The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 68


Lin Tianyin endured the cold that almost froze her body, and walked with difficulty in the wilderness full of undead.

Nearly half of the one hour time limit has passed, but there are only endless lost undead around her. These wraiths couldn't find their way out, and they didn't even remember who they were. They howled and wandered in pain, forever enduring endless pain in this nothingness.

Celil, where the hell are you...


"Sally, if you make rubbings, give me a copy too."

"Huh? What's the matter, didn't you say no before you couldn't understand?"

"Hey. Long-winded! Isn't this why you haven't found something after studying for so long, I plan to take a look together!"

The progress of deciphering the map was very slow, and the lines on the handle of the knife seemed to be a hidden code, but during the slow deciphering process, Celier finally confirmed one thing-this knife would really lead them to find The key to the treasure left by the great pirate. It's just that Reiner became a little impatient with the current progress. His brain is not good. He prefers simple and rough fights to solve problems than using his brain. But even so, he still made a request to read the map together. .

"You're too anxious, Reiner." Celil sighed softly, and said helplessly, "Okay, then I'll go back and draw a copy for you."

Then Celil raised his eyebrows and looked at the happy Reiner, and added to him: "But you must not ask other people for the map."

"Then, isn't that nonsense! Of course not!"

Reiner's face flushed immediately, Celier smiled lightly, and patted him on the shoulder.

Then that night, Celier asked Reiner out and gave him a roll of paper.

"Oh! Oh! This really looks like a treasure map." Leiner excitedly opened the scroll and glanced at it, then quickly put the picture back in his pocket, waved to Celil and said, "Thank you , buddy, then Iā€™m going back.ā€

"Oh." Celil put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head in front of the lamppost next to the alley and looked at his friend, and repeated with a half-smile, "Don't go to someone else just because you don't understand. Ask, Riley."

"Whispering! I said no!" Reiner froze slightly, turned his head and glared at Celil, and ran away quickly.

Celier watched his friend disappear into the darkness, he sighed softly, turned and left this place.

In the next few days, Celier didn't see Reiner, and Reiner seemed to avoid him deliberately, even when he went to his favorite tavern during meal time, he didn't see him. Celier vaguely felt that his conjecture might have been verified. Reiner is a type who has no brains and is easy to trust others. He is not sure whether it was the right judgment to give him the glyph painting at that time, but in fact , in fact, Celier also kept an eye on it.

Sure enough, one night a few days later, Celil was drinking and flirting with Mr. Polov's granddaughter alone in the Anchor Tavern, and received more than one warning from Mr. Polov. At this time, after hearing the "ding" of the wind chimes, Reiner pushed the door and walked in, followed by a tall young man.

Celier recognized who that person was at a glance. It was Reiner's half-brother Heinav. Although he had met him a few times, he had never been close to him. That man is equivalent to the military advisor of the Calamus Pirates. He is very different from Reiner in every aspect. He looks the same as his mother, with dark brown curly long hair and a pair of round-rimmed glasses. Apart from ambition, he also has both. with wisdom.

After Heinav walked up to Celil, he politely took off his hat and greeted him: "Hello, Mr. Punk Roger."

"Hey, you're good too, Reiner's big brother."

Celier also waved to him, but sat in the chair without moving. The granddaughter of Mr. Boluf was holding a tray and watching them secretly. Heinav glanced at the amused girl who blushed slightly, narrowed her eyes, and smiled at her. .

The girl immediately hid her face behind the dinner plate shyly, Heinav didn't seem to care about her reaction, he readjusted his target on Celil, looked at him with a smile and said, "Can I take a step to talk? Mister Punk Roger."

"Ah, of course."

Reiner has always been hesitant to speak, making it easy for people to guess what's going on. Celier casually stood up from the seat, turned around and whistled to the girl who started to secretly look at him again, and said frivolously: "Brother still has something to do, come and play with sister Lina next time." ~"

"Get lost! If you, a brat, want to take advantage of my precious granddaughter, I will buy you to eat my bullets!"

Old Boluf finally yelled at him unbearably, and Celil jumped off the bench with a smile, followed Leiner and Heinav out of the gate of the bar, and then stopped outside a deserted alley.

"Tell me, what's going on." Celil leaned against the street lamp, apparently speaking to Reiner.

Faced with Celier's question, Reiner felt a little guilty, he hesitated for a moment, and when he was about to say something, Heinav suddenly interrupted him, as if he could guess what Celier was thinking, he smiled and said: "Reiner told me everything, Mr. Punk Roger."

"I guessed that you would not be able to hold back." Celil raised his chin, raised his eyebrows and stared at his friend, "Stupid Leiner, I'd better ask Big Brother for help."

"Stop, shut up! It's not because you haven't understood the map all this time! You're stupid too!" Reiner became a little annoyed, and cursed back at Celil angrily.

"How could it be something that can be interpreted so easily, can't you just be a little more patient? I've almost drawn the map." Celier sighed softly and shrugged helplessly.

Celier's attitude was so calm that Leiner was stunned for a moment, and then he showed an apologetic expression, and said falteringly: " didn't tell me! I thought you couldn't do it! I think big brother is special Good at deciphering puzzles, if you find him..."

"Hey, don't say strange things, I'm going to be angry, you're the one who can't do it."

"... what?! You know I don't mean that! Bastard! You just can't do it!"

"So you want to try and see if I 'do it'?"

"Damn! Fuck off! I'm straight! I fell out with you!"

"Yeah, but you acted like a little girl before."

"Bah! You are just like a little girl! I really fell out with you!"

"... stop arguing, gentlemen."

Heinav interrupted the two of them suddenly. He didn't look like a pirate. He spoke and behaved as politely as a famous scholar, but there was a faint hint of strength. .

"Please don't blame Reiner, Mr. Punk Roger, I also apologize to you for his recklessness."

The man stared at Celil with a smile, and spoke at a moderate pace: "But in fact, we can all understand this feeling. He is just too impatient. He hopes to find the treasure of 'that person' as soon as possible. And he is worried that you will not be able to find it." Deciphering the map, that's why you asked me for help."

Reiner shrunk his head guiltily, Celier snorted lightly, and didn't say anything in front of Heinav.

Heinav didn't seem to care about Celil's thoughts either. He narrowed his eyes and wrinkled his whole face with a smile, and his tone was gentle with a twist: "Don't worry, this is a secret between us...Pang Keluo Mr. Jie, no, can I call you Celil? Have you told anyone else about this?"

"No, Reiner's big brother." Celil looked at him, and he answered the other party's question, but didn't say anything more.

"Is that so... Okay, very good, please remember, don't tell anyone else... We will also keep this secret, even our father can't let him know before finding Spirat's treasure, You said yes, Lena?"

"Yes... Brother, you are right!" Reiner nodded vigorously, Heinav smiled and narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, "This is my good brother, so it's settled, I will help you Solve the mystery on the map as soon as possible."

But in an instant, he suddenly looked at Celier again, with a slight gleam in his eyes: "But I also have a question to ask Celier... When you copied the original map, you shouldn't have accidentally made a mistake." And what is missing?"

"Of course not, Lena's brother." The smile on Celil's face was impeccable, "If you don't believe me, I can bring you the original map to confirm."

"Ah, that's really great." Heinav showed a slightly relieved expression, "It's not that I don't trust Mr. Sellier, it's just to ensure that there are no mistakes and prevent us from doing useless work."

"Well, of course I understand that."

Even Reiner found it strange, but Celil was a little unbelievably obedient, and replied very readily: "So what about this time tomorrow?"

"Of course no problem." Heinav smiled with satisfaction, and then he took off his bowler hat like the gentlemen in Farus, and bowed slightly to salute, "Then I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first. .ā€

"Go ahead."

Heinav turned around and took a few steps, seeing that Reiner hadn't followed, he couldn't help but stop and turn his head to frown. Reiner hesitated for a moment, stood where he was and said to Heinav, "Brother, go first, Sely and I will have another drink."

"Well, okay."

Heinav gave Reiner a meaningful look, he nodded, and turned to leave directly. Watching Heinerf's back go away, Leiner breathed a sigh of relief, and Celil finally stood up straight from the lamppost, walked up to Leiner and looked at him, pouted and said: "Forget it!" You kid still has a conscience, you didn't tell Big Brother that the real map we got is actually a knife."

"Oh... sorry, I just wanted to secretly ask my brother for help, just to ask him if he could understand the map, I didn't intend to tell him what it was, but..."

"You don't need to explain, I already guessed that this would be the result." Celil spread his hands, and before Reiner could say anything, he grabbed his neck and dragged him towards the bar just now , "Let's go, let's go drink."

"Hey... you're only 15 years old! It's not good to drink all day long!"

Reiner frowned, his friend's attitude made him feel less guilty and uncomfortable. The red-haired boy smiled, he twirled his fingers around his short braid, and laughed a lot: "Do you care about this? You almost made me think that we are those young soldiers from Drizzt City. Misunderstanding."

"Go away! Can't you speak human words?!"


"Depend on!"

Even after such a quarrel, the two are still the closest friends. Celier knew that no matter how mean he was, Reiner would never hold his grudge. Reiner is a simple-minded fool, righteous and simple. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. He is too much like his father, so compared to his calm and outstanding brother, he will inherit the Calamus Fleet in the future.

Celil didn't like Lena's brother, that man was well-known, insidious and vicious, and he was like a military adviser in their pirate group. Although he is Reiner's elder brother, no one can guarantee that there will be extra problems because of this.

Celier was wary of that man. The current situation had already been guessed.

Therefore, considering this situation, Celier also kept a hand.

The rubbings given to Reiner are actually missing part of the content.

The author has something to say: The next chapter should be able to end the memory of killing...

What do you think of this little brother Celil? He's actually smart.

By the way, everyone found out that his friend and brother Lin's personalities are actually very similar...