The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 54


According to Celil's prompt, Lin Tianyin directly found the entrance to the basement in this large room. Now that the matter has reached this point, Lin Tianyin felt that she should be more on the safe side, so she picked up a wooden stick on the ground for self-defense, and walked carefully underground.

As soon as she stepped on the stairs and walked in, Lin Tianyin immediately smelled an unpleasant smell, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and nose. The place Celil pointed out was correct, the basement was indeed a dungeon. The lights on the walls were very dim, and there were many people locked up in each cell. When they heard that someone had come down, they all scrambled to stretch out their hands to the outside of the fence.

"Give us something to eat, we've been hungry for three days!"

"Please! Contact my family next! They will definitely give you more ransom!"

The living conditions here seem to be very difficult... Thinking of Mirona being locked up in this kind of place for several months, Lin Tianyin suddenly felt that even if she was trapped in the stomach of a sea monster, it was nothing. All of these people seemed to be emitting a stench, and no one could recognize anyone who was unkempt, so Lin Tianyin said directly, "Mirona, are you here?"


Hearing a girl's voice, the cell was silent for a moment.

Then, another thin and weak voice responded: "... Shanoya??"

"It's me!" Lin Tianyin quickly walked in the direction of the voice, and she came to the innermost cell.

The difference from the treatment in other cells was that there was only Mirona in that cell, and in the cell opposite her, Gagaff was locked up with several other older people. But Gargaff seemed to have lost consciousness, bruised from blunt objects, and fell unconscious on the ground.

"Shanoya! It really is you!" When she saw Lin Tianyin, Mirona, who was originally sad, suddenly showed a joyful expression, and her body, which was originally beautiful, is now dirty. His hair is now as messy as a bunch of withered grass, his face is gray, his eyes are red and swollen from crying like a rabbit, and he looks extremely pitiful.

"You are really still alive! After the sea monster swallowed you, others said you were dead, but I always believed that you would never leave me alone... It's great to see you again!" Mirona said Holding the fence and holding Lin Tianyin's hand, his eyes were full of hope, and he was so excited that he almost burst into tears again.

"I, I'm fine... But how about you, are you okay?" At this time, Lin Tianyin was almost embarrassed by her. Although Mirona was usually annoyed, she was really not bad. What she didn't expect was that she directly He recognized Lin Tianyin. This made Lin Tianyin murmur, didn't Mirona notice any changes in her

"I'm fine! But I beg you to save Gargaff!" Mirona is worthy of being the first virgin in the original book, and the first thing she cares about at this time is others. The girl let go of Lin Tianyin's hand in an instant, and looked sadly and sadly at Gagaff, who was unconscious in the opposite cell, as if they were Romeo and Juliet.

"Mr. Luka asked me to marry him, but I would rather die than obey. He attacked Gagaff... Gagaff was tortured by them for a long time. He started to have a fever three days ago, and he still hasn't woken up... If If he dies, I... I don't want to live anymore!"

"Cold, calm down! Gargaff won't die, no one will die." Lin Tianyin comforted Mirona in a cold sweat, thinking that Xiao Le didn't see you so desperate when he was making lunch? But this silly girl always likes to think on a whim, and basically like herself, she is an actionist who can do whatever she thinks of. Lin Tianyin is very suspicious that if Gagaff fails, Mirona will kill herself on the spot. So he greeted Leo: "Leo, go and guard the exit. If anyone comes, block them, and I will help rescue everyone."

The black-haired handsome boy nodded indifferently, then walked towards the exit with a sword in hand. Lin Tianyin looked at Mirona's pleading eyes, and thought that if she didn't go to rescue Gagaff, she would be nagging her for a long time, so she turned around and walked to Gagav's cage, grabbed the iron fence with both hands, and gave it a big push. break...

So the cage was directly dismantled by her, and the old men who were locked with Gagaff all looked at her dumbfoundedly, and didn't recover for a long time.

"Please! Shanoya!"

Mirona yelled from behind again, Lin Tianyin had to look back at her: "Be quiet, Mirona, you don't want to attract the enemy?"

"ah… "

A dazed and hurt expression appeared on Mirona's face for a moment, and then she covered her face sadly: "Yes, I'm sorry! I'm just too worried about Gagaff!"

"..." It's useless to say anything to this girl, Lin Tianyin is speechless, this girl's brain gap is no longer in the same dimension as her, she feels that she is not smart enough, but in the end there is Mirona She is at the bottom... It must be that the original author Sha Zizi wanted to create a natural character, but the level is not good enough, so he wrote it as Xiaobai...

It's better to finish the work and leave here... Thinking of this, Lin Tianyin dragged Gagafu out of the cell, and then covered him with his hands.

Just when he was about to start performing the great healing technique that he had just begun to practice, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from upstairs.

"I heard something moving in the dungeon, go and see what's going on!"

"Maybe that girl started to make trouble again. Excuse me, Captain, she has nothing but good looks. And she is disobedient. Why do you insist on..."

"What do you know?! Good-looking is enough! I have a lot of ways to make her submit, but I have always been gentle with women, and I plan to give her another chance to make her surrender to me, hehe..."

It's Luca! Lin Tianyin was startled, thinking that the guy they were looking for was here!

Although her mind is not very bright, at this moment Lin Tianyin also has a crooked idea to wipe them all out, so she immediately called Leo who had put his hand on the hilt of his sword and was about to fight over.

"What's wrong?" Leo frowned slightly and glanced at her.

"Hide first, it will be troublesome if Luka escapes in a fight, and we will outflank him after he comes down." Lin Tianyin explained to Leo with gestures.

After hearing Lin Tianyin's plan, Leo frowned slightly to show his dissatisfaction, but he still listened to Lin Tianyin. The boy immediately withdrew his sword, turned around and hid in the dark. So Lin Tianyin hurriedly dragged Gagaff aside, stuffed him into an empty wooden barrel, and hid herself.

"I didn't expect that kid Celil to be alive... I've wasted all my hard work, it's his fate..."

Maybe it was because he was surrounded by confidantes, Luka muttered cursingly as he walked down the steps of the dungeon. Those people followed behind him, but they didn't notice Leo who was hiding in the shadows and had completely concealed his murderous intent.

When these people walked down the steps and were about to go to see Mirona, their expressions were suddenly taken aback, and they all showed astonished faces.

"What's going on?! A cell was demolished?"

"This is impossible!" Luka yelled in shock, and he hurriedly led the people towards the cell, only to see a few old men shivering in the corner, except for Gagaff.

"Where's that kid?! Isn't he almost dead?! How could the iron fence be removed!!" Luka was furious and shocked, and quickly ordered his subordinates to check other cells, "Look for it quickly! He must be still alive!" Didn't run far!"

After those people dispersed in a panic after receiving the order, Luka quickly turned to look at Mirona again. Finding that lovely and pitiful girl still glaring at him in the cage, Luka immediately showed a disgusting smile, and his tone softened a lot in an instant: "Where did that kid go? He shouldn't Leave yourself and run away."

Has your IQ been eaten away too? ! Lin Tianyin, who was hiding behind the wooden barrel, couldn't help jumping up. Mirona turned her head angrily, as if she didn't want to talk to Luka. Seeing this, Luka smiled even more obsequiously, and kept rubbing the iron hook on his right hand: "Hey , my Mirona, Miss Mi, Princess Mi... just follow me, you see that kid doesn’t want you anymore, I, Captain Luka, like you wholeheartedly, if you marry me, I’ll give you Drizzt The same treatment as the queen of the city... "

"Go away!" Mirona glared at Luka viciously, her voice became shrill and high-pitched due to anger, "I don't care! I won't forgive you! Mr. Luka! Those things you have to do for you Pay the price!"

"Hey, don't say that. You see, I have never been so patient with a woman. If you follow me, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth, or..." Luka's face suddenly changed, and he was as cold as a fierce spirit He said, "That kid will definitely not be able to escape from this island. Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we must capture him, and then I will chop off his head in front of you. What do you think?"

"Not very well, and I think you should worry about yourself, Captain Luka."

Just as Luka was triumphantly watching Mirona's face showing pain and worry as he had planned, suddenly a girl's voice sounded behind him, and a hand patted him on the shoulder.


Luca suddenly turned around in surprise, only to see a beautiful girl with light chestnut hair who looked quite similar to Mirona, looking at him with a smile.

Luka was startled, before he had time to think, he only knew that he also wanted to say hello to the other party instinctively. Oh... what a beautiful girl, smiling at herself... Has anyone finally fallen for his charms? But all of a sudden, the smiling girl suddenly took out a brick from her bag, and greeted him with a "slap" almost without a pause.

what happened? ! Isn't the plot different from what you expected? !

As if playing a slow-motion movie, Luka flew out with saliva and nosebleeds all over his face. But he still didn't understand what was going on. From the other side, Mirona's high-pitched joyful voice sounded again: "Good job!! Shanoya!".

Then Luka saw in his dizziness that while his men rushed over in a hurry, the beautiful girl with light chestnut hair easily removed his cell door with bare hands, and the girl who had been imprisoned by him for a long time slowly He walked out of the prison with a serious and forbearing expression, as if he was about to reach his limit.

Luka who fell to the ground looked at the goddess in his heart and shivered involuntarily. Apparently he hadn't forgotten that he had been beaten half to death the first time he saw her, and they would never have been able to catch her if she hadn't been drowned unconscious. And that girl was staring straight at him now, as if black air was about to emerge from her body. Then, Mirona didn't know what to say to the pretty girl with light chestnut hair, and took over the cell door that was removed, her eyes always stayed on him.

A very ominous premonition welled up in Luka's heart.

"Quick, take them down!"

He almost screamed and roared at his opponents, but a flash of white light flashed, and the pirates who rushed over had no time to help, and they all went down limply. The black-haired handsome boy who appeared behind them at some point withdrew his sword and stepped aside silently.

"Yes, I have something to say!"

Seeing Mirona, who was holding the prison door, walking towards him step by step, Luka swore that this was the weirdest and most terrifying scene he had ever seen. Lorna was completely unmoved, she raised the prison door in her hand without saying a word, and then smashed it towards the treasure between Luka's legs.

"Stop, stop!! Wow!!"