The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 84



Facing Lin Tianyin's questioning, Leo's expression was very painful at this time, but he frowned tightly, but he replied without hesitation: "Even if you regret it, you must continue to move forward."

"Shouldn't this kind of answer be used at this time?!" Lin Tianyin yelled back angrily, so loud that Leo couldn't help but take a step back.

At the same time, Celier had already kicked the sealing staff in Leo's hand with a fast and concise sliding shovel, and Leo, who was distracted by Lin Tianyin's roar, was startled for a moment.

At this moment, the focus of everyone's attention, the sealing rod has already been thrown out of hand.

"It's now!" Celier rushed forward to snatch the sealing rod, but Leo's actions were a little passive, and he didn't intend to hinder Celier.

At the moment when all these coordinations seemed perfect, a wave of magic power began to squirm above the head, and suddenly countless sarcomatous monsters fell from the sky like raindrops, blocking all the roads around them.

"Resurrect, my faithful servant—"

As soon as the devil's voice fell, a large lava-like pit appeared on the ground in front of everyone, and a beetle-shaped monster slowly crawled out of it. The monster's body was flushed red, and fiery red lava fell down one after another as it trembled. A pair of fierce eyes stared at everyone, and suddenly there was a deafening hiss.

This scene couldn't help making everyone's faces change drastically, and they covered their ears in pain. At the same time, the monster had already crawled towards Celier quickly.

Seeing this, Gargaff immediately drew his bow and shot at it, but the monster's shell was as hard as steel, the arrow fell on it only made a "clang" sound, and then broke and bounced off.

Seeing that Celier's situation was urgent, Lin Tianyin couldn't care about anything at the moment. She quickly threw off the sarcoid monsters rushing around, and chased after him to support Celier. After all, at this moment no matter what, they have to seize the sealing rod first, that is their only chance of winning now!

"Stupid human beings, don't even think about getting in the way of the Demon Lord—"

Another two little demons crawled out of the lava and flew towards Lin Tianyin. The lava cave was like the entrance to hell. Countless demons poured out of it one after another. Lin Tianyin struggled to kill the monsters that were rushing towards her. On the other side, Gargaff completely lost his position in order to protect Mirona. The swarming monsters kept appearing in front of them, and Lin Tianyin and the others were so disturbed that they couldn't get close to the sealing rod.

"Go to hell! Demon Flame Beetle! Spray flames!"

The little devil flew and landed on the back of the beetle monster, as if driving a tank, while releasing a breath of flames, it rolled towards them. Celier could only dodge in embarrassment, while Lin Tianyin and the others surrounded more and more monsters, just like swarming locusts. After killing one, more heads rushed over, biting with sharp teeth. everyone.

No, if this continues, the entire army will be wiped out...

Lin Tianyin's mind went blank, at this moment she felt that she couldn't think of any plan. She had never felt hopeless before, and now she thought with some chills, is she really going to be buried here? Working hard, in the end there is only one last step, but this step is indeed an extremely difficult hurdle to cross. Even without Leo's betrayal, the Demon King would still be resurrected on Richard. This is a seed planted a hundred years ago, and there is no possibility of it changing.

Lin Tianyin vaguely remembered the ending that was spoiled by others in the original book. She only mentioned that after defeating the devil in the devil city, the brave prince brought Mirona back to the king city triumphantly, married her and became the princess.

The story of the original work ends here, but the real problem has not been solved at all. It is like a time bomb that is still buried deep and does not know when it will explode. Maybe everyone dug up the bomb in advance, but if they let it go, they may face a greater threat. At least for now, they still have enough courage and preparation. At that time, maybe they don't even have the strength to resist.

But the terrible thing is that at this moment, they have no chance of turning the tables. Maybe just dying here is more in line with the fate of being a brave man? Although everyone did not succeed, they have worked hard. The only regret is that they are not strong enough...

All sorts of outdated, right and wrong, all kinds of untimely thoughts emerged in Lin Tianyin's mind. Those companions who had never been expected by her all risked their lives now. Among them, they showed unprecedented bravery and fought with their lives. However, the gap in the number of enemies is too great, and they have already exceeded the limit of their own load.


Is it really over

Lin Tianyin still felt unwilling, she always felt that the world should not be so hopeless, or her own destiny should not be so hopeless.

At the moment when the despair in Lin Tianyin's heart was about to completely overwhelm her, a hole was torn in the space where the demons danced wildly, and a beam of light shot out from it.

It was such a dazzling ray of light that fell among the crowd of monsters dancing wildly.

This light immediately attracted everyone's attention, Lin Tianyin raised her head subconsciously, and saw that Rufus who had disappeared after entering the research institute suddenly got out of it, and hurriedly greeted everyone: "Here, come quickly! "

"Mr Rufus!"

Seeing the elf that suddenly appeared at this time, Mirona suddenly showed a surprised and delighted expression, shredded a monster that was pounced on her with one hand, and shouted at Rufus: "Why are you here?! You Where have you been before?"

"Let's explain these things later!" Lufus quickly drew his bow and shot down a few little devils flying towards him, "Now is not the time, hurry up and retreat!"


Lin Tianyin immediately knocked away the two monsters in front of her, stepped on their heads and jumped up, followed by Mirona and Gargaff, running towards Rufus while jumping and hiding.

"What are you doing! Hurry up and retreat!" Rufus frowned and shouted to Celil who was trapped in the crowd of monsters.

It seemed that Celier hadn't given up on retaking the sealing wand, but that wand had been submerged in countless monsters, and it was impossible to see where it went.

"Wait a little longer! There is still a little more to be found..." Celil gritted his teeth unwillingly, "It's still one step away..."

"It's impossible to grab it back now! If you continue like this, you will die in vain!" Rufus was a little angry, "Hurry up, there are still five seconds!"

"Damn... Damn it!"

Under Lufus' stern warning, Celier finally gave up, he clicked his tongue unwillingly, and had to start to retreat as well.

"None of you are going to get out of here alive—"

The little devil riding on the back of the magic flame beetle screamed, commanding the beetle to run over Rufus while breathing fire, and the demon king finally stopped the summoning of the monster at this moment, and started to gather energy again, as if the next instant Will raze this place to the ground.

Lin Tianyin gritted her teeth and glanced at Leo for the last time. The boy was still indifferent. Standing alone among the monsters, that figure looked so lonely.

At this moment, Leo suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Tianyin. Lin Tianyin was a little surprised. She felt that there was something inexplicable in Leo's gaze, but the boy quickly looked away, slightly She moved her lips, but Lin Tianyin couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Three seconds left!"

Rufus shouted again, this is the last countdown with no chance. At the last moment when the monsters stretched out their hands towards her, Lin Tianyin finally rushed into the portal created by Rufus. The next moment she passed through that space, she suddenly felt that her feet were empty, and she adjusted quickly during the fall. The body finally landed on the street smoothly. Immediately afterwards, Mirona and the others also jumped out of the portal one after another.

"Ah... it hurts!"

"Is this... or Bibit Town..."

Everyone got up from the ground and looked towards the research institute on the outskirts of the city in surprise. It was still late at night, but the sky was dyed red by dark red things. The moon was as red as blood, as if it would open a sheet of blood. The mouth of the basin is so big that it sucks everyone into it.

"This is the maximum range of teleportation, let's get out of here quickly." Rufus frowned and looked at the sky, whispering.

At this time, many townspeople had already woken up, startled by the vision, and curiously opened their windows to look outside. Some even came out of their homes, pointing at the sky and yelling.

"... Will something happen to these townspeople?"

Lin Tianyin looked at the sky nervously and anxiously. On the bloody moon, a demon with wings appeared vaguely, gradually approaching.

"Does this kind of question need to be asked?" Rufus frowned even more. It may be that human affairs have little to do with him. He answered calmly and plainly, "In a short period of time, this city will become into a dead city."

"What?!" Mirona was shocked and terrified when she heard the words, "Then what should we do?! How can we save everyone?!"

"The only chance is to defeat 'Chaos', but before that, the number of casualties in this town will reach more than 90%." Rufus was still very calm.

But Mirona couldn't accept the answer, and couldn't help crying out: "This, how can this be... the children will all die?! Can we really do nothing?"

"... Who do you think is the fault of all this?"

Rufus finally became impatient: "The war has already begun, and then Chaos will bring disasters to this world, and sacrifices will become inevitable, but all these are the evil results planted by you human beings. What 'Chaos' grows and becomes stronger is your human... evil heart."

"But... I still can't abandon those people..." Mirona bit her lip in pain, "I want to save them... I can't just escape like this!"

"No, my sailors are still in the port..." Serilton's face changed suddenly, and then he clenched his fists firmly, "If I just escape in such a desperate way, I can't swallow this breath. At least kill them It's not a problem for its guys to save a few more people."

"That's right." Gargaff nodded in agreement, "No matter what, we will fight until the last moment."


Rufus looked at them with a frown, and at this moment the proud elf was finally at a loss.

"It should be said whether you are brave or stupid, humans..."

"As long as you have courage, you can create miracles, right?" Lin Tianyin looked at this elf who had always been indifferent to humans, and was moved by the bravery of those companions in her heart, and said, "Miracle will not happen for no reason. If you shrink back in fear and do nothing, there will be no hope forever."


Rufus looked at these people in silence, and finally sighed when the townspeople who still had no idea what was happening were looking at the monsters that were increasing and approaching in the sky. He finally understood that he could not convince this group of humans. They were stubborn, but they were different from the humans he knew, but this made him hate them.

So after a brief moment of deliberation, Rufus hugged a pointed-eared woman wrapped in a cloak from the grass behind the tree.

"she is not… "

When Lin Tianyin saw her pale face exposed outside, she immediately recognized her. It was the female elf that Richard said died in the experiment!

but why…

"It's Shidorum." Lufus stared at the female elf who seemed to have no breath, and nodded slightly to Lin Tianyin and the others, "After sneaking into the research institute, I hid my whereabouts, and finally found it in Richard's secret room. she."

"So... is she dead?"

Lin Tianyin asked with a serious look. She thought to herself, is this the reason why Rufus could not be found before? But why didn't he tell them, making them almost think that something happened to him too.

"Alive." Rufus shook his head, "I have fed her emergency medicine, but she is still too weak, it will take some time to recover, but if you are willing to treat her, she should be able to wake up soon Come."

"Leave it to us!" Mirona immediately stood up. At this time, any combat power is necessary. She turned her head and looked at Lin Tianyin firmly, "Sister, let's come together."

"No problem." Lin Tianyin nodded, and at the same time looked at Rufus with some puzzlement, "But Richard told us that the female elf is dead... It would be great if she was still alive."

"He should have lied." Lufus was very calm, and he didn't have much interest in it, and he replied indifferently, "He told a lot of lies. He told you that he hated you very much, including your ancestors. Is it? But what is puzzling is that the code used in his secret room is still the number of the female sage's birthday... "

"… What?"

"I can't understand it, right?"

When everyone was stunned by the news, Rufus still said coldly, "Human beings who are full of lies..."