The Vicious Villain Suffers in the Heart

Chapter 28


As soon as Jiang Juan woke up to dawn, he opened his eyes and found that something was wrong. This doesn't seem to be the room where he sleeps, but rather Xie Jingxian's room.

He turned his head, and when he saw the familiar tables and chairs against the wall, he sat up suddenly.

This is really the room where Xie Jingxian slept, why did he sleep here

Jiang Juan pressed his forehead, the memory of drunk last night flooded in like a flood, Jiang Juan was embarrassed.

I can't drink so much next time, I can't communicate during the whole process, not to mention, the behavior after drunk is very weird. Not only that, he also occupied the bed of the classmate who kindly took him in, which is too much.

Jiang Juan glanced at the alarm clock by the bedside, and the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock.

It's so late, where is Xie Jingxian? Why didn't you wake him up and go to school.

Could it be... angry

Jiang Juan put on his slippers and ran out. As soon as he opened the door, the next room opened. Xie Jingxian came out, looking at each other, the two had the same messy hair and the same sleepy eyes.

After looking at each other for a moment, Jiang Juan greeted first: "Morning?"

Xie Jingxian nodded and replied that he had already gone to wash up. Jiang Juan went back to his room and changed his alcohol-smelling clothes, then went to Xie Jingxian's room to tidy up his alcohol-stained bed.

Xie Jingxian was washing up in the bathroom, and could hear the rustling sound coming from Jiang Juan's side. He looked at himself in the mirror, frowning slightly.

He has been self-disciplined for so many years. No matter how late he rests, he can always get up on time the next day. Today is the first time he got up late. Is it because of the relaxation of the mood that I have slept until now

The sound in the room was still going on, although it was subtle, it must be considered lively as before.

It was the first time that I was late for class, Xie Jingxian was not in a panic, but felt that this feeling was very strange. He paid attention to Jiang Juan's movements, and after a while, Jiang Juan poked his head out of the room and said to him, "Xie Jingxian, your quilt smells of alcohol, throw it away, I'll buy it for you." The bed is new."

Xie Jingxian grabbed water to wash his face, and said, "No need, just wash it off." He wiped his face, walked into the room, and saw that the bed was messed up by Jiang Juan.

Facing Xie Jingxian's gaze, Jiang Juan was a little embarrassed: "I'll wash it for you."

Xie Jingxian shook his head, hugged the removed quilt cover and bed sheet in his arms, and said to Jiang Juan, "Go wash up."

Being late was a foregone conclusion, and the two of them were not in such a hurry. Jiang Juan helped Xie Jingxian wash the sheets and quilt, and also washed the changed clothes by the way.

The two left the house to go to school, and they were still in the mood to go to the breakfast shop for breakfast.

Jiang Juan was a little guilty for causing Xie Jingxian to be late, but thinking that this was the first time Xie Jingxian was late in his student career, he couldn't help laughing. He really laughed, and Xie Jingxian gave him a hand to prevent him from rolling onto the road, where there were cars coming and going.

Jiang Juan said to Xie Jingxian: "Student Xie, let me interview you. How are you feeling now?"

Xie Jingxian said lightly: "The one who is close to the ink is black."

Jiang Juan laughed out loud, now he could tell whether Xie Jingxian was angry or not by Xie Jingxian's eyes and tone of voice. He knew that Xie Jingxian was not angry, but in a good mood.

Jiang Juan glanced at the time, it was already nine o'clock, and he was late for such a long time, why not do something that he hadn't done before.

For example, instead of going through the main entrance, go to the police station.

Jiang Juan said that he wanted to bring Xie Jingxian, a good student, to experience the fun of sex, and not to leave any regrets in his student days. In fact, this was something he always wanted to do but never did.

In the world he originally lived in, he was Young Master Jiang who was followed by thousands of people. In this world, although he was also Young Master Jiang, everyone knew what he was like.

— Fighting, not doing well in studies, poor grades, and not being a good student anyway.

Jiang Juan was very grateful to the original owner for the status of a school scumbag and a school bully established over the years, allowing him to do this kind of thing without any scruples.

As a time traveler who was familiar with the original novel, Jiang Juan knew that there was a crooked willow tree outside the courtyard of Jincheng High School. It was far away from the main entrance of the school and could not be inspected by the guards. It was the easiest, most convenient and safest way to enter the school.

But safe doesn't mean non-irritating.

Jiang Juan led Xie Jingxian to the crooked neck tree, and found that there were many red cloth strips wrapped around the tree, which looked like the marriage tree worshiped by the hero and heroine in TV dramas.

Marriage tree

Jiang Juan suddenly remembered that because of the good location of this willow tree with crooked neck, many boys and girls in the school chose to skip class and go out on dates from here.

This willow tree has made marriages one after another, and is called the marriage tree by the students. There are even some couples who will come here to climb the marriage tree, praying for a long and lasting love.

Under the tree, Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian raised their heads slightly, and the red cloth tied to the tree swayed with the willow branches, which was very beautiful.

As a student of this school, Xie Jingxian naturally knew about the Marriage Tree. I just didn't expect Jiang Juan to bring him here.

Is it intentional or unintentional

Jiang Juan was planning to popularize science on the origin of the marriage tree to Xie Jingxian, a top student who "keeps his ears off the outside world and only reads sage books", when he turned around, he saw Xie Jingxian looking at him.

Jiang Juan tilted his head:

Before Jiang Juan could distinguish the expression in Xie Jingxian's eyes, Xie Jingxian had already withdrawn his gaze, stepped on the tree trunk first, and climbed up. Jiang Juan also hurriedly followed.

Seeing Xie Jingxian jumping off the wall neatly, Jiang Juan was a little puzzled, is this really the first time for him

But Xie Jingxian had already gone down, so he was standing under the wall waiting for him, and he couldn't delay. Jiang Juan stepped on the wall with one leg and was about to go down. At this moment, a loud shout came from not far away: "Which class are you in, come down for me!"

The man's voice was really loud, coupled with his unpreparedness, Jiang Juan was startled, his feet slipped, and he fell straight down.

Xie Jingxian was standing under the wall, it was too late to hide, so he could only reach out to catch it.

The young man fell into his arms with a slightly panicked expression on his face, Xie Jingxian smelled the unique fresh smell of Jiang Juan.

Although Jiang Juan was shorter than Xie Jingxian, he was still an adult who was about to reach adulthood. Coupled with the impact of the fall, Xie Jingxian took two steps back, but he still couldn't hold on, and the two fell to the ground together.

Xie Jingxian lay under Jiang Juan. Normally, Jiang Juan should be unscathed. Unfortunately, the damn "symbiosis system" caused Jiang Juan to feel his head buzzing and his back ache. Xie Jingxian's body must be injured.

Jiang Juan hissed and got up from Xie Jingxian with his arms propped up. One of his hands was pressed next to Xie Jingxian's head, and only then did he realize that he was holding something in his hand.

It was he who accidentally tore off a long, thin strip of red cloth on top of his head when he fell. At this time, one end of the red cloth strip was in his hand, and the other end fell on Xie Jingxian's face, covering his eyes all the time.

Xie Jingxian raised his hand and grabbed the other end of the red cloth strip in his hand. Jiang Juan raised his arm with the strength of his pulling.

The two looked at each other, both slightly taken aback.

Jiang Juan smiled bitterly and said, "It's all right now, I don't know which dear friend's marriage will be ruined."

He put away the red cloth, stood up, pulled Xie Jingxian up again, and when he looked up, he saw the gloomy face of the dean in front of him.

Seeing Jiang Juan, the dean turned his nose in anger: "It's you again!"

Jiang Juan felt that the word "again" was used very delicately.

The dean scolded Jiang Juan bloody, and when he turned to Xie Jingxian, his voice dropped more than eight degrees. He asked Xie Jingxian, "Why are you late?" Although his tone was still cold, compared with Jiang Juan, he could already be called amiable.

Xie Jingxian didn't make excuses, he just said that he got up late.

The dean had a cold face, and said after a while: "Go back and write a thousand-word self-criticism and leave it to me."

Xie Jingxian said: "Okay."

Jiang Juan said from the side: "Thank you teacher, then we will go back first."

The dean felt that the smile on Jiang Juan's face was very eye-catching. What he hated the most were students who didn't study well, especially Jiang Juan, who made trouble everywhere because of his family's power and power, and didn't get involved.

Although Jiang Juan was much more honest after the semester started, the bad impression Jiang Juan left on him in high school couldn't be erased in a short time.

The director of teaching said with a cold face: "You also write a self-criticism for me, next Monday the flag-raising ceremony, go up and read the self-criticism."

Looking at the back of the dean angrily, Jiang Juan turned to Xie Jingxian and said, "I'm sorry to drag you down. I'll help you write this review, which is the flag-raising ceremony. I can't help you go up to read the review."

Xie Jingxian walked towards the teaching building and said, "No need."

Jiang Juan followed: "You don't have experience, I'll write for you."

Xie Jingxian said, "I wrote it."

have written? When did Xie Jingxian write a review? Jiang Juan recalled it, and it seemed that there was no such thing. Whether it was in the book or when he traveled here, there was never any record that Xie Jingxian had written a self-criticism.

Jiang Juan thought hard, and finally remembered before stepping into the teaching building.

On the day of the National Day holiday, they fought with the third-year students at the food stall, and were caught by the head teacher. The school leader also called Ren Tao because of this, and was furious.

Taking the exam at the beginning of school made Jiang Juan forget that there is still such a thing, not to mention today's one, he hasn't written that one yet.

Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian returned to the classroom. It happened to be the end of get out of class time. Many people came in and out, but they didn't attract too many people's attention when they came in.

It was Xu Rang who noticed Jiang Juan immediately and asked, "Brother Juan, what are you holding?"

Jiang Juan rolled up the red rope and threw it to Xu Rang: "You can play with it."

Xu Rang looked suspicious, and asked Jiang Juan again: "Why are you late with Xie Jingxian today?"

Jiang Juan said: "I drank too much yesterday, so I didn't get up for a while." He looked at Xu Rang: "Aren't you late?"

Xu Rang curled his lips: "I was late, and was caught by the dean, and I was fined to write a thousand-word self-criticism."

Jiang Juan said, "Have you finished writing it? Use it as a reference for me."

Jiang Juan just said that Xie Jingxian hadn't written a review, but he hadn't written one himself either. Fortunately, there is Xu Rang, this kid has been with the original owner since he was a child, and he has written countless reviews, so he must be very experienced.

Hearing what Jiang Juan said, Xu Rang knew that he was also caught by the dean. He was very loyal and generously showed his review to Jiang Juan.

When Jiang Juan took it, he saw that it was full of dogs, and he didn't understand a single word.

Jiang Juan put the self-criticism back with a blank face, thinking that forget it, let's do it by himself.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-14 21:12:01~2020-12-15 15:24:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: I don’t want to write calligraphy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!