The Vicious Villain Suffers in the Heart

Chapter 70: ending


Han Shuo chose a cafe with a good reputation.

In a separate box, soothing music flows slowly, which makes people feel calm.

Xie Jingxian sat quietly, Han Shuo was still the same as before, and said something to Xie Jingxian, such as you have suffered, and let Dad make up for your touching words.

It wasn't until Han Shuo said he was tired that he stopped, and Xie Jingxian said in a low voice, "I always thought it was strange that you didn't ask me for so many years, why did you suddenly want to recognize me back?"

In the past, Xie Jingxian was always silent when facing Han Shuo, but this was the first time he took the initiative to talk to Han Shuo, and his attitude was good. Han Shuo thought he saw hope, and his eyes lit up.

Han Shuo said: "It's Dad's fault, you have suffered so much for so many years, Dad should take you home earlier." He said to himself, and wanted to reach out his hand to Xie Jingxian: "Go back with Dad Well, I will make it up to you."

Xie Jingxian pushed Han Shuo's hand away, looked him in the eyes and said, "Because I'm Gu Jingzhu's grandson?"

Han Shuo was shocked, his lips trembling: "How could you..." What he wanted to say was how could you know.

According to the information Han Shuo has, Gu Jingzhu didn't recognize Xie Jingxian, nor did he show any strangeness. Xie Jingxian probably didn't know about it.

Xie Jingxian was indeed ignorant of his life experience.

But during this period of time, both Jiang Juan's concern for Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu's concern for him have far exceeded the normal range, and Han Shuo has been harassing him like crazy during this period of time. , as if... time is very tight.

Xie Jingxian knew about Gu Jingzhu's life, and he also knew that he returned to China to find his daughter.

On a sunny afternoon, Xie Jingxian sat at the desk and drew a timeline.

— Not long after Gu Jingzhu learned that his daughter was still alive, Han Shuo began to let people contact him, wanting to take him home.

Xie Jingxian found a photo of Gu Jingzhu's daughter on the Internet, and he went home specially to find the old photo.

There may be more than half a year difference between the photo on the Internet and the photo in Xie Jingxian's hand, but it can still be seen that the photo is of the same person.

Of course, Han Shuo had seen Wang Wenwen's childhood photos.

Wang Wenwen's hometown is a poor rural area, with little news, and the older generation seldom leave the village, so naturally they don't pay attention to the Gu family's affairs. Later, people close to Wang Wenwen passed away one after another, even Wang Wenwen passed away.

So the only person in this world who knows Wang Wenwen's life experience is Han Shuo.

Xie Jingxian pinched the old photo, thinking of everything in the past, suddenly felt ridiculous. He thought that when Han Shuo wanted to pick him up at first, he didn't even show up, and only entrusted his secretary to do it.

The secretary's attitude was condescending, as if it was a blessing to see him.

Xie Jingxian naturally ignored the news that Han Shuo took him home. As time passed, Han Shuo gradually became anxious, and finally he showed up in person, but Xie Jingxian was determined not to go back with him.

Han Shuo eagerly held Xie Jingxian's hand, and said in a trembling voice, "No, Dad, Dad didn't know about the Gu family when he wanted to recognize you back, you, do you mind Qin Ying and Han Xingye? I have had enough of that vicious woman, as long as you are willing to go back with me, I will divorce her. What do you think of this, huh? Jing Xian, as long as you agree, I will ask someone to draw up a divorce agreement now."

Regarding this, Xie Jingxian's expression remained calm, and his voice sounded very calm. He asked Han Shuo, "Did you abandon me and my mother in the same way in order to climb up to the Qin family?"

Han Shuo's face turned pale: "No, Jing Xian, listen to my explanation, I..."

Xie Jingxian stood up, broke Han Shuo's hand, and walked out the door. Han Shuo panicked and got up to catch up: "Jingxian..."

Xie Jingxian opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the decisive back of Xie Jingxian leaving, Han Shuo's knees gave way and he fell to the ground. He knew that everything he planned was over.

Xie Jingxian left the cafe, and it started raining outside at some point.

The sky and the earth were dark, and the raindrops hit his body very cold. Xie Jingxian gathered up his clothes and was considering whether to find a place to hide from the rain, when he felt an umbrella covering his head to shield him from all the wind and rain.

Turning his head to look to the side, he saw Jiang Juan holding an umbrella in one hand and wrapping a down jacket around him with the other.

Xie Jingxian stood still, Jiang Juan tried hard for a while but couldn't wrap the down jacket on Xie Jingxian, so he couldn't help but said: "Boyfriend, please help me."

Xie Jingxian took the down jacket and put it on, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Juan said: "I think the weather has changed. You didn't wear much and you came here without an umbrella." He glanced at the cafe behind Xie Jingxian and said, "Where's Han Shuo? What are you talking about?" How are you doing?"

Xie Jingxian stepped forward and hugged Jiang Juan tightly.

Obviously feeling that Xie Jingxian's mood was not right, Jiang Juan was terrified, and paid close attention to 088's voice broadcast. Fortunately, 088 has been very quiet.

Jiang Juanxin said that it was okay, that meeting Han Shuo this time did not irritate Xie Jingxian. He stroked Xie Jingxian's back and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Xie Jingxian let go of him, took his hand and said, "Walk with me."

Because of the rain, passers-by on the road hurried home, no one noticed them on the side of the road, occasionally one or two people saw them, and looked away without paying much attention.

Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian were walking and talking, when they suddenly heard the exclamation of pedestrians behind them, and the sound of cars honking one after another. When they turned around, they saw a car rushing towards them. It was dark and raining, but Jiang Juan could still see clearly that the person in the driver's seat of the car was the hideous Han Xingye.

The car slammed into the sidewalk like a roaring beast. Xie Jingxian pushed Jiang Juan away. The next moment, there was a muffled sound, and Xie Jingxian rolled over and fell to the flowerbed.

Jiang Juan's head buzzed, and he exploded directly. He didn't care about the sharp pain from his arm, so he called out Xie Jingxian, and rushed over.

Xie Jingxian fell to the ground, his face was pale, he did not forget to comfort Jiang Juan: "I'm fine, don't cry."

Jiang Juan blinked, only to realize that he didn't know when he was crying. He wiped his face carelessly and said, "I'm not crying, it's rain."

After Han Xingye succeeded, he turned the car around and was about to flee. At this moment, another car at the end of the long street crashed into it as if out of control. There was a loud "bang", and the car body in the direction of the driver's seat where Han Xingye was was sunken, and half of the car body was deformed.

From Jiang Juan's perspective, he could see Han Xingye who was covered in blood and passed out.

There was chaos on the street for a while, and the ambulance arrived shortly after.

municipal hospital.

There were only a few scratches on Jiang Juan's body, which were not serious. Xie Jingxian's condition was better than Jiang Juan expected. They were standing on stone steps and flowers and plants as cushions, and in addition to the thick winter clothes, Xie Jingxian did not suffer any fractures, but only sprained his arm. Jiang Juan heaved a sigh of relief.

Xie Jingxian injured his arm and had a bruise on his head. The doctor asked him to lie still and observe him in the hospital for a few more days.

Jiang Juan could feel the pain on Xie Jingxian's body. There was no serious injury on his body, and he didn't have to worry about getting hurt when he moved. He endured the pain and went to fetch water with the kettle. Not long after he went out, he bumped into a man in the corridor. Qin Ying went crazy.

Qin Ying tore at the doctor's clothes and screamed, "You quack doctors, my son is only under 18 years old and cannot be amputated. Amputation will kill him for the rest of his life. We need to transfer, transfer!"

Han Shuo pulled Qin Ying, his face was also very ugly.

Jiang Juan took a few steps forward and saw Han Xingye's door was open. Han Xingye was awake. He must have heard the doctor's words and fell off the bed. The nurses and doctors rushed to help him.

When Han Xingye raised his head while struggling, his gaze met Jiang Juan.

When Han Xingye saw Jiang Juan, he became emotional all of a sudden. He cursed ugly words, saying that Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian had harmed him, and cursed them to go to the 18th floor of hell.

Such a stupid and vicious person, Jiang Juan didn't even bother to scold him. He looked at Han Xingye coldly and said, "Talk to the police if you have something to say."

Han Xingye's face froze. He hit someone with his car on purpose. Obviously, this matter can't be done well.

Jiang Juan stopped looking at him and walked away.

Jiang Juan didn't tell Jiang Qin about the car accident, and naturally he didn't dare to contact Gu Jingzhu. The old man is old, if he knows what happened to Xie Jingxian, it will be bad if there is an accident.

Jiang Juan thought so, but he didn't expect that Gu Jingzhu came very quickly. It turned out that this bad incident of bumping into people was posted on the Internet, and Gu Jingzhu saw it.

Jiang Juan lamented the development of the Internet while comforting Gu Jingzhu. Fortunately, Xie Jingxian's injury was not serious, and Mr. Gu also paid attention to exercise on weekdays, so he didn't have any major emotional problems.

It's just that this incident made Hu Rui very angry. He came here with Gu Jingzhu, called the lawyer in the ward, and said that the Han family must pay the price.

After the phone call, Hu Rui said to Jiang Juan: "I'm hungry, Xiao Jiang, let's go out with me to find something to eat."

Jiang Juan said: "Okay, I know there is a good porridge shop nearby." He greeted Xie Jingxian and Gu Jingzhu, and left with Hu Rui.

Jiang Juan was like a bright mirror in his heart. After such a long time, Mr. Gu must have figured out Xie Jingxian's identity. The suddenness of the car accident made people frightened. It seemed that the old man wanted to procrastinate any longer.

Jiang Juan and Hu Rui went out for dinner, and when they came back, they packed two portions of millet porridge. Before coming to the ward, Jiang Juan imitated Hu Rui and put his ear on the door, not wanting the door to be opened from the inside the next moment.

Gu Jingzhu had a smile on his face, looking very happy, he didn't care about the eavesdropping of the two, and said with a smile: "You're back?"

Hu Rui winked at Gu Jingzhu, Gu Jingzhu nodded, with a happy smile on the corners of his eyes and brows. Xie Jingxian on the hospital bed also looked soft and in a good mood.

Jiang Juan put down the porridge and said, "Hey, are you guys hiding something from me?"

Gu Jingzhu said: "It's just you who are clever." He stepped forward a few steps, took Xie Jingxian's hand and said, "Just to introduce you, this is my grandson."

Jiang Juan let out an "ah", and while acting astonished, he gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. Looking at his superb acting skills, it's a pity not to enter the entertainment industry.

Jiang Juan was proud, and when he raised his eyes to meet Xie Jingxian's gaze, he was startled, thinking that Xie Jingxian had seen something, but the next moment Xie Jingxian looked away, he breathed a sigh of relief .

It's really hard to explain the crossing.

Xie Jingxian stayed in the hospital for a few days, and after confirming that nothing happened, the doctor let him go. A few days later, Jiang Juan saw the news of the bankruptcy of Han's company on TV.

Han Shuo is actually not very capable. When he was young, he relied on Qin Ying's family for a while, but once Mr. Qin left, he was no longer capable. Being cheated by partners all these years, the company has already been heavily in debt, and has been lingering until now.

That's why Han Shuo wanted to recognize Xie Jingxian back when he learned that Wang Wenwen was Gu Jingzhu's daughter who had been lost for many years, regardless of the consequences of annoying Qin Ying.

Wang Wenwen is gone, Gu Jingzhu has no other descendants, and Xie Jingxian is the sole heir of the Gu family.

Han Shuo thought that for the sake of his grandson, Gu Jingzhu would not let the Han family go bankrupt, and would definitely help.

It's a pity that Han Shuo has done too many bad things in his life, and God didn't bless him. He wanted Gu Jingzhu to pull him, but he didn't want the last straw that crushed him to be put by Gu Jingzhu.

After Xie Jingxian was discharged from the hospital, he moved out of Jiang's house and lived with Gu Jingzhu.

The home of the Gu family's wandering children returned to the Gu family, which caused a great shock in the business world, but under the protection of Gu Jingzhu, the lives of Xie Jingxian and Jiang Juan were not greatly affected.

Soon, the New Year is here.

This is the first New Year after Gu Jingzhu and Xie Jingxian met. They did not choose a hotel, but chose to celebrate the New Year at home.

Prepare New Year’s goods, paste Spring Festival couplets, make dumplings, and set off electronic cannons, all done by yourself, which is warm and full of New Year’s flavor.

Xie Jingxian lived in Gu's house, and Jiang Juan would occasionally pass by. The two of them were afraid of irritating the old man, so they always paid attention to it. They never dared to have intimate movements, for fear that the old man would see the clue.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jingzhu has poisonous eyes and has lived abroad for many years. He is open-minded and told them directly that he should be open-minded when he is in a relationship. Anyway, his eyesight and hearing are not good, so it will not affect him.

Jiang Juan has always been thick-skinned, and he didn't want to be said that by the old man, but he got a big blush instead.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian graduated from high school. Mr. Gu prepared a gift for the two of them - two air tickets.

Gu Jingzhu said: "You have worked hard this year, so take a graduation trip and relax."

Jiang Juan really likes Grandpa Gu, the old man loves Xie Jingxian very much, he didn't force Xie Jingxian to take over the company, but let him do what he likes at ease.

So Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian happily accepted the gift from the old man, and packed their backpacks that day.

Although many couples will break up due to various reasons such as consumption concepts and values after traveling together, if they are a couple who are in a co-production, their relationship will go further. Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian obviously belong to the latter.

The two traveled around during the day, took pictures, tasted delicious food, and returned to the hotel at night. After taking a shower, the two rolled together. When things got out of control, they realized that they hadn't prepared anything.

They were about to calm down, at this moment, 088 came out and said, "Look in the cabinet by the bed."

Jiang Juan opened the drawer full of doubts, and saw a box of family planning supplies and a bottle of KY inside.

088 said proudly, "You don't have to thank me for intermediate rewards."

Jiang Juan: "..."

This reward is really...

Jiang Juan didn't know how to describe it for a while, Zhengchou how to explain to Xie Jingxian, but Xie Jingxian's eyes changed, he pressed over again, and the next moment, the overwhelming kiss fell.

Jiang Juan found that Xie Jingxian's favorability and trust towards him had suddenly exceeded one hundred.

088: "Congratulations to the host, as a reward for breaking a hundred, the empathy between you and the hero is lifted."

Jiang Juan heaved a sigh of relief. He was really worried about this matter, and it's great to be relieved now.

Feeling Xie Jingxian's enthusiasm, Jiang Juan understood that Xie Jingxian thought that he had prepared those two things in advance.

Feeling that Xie Jingxian's hand came to a dangerous place, Jiang Juan came back to his senses and shouted: "Wait, I'll come, I'll come."

Xie Jingxian grabbed his waving hand, pressed it on the pillow, and said, "Didn't you say you were tired, I'll come, just lie down."

Jiang Juan struggled a few times. Thinking of the favorability and trust that had soared to double hundred, he felt that a man should pamper his partner. He put his arms around Xie Jingxian's neck and said, "Boyfriend, I heard that it hurts the first time. Ah, take it easy."

Xie Jingxian's breathing became heavier, and he blocked his mouth slightly fiercely.

The next day, Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian didn't get up until noon. Jiang Juan's back was sore and his legs were so weak that he couldn't get up, so he didn't forget to poke 088 to ask for a high-level reward.

Before 088 could speak, Jiang Juan said first: "You said that these rewards are what I need most, so can I choose the high-level rewards?"

088 said: "Of course."

Jiang Juan: "Can Xie Jingxian follow me back to my own world?"

A good romance novel has become a Tanmei novel because of Jiang Juan's joining. Now that the plot has collapsed like this, it is obviously impossible to break it back. Jiang Juan simply played with the big one.

088 said: "The energy required for this is too great, it cannot be done."

Jiang Juan also knew that he didn't have any hope, he just wanted to take a gamble, but he was not disappointed, instead he said: "Then I want to grow old with Xie Jingxian in this world."

088 said: "This can be available."

Jiang Juan became happy.

The results of the college entrance examination came out soon, and Jiang Juan got admitted to the same university as Xie Jingxian as he wished. Later, the two graduated, worked, and have been together. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother also admitted their relationship.

Decades later, Jiang Juan and Xie Jingxian became gray-haired old men. Before leaving, they were lying on the hospital bed, holding hands, discussing what to write on the epitaph.

When Jiang Juan opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the original world. He glanced at his wrist, and the famous watch transformed by 088 had disappeared.

Everything he experienced in another world was like a dream, only the strong emotion in his heart told him that it was not a dream.

Jiang Juan slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, he is not a greedy person, and the sweet memories of being with Xie Jingxian are enough for him to spend the rest of his life.

Jiang Juan worked as usual, and his temperament was still as cheerful as before. The difference was that everyone knew that he had someone he liked in his heart.

three months later.

When Jiang Juan got off work, he received a call from his mother asking him to go home for dinner. Jiang Juan responded, and he hung up the phone, not noticing a faint light attached to his watch.

Jiang Juan went to the supermarket to buy fruit and some things his parents liked. When I came out of the supermarket and opened the door, the bag containing the apples was broken, and the apples rolled all over the ground.

Just as Jiang Juan was about to bend down to pick it up, he saw a young man coming from the side and helped him pick up the fallen apple.

It was a young man in his twenties, wearing a casual long windbreaker, with slender eyebrows, dark but gentle eyes.

It was Xie Jingxian.

Jiang Juan was stunned, unable to make a sound for a moment.

"Hi, long time no see." 088's voice rang in Jiang Juan's mind: "The male protagonist's happiness value is too high, directly breaking the record. This is a reward for you. It's just that it took some effort to apply, but the result is OK."

088 yelled several more times before Jiang Juan came back to his senses, his voice was a little hoarse: "Reward... why are you making your own decisions again." Just like the confession fireworks and KY in the drawer.

088 naturally heard Jiang Juan's touch. He smiled: "I'm considerate, right? For this reward, I had a long fight with those guys and even fought several times."

Jiang Juan asked, "Did you win?"

088 choked up, then laughed and said, "You are still the same as before, nothing has changed. Of course you won. I, 088, have always been invincible."

In the past, when 088 was so arrogant, Jiang Juan would definitely not be able to resist insulting him, but now, he said sincerely, "088, thank you."

088 said hi, but felt a little embarrassed: "You are welcome, you are my best partner, I am very happy with you these days, goodbye. Oh, yes, I wish you happiness."

After 088 finished speaking, the light attached to Jiang Juan's watch dissipated bit by bit.

Jiang Juan came to Xie Jingxian, and he looked at Xie Jingxian greedily, his eyebrows and eyes were exactly the same as in memory.

Xie Jingxian smiled and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Juan said, "Look at you."

—People say that love will fade with time, but as a human being in two lives, when we see you again, love will only increase.

"Let's go." Jiang Juan took Xie Jingxian's hand: "Follow me home to see my parents."

Xie Jingxian held Jiang Juan's hand instead, interlocking his fingers, and he responded gently, "Okay."

Seeing the smile on Xie Jingxian's face, Jiang Juan finally couldn't resist the surge of love in his heart, leaned forward, kissed Xie Jingxian's lips, Xie Jingxian responded gently.

Under the street lamp, the shadows of the two were entangled together, and it took a long time before they separated.

The author has something to say: End Sahua

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