The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 80


For the time being, the crisis is resolved. Except for Mirona and Gagav who didn't know the truth, Lin Tianyin, who knew the truth, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and praised Celier's wit in her heart.

Damn, to deal with this type of kid, you have to be shameless... Sure enough, I still can't do it, Lin Tianyin can't say such words no matter how dead she is...

Knowing that even talking to Leo now to solve this problem is meaningless... Lin Tianyin felt that she had to find a suitable opportunity. So she turned her attention back to the problem at hand.

That's right, there are really no stairs in this place...

Mostly to prevent people other than the staff from trespassing here and knowing the content of their research. Except for the monsters that were released to welcome Lin Tianyin and others, the 1F of this research institute seems normal. Lin Tianyin and the others went around and found nothing suspicious in the other rooms. But underneath is the shady stuff.

If Rufus is still there, that space teleportation magic can come in handy now. Thinking of this, Lin Tianyin couldn't help sighing, maybe this guy had expected this problem a long time ago, so he sent it directly to the bottom layer. So now how should we proceed

"Oh, it would be great if I had an elevator card." Lin Tianyin shook her head and complained, it's impossible to have staff on duty at this time, and it doesn't seem like there are staff on duty because of the rampant monsters... and the one she got earlier That Richard card was also confiscated when she was arrested.

"Can we force open the elevator?" Mirona asked.

"No, it only works by swiping a card. It's useless to force it in, and maybe it will trigger an alarm." Lin Tianyin shook her head and denied Wu Yongpai's sister's idea.

"If there was an alarm, it should have sounded when we broke in." Celier couldn't help complaining.

"Fuck you. And the elevator is not safe, if Richard took the opportunity to cast a spell while inside, wouldn't we be wiped out?" Lin Tianyin gave him a blank look.

"Then what should we do?" Mirona looked at Lin Tianyin anxiously, her temper was really impatient.

"Let me think about it..." Lin Tianyin began to think with her chin resting, and then she really came up with a solution.

"Mirona, lend me the rod of sealing."

"Okay!~ Please use it!"

After receiving the sealing rod from the obedient Mirona, Lin Tianyin glanced at the pointed top of the rod, and then pointed it down very deftly... and dug a big hole in the floor.

"That's enough." Lin Tianyin wiped her forehead triumphantly as she looked at the floor that had been opened up under her feet.

Mirona immediately cheered admiringly: "So it can be like this! Sister, you are so smart!"

"...Your sisters are equally smart." Celil twitched the corner of his mouth. But he quickly took advantage of it, jumped down from the hole first, and then opened his arms to the people above, "Come and jump."

"Who's next?" Lin Tianyin ignored Celier's enthusiasm and scanned a circle of companions. It was obvious that Mirona didn't want Celier to catch her, and sat there without moving, while Leo gave her a warning look, "... I won't jump."

So Lin Tianyin's eyes fell on Gagafu.

Maybe it was because of his dazzling eyes, Gargaff shook his body for no reason, he nodded stiffly, and said with some reluctance: "...then I will do it."

So Celil immediately withdrew his outstretched arms in disappointment, and watched Gagaff jump down from above.

Then everyone came down one by one in order. Although she really wanted to make another hole right away, Lin Tianyin, who was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, was still worried that she might miss something, so they cleared B1F anyway. The contents of this floor are still normal, only some chemical flasks and reaction reagents with unknown liquids. Those things look very dangerous, but I have no idea what they are researching.

After scanning B1F, there is no sign of Rufus. It seems that he may have reached the bottom B2F directly. They didn't find what they were looking for, so they didn't waste any more time, and just dug another big hole in the floor. Lin Tianyin knew very well that if he failed tonight, he would be benevolent. He had to solve all the problems. Otherwise, even if they were not KO'd by Richard, they would be arrested for trespassing and destroying public facilities, and they would become wanted criminals across the country.

... So no matter what, evidence of what Richard did must be found before tomorrow!

Finally entered the last floor. I don't know why, when Lin Tianyin and the others jumped down, they suddenly felt a strange feeling - similar to when they were in the narrow world of life and death, it was normal on the first two floors, but the air around here It was abnormally cold, and his body seemed to be oppressed by a dark force.

The atmosphere changed very quickly, and there was a strange sense of uncertainty in everyone's heart. Is this what it feels like to face the big boss soon? Knowing that the front might be very dangerous, everyone still rushed forward without hesitation.

If it is the original route, the team configuration should be a combination of prince + knight leader + elf + Mirona's sharp milk + the strongest mercenary in the mainland. But now? Lin Tianyin took a look at her team... two DPS who should be milk, one came out of Novice Village and has followed up until now, the profession coincides with that of the elf prince, but the hit rate depends on the mood of the unreliable archer, one has no fixed profession and can fight hand to hand A pirate who can also shoot with a sword, and a fast swordsman who may betray at any time, and the only elf prince who may be strong is now gone... No matter how you look at it, the grade is much lower than others? !

But it’s already here, even if you bite the bullet, you still have to move forward, don’t you? I have had enough of the same boring days before, and now I have finally become a hero who has a chance to save the world, and I must not shrink back!

Lin Tianyin secretly cheered herself up, and then continued to lead everyone towards the original room.

But what is strange is that it was expected to encounter more powerful and terrifying monsters than before on this floor, but for some reason it seems unusually quiet here. The crowd did not encounter a single enemy along the way.

This is very unreasonable, but that kind of depressive horror surrounds them tightly. This abnormal feeling made Lin Tianyin even more uneasy. After hesitating for a while, she couldn't help but ask her companions: "Did you notice something's wrong?"

"I noticed, there are no enemies on this floor, right?" Celier frowned.

"I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but there is always a feeling that something evil and dangerous will come out..." Gagaff said slightly uneasy, "I hope it's just my illusion."

Leo remained silent and did not speak, which made Lin Tianyin feel more and more that he might have something on his mind. However, Mirona's answer still makes people embarrassed and speechless.

"It's just an illusion! I didn't feel anything! Maybe Mr. Rufus knocked down all the enemies on this floor before us?!"

"... Where did Rufus go?" Lin Tianyin asked speechlessly. Although she didn't want to think badly, it seemed that Rufus was really no longer here. I hope he didn't meet the boss and get caught.

"Could it be that my stomach hurts and I went to the toilet!" Mirona clapped her hands happily after she got what she thought was a natural result.

"..." The rest of the people sighed helplessly.

... Lin Tianyin decided to ignore Mirona. This is no longer a matter of natural stupidity...

Since I couldn't find Lufus, I could only think that maybe his space teleportation technique was not in place and fell to other places... But Lin Tianyin still had lingering fears, fortunately he didn't follow in at that time.

Anyway, this is the team in front of me now, no matter how bad it is, we have to fight. Lin Tianyin led everyone to the door of the first research room. From the outside of this gate, one can faintly feel the ominous atmosphere emanating from the inside, as if something is wriggling inside. Lin Tianyin took a deep breath, and tentatively entered the password from last time.

Originally, Lin Tianyin didn't have any expectations, and thought that if she couldn't open it, she would just let Mirona drill the hole. Unexpectedly, after entering the password, the password was successfully authenticated, and the door began to slowly rise.

Lin Tianyin couldn't help being surprised, and took a step back vigilantly, thinking she didn't change the password!

At the same time as the door opened, a strong light poured out from the room.

Everyone was almost blinded by the glaring light from inside, Lin Tianyin had to cover her eyes with her hands, and through the slits, she saw a man wearing a black mage robe standing impressively in the middle of the room.

You can't be wrong... The person who created the little devil is Richard...

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

An evil and cold voice sounded from under the mage's hood, with a boss-like aura. The moment his voice fell, Celier didn't talk nonsense with him, and kicked him with a kick.

Pre-emptive? ! But it can't attack him like this!

"Wait, Celier!" Lin Tianyin didn't have time to stop Celier, seeing that he was about to kick the mage's head, but the other party had no intention of dodging.

Facing Celier's fierce offensive, Richard suddenly sneered, and then the enchantment emerged from his body again. Seeing this, Celier immediately stopped the offensive and kicked sideways, but still It was thrown several meters away by the force of the rebound.

Sure enough... It's impossible to attack him like this.

"Be careful, Celia."

Lin Tianyin yelled at Celil and thought about the countermeasures. Could it be that the easiest way is to show that guy her underwear

But the problem is... This guy looks like he came prepared, his eyes are covered by the hood! !

"Cunning guy! Take off your hat if you have the guts!" Lin Tianyin said angrily.

"Shameless woman, do you think I will still be fooled? The same moves are ineffective against saints!"

"Aren't you a saint, okay?! Have you read too many comics?! It's so weird coming out of your mouth, okay?!"

Lin Tianyin roared unbearably, then snatched the sealing stick from Mirona's hand, and rushed towards Richard.