The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 43


"Yo, Captain Mogulolo."

Facing the other party's malicious and rude ridicule, Celier grinned indifferently, and waved to him easily.

"What I hate the most is your attitude!"

But Celil's attitude angered the other party even more. The huge man suddenly roared as if he was angry, and smashed the floor with the iron rod in his hand. The hostess of "Lost Snake" hurriedly tried to dissuade him. , but was scared back two steps by the giant man's aura.

"You always refuse to admit that you are my defeated opponent! It's been like this since a long time ago. You have to compete with me no matter what. Why don't you face the reality and honestly apologize to me and beg for mercy?!"

The two seemed to be at odds with each other. For some reason, Mogulolo became more and more agitated as he talked, and the people around him were also very afraid of him. They all lowered their heads and drank wine, not wanting to be involved in the dispute. middle.

"Oh? Is that so? But I never remember how I lost to you, Captain Moguroro." Celier hooked Lin Tianyin's neck with one hand, and smiled very flatly, "And Captain Moguroro Are you thinking too much, I have never deliberately troubled you, but every time you see my boat, you insist on chasing after it to cause disturbance."

"Shut up - you don't want to know whose fault it is! Punk Roger!"

"Is this what you call an 'old friend'?" Lin Tianyin gave Celier a disgusted look, and muttered softly, "Your relationship doesn't look very good."

"No, we used to be good competitors and partners."

"You, how dare you say that!!" The man was obviously not as rascal as Celil, and the flesh on his face trembled with anger after hearing the words, "You haven't forgotten that you lied to me that the seller changed his mind, and then you Steal the business of rare earth transportation!"

"That happened so many years ago, Captain Mogulolo, do you still remember?" Celil poked his brain, looking helpless, and said innocently, "But to put it bluntly, it's all You have to blame Captain Mogulolo for your own badness. I just told you that buyers seem to be more interested in a batch of good-quality spirit stone mines. Unexpectedly, Captain Mogulolo is greedy to monopolize the business and give up by himself. I got rid of the original commission and secretly placed an order... Oh, at least that batch of goods has been piling up for several years and finally sold out, right? Don’t be so self-willed like a child.”

What kind of pot is this guy? ! But she was also very curious: "Wait, don't you pirates specialize in robbing passenger ships passing by at sea? Why do you still do business?"

"Of course not, how can there be so many ships for you to snatch." Celil gave her a strange look, still speaking with a somewhat nasal voice: "If you really did that, the kingdom would have sent all the The troops surrounded us, Shanoya, you seem to have misunderstood us a lot."

"It's not a misunderstanding at all! When I first met you, didn't you guys grab a passenger ship?!" Lin Tianyin felt as if she was being treated as a fool, and suddenly became angry, "And it's all because of your fault! It's my fault! I was trapped in the belly of the sea monster for a long time! At that time, I almost thought that I would never get out for the rest of my life, do you understand?!"

"It was just an accident." Celil shrugged and smiled shamelessly, "And because of this, we were able to meet and experience such a wonderful adventure together, don't you think so?"

"I don't want this kind of encounter! You really don't plan to reflect on yourself at all?!"

"Absolutely not."

"Go to hell, bastard!"

"Listen carefully to what others say!!!"

Captain Mogulolo, who was ignored by the side, seemed to be going mad with anger. He roared, and his hand holding the hammer was trembling. The air pressure in the entire bar dropped to zero in an instant. Several customers seemed to have a premonition that what happened next might affect them, so they checked out in a panic and escaped from the Lost Snake Bar.

"I said little Celier, you don't want to ruin my business every time you come here." The hostess wearing purple lipstick looked at Celier with dissatisfaction, but the hostess did not dare to get angry at the giant man, just Being able to anger the young pirate captain who seemed to be quite talkative.

"I'm sorry, lady boss, I'm not here to ask for trouble, I just want an old friend to help me." He let go of Lin Tianyin, jumped onto the bar quickly, squatted down and looked up at the girl who was a lot taller than him. Mogulolo said, "Can I trouble Captain Mogulolo to take us by the way when we sail to Cocoroni Treasure Island next time?"

He will promise to have a ghost! Lin Tianyin almost couldn't help shouting out, this is the first time to stimulate others before asking others to help, you are not bad if they don't kill you! This is not an "old friend", it is clearly an enemy!

"I'd be more than happy to take you to hell!"

Moguro raised his big stick and swung towards Celil vigorously. Celier avoided sideways, landed on the chair briskly, and shook his finger at Moguro, "Don't be angry, I I really need your help, Captain."

"Go eat shit, Punk Roger! Ghosts will help you!" He angrily launched a continuous attack on Celil, but all the attacks failed one by one, smashing the seats, the wall, and the rest of the people in the bar immediately They all dispersed, only the hostess screamed angrily, "Stop it! If you want to hit me, get out!"

However, Mogulolo, who was blown out of air, finally failed all his attacks. He missed Celier at once. In the end, he was panting and holding his giant stick, his eyes were bloodshot and he roared angrily at Celier, " Don’t run away if you have the ability! Fight me head-on!”

"Then what good does it do me to win?"

"What?! Do you think you can win?! I want to kill you! Do you understand?!"

Mogu Luoluo was obviously irritated again. Lin Tianyin suspected that Celier's provocative skill is S-level. This guy can make others have the urge to go berserk at every turn. Sometimes it can be described as vicious. This guy is definitely doing it on purpose. of.

But Celil didn't seem to feel Mogulolo's anger at all. He put his hands in his coat pockets and looked at him with difficulty, "But if it's not good, I don't want to waste my energy fighting Captain Mogulolo. , since you want to duel, show some sincerity."

"If you can win! Lao Tzu's boat will belong to you!" Mogulolo smashed the chair in front of him angrily, "If you lose! I will strip you naked and hang it upside down on Lao Tzu's flag , until you kneel on the ground and beg me for mercy every day!"

"Okay, that's a deal." Celil snapped his fingers, "Then, in order to prevent Captain Mogulolo from changing his mind, let's go to the opposite water arena for a formal duel, and we must not regret it. "

"It's exactly what I want! Let you know how to write dead words!"

Mogulolo took a rough breath, then picked up his giant stick and walked to the door of the Lost Snake Bar, turning his head and glaring at Celil fiercely.

"I'm waiting for you in the arena, if you dare to escape—" He waved the huge stick in his hand, "I'll smash your head!"

"Understood, I'll be there soon." Celil waved to him, then watched Mogulolo leave, turned to look at Lin Tianyin and said, "Then Shanoya, are you going to cheer for me? Or Go back to the hotel and wait for me to find you?"

"Of course I went with you." Lin Tianyin said without thinking. She doesn't believe in anyone except her own strength, and if something unexpected happens, she will definitely beat Namoguluo out of the shit and force him to lend her the boat.

"That's really great." He grinned, and stretched out his hand to cover Lin Tianyin's head, "With such a cute girl coming to cheer, I won't lose no matter what."

"... Is there some conspiracy behind your mouth becoming so sweet?" Lin Tianyin glanced at him very distrustingly, she was obviously called a little fat girl before, why did she suddenly become so flattering to her? Absolutely uneasy...

"No, because it's really cute." Celil smiled happily, "At first I thought you were the kind of guy who couldn't be cured, but then suddenly I had a kind of 'Oh, even if you are so fat It doesn't matter' feeling, speaking of it, I also watched you lose weight little by little, how did Shanoya get so reluctant to eat?"

"..." is because the shark is a psycho! Lin Tianyin thought bitterly in her heart.

"If you want to lie to the little girl, why don't you think about how to compensate me for the loss?"

When Celil was talking to Lin Tianyin, the hostess of the Lost Snake interrupted him angrily. She pointed at her messy store and looked at Celil angrily, "It's not the first time, do you need me to expose you? Two years ago you approached 'Mermaid Princess' and angered her man, Nearly smashed my shop... ”

"Oh? That's not the case at all. Ma'am, don't say that in front of my little girl."

"Who is your little girl, don't decide on your own, okay?!"

"Hehe, your little girl is not too young..." The hostess of the Lost Snake sneered, "How about letting the young lady who has been pestering you know what will happen? Or do you need to ask me to find the young lady?" Compensation? Oh, won't she cry with joy if she finds out you're still alive?"

"Hey, please spare me! And those are not my little girls!" Seli suddenly showed an expression as if he had eaten a fly. He seemed to hesitate, and then waved his hands again and again, "Don't tell that Miss, let her think I'm dead!"

The mistress of the Lost Snake raised her eyebrows, and Celil looked at her for a long time, then finally gave in and sighed.

"Okay, boss lady, you win."

"Hehe, if you don't want to be exposed to more old stories in front of your new girlfriend, don't fight against me, little Celier."

"It's not a girlfriend." Lin Tianyin denied it expressionlessly, but the hostess of the Lost Snake opened her fan and laughed, "What a little girl who looks more and more beautiful... Where did that brat find it? , Ha ha... If you are interested in little Celier's past, you can come and ask me anytime."

"No thanks, I'm not interested at all..." Lin Tianyin replied weakly. Back then when she looked in the mirror, she was still a fat girl whose eyes and nose were crowded together and she couldn't see clearly, but she couldn't accept such a high evaluation all of a sudden!

But Celier didn't seem to care about their conversation, he slowly took out a bag of money from his pocket, stuffed it into Lin Tianyin's hand and said to her, "Then in order to compensate the loss of the proprietress, wait a while to fight on the water." When playing, Shanoya just needs to go to the cashier's desk and put all the money on me no matter what the odds are."

"...Are you sure you want to do this?" Lin Tianyin was silent for a while, then raised her head and glanced at him with a little confusion.

"What's the matter, what's the problem?" Celil tilted his head and looked at her.


There is no problem, but Lin Tianyin, as a brave man who has nothing to do with money, is very suspicious of what accidents may happen if she does this...