door closed, Lu Nanyun tightened his fingers hard, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his bangs cast a shadow in front of his eyes, covering the look of loss in his eyes.

The archery competition was arranged in a small gymnasium. After breakfast, the players went to the venue collectively and began to put on archery protective gear.

The director team asked everyone to form teams based on dormitories and draw lots for PK. The winning team would be rewarded with snacks.

Lu Nanyun, Wei Yichen and Xiao Huai all learned archery, so the key to the team's victory or defeat fell on Ji Zeyu.

Ji Zeyu became even more nervous, and the protective gear on his hands was a little crooked due to nervousness.

Wei Yichen noticed this very carefully. He stepped forward, stretched out his hand to adjust the protective gear on Ji Zeyu's hand, and said to him, "You can go on stage later."

Ji Zeyu swallowed and said nervously: "Am I the first? Then I will be even more nervous..."

"If you're the first one, there's no need to be nervous." Wei Yichen looked at him tenderly, and the tear marks at the corners of his eyes looked particularly soft, "No matter how many points you are behind, the three of us will find a way to catch up."

Ji Zeyu was stunned for a moment, and the nervousness in his heart dissipated. He looked at Wei Yichen gratefully and said, "Thank you."

Lu Nanyun looked at the two of them silently from the side, his lips pursed tightly.

Xiao Huai looked at Ji Zeyu calmly: "Xiao Yu, come on."

At the beginning of the game, Ji Zeyu's dormitory was drawn to Gu Weicheng's dormitory. The four people on the other side were average in level, not too good but not bad either.

As a beginner, Ji Zeyu was the first to play, which was undoubtedly stressful, but when he thought of Wei Yichen's words and the three roommates behind him, he felt safe again.

Taking a deep breath and keeping a relaxed mind, Ji Zeyu successfully completed three archery shots, with scores of 6, 7, and 8 respectively, for a total score of 21, which was not good, but exceeded his own expectations.

The person who competed against Ji Zeyu was Feng Yan, who performed well and scored 25 points, 4 points higher than Ji Zeyu.

The second player to play was Xiao Huai, who scored 26 points, 3 points higher than his opponent Gu Weicheng, and the point difference was reduced to 1 point.

When Lu Nanyun came on the court, Ji Zeyu couldn't help but hold his breath. He believed in Lu Nanyun's strength, but was afraid that he would not perform well.

Lu Nanyun glanced at the young man outside the field without leaving any trace, silently took a posture, drew the bow and shot the arrow. The aiming time was as usual, only three seconds.

After three arrows, Lu Nanyun stunned the audience with three 10-pointers, with a dashing attitude and no mistakes. There were a lot of exclamations and applause around him.

The opponent's score was 26 points, and Ji Zeyu was 3 points ahead.

The last person to play was Wei Yichen, and his opponent was also a master of archery.

In the first round, Wei Yichen hit the target, and so did his opponent.

In the second round, the two still scored 10 points one after another.

The game seems to have no suspense.

Wei Yichen drew the third arrow. Just when everyone thought he would score the third 10 points like Lu Nanyun, he suddenly turned to look at Ji Zeyu, raised his lips and asked, "The lucky number is 28, right?"

Ji Zeyu was slightly startled.

Before he could react, the arrow in Wei Yichen's hand had already left the string.


Just hit the 8th ring.

The number on Wei Yichen's score card turned into a bright "28".

Because we were 3 points ahead of our opponent before, even if our opponent gets 10 points this time, it is impossible to win.

Wei Yichen used Ji Zeyu's lucky numbers to bring the game to a victorious end.

Ji Zeyu had an incredible feeling. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the numbers on the scoreboard, and couldn't help but admire: "It's amazing..."

Get as many points as you want, is this the protagonist

Lu Nanyun stood aside, looking at Ji Zeyu's adoring expression, his fingers clenching the bow involuntarily, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

When Lu Nanyun got full marks just now, Ji Zeyu didn't look at him like this.

Xiao Huai on the side also stepped forward, gave Ji Zeyu a hug, and celebrated his victory with him.

From beginning to end, Ji Zeyu never gave Lu Nanyun a look.

After the game, everyone took the bus back to the dormitory. At the door of the TV station, there were many fans squatting. When they saw the young people's cool archery costumes, they all showed surprise in their eyes. The sisters took out their cameras and kept taking photos. shoot.

After getting the snacks, Ji Zeyu handed the snacks to Xiao Huai for safekeeping, and then got off the car with Qi Aodong.

Because Qi Aodong and Ji Zeyu were in the same company and they were inseparable, when Ji Zeyu's station sisters saw Qi Aodong get off the bus, they immediately got into a fighting stance.

Sure enough, as soon as Qi Aodong got out of the car, Ji Zeyu appeared, causing a sensation. The two walked towards the dormitory talking and laughing, saying hello to the fans.

One girl couldn't help but smile like an aunt, and while filming a video of the two of them, she whispered to herself: "The Miracle CPs are in the same frame again."

"Miracle CP" is not as popular as Chen Yu Luoyan and Huai Cai Buyu because Qi Aodong's popularity is limited, but he is a handsome guy with single eyelids and has the aura of a young loyal dog, so there are still many people who eat this pair.

Lu Nanyun also caused quite a stir when he got out of the car.

When passing by fans, Lu Nanyun greeted them politely and kept a proper distance from them. The expression on his face was very indifferent, but it still made a group of girls yell and scream, "Brother Nan is so handsome with a bow and arrow on his back."

At this time, Lu Nanyun suddenly heard the discussion in the crowd. It was very quiet but still penetrated his ears.

"Today, Miracle is in the same frame. I'm so disappointed."

"I really want to see Huai Cai Bu Yu, please save the child."

"I'm just waiting for Chen Yu Luoyan's materials. It hasn't rained in the dry farmland for three years..."

Almost all CPs related to Ji Zeyu have been mentioned, which shows how popular these CPs are.

Lu Nanyun looked at the backs of Ji Zeyu and Qi Aodong, complex emotions welling up in his heart, and the noisy sounds in his ears became blurry at this moment.

He was suddenly confused.

A question that Lu Nanyun had been deliberately ignoring now popped up in his mind.

The question is - why does he care so much about these little things, and even feels jealous and annoyed in his heart

Lu Nanyun once convinced himself that it was just because Ji Zeyu was not so annoying anymore, so he wanted to be friends with him.

But now this reason obviously cannot convince him.

Lu Nanyun thought of countless details in his mind, and his fingers couldn't help but tighten.

This feeling was the same as when he saw Ji Zeyu's performance at the first round of performances, or earlier, when he saw Ji Zeyu practicing at the door of the dance studio.

Lu Nanyun frowned slightly, his eyes a little unbelievable, the speculation in his mind was absurd but true.

He seemed to have different feelings for Ji Zeyu.

At the same time, the second question grew unscrupulously in his heart, making his eyes look a little dazed—

But...does Ji Zeyu really still like him