The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 75


Why is it empty inside? !

"What's going on? Miss Shanoya... are you sure you're in this room?"

Rey and Kane looked around, with a puzzled expression gradually rising on their faces. In the entire room, except for the original combination lock still hanging on the wall, there is nothing left.

"I'm sure it's right! How could this be... It's impossible and unscientific!"

Lin Tianyin rushed to the place where the elf cans were placed in a panic. She stretched out her hand and quickly touched the air, but found nothing. This situation doesn't look like it's being deceived. However, Lin Tianyin still found some green traces on the ground, she immediately squatted down to check, and found that it should be the liquid soaked in the glass jar.

But what's going on here...

Is it hidden? But it's impossible to empty an entire room in such a short amount of time... Could it be magic? But I have never heard of any magic that can do this kind of thing, let alone an ordinary attacking black magician, after all...

Facing Kane's suspicious gaze, Lin Tianyin thought for a while, and then pretended to be sure: "I've been tricked... Wait! Let's go find Richard! It's definitely that guy's fault!"

"Are you looking for me?"

Just when Lin Tianyin was speaking, a sinister voice sounded from behind them. Even these people with rich combat experience and very keen senses didn't notice anyone approaching at all. Rey and Kane couldn't help but looked back very vigilantly, and saw Richard Van Leith in a white coat coming from Walked in through the gate.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry to welcome you."

Richard didn't seem to care about the attitude of these people towards him, he bowed slightly to Rey and saluted. At this moment, the researchers also rushed down from upstairs, and reported nervously to Richard: "I'm very sorry! My lord! We couldn't stop them..."

"It's nothing, you go down and do your own thing."

Richard was so cold that he even waved his hands a little coldly, and then there was a warm smile on his face, and he didn't have any attitude of awe towards the prince, so he looked directly at Rey and said, "I don't know if Your Highness is coming What's the matter, is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Don't play dumb! Where did you get everything in this room?!"

With the support of two people, Lin Tianyin suddenly became more confident, jumped out and pointed at Richard angrily and asked. At this point, it is no longer important to wonder how this guy broke free in such a short period of time, put on his clothes and hid all the evidence in this room. Lin Tianyin regretted why she didn't rescue the elf together when she ran away, but if she thought about it carefully, she might have met Richard who was struggling when she was trying to get the elf out of the jar, which caused her There is also the possibility of being killed together. So this should not be caused by my own mistakes...

"Hmph, do you know what you're accusing, little girl." Richard pushed his glasses and sneered disdainfully, "If you want to prove something, please show the evidence, otherwise I will call the guards to arrest you." You were arrested for stealing and larceny."

"What are you pretending to be! Old thing! It's obvious that you kidnapped the elves and carried out illegal experiments!" Lin Tianyin was afraid that the prince would be shaken, so she hurriedly and anxiously said to him, "Your Highness! Do you have an EX spar in your hand?"

"That's right...but it was used up a long time ago." Rey showed a slightly surprised expression, "Why did Miss Shanoya know about this? I remember that I didn't mention it to you..."

"Because this little girl is a spy." Richard opened his mouth to spread rumors, "This girl approached Your Highness to steal our research results, and she and the pirate who snatched another EX spar are all in the same gang." .”

"What?! You're spitting blood!" Lin Tianyin was so angry when she heard this, she just bit back! But how did this guy know that Celier also had a spar? Could it be that their every move is under the surveillance of this guy? No, if he could spy on them, he wouldn't be ignorant of her weight loss... Or, is there a ghost in their team

Who could it be... Gargaff? Is it still Leo? But why do you want to do this? Lin Tianyin didn't have time to think about these questions now, she quickly grabbed the prince, pointed to Richard and said, "It's impossible for everything in the whole research room to disappear completely, he definitely hid those things somewhere."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, little girl, this is just an idle room, and no research project has been carried out here." Richard sneered and spread his hands, and said with a bit of sarcasm, "If you don't believe me, please tell me I will search, but if you don't find your so-called 'evidence', I will arrest you for stealing and stealing, no problem, Your Highness?"

What kind of confidence is this... Lin Tianyin felt a bad feeling in her heart. She turned her head and looked at Lei Yi for help. Seeing this, Lei smiled at her in relief, squeezed her hand and said, "Don't worry, I trust Shanoya."

It's not a question of whether you believe it or not! Lin Tianyin roared in her heart, if she couldn't find it, would she be arrested? ! Give me a head start, okay

Feeling anxious, Lin Tianyin hurriedly chased after him and added: "But Your Highness, what if he hides those things where we can't find them..."

"As long as the facts exist, any truth will come to the surface." Rey smiled softly, then took Lin Tianyin's hand and walked out, "Let's start."


I always feel that this dead man cannot be expected to be upright... Lin Tianyin felt a little uneasy, but she followed Lei out of the room. I don't know if it's an illusion, but she always felt that the gaze staring at her from behind was very unkind. She subconsciously looked back and met Richard's gaze—it was full of hostility, and when the prince was pulling her, he still Mouthed "Bichi". He gritted his teeth, as if there was some deep hatred.

... What is the picture, this guy.

Lin Tianyin has already ignored Richard's unreasonable hostility towards her, and what worries her now is what to do if that guy destroys the evidence. Seeing Richard's easy-going attitude really made me a little worried, Lin Tianyin rushed out of the research room and investigated the rooms where the roar of wild beasts could be heard.

These guys are definitely doing some illegal research here, but for some reason, the rooms that used to emit terrifying roars are now extremely quiet, as if there is nothing in them. Lin Tianyin carefully pushed open a door and found that it was not locked, but it was empty inside. Several rooms were opened in a row, but the inside was empty. Not to mention finding the transferred elf, the entire floor seemed to be evacuated.

This is impossible…

In the end, Lin Tianyin and the others came all the way to Richard's office at the end. Apart from the traces of the previous battle, his perverted collections were gone, and only the magic books on the bookcase and some strange books were left. Know what research data is. Lin Tianyin was unwilling to look through the materials to see if there was any evidence left, but Richard suddenly "slapped" the back of her outstretched hand with a small wooden stick, causing her to withdraw her hand immediately in pain, and glared at him in disbelief. go back.

"What are you doing!"

"I told you, there is nothing you want here." Richard stared at Lin Tianyin coldly, "These are new topics we are going to research and develop, and you won't be able to understand them, so don't mess up our information .”

"It's clear that you moved all those things to other places!" Lin Tianyin retorted angrily, "How could there be nothing on the whole floor! Do you think we are all fools?! And now we are clearly still in these rooms. The stench of monsters is in the air!"

"If you want to accuse us, show evidence. Without evidence, you can't prove that what you said is true." Richard sneered, and called the guards, "Arrest this guy and take him away!"

"What?! You can't do this!" Lin Tianyin protested loudly, and looked at Lei for help, "Your Highness! I am absolutely not lying, this guy must be doing something wrong!!"

When Lei heard Lin Tianyin's request for help, he immediately explained to Richard politely: "Doctor, I can assure you that this lady is not trying to steal secrets, I hope you..."

"I'm sorry Your Highness, the rules are the rules. There is no reason for anyone who trespasses on a secret place not to be arrested?" Richard interrupted him without giving any room, as if he had guessed what Rey was going to say, " And as His Royal Highness, you should lead by example, and you cannot forgive this little girl just because of her one-sided words, do you want to take the lead in breaking the rules?"

What? ! This guy is so vicious!

Lin Tianyin was about to protest, but was horrified to find that Rey hesitated. The attribute of a prince is that he is stubborn and ignorant. To threaten him with breaking the rules is like grabbing his dead side. As an ideal prince of the kind he wanted to be, Rey certainly couldn't break the rules. His Royal Highness looked at Lin Tianyin in embarrassment. After struggling for a while, he finally compromised. He lowered his head and said helplessly to Richard: "... I understand, but she must be locked up in the prison. In prison, I must guarantee that no one will be against Miss Shanoya."

"What?! Your Highness, are you going to abandon me?!" Lin Tianyin was shocked when she heard the words, and couldn't help shouting, "Are you going to let them arrest me? What about going to save the world together?!"

At this time, Lin Tianyin seemed to be possessed by an acting emperor, imitating Mirona, looking at Rey with helpless and pitiful eyes and complaining.

It may be that this kind of deer-like eyes are too touching. Rey was obviously shaken, and his face blushed slightly, and then he suddenly stepped forward to hold Lin Tianyin's hands, and said to her as if swearing: "Don't worry, I will never give up on you! Don't worry, I will find evidence to prove your innocence and rescue you."

"Your Highness, let me remind you, that is a cunning woman, you have been completely used by her." Richard said coldly from the side, and stared at Lin Tianyin with hatred and contempt, and repeated with his mouth "Bichi Bichi".

Die old virgin! Lin Tianyin cursed angrily in her heart, but her heart began to cry blood again. Prince, can't you take advantage of your privilege as a prince? ! It's really stubborn and doesn't know how to adapt! Besides, didn't this guy almost turn black before, why is he normal again now! ! Who cares about your character, the prince who can save the world is a good prince! Now that the enemy is clearly in front of you, don't worry about face anymore!

Naturally, Rey couldn't hear Lin Tianyin's heartfelt voice at this time, and of course it would be useless even if he heard it, as a good prince of GOOD BOY, he still had to do his best to save face. After comforting Lin Tianyin sincerely and earnestly, he just watched her being dragged out by a group of guards with such reluctance.


After that, Lin Tianyin was taken into prison.