The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 36


The countless undead finally left the place that had trapped them all this time, and the scene was almost unbelievably grand.

The roaring ghosts were like a faint blue vortex, spinning rapidly in the air, screaming, the scene was truly horrifying and quite spectacular.

In the past few decades, countless sea ships have been swallowed by the sea monster Ermes, and the souls of the victims have gathered here and cannot leave. Now that the exit has finally been reopened, the souls who have regained their freedom almost seem to want to leave Lin Tianyin. The space is drained instantly.

Seeing this scene now, Lin Tianyin didn't want to know whether the experience of the person who claimed to have escaped from the belly of the sea monster in the legend was true or not. Now the road has been opened to her, and through here, she can return to the outside world.

Taking a deep breath, under the hesitation of her companions, Lin Tianyin resolutely got into the black hole first.

The moment he climbed into the black hole, Lin Tian felt as if his body was sucked into a compressed can. The feeling of being squeezed and pulled surrounded her, and after a while of spinning, Lin Tianyin was finally ejected from the black hole leading to the entrance of the Demon King City.


Lin Tianyin fell badly, and then her companions crawled out one by one. Gruni's nagging complaints sounded in the quiet space. Lin Tianyin rubbed her aching head, slowly got up and looked around, and found that, as Jorov said before, the place they came to was an underground prison.

It was dimly lit and there was a foul smell in the air. Seeing that everyone came out safely, Lin Tianyin breathed a sigh of relief, and began to survey the surrounding environment.

The place that came out of that black hole seemed to be a door, but that door was blocked by someone. Of course, it has already been broken by Lin Tianyin, and the ground is full of gravel. It seemed that no one had been to this place for a long time, the ground was covered with dust, and beside them were empty cells, and the scattered bones inside seemed to prove that someone had been imprisoned here.

"What's going on... It's strange, there's no one here?" Gruni looked around suspiciously, showing a little trembling.

Leo and Celil became much calmer. They observed the surrounding environment vigilantly. It really looked like an ordinary dungeon.

"Don't talk, be careful to attract any monsters."

Lin Tianyin was very disturbed, so she stopped Gruni who was complaining non-stop, then lit the lights again, and led the team to move forward cautiously.

This place is so quiet that one can't help but wonder if the resurrection of the Demon King is not complete. After all, Lin Tianyin has been here for so long, and Lin Tianyin has also heard some legends about the Demon King in the past—the dungeon is imprisoned and tortured countless humans or elves who oppose it, and the skeleton warden guards the exit, and no one can escape. Things like that... But now there is nothing in this place except a pile of bones that seem to be left over from the last century, not to mention the general warden of the skeleton, not even a guard.

Lin Tianyin imagined countless possible things, such as being surrounded by skeleton soldiers as soon as she came out, and she and her companions fought together to fight a bloody path. But this situation is totally unexpected. Why didn't the devil move? Doesn't it realize that an intruder has come in

With doubts and uneasiness in their hearts, the group walked quietly in the dungeon. Compared with the trembling in the stomach of the sea monster, they encountered nothing in the dungeon at this moment. When they walked straight to the stairs, everyone stopped in their tracks.

Although it would not be surprising no matter what happened in the Demon King's City, this group of people were still shocked by what they saw.

The exit of this dungeon was completely sealed off like the entrance to the Demon King's City, and it seemed that in order to prevent others from entering and exiting here, a blood-colored sealing barrier was drawn on the blocked wall.

What is this doing? Everyone stared at the ghostly charm-like enchantment quite unexpectedly, their expressions were a little speechless.

It seems that the devil did not hold a welcome party for the intruders as expected, but blocked the road and prevented them from entering.

A subtle feeling surged in Lin Tianyin's heart, this demon king doesn't seem to be very active... Shouldn't he usually send his men to hunt down the brave man desperately? Seems to be doing nothing except that it sent a dragon to burn down the protagonist's village at the beginning of the story. In the original book, some low-level demons are occasionally sent to harass and harass the protagonist, purely to give the prince experience, and by the way, increase the favorability between the male and female protagonists. Why did my group of people come to the door now, but the devil sealed the entrance instead... Is it planning to do a good job? !

Everyone didn't quite understand the situation in front of them, but although they were puzzled and there was no good way to do it, they had to find a way to get out of the situation right now. So Lin Tianyin rolled up her sleeves, and with the previous precedent, her companions immediately understood what she was going to do, and they all made way for her very wisely, forming a circle.

... This feeling of reaching a tacit understanding made Lin Tianyin feel that her girlish heart had really died a little bit more completely.

But this time it seems to be different. When Lin Tian punched the wall, the blood-colored barrier on the wall emitted light for an instant, as if absorbing the impact. Lin Tianyin's punch barely shook a brick.

What's going on here

Lin Tianyin was a little dazed, but at this moment, the enchantment suddenly emitted a strange blue light, as if a force rushed out from it in the opposite direction.

Selil's face changed suddenly, and he rushed forward and pushed Lin Tianyin to the ground. At the same time, a huge impact passed over their heads, and hit the corner wall behind them with a "boom", causing A gigantic pit was formed.


Everyone was dumbfounded. Lin Tianyin lay under Celier and stared blankly at the big hole. If Celier hadn't pushed her away in time just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable—this was entirely the destructive power caused by her own fist!

It seems that the Demon King not only sealed the dungeon, but also made a barrier that can rebound attacks in order to prevent the people inside from escaping...

Leo seemed to hesitate for a moment, then suddenly pulled out the sword he was carrying, and slashed at the blood-red barrier. However, the same thing happened again, and his attack was also bounced back. Leo reacted very quickly and avoided sideways, leaving a sword mark on the wall behind them.

According to the results of the two experiments, it is obviously impossible to violently destroy the exit. Lin Tianyin was annoyed for a while, they had no choice but to give up this exit, and were going to find other ways out. However, at this moment, they suddenly heard a very faint voice coming from somewhere in the dungeon.

"come here… "

Everyone was stunned, and the voice sounded again, although it was very weak, it was a very soft and pleasant female voice.

"Come here… "

"There is someone! There is still someone here!" Gruni exclaimed joyfully, "Go and find her! Ask how to get out of this damned place!"

Is it really a person and not a trap? Except for Gruni, who thought he had found a life-saving clue, the expressions of the others were not very good. For they searched the place as they came along, and saw no living beings except the corpses in the prison.

"I'm here... Please help me..."

That voice still appeared intermittently in the silent cell, a little creepy. But right now there is no other way out, Lin Tianyin and Leo looked at each other and decided to find out the truth. Several people then searched in the direction of the sound until they came to a dark cell. A shriveled body was seen chained to the clamps of the torture device.

"Hey... are you still alive..." Gruni grunted, looking forward as if trying to see the figure clearly. But when Lin Tianyin shone the light, everyone gasped and almost cried out.


Gruni was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and crawled back desperately in fear, "Dead, dead body!!"

It was an elf corpse that seemed to have been dead for an unknown amount of time. It seemed to have been tortured, and its body was covered with large and small cracks. The body did not rot, but shriveled into wax. The two eyes in the eye sockets have been gouged out, revealing the hollow and frightening white bones, which look very terrifying.

"Calm down." Lin Tianyin frowned and stopped Gruni. She looked at the elf corpse uneasily, wondering if she made a mistake? But the sound is indeed coming from here, what is going on...

At this time, the voice that attracted them disappeared, and Lin Tianyin felt more and more strange. If this corpse asked them for help, what would they need to do

"Maybe its soul is begging us to free it." Celier suddenly expressed his guess, "This elf's soul may be trapped. I will try to open the shackles on it."

This man is also a man of action, putting ideas directly into action. Celil kicked open the crumbling cell door and walked directly into the cell.

"Wait, be careful."

Lin Tianyin reminded her from behind, this scene made her feel a little terrified, if she was asked to touch the corpse directly, she would never dare, what if the dead body changes? ! She is most afraid of those horror stories! However, Seril, who was born as a pirate, was worthy of being a pirate. This horrible mummy-like corpse was no problem for him at all. He went straight to remove the locks on the corpse as if nothing happened.

"Strange, it can't be opened."

Celil was halfway through the dismantling, and suddenly scratched his head in annoyance. Lin Tianyin saw that the elf's corpse showed no signs of sudden or about to change, so she finally got a little bolder, and went into the cell together, checked A look at the chained limbs of the corpse.

The texture of those locks is very strange, unlike any kind of metal that Lin Tianyin has seen, and there are strange spell-like lines engraved on them. Lin Tianyin suspects that this may be a special lock used to imprison the elves, and it seems that magic power is stuck on it...

"Need a key." Celier frowned and concluded, "But there isn't even a guard here, I'm afraid..."

"What's the matter, can't we just dismantle it?" After confirming that the corpse really didn't seem to suddenly open its eyes or move to bite, the courageous Lin Tianyin interrupted Celier, and suddenly grabbed the corpse on the corpse. The shackles started to pull hard, and the rest of the people were stunned when they saw it. After looking at her stupidly for a few seconds, Leo's face turned livid, and he couldn't help shouting at her, "Hey, stop! Don't mess around! "

"It doesn't matter, they are all dead anyway!"

Who's going to find the key, anyway, as long as it is freed from the rack, isn't it all right? Impatiently, Lin Tianyin shook off the people who wanted to stop her, and found that the chains were too strong, so she simply pulled hard on the corpse that was chained to the torture clips.

No one had time to stop him, only a "tear" sound was heard, and the waxy corpse that was mostly glued to the shelf was torn off, and the shriveled hands shackled by strange locks broke at the same time.

So that seemingly troublesome elf corpse was torn apart by Lin Tianyin...

And everyone present opened their mouths wide in shock, staring at her in disbelief.


The author has something to say: If it is in the game, if you receive the task of liberating the elves, you have to look for the key in all the prisons. If you can’t find it, then look for other clues, use the ritual to summon the warden, and get the key after defeating it. In the end, the soul of the elf was liberated... The protagonist directly dismantled the body and reassembled it... Although if he really couldn't think of a way, Celier would probably do the same...