The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 50


With a "snap", the brick firmly hit Prince Rey, who was completely attracted by the monkey and didn't notice the sneak attack behind him. So the prince didn't even have a chance to say anything, and just fell down on his face.


Seeing this scene, the group of people suddenly fell silent. Everyone stared blankly at Lin Tianyin, without reacting for a long time.

Although I know that this girl has not played cards according to common sense, what is she doing? !

"Shanoya..." Even Celier's mouth twitched slightly this time, looking at Lin Tianyin with a complicated expression. Maybe Celier really planned to have a showdown with the prince, but now things seem to be developing in a strange direction...

"... What are you doing?" Leo frowned and looked at the blond prince lying on the ground, and he couldn't help asking questions in silence.

However, the main culprit who did all this, Lin Tianyin, put the bricks back into her bag in panic, picked up the monkey, and ran away with Leo.

"Quick, run away!"

"What's the matter?" Leo frowned and wanted to shake off Lin Tianyin's hand, but he was held tightly and had to run with her. Celier reacted quickly and followed along, but in the end Lin Tianyin didn't even claim the winning prize, and the three of them escaped from the arena with a monkey and jumped onto the ferry.

"Let's go to the west port." Celil finally said aloud. Lin Tianyin lay on the side of the boat in shock and stared at the exit of the water arena. Fortunately, no short-sighted leader of the knights rushed out. Just when Lin Tianyin was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Celier suddenly patted her on the shoulder, and dragged her back into the boat.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Lin Tianyin finally came back to her senses, and she sat blankly and looked at Celier.

"Why don't you explain what happened just now?" Celier raised his chin, squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Tianyin with distrust, and asked aloud, "When His Royal Highness seems to see Pippi, Shanoya Acting pretty tense."

"Wow, no way." Lin Tianyin hurriedly looked away, "That's your illusion."

"If you want to lie to me, Shanoya is too young. Do you think I didn't notice that you were very disturbed when I saw His Royal Highness?" Celil shook his finger, looking like he was Analyzing with the attitude of an adult, "Tell me, what happened between you and that prince?"


This guy is really not easy to deal with. Lin Tianyin thought that she didn't seem to be easy to fool this time, but she didn't want others to know that she ordered the monkey to do some sneaky things, so she frowned slightly and replied: " That's not important, I also didn't ask Celil about your past, right? Because I think these are other people's own affairs, there is no need to share secrets with everyone, and I don't think we have gotten to that level. "

Lin Tianyin's tone was very impatient, even to the point of being ruthless. Originally, she didn't like others to interfere with her, but Celier raised his chin, as if he didn't care about her indifference, and still smiled very heartily.

"But I want to know about Shanoya."

Under the silent night, the bright moonlight shone on his slightly curly red hair, and he just stared at the girl, smiling cheekily and heartily.

"My affairs, what you want to know, I will tell you everything."


At this moment, Lin Tianyin suddenly felt her heart beat a beat faster. As if something hit her chest, the roots of her ears started to feel hot involuntarily.

Wait, wait—this is a foul! It's too shameless to say such ambiguous words casually to play with the girl's mood! She... she won't be fooled!

"Yeah, I don't want to know! I met the prince because I took Pippi and snatched his money bag together to help a poor boy on a trip! Now that you are satisfied, don't ask any more questions!"

Lin Tianyin was so panicked that she didn't even know what she was talking nonsense. She finished speaking quickly, then turned around quickly, and covered her hot face with her cold hands.

Don't be fooled! That's a cheeky stinky pirate! It would be a shame if I fell in love with him!

However, when Lin Tianyin finished speaking, after a few seconds of silence, there was a sudden burst of laughter.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Lin Tianyin turned her head in embarrassment, and seeing Celier holding on to the rails of the boat, she almost burst out laughing.

Leo, who was sitting alone on the other side, looked at them coldly, as if he didn't want to participate in their conversation.

"Hey!" Lin Tianyin kicked him angrily, but he was quickly avoided.

"Stop laughing!"

"I'm sorry hahaha! But this is so interesting! This is the first time I've heard that someone will grab the prince's purse... Should I say it's Shanoya's style hahahahaha!"


"I finally know why you had a ghost-like expression when you saw His Highness the Prince, but didn't His Highness recognize you? It's really lucky."

Celil finally stopped laughing after a long time. He propped himself up on the edge of the boat and sat up. This man looked extremely happy, and the smile on his face still refused to let go.

Lin Tianyin shrugged helplessly: "Who knows? Probably because I was too fat back then."

She had looked in the mirror before in the lounge of the arena, and this time it was an eye-opener. When she just became the role of Shanoya, the fat girl in the mirror could be described as horrific. Eyes and nose crowded together, she is basically a female version of a fat tiger. But now that she has lost weight, Lin Tianyin even thinks that the pair of sisters are still very similar. Although they are still not as beautiful as Mirona, they can be regarded as one of the best beautiful girls. At least she has never seen anyone more beautiful than her on the street. ... Sure enough, the genes of the brave family are good, and she couldn't figure out why this girl became so fat after eating! The bad taste of the original author is simply unbearable to look at!

"That's true." Celil began to look at Lin Tianyin and said, "From the time I first saw you to now, it's like a completely different person. It is estimated that your younger sister will not recognize you when she sees you." Alright."

"Damn, speaking of this, how did your game go!" Lin Tianyin finally remembered, "Did you win?"

"Does it need to be said?" Celil lay back with his head on his back, smiling very weakly, "Captain Mogulolo is such a good man, he agreed to give us the boat."

"Isn't it the result of your bet? Don't talk like that..." Lin Tianyin mumbled, looking around, "Then what about others?"

I didn't see that giant man coming out with Celil, but if that man was there, the boat probably wouldn't be able to fit...

"Probably still crying on the field." Celil shrugged, looking indifferent, "But his ship is parked at the western port. Ah... I saw it, it's that one. We don't have to wait for Captain Mogulolo , I have already taken his captain's waist order, and those crew members will sail for us."


Lin Tianyin was speechless, how shameless she must be! Suddenly, from the bottom of my heart, I began to sympathize with the captain who lost the ship to this guy.

"It's landed."

A few minutes later, the boatman docked the boat towards the shore. The boat fare was paid first, Lin Tianyin and the others jumped off the boat, and then followed Celier to the red and black boat on the westernmost side of the port.

"Will they really sail for us?" Lin Tianyin was a little skeptical about Celier's words. She felt that this man was telling the truth and lying together, and he was a little unreliable when he was not serious. And wouldn't the pirates have any doubts about a stranger coming with their captain's token? What's more, the relationship between them has not been very good, or the enemy is more appropriate...

"It should be." Celil said after thinking about it.

It should be. What does it mean... Can't you answer in detail

Lin Tianyin complained in her heart, while Leo next to her remained silent. Lin Tianyin suddenly recalled that the prince seemed to reach out to her just now, is it the meaning of a marriage proposal in this world to reach out to the opposite sex? But the prince obviously didn't mean that and just wanted her to join... Ah, she couldn't figure it out! Whatever, anyway, the prince has already been overthrown by her! I hope I won't meet her next time, she hasn't received her bonus yet, but she probably won't dare to return to the arena for a long time...

Speaking of this, Lin Tianyin immediately remembered her bonus from the previous round, and Leo didn't seem to want to hand it over to her. Although she knew that Leo was probably not that kind of person, Lin Tianyin reminded her in a circumstantial way.

"Speaking of Leo, have you queued up to receive my previous bonus?"

"Got it." Leo replied without any ups and downs.

"Oh! Now..."

But without waiting for Lin Tianyin to say anything, Leo glanced at her, his light gray eyes were extremely clear under the street lights by the roadside. As if narrating something very calmly, "That guy asked me to bet all the winnings on you. He said that the winning or losing is yours anyway. He just came out too fast and didn't have time to get the money back."


Lin Tianyin fell silent for a long time, the feeling that she had no debts and became rich with great difficulty disappeared.

What the hell! Don't arbitrarily decide the right to use other people's money! Although it would have been a good thing, who would have thought that the prince would suddenly appear out of nowhere... I don't know how long he will stay in the water arena! What if this guy doesn't leave? ! In the end, after working hard for so long, she still couldn't get any money. Is this the curse of being a brave man destined to be poor? !

But now it's useless to blame anyone, the only thing to blame is her lucky E and Sharkko's malice...

So after a long time, Lin Tianyin finally twitched the corners of her mouth, and replied with infinite regret in her heart: "...well, good job."

Then, Lin Tianyin's intuition that the good things didn't work and the bad things came true was accurate again—she really guessed right, the crew of Captain Mogulolo were very hostile to Celil, when they approached When the ship was in the port, the pirate crew members suddenly appeared from the deck one by one and pointed their muskets at them.

"What are you doing here?! Get out before we shoot! Punk Roger!"

"Hey, calm down, gentlemen."

Celier made a gesture of surrender, but he didn't intend to stop at all, and continued to walk forward.

Facing Celier's actions, those pirates started to sweat on their foreheads, and they seemed to have a headache for this guy, and they were a little scared, "Don't take another step forward! Stop there! Otherwise we will Shoot!"

"Okay, okay, you should be able to see this position."

He showed a very typical smirk, slowly took out the captain token he got from Mogulolo from his pocket, and threw it on the boat.

"Your captain asked me to tell you that this ship belongs to me."

Fuck! Even Lin Tianyin, who had nothing to do with her, was shocked at the moment.

Is this guy's attitude really okay? It's completely provocative, this beast!