The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 25


As early as a few days ago when she first arrived here, Lin Tianyin had heard of Governor Hailim's name. Knowing that this person is equivalent to the ruler of this place, what he says is equivalent to the law. The governor is a very powerful person. He managed the place in an orderly manner, repulsed the outsiders who wanted to seize it several times, and quelled the riots of the traitors. The residents here respect him very much and absolutely obey his management. It can also be said that because of the existence of this person, the residents in the safe area can survive stably.

"... Once we found several wooden barrels in area C, thinking that they contained mellow wine. You know, if someone can give me a bottle of wine, I would exchange my grain for a month... Oh, at that time I I was full of excitement and happiness, but when those barrels were opened, there were pirates who were tied up inside. Those people were thrown into the sea by their captain, and they cried and begged us to save them, so we took them away. Back to the safe area. They are very disobedient, you know, the pirates are vicious and lazy, they don’t create value, they only destroy. The residents here couldn’t bear it and proposed to drive them away, but the governor still insisted on giving them another chance, giving They provided water and food, but those greedy pirates wanted to rob this place. One day they broke into the Governor's Palace with weapons, trying to kill the Governor Hilim who treated them leniently—but they were too naive! The Governor not only Ren Hou is still very strong, that's why he has enough strength to defend here. Oh, he subdued those rebellious pirates with his own hands!"

On the way to the Governor's Mansion, Jorov kept telling Lin Tianyin and the others about the great achievements of Governor Hailim, and explained that their Governor is a gentleman who loves the people like his son. He didn't even kill the pirates after subduing them. They were expelled from the safe area.

Lin Tianyin actually felt that Jorov hadn't told the truth, he must have covered up something, this kind of behavior that would leave countless hidden dangers was either brain-dead or a virgin to the extreme. If the governor is really the person he says he is, he will definitely not be able to secure this position. Lin Tianyin felt that these guys were a bit hypocritical, but she obviously would not have any conflicts with the governor, so she also pretended to listen to Jorov's narration respectfully.

"In short, the rules here are set by the governor. After decades of chaos, after the governor appeared, this place has finally become orderly..."

"Then what happened to the pirates who were expelled?" Celil suddenly asked abruptly when Jorov was talking passionately.

"I don't know about this."

His own words were interrupted. Although Jorov was a little displeased, he still laughed and said, "What? Are you curious about those? Speaking of which, I heard that you are also a pirate, but you have to give people the impression that you are a pirate." Much better than those people, hardworking and willing to suffer, don't let our governor down!"

"Ah, it's impossible for me to do that kind of thing." Celil grinned, he paused, and continued to ask Jorov, "But why don't you know? Even if they die, In the end, the bones will all return to Area D, right? Those pirates should have no chance to escape from the belly of the sea monster Urms, right?"

"Of course they can't escape. They probably lost their way in some dangerous area and encountered monsters." For some reason, Jorov was a little evasive when answering this question, and obviously began to change the subject. "Don't worry about those little things. Anyway, there are often residents who accidentally stepped into the dangerous area and their bodies disappeared. Ten of them were eaten by monsters. You joined the exploration team, right? Be careful, curiosity will kill you enemy number one."

Jorov's last words seemed to have deep meaning, Celier smiled noncommittally: "Thank you for your advice."

Although Celier agreed very readily, there was a faint hint of disdain in his attitude, and he didn't even intend to pretend.

Lin Tianyin couldn't help being a little strange, what's going on with this guy

She was a little lost on the young pirate leader. When facing John before, he obviously hid it very well. What does he want to do at this critical moment

"That's right, I'm doing it for your own good." Jorov put on a stern expression, "You're still young, just do your part... When you meet Governor Hilim, don't worry about it. I can be sorry."

When Celier's unfriendly expression became obvious, Lin Tianyin was afraid that he would say something bad, so she immediately kicked his calf as a warning, and quickly responded to Jorov's words, "Yes. Yes, I understand, we will be very obedient."

Jorov hummed. Fortunately, Celier didn't say anything. She quickly looked up to see Celier's reaction, but found that she seemed to be worrying too much. She didn't need to worry about this guy's acting skills. Celil returned to his smiling and hearty look. After noticing Lin Tianyin's gaze, he raised his eyebrows and looked at her, then suddenly grinned.


Lin Tianyin narrowed her eyes subconsciously.

The safe area is such a large area. After walking for a short time, after walking through the residential area and fields, Jorov brought the three of them to the largest and most gorgeous building in this area, and then stopped to introduce the place. It's the Governor's Mansion.

"I'll report first."

Jorov made a gesture to the two of them to wait a moment, then stepped forward and said a few words to the guard, and then the guard ran into the house and asked the three to wait outside.

This kind of interview method that needs to transfer many layers is almost like an emperor. Is he worthy of being the supreme ruler of this area? Lin Tianyin sneered in her heart, she vaguely remembered being warned not to enter that building at random, it turned out to be the place where the governor lived. Lin Tianyin didn't believe that the governor was just like what Qiaorov bragged about, but she still had some doubts why the governor wanted to meet her and Celier, just after she and Celier proposed to visit the old captain... Is it really weird

After a while, the person who had notified before ran out of the building and nodded to inform them that they could go in.

"follow me."

Jorov made a signal gesture to the two, and Lin Tianyin and Celier immediately followed. After entering the palace-like building, Lin Tianyin couldn't help being stunned by the decorations inside.

Ingenious workmanship... no, there are no other words to describe this place other than stunning. The wall is made of water-blue stone, inlaid with various sparkling gemstones. In addition to sofas, tables and chairs, and tea sets, there are also various decorations that look pleasant. In contrast, Lin Tianyin I feel that the dormitory of their exploration team is simply not a place for people to stay. This Governor's Mansion is like a dragon palace!

"This... why are there these things here?!"

Lin Tianyin opened her mouth wide and screamed. This, this, this! This is not scientific! There was a beautiful carpet under her feet, and when she saw the wolf head specimen hanging on the wall, she almost forgot that she was still inside the sea monster's stomach!

"Probably something recovered from a wrecked ship."

Celil didn't feel very surprised, he seemed too calm, but also looked at the room with some curiosity, and at this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded from above.

"That's right, this little brother is quite smart. These are indeed things brought back from the wrecked ship."

Lin Tianyin was taken aback, and immediately raised her head to look in the direction of the voice, and saw a middle-aged man with a gray beard slowly coming down the escalator on the second floor.

"Not bad, isn't it? Pirates always hide a lot of treasures. Of course, these things are not unique to my place. After becoming a high-level resident, you can also enjoy all the resources you can get."

The man walked into the first floor while talking. He looked a little old, but his body was very strong. After he walked slowly to the first floor, Jorov immediately saluted him and said hello. The man waved his hand in a big way to signal that he didn't need it, then put on a modest smile on his face, and then extended his hand to the two of them, "Hi, I'm the governor here, Hilim Wood."

"Selier." Celier reached out and shook hands with the governor.

When it was Lin Tianyin's turn, the governor suddenly withdrew his hand, but still looked at Lin Tianyin kindly and asked, "Where's little sister?"

"Shanuoya." Lin Tianyin felt a little strange, why didn't she shake hands with her when it was her turn? Is it the habit of this world? Alas, no matter what the original author writes, everything is sloppy, and it’s okay to have a poor vocabulary. There are almost no details in her novels...

But it's not a big deal, so Lin Tianyin didn't care. After the two introduced themselves, Jorov suddenly bowed to the Governor very understandingly, stepped back and said, "Then I'll wait for them outside."

"You have worked hard, Jorov." The governor nodded to the man, and after watching Jorov exit the room, he gestured to the sofa, tables and chairs in the room, and said to Lin Tianyin and Celier, "Please sit down, How about some tea?"

"There is still tea?" Lin Tianyin was slightly surprised, "Is this also found on the ship in distress?"

"Not all of them. Oh, why don't you just have some kelp grass." The governor smiled, and while he was arranging the tea set, he took out a small exquisite box from the cupboard. The man slowly opened the box, pinched some crushed purple leaves with his fingers and put them into the teacups. When the boiling hot water was poured in, the three cups of tea exuded an unbelievably charming aroma.

It smells very good. Lin Tianyin took a deep breath immediately. The smell is like fragrant cocoa with milk, which makes people feel warm and satisfied.

"What is this?" Lin Tianyin stared curiously at the teacup brought by the governor. It was miraculous that a cup of very rich tea was brewed out of the little broken leaves. She licked it curiously with her tongue and tasted it. The taste of cocoa.

"It's the kelp that grows in Area C. It's relatively rare, but there are a lot of it in Area B. During the winter break, the bravest fighters here will risk their lives to collect it in those places." The governor leaned on the sofa After sitting down, he explained to everyone casually, "Its leaves are very fat, and the stem juice is extremely sweet. After the leaves are dried, they can be made into tea, which is a good thing to replenish physical strength. When the expedition team was trapped, These crocodile grasses are life-saving food."

is that so? Hearing this, Lin Tianyin became even more curious. She took a sip of tea hesitantly, and found that, just as the governor said, when the rich cocoa taste spread from her tongue, she almost felt that the physical strength she had spent all day had recovered instantly. .

Not bad, this... This way, if you enter Area B and find your way out, you don't have to worry about food consumption.

"The taste is also very good. The children like it very much, even the elderly people like us." After seeing Lin Tianyin and the others drinking tea, the governor smiled and looked at the two of them as if comforting Said, "The environment inside Eames' belly is quite strange, and it also has many things that the outside world does not have. In fact, it is not all a bad thing to enter here. We should thank the gods for giving us another chance to survive. Survive here Everyone who came down is like this, and it may not be acceptable at first, but since I can no longer leave, I will get used to life here one day."

"... Oh." Lin Tianyin nodded, she felt that even if she pretended she couldn't give the governor any warm reaction, she looked quite depressed. However, the governor obviously didn't have high expectations for her, or such a reaction was normal, after all, she was a young man who had just arrived in the sea monster's belly not long ago. So the governor nodded, then turned to Celier, who was also unresponsive, and asked with concern: "Are you still used to life here? If you need anything, just say it."

"There is no special need. If I have to say it, I hope there are more places where I can move freely." Celier said with a smile, "I was warned by the captain of the exploration team before that I can't go to many places."

"Hahaha, as long as you raise the resident level, the restrictions here will be reduced."

"There's also a little less food." Lin Tianyin added aloud.

"Hahaha, there is no way. Our resources are poor here, and each person can only get that amount every day, so everyone has to work hard to survive. Little girl, just think of it as losing weight, believe you You'll be prettier if you lose weight."


The governor laughed boldly again, Lin Tianyin had already realized that he seemed to be very good at controlling people's hearts, the governor said words that seemed to care about people, but in fact no one could break away from the rules he made. What is certain is that the governor has no intention of leaving here at all... He even enjoys the feeling of domination.

"We will work hard." Lin Tianyin nodded obediently. But she still cared a lot about one thing, and didn't know whether to speak up or not.

What are these people going to do with the uncooperative captain? What is the purpose of keeping a person who cannot create value

There are just too many mysteries here, and it doesn't seem like the atmosphere is really that friendly. Lin Tianyin hesitated for a while and still didn't ask, even if she asked, she wouldn't get the truth. So she decided to put away her doubts first, and nothing happened yet, so their only goal now is to find a way to break into Area A. Of course, she and Celil alone can't do this. What they need is a guide who is familiar with the route: an aborigine who can be trusted and will not betray them. However, finding such a person in this place is also the biggest problem they need to face now.