The Vicious Supporting Role Only Wants to Debut as Center

Chapter 44


After one hour.

The program team's bus took the contestants from the hotel to the music festival.

The venue of the music festival is very large, comparable to a concert. There are many people at the venue, many of whom have bought tickets to watch the contestants who are shining brightly.

Although the organizers of the music festival only announced the special guests, the top 11 of "Stars Shine" the night before, enthusiastic fans still bought tickets and air tickets overnight to come to the venue.

The entire venue was almost flooded with banners and lights.

Ji Zeyu's personal cheering color is a gradient wave color, from white to light blue and then to dark blue, forming a small ocean at the scene, which is not only beautiful but also very spectacular.

The moment he saw the small sea of lights, Ji Zeyu's originally depressed mood became extremely good. He lay on the glass window of the bus and looked at the gradient of colors with surprise on his face, and his heart was filled with joy.

"Wow, Xiao Ji, your light sign is really beautiful..." Bai Shengjie sat behind Ji Zeyu, blinking his big eyes and exclaimed with envy, "When will I have such great support? Like the waves. , looks great."

"That's because Xiao Ji has many fans," Feng Yan poured cold water on him. "If there aren't enough fans, it won't be waves but a stream."

He is right. This kind of gradient light sign needs to be stacked in quantity. If there is only a small part, its charm will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Ji Zeyu's number of fans will not be lost to anyone on the show.

When the fans saw the bus arriving at the scene, they immediately began to shake the light signs in their hands excitedly. The waves turned into swaying waves, and Ji Zeyu couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and wave to them through the glass.

Seeing Ji Zeyu waving, fans screamed one after another.

"Oh my god, Yubao is waving at me!"

"Ah, Zai Zai, look at mom!"

"Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu! So handsome! So handsome!"

After getting off the car, Ji Zeyu felt the enthusiastic cheers from close range. He had never experienced this kind of support in his previous life, and he felt as if he was walking on clouds, almost floating.

No, as an idol, you must be steady.

Ji Zeyu thought like this, suppressed his smile a little, curled his lips slightly, and greeted the fans politely, wanting to imitate Lu Nanyun and become a cool idol.

"Baby, look at the camera, look at the camera, don't pretend to be cool!" a fan in the crowd shouted loudly, with overwhelming energy.

Ji Zeyu was startled and subconsciously looked at the speaker. His dazed and cute look aroused the motherly love of countless girls present.

Ji Zeyu felt that the girl taking the photo looked familiar. He seemed to often see her at the door of the TV station, so he smiled at her. His fair and handsome face looked unreal in the early morning sun.

"Ah—" Jiang Li blushed and cried out with her heart beating, "He smiled at me, he smiled at me—"

Fans' hearts beat faster and they cheered loudly for their idol, but this caused dissatisfaction from some passers-by.

Most of these passers-by just came to watch the music festival and did not know these contestants very well. They were not satisfied with the fuss made by the fans and started to complain one after another.

"Aren't they just a bunch of pretty boys? Why did the organizer invite such people?"

"Look at the prettiest one, it's obviously a vase."

"I bet you fifty cents that that pretty boy named Ji Zeyu can't sing."

"Bet!" Jiang Li saw that Ji Zeyu had entered the venue, put down the camera in his hand, and glared at the passersby, "If you lose the bet, remember to give me fifty cents."

A passerby glanced at her unconvincingly: "You are wearing a fan filter, right? That guy, can he sing?" He pointed in the direction of Ji Zeyu and raised his chin.

Jiang Li didn't bother to argue with him, rolled her eyes, lowered her head and looked at the photo she just took before entering the venue.

After the contestants put on makeup backstage, they will appear as opening guests. Eleven teenagers stand on the elevating stage with high spirits. Ji Zeyu stands in the center, next to Lu Nanyun and Wei Yichen.

The countdown started: "Three, two, one..."

The host's voice sounded in the venue: "Let's invite the opening guests, the top eleven contestants from "Stars Shine"!"

The scene immediately burst into warm applause and cheers.

The lifting stage slowly rose, and eleven teenagers wearing blue and white uniforms appeared in everyone's sight. Each one was tall and handsome, making the audience feel girly.

At the same time, the theme song of the show sounded, and the cheerful and melodious melody attracted everyone's attention. The contestants' dancing together also brought a very comfortable visual enjoyment.

The teenagers on the stage performed the theme song enthusiastically and immediately ignited the atmosphere of the music festival. Passers-by who were originally not optimistic about them could not help but be brought into the warm atmosphere.

After the theme song is the performance of "Journey", which in addition to dancing, there is also a lot of singing. Passersby originally thought that this group of idols would perform like a car accident scene, but they did not expect that their singing skills were surprisingly stable.

In the last part of "Journey", Ji Zeyu had a solo performance, and he was left to sing the closing song alone.

The other ten teenagers dispersed, and Ji Zeyu stood alone in the middle, holding a microphone and looking at the camera. His beautiful amber eyes looked seductive on the big screen, and his voice was as clean as a handful of clear springs. I don't know. Unconsciously bringing the audience into his world.

At the same time, the lifting stage slowly rose, and Ji Zeyu reached the highest point with his singing.

After the song ended, the audience woke up from a dream. After being stunned for a few seconds, they took the initiative to applaud, showing even more enthusiasm than the fans.

The passerby who originally bet that Ji Zeyu couldn't sing showed a dull expression after listening to Ji Zeyu's singing, and his mouth was open enough to hold an egg.

Other passers-by also started talking excitedly.

"I thought they were just vases, but I didn't expect them all to be so strong."

"Who is that boy in the C position? He is so handsome and has a nice voice!"

"Ji Zeyu, don't you know him? He is very popular recently..."

Many passers-by were reminded of the name "Ji Zeyu" at the scene. They took out their mobile phones, opened Weibo, and followed this new generation idol.

During the rehearsal last night, because Wei Yichen had an accident, Ji Zeyu was not able to experience the lifting stage.

At this moment, Ji Zeyu stood at the highest point, feeling an unreal dream.

So is this what it feels like to stand at the top

Ji Zeyu felt the breeze blowing on his face, the gazes of countless viewers, and the unique feeling of looking down. This position, which he had never dared to imagine before, brought him unparalleled pleasure.

Ji Zeyu's heart became extremely clear at this moment - he didn't want to let the plot get back on track, and he didn't want to be the cannon fodder that failed.

He wants to always be at the top.

After the performance, Ji Zeyu took the initiative to walk up to Wei Yichen and asked, "Is your foot okay?" He was referring to Wei Yichen's left foot.

"It's nothing serious." Wei Yichen raised the corners of his lips, "I'll just check it again later. Thank you for your concern." He pointed to his right foot.

Ji Zeyu nodded: "Thank you for your hard work." He decided to regard this greeting as his last concern for Wei Yichen, and would not take the initiative to ask anything about him in the future.

Not far away, Lu Nanyun strode over here, as if he wanted to talk to Ji Zeyu.

Ji Zeyu noticed Lu Nanyun's gaze, but did not look at him. Instead, he walked towards Qi Aodong on the other side without leaving a trace, and left the stage with him, without giving Lu Nanyun a chance to speak.

Lu Nanyun was slightly startled and froze on the spot, with confusion in his eyes. He didn't react until the staff called him.

On the bus back, Lu Nanyun deliberately left a seat beside him.

When Ji Zeyu got on the bus, he immediately saw the empty seat next to Lu Nanyun, but he did not take the initiative to sit there like last time. Instead, he walked past Lu Nanyun as if nothing had happened and reached out to greet Qi Aodong: "Aodong, sit here." Behaving very naturally.

Lu Nanyun's back looked calm and did not react in any way to Ji Zeyu's actions.

After returning to the TV station, Ji Zeyu didn't want the plot to get back on track, so he had to pick up the lost rule again - stay away from the protagonist.

He wasn't sure if it would work, but it was the only thing he could do at the moment.

But this time, Ji Zeyu didn't show it clearly. At least that's what he thinks.

As far as Ji Zeyu is concerned, Lu Nanyun did nothing wrong. They got along well some time ago. Whether they were playing games or going out to buy oden over the wall, at least they could be considered good friends.

Therefore, Ji Zeyu didn't want to hurt Lu Nanyun or make him feel that he was suddenly alienated from his friends. After all, this was still a very hurtful thing.

After Ji Zeyu thought deeply, he began to carefully maintain the balance between politeness and distance, so that he would not get too close to Lu Nanyun and would not be noticed.

For example, when eating in the cafeteria, Ji Zeyu would not deliberately stay away from Lu Nanyun, and would sometimes sit near Lu Nanyun, but he would never sit opposite or next to Lu Nanyun.

For example, when the two of them are alone in the dormitory, Ji Zeyu will not deliberately remain silent. Sometimes he will say a few words, but what he says will definitely be related to the program and will never involve individuals.

For example, when two people meet in the corridor, Ji Zeyu will not deliberately avoid him, but will take the initiative to say hello, but it is limited to a simple greeting and will never say anything else.

Ji Zeyu felt that he had made progress. Compared with the previous attitude of avoiding others, he believed that now he could avoid hurting Lu Nanyun to the greatest extent.

Regarding Ji Zeyu's changes, Lu Nanyun didn't say anything. He looked as usual, calm and a little indifferent.

Apart from spending a lot longer time in the gym at night, Lu Nanyun has not changed at all. Therefore, Ji Zeyu was relieved.

Except for Lu Nanyun, Ji Zeyu also kept a polite distance from Wei Yichen. As a result, Xiao Huai became the biggest beneficiary, and the time the two of them spent playing together in the dormitory became significantly longer.

Before turning off the lights that night, Ji Zeyu sat on Xiao Huai's bed and played games. After he was tired from playing, he rubbed his eyes and prepared to take a shower, but he bumped into Lu Nanyun at the door who had just finished taking a shower.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Lu Nanyun paused for a moment. He wore a loose vest and shorts, and the muscle lines on his body looked better than before.

Ji Zeyu thought to himself that if he stayed in the gym for a long time, his figure would get better.

Normally, Lu Nanyun would have said expressionlessly, "Have you seen enough?", but this time he didn't say anything and actively bypassed Ji Zeyu.

Ji Zeyu didn't notice Lu Nanyun's slightly dim eyes as he passed by.

After entering the door, Ji Zeyu opened the shower head and tested the temperature with his hand. He was shocked by the cold water temperature.

Although it was early summer, the air conditioner was on in the house, so almost no one would take a shower with cold water at night.

Ji Zeyu looked at the door with some confusion. Lu Nanyun was already gone. He could only mutter in his heart, this guy must be in great physical condition.