The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 17


"Still... still alive... Captain..."

The pirate ship not far away had already sailed within easy reach, while Luka was beaten so badly that his nose and eyes were swollen, and his feces and urine flowed profusely. It took him a long time to utter a word with difficulty.

captain? Lin Tianyin stared blankly at the pirate ship that was about to collide with them. Then he fixed his gaze on the young man. This young man looks definitely not a few years older than Gargaff, with short curly reddish-brown hair parted in the middle, lazy eyes and a little defiant, overall good-looking... It's hard to imagine that such a person could be The captain of a pirate ship.

"Oh, that's good." The young man acted like he wasn't very worried about Luka. After hearing Luka's answer, he let go of his hand immediately. Luka sat back on the ground and started talking intermittently. Howled.

"It hurts... tap the captain..."

"Relax, Captain Luka, aren't you embarrassed to be beaten like this by a little girl?"

The young man looked tired and yawned. The pirate Luka who was thrown on the ground wanted to explain something, but he just ignored and turned around, waving to the pirates on the pirate ship who were about to move: "Get to work, guys, find' It's over after that'. Ummm... let's tie these people up first."

"Obey, Captain Celil!"

The pirates yelled in response, and then dropped the anchor to this side, and climbed along the rope one by one.

what to do? Do you want to interrupt them

Gargaff had picked up the unconscious Mirona from the sea and was struggling to swim back. Lin Tianyin looked at the group of pirates climbing towards the ship, feeling angry but helpless. She knew very well that the consequences of being boarded by pirates would be disastrous, and it would be fine to be robbed of all her belongings. Who can guarantee that these pirates will not harm the passengers? Lin Tianyin stared at the pirate captain with a short coat on her shoulders. Without much hesitation, she grabbed the pirate who ran past her, lifted the guy who hadn't reacted above her head, and threw it at the young man vigorously. past.

"What, what?! Ah stop!!"

The man was thrown out by Lin Tianyin's strange force, like a human bomb, screaming and flying towards the pirate captain standing next to Luka with one hand on his hip, the young man looked at his ship as if he didn't notice anything, However, at the moment when the guy thrown by Lin Tianyin was about to hit him, the pirate captain suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the man's head, and stopped him abruptly.

How can it be? ! Lin Tianyin was shocked, she was very confident in her own strength, so that person could directly receive her throwing attack? !

"Be careful, Ronnie."

The little brother of the captain said something indifferent, his body did not move at all, the pirate who was stopped by him seemed to be in shock, his face was still held by the captain, after struggling a few times, he found that the captain did not want to let go He meant to come down, and hurriedly responded in a panic: "Yes! Captain... what happened?!"

" were thrown over as a weapon." The young pirate captain with brown slightly curly hair frowned while grabbing his subordinates, and seemed to think for a while before answering. Then at the next moment, he suddenly turned his head to the side, his eyes passed through the crowd of people fighting in a ball, and stopped on Lin Tianyin.

...Damn it!

The moment Lin Tianyin met the pirate captain's eyes, her heart twitched. The sneak attack failed and she was discovered. No, it doesn't mean that she has lost. Lin Tianyin glanced guiltily at Gagaf who was swimming back with Mirona in his arms, but her teammates had no hope now, how could she kill this guy safely...

Lin Tianyin stared at the pirate captain vigilantly. This guy looked lax and full of flaws, but in fact he had no flaws. Lin Tianyin quickly drew up a battle plan in her mind, imagining how to defeat him. However, after the captain looked at her twice, he suddenly opened his throat and shouted at her: "Hey—little fat girl over there, did you throw this guy over there?!"


Lin Tianyin frowned slightly, and took a step back warily. Although being called a fat girl made her feel very unpleasant, but now is not the time to care about it, she imitated the strength of the pirate captain who might seem a bit powerful, and began to think about her chances of killing this guy.

After all, in this story, the author emphasized that the strongest human being is the prince who became a brave man and embarked on a journey, and this group of pirates never appeared in the original work. Although the plot deviated from the original track due to her actions, but The nature of this world will not change.

Lin Tianyin told herself not to be nervous, what she was facing was just a group of pirates, she was a brave man who was going to defeat the devil, what happened to mere pirates? This is just a small obstacle encountered in the upgrade process!

If she can't even beat the pirates, she should just raise the flag and surrender and don't fight the devil—of course it's useless even if she surrenders, the devil will still send his men to hunt them down to the ends of the earth.

Thinking of the terrible things to do and have to do in the future, facing these pirates, Lin Tianyin felt like a real brave man, and her blood boiled instantly. She stared at the short red-brown haired pirate captain without changing her expression, then stretched out her hand and pointed directly at his face.

"Sister wants to beat you up, if you are sensible, get out of here! Otherwise, next year's day will be yours..." Forget it, the last sentence is too vulgar to say!

Lin Tianyin put down his harsh words with great momentum, and the young pirate captain opposite smiled noncommittally, he let go of his subordinates casually, waved provocatively at Lin Tianyin nonchalantly: "Come on."

This guy didn't have a weapon in his hand. Lin Tianyin charged forward without hesitation, and the pirates at the side swung their knives to stop her. Lin Tianyin didn't bother with them. Although she was still a little fat, she was very agile. head of the pirate captain.

"Ha." The pirate captain laughed, but he didn't intend to dodge at all, and assumed the posture of confronting him head-on.

Lin Tianyin pushed her feet hard and punched the opponent with all her strength, but at the moment she took a step, the shaking of the sea water suddenly became stronger. The ship swayed suddenly, and Lin Tianyin immediately lost control of her body. Not only did her punch miss the target, but she and everyone on the ship rolled over in the direction of the ship's tilt.

"what happened?!"

There were bursts of exclamations on the ship, and the pirates who were climbing on the ropes and climbing towards the ship also suffered. They all fell into the sea one by one, looking at each other in amazement.

The ship was shaking strongly along the sea water, Lin Tianyin struggled to push away the people who rolled down on her due to inertia, and found that the pirate captain was squatting on the bow with his back to her, as if he was observing the sea.

It's a good opportunity to overthrow him now, or kick him into the sea.

Lin Tianyin obviously didn't think sneak attack was something shameful, so she cautiously approached the opponent while the ship was shaking, but at this moment, someone suddenly yelled in horror: "In the sea, there seems to be something in the sea!!"


Lin Tianyin, who had almost successfully approached the back of the pirate captain, was stunned. She subconsciously glanced into the sea, and found that the color of the lower sea water had become darker. It seemed that there was really something hidden under the water that was about to move.

What's happening here? !

Lin Tianyin was slightly startled, remembering that Mirona and Gargaff were still in the sea, she hurriedly climbed to the side of the boat to look for them. Fortunately, she spotted them at a glance. Gargaff had already swam to the side of the boat with the unconscious Mirona in his arms, but he couldn't find the rope to climb up. He was so anxious that he raised his head and saw Lin Tianyin. She yelled for help.

"Here! Shanoya!"

"I'm going to find the rope, you stick to it!"

Lin Tianyin threw down the emergency life buoy on the boat while talking. Because the sudden situation was so violent, the people on board were in a mess, and the pirates and sailors stopped fighting. In fact, even if these people wanted to fight, everyone on this boat that was shaking violently with the waves was desperately pulling everything they could grab. And under such circumstances, the pirate ship was still squatting steadily on the bow with its back to her, looking like a strange person.

"Hey... what's going on here?"

Lin Tianyin cautiously approached the guy two steps, and couldn't help asking the question in his heart. Before the other party could answer, the captain of the passenger ship suddenly said coldly: "It's the sea monster Ermes! As long as the ship stays on the sea surface for a long time, it will be attracted to it, and it will swallow the whole ship..."

What? Kraken? Is it really a sea monster? !

Lin Tianyin's feet softened suddenly, and the thing she feared most happened. She would rather face the devil directly now than be swallowed by the sea monster as food!

"That's right, as expected of the old captain, he knows a lot about things at sea. You are right, we are all in big trouble. Let's stop the war first, little fat girl over there."

The young pirate captain grinned and looked at Lin Tianyin out of the corner of his eye. Lin Tianyin bit her lip, but did not relax her guard.

"Hmph, you know it too!" The old captain snorted coldly, and roared at the pirate captain, "It's not too late, hurry up and let us leave!"

"It's easy to say, as long as Grandpa hand over the 'that' that was transported for the Kingdom Research Institute, all of you will be able to leave safely."

What exactly is "that"? Lin Tianyin also became curious, but the old captain of the passenger ship was furious after hearing this: "Don't even think about it! I have to complete my mission even if I take this life! I must not let that thing fall into the hands of you pirates." superior!"

"It's not good to be too stubborn, grandpa." The captain brother seemed a little embarrassed, but he really didn't have much time, so he waved to the pirates on his ship and shouted, "Leave the boat first." piece of sea."

"Understood! Captain Celil!"

The pirates responded one after another, and then the ship with the skeleton flag moved slowly, and the guy named Celier also let his men into the cab. However, after the pirate ship sailed for a certain distance, the passenger ship that Lin Tianyin and the others were on remained motionless on the sea.

"... um? What's the matter?"

The shadow under the boat was getting deeper and deeper, and the thing seemed to be getting closer and closer. Lin Tianyin couldn't help feeling anxious, what's going on? Why aren't you sailing yet? When Lin Tianyin's uneasiness reached the limit, the subordinate who was sent to the cockpit by Celier rushed out in a panic and shouted at him in horror: "Wan, everything is not good, captain! The power propulsion of this passenger ship The device was... destroyed by Vice-Captain Luka!!"
