The Vicious Villain Suffers in the Heart

Chapter 17


The happy time always passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye the weekend comes, and the sports meeting begins.

At the end of September, the holiday is approaching, and the National Day atmosphere is strong. In addition to the sports meeting, the national flag and colorful flags are flying in the wind on the playground, which is very festive and lively.

After the long and boring opening ceremony, the competition officially began. All classes were disbanded, and the students went to watch the projects they were interested in, or to support the one in their hearts.

Jiang Juan noticed that the white light was slightly away from the crowd, and he was fiddle with a camera with his head down. He walked over and said, "Did you bring the camera?"

Bai Guang is usually timid, especially when facing Jiang Juan and Xu Rang, he can't wait to run away immediately. But these few days of joint training made him less afraid of Jiang Juan. He hummed and shared his thoughts with Jiang Juan.

Bai Guang said: "I just want to take some photos as souvenirs. After we graduate, we will make a souvenir book and each student in the class will give a copy."

Jiang Juan took the camera in Bai Guang's hand, looked down, and said with a smile, "It's a good idea, very meaningful."

Bai Guang was encouraged and grinned, looking very happy. He saw Jiang Juan fiddling with the camera and was very interested, so he explained to him how to use it.

Jiang Juan listened carefully and looked at the outside world through the lens. He changed the angle and saw Xie Jingxian standing in the crowd.

Jiang Juan put down the camera and called Xie Jingxian. Hearing the sound, Xie Jingxian raised his eyes and looked over.

In this sports meeting, Class 4 (Senior Grade 2) put a lot of thought into it, and Jiang Juan didn't know that there was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the class.

The students from Class 4 (Senior Grade 2) who participated in the competition wore uniform clothes, red T-shirts and black sweatpants, and their q-version miniatures were painted on the T-shirts near the chest, which was very cute.

It was designed by a girl in the class, and it was deeply loved by the students.

At this moment, Jiang Juan pointed the camera at Xie Jingxian, and saw Xie Jingxian standing quietly in the noisy background. The red T-shirt made his complexion especially white, and he was handsome, Wherever you go, it is a beautiful scenery.

Besides Jiang Juan, there were many girls around who pointed their cameras at Xie Jingxian, but they were all secretly taking pictures, and they took them carefully, unlike Jiang Juan who used the camera to shoot Xie Jingxian indiscriminately.

After filming, Jiang Juan looked down and nodded in satisfaction. When Jiang Juan looked down at the camera, Xie Jingxian walked towards him.

Jiang Juan seemed to have eyes on the top of his head. When Xie Jingxian was about to walk up to him, he handed the camera to Bai Guang and said, "Take a photo with Xie Jingxian for me."

Bai Guang said oh, and saw Jiang Juan approaching Xie Jingxian in two or three steps, and said something in a low voice. Xie Jingxian paused, glanced in the direction of Bai Guang, and then nodded at Jiang Juan.

The two look at the camera together.

Bai Guang held up the camera to freeze the moment.

In the photo, two teenagers wearing the same clothes stand together. They are equally youthful and handsome, but one is as cold as ice and the other is as warm as the sun.

Bai Guang took two more photos. Seeing that Xie Jingxian was still expressionless, he couldn't help saying, "Xie Jingxian, please smile."

Bai Guang loves photography, and if he wanted to present his works better, he became more courageous. Normally, he would never dare to ask Xie Jingxian to do anything.

Jiang Juan noticed this keenly, but he didn't point it out. He liked to see Bai Guang's self-confidence and unflinching appearance. He turned his head to look at Xie Jingxian, and said with a smile: "You are taking pictures, don't put on a straight face, if you don't know, you think I have a grudge against you."

After Jiang Juan finished speaking, he hooked Xie Jingxian's neck, forcing him to watch the camera with him: "Come on, tell me, eggplant—"

Jiang Juan smiled brightly, Bai Guang quickly pressed the shutter, but although Xie Jingxian was dragged by Jiang Juan and bent slightly, there was still no smile on his face.

Jiang Juan obviously noticed it too, and said, "Xie Jingxian, please cooperate."

Xie Jingxian looked into Jiang Juan's eyes, and lightly pursed his lower lip. He was already very cooperative. Jiang Juan rolled his eyes, leaned forward and said, "If you can't laugh, I'll tickle you."

After getting along during this time, Jiang Juan has already regarded Xie Jingxian as a friend.

Jiang Juan took a photo with his friends when he was a student. Which one is not hooked up, smiling happily, and this is the first time he has met such a difficult person like Xie Jingxian.

After Jiang Juan finished speaking, he stretched out his arms to reach out to Xie Jingxian, as if he was really ready to put his words into action. Xie Jingxian grasped Jiang Juan's protruding wrist, preventing him from making any further movements.

Jiang Juan raised his eyes, and his eyes just happened to collide with Xie Jingxian.

Bai Guang on the side thought that the snap shot might be more flexible and vivid, so he took several shots in a row, only to realize something was wrong when he looked down.

In the photo, Jiang Juan didn't let go of the hand that hooked Xie Jingxian's neck, and his other hand was held by Xie Jingxian. The two are very close to each other at this moment, they look at each other, and there is no one else in their eyes.

After the second year of high school, Bai Guang discovered that Jiang Juan had changed a lot. He became very fond of laughing, not a disdainful kind, but a sunny and gentle one. Especially at this moment, Jiang Juan looked at Xie Jingxian with a lingering smile in his eyes, and his lips were naturally raised. It can be seen that he is really in a good mood.

Looking at Xie Jingxian again, he seemed to be worried that Jiang Juan would throw them both down, with one hand on Jiang Juan's waist and the other holding Jiang Juan's wrist. Facing Jiang Juan's presumptuousness, he did not show any impatience, and even showed a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

When Xie Jingxian faced others, his expression was always calm, but when he faced Jiang Juan, his expression would be more vivid, which may not even be noticed by himself.

Bai Guang's first thought was that this photo should not be posted on the school forum, or the group of girls in the forum would go crazy.

Thinking of the content in the forum, and then looking at the photos, Bai Guang couldn't help but blush.

I always feel... so ambiguous.

But their expressions were very calm.

Jiang Juan knew Xie Jingxian's temperament, and it was not easy for Xie Jingxian to cooperate with him in standing in front of the camera, but if he asked for it again, it would be a little bit too much. He accepted it as soon as it was good, and didn't continue to make trouble.

Turning his head, he saw Bai Guang standing there in a daze, Jiang Juan said, "What's wrong? Bai Guang, why didn't you move? Take a few more photos and pick a few good ones to keep."

Seeing that Bai Guang's cheeks were flushed again, he said with concern: "Why is your face so red, is it uncomfortable?"

Bai Guang quickly shook his head: "No, it's just... a little hot."

At this time, Xu Rang, who had gone to support his good brother Ye Pei, came back.

As soon as Xu Rang came back, he saw Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian standing together shoulder to shoulder, and opposite them stood the white light of the camera. Xu Rang immediately squeezed forward, hooked Jiang Juan's neck, and shouted like a child, "I want to shoot too."

Xu Rang had great strength, and Jiang Juan was caught off guard. He staggered and had to let go of Xie Jingxian's neck.

At the end of September, the weather is still a bit hot, especially the boys love to sweat, and it gets even hotter together.

Although it was only a short time, Xie Jingxian and Jiang Juan's bodies were already covered with a thin layer of sweat. Now that Jiang Juan let go of his hand, it should have been cool, but Xie Jingxian felt the sweat on the back of his neck being blown by the wind, making it cool.

He couldn't help but look to the side, and Jiang Juan said to Xu Rang with a disgusted expression, "Sweaty, stay away from me."

Xu Rang chuckled: "This is called the masculinity of a man." He pulled Jiang Juan and made a two-two at the camera.

Jiang Juan said, "You're not earthy, you're better than two." He said so, and followed Xu Rang to compare himself to two.

Seeing Bai Guang press the shutter, Jiang Juan put his hand down, and when he turned his head, Xie Jingxian was looking at him, and he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Xie Jingxian said in a low voice, then turned his eyes to look elsewhere.

Bai Guang noticed that a few students were standing by and watching, their eyes were full of anticipation, but they also seemed a little apprehensive and did not dare to come over.

Seeing that Jiang Juan was talking and laughing with Xu Rang, and Xie Jingxian didn't let go of the air-conditioning that strangers should not enter, he boldly invited them to take a photo together.

Those people looked at Jiang Juan and Xu Rang with hesitation on their faces.

It was the first time for Xu Rang to participate in a sports meeting after joining Jincheng. In the previous sports meetings, he would skip class with Jiang Juan and go to an Internet cafe to play games. Today, he found it very interesting to participate, and even his mood improved. Seeing those students shy, he simply stepped forward to pull them over and assigned them a seat.

The few students who were pulled over were a little shy when facing the camera, but their eyes were very bright, obviously looking forward to it.

Squad leader Wang Tuo's fun exercise was at the end. He accompanied Dong Gao to prepare water and glucose. As soon as he turned around, he saw some students from Class 4 crowded together. Jiang Juan, Xu Rang, and Xie Jingxian were all there, and the atmosphere was rare and happy.

This is what Wang Tuo has worked hard for at the beginning of the school year. Now seeing that what he was looking forward to has come true, he couldn't help but roll his eyes with a smile. He yelled in the group and called everyone to take pictures.

Dong Gao, as a sports committee member, did his best. After moving his things, he turned his head and saw the students in his class huddled together, and he didn't prepare.

"I said you..."

When he saw the camera in Bai Guang's hand, his voice changed: "Well, you guys took a photo behind my back, and you don't think much of me."

Wang Tuo said: "There is a place for you, come here."

After taking several photos in a row, Dong Gao turned his face and refused to recognize anyone when he was satisfied. He reprimanded: "Why are you standing still, go warm up, get ready, are you going to take the last place?"

Everyone laughed and dispersed.

Bai Guang's project was simple, and he was ranked at the front, and the competition was over soon. He took his camera and moved between various sports, taking pictures of the heroic postures of his classmates, or... the moment of embarrassment.

Xie Jingxian, as the school grass, has a lot of attention on him.

Xie Jingxian didn't participate in school group activities before, he was too cold-tempered. When the list of this year's athletes was posted, there was an explosion in the school. The students who were planning to skip the sports meeting all stayed honestly, preparing to look like a school grass.

Before the race started, the stands on the side of the relay race were full of people.

The athletes are in place, and the volunteers use pins to attach name tags to the athletes. The person in charge of Xie Jingxian was a girl, and that girl was too nervous to look up at Xie Jingxian. Her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't get the pins on after several attempts.

As time passed, the girl also became anxious, and her face became more and more red, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Xie Jingxian was about to speak when he saw a slender white hand take the name tag and pin from the girl's hand, followed by a pleasant male voice: "Let me do it."

Xie Jingxian raised his eyes, and it was Jiang Juan who came.