The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 89


"Okay, I'll trouble you then, Your Excellency Pizarro."

After Rey hung up the phone with a smile and a little calmness, everyone was silent for a long time.

This prince, who looks very sunny, threatened and enslaved the guy who was supposed to be the devil when he was talking on the phone just now, ordering him to come over and put the EX spar into the Eames space in the spring.

... This, this, this is simply impressive, Rey! Lin Tianyin thought this guy was a pure GOOD BOY! I didn't expect this product to hide a ghostly aura.

If it turns black, this is a very incredible guy...

The alpaca in her heart was constantly galloping, Lin Tianyin resisted the desire to complain, and out of the principle of vigilance, she asked aloud: "Although it sounds like a good idea, Your Highness, are you sure the little devil can be trusted?" ? What if he betrays us and destroys the last EX spar?"

"There's no need to worry about that." Rey replied with a slight smile, with a face full of confidence, "Because our goals are the same. After the real demon king is resurrected, the existence of that fake, that incompetent little The Demon Lord will face a great threat. Even if it is for his own sake, he will assist us."

"But..." Lin Tianyin hesitated, it is not easy for her to trust others to do things now, "How can you guarantee that after we give him the task, the real devil will reach an agreement with him, such as not destroying him or giving him power or resources, let him betray us in turn... "

To be honest, Lin Tianyin was very worried about this issue. After all, this kind of betrayal plot was too common in film and television works, not to mention that the little devil was weak and unreliable, how could he be entrusted with such an important task

But after hearing Lin Tianyin's words, Lei Yi smiled slightly.

"Please do not worry."

That smile made Lin Tianyin suddenly feel terrified for no reason.

"Your Excellency Pizarro should be more obedient than you imagined."


Lin Tianyin didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, until she and Rey retreated to the mountain outside the town together, and saw Pizarro flying over on a dragon.

"My lord, my lord, my lord, your highness! You, what are your orders! Xiao, Xiaoxiao will definitely live up to your expectations—"

Pizarro almost fell off the back of the flying dragon. He fell into the mud in front of Rey, and then slid in front of Rey like a loach. He put his hands on the ground and almost hit his head on the ground. , his body trembled like a sieve, daring not to look at Rey.

"It's coming soon, Your Excellency Pizarro." Rey was still smiling, and the aura on his body was completely different from that when Lin Tianyin and the others got along. Even Celil and Rufus looked at Rey in surprise, It seems that he couldn't accept his change of painting style all of a sudden.

"Hey, is this kind of person, Your Highness?" Celier poked Rufus' arm and asked in a low voice.

Rufus frowned and looked back at Celil, with an expression of "how do I know" written on his face. But Celil didn't care about Rufus's reaction, and said with his mouth flattened, "Is it my illusion? That dead-headed prince wearing a good boy's skin actually hides such a strong S-attribute..."

You also found the point! Lin Tianyin complained frantically in her heart, but she wouldn't say it out. This prince is on the verge of going dark from time to time. She really doesn't want to think about what will happen if Lei really turns black. Anyway, it definitely won't be her. want to see the result.

Rey smiled, as if facing his own domestic animals, and told the little devil what he needed to do in a very calm and orderly tone, without any room for negotiation. Finally, after the little devil covered in cold sweat listened to his words, he confirmed again: "Then, Your Excellency Pizarro, do you remember all the things I said?"

"Yes... yes... my lord prince, you want me to enter the Erms space from the dungeon of the Demon King City, then break through the group of monsters and reach the spring in the central area, and throw the stone that can seal the power of chaos into it..."

"It's hard for you." Rey smiled and patted Pizarro's shoulder. This was just a simple gesture of intimacy, but it made the little devil tremble again when Rey touched him. Seeing this scene, Lin Tianyin really doubted what Lei Yi had done to this little devil.

Thinking back to when Lin Tianyin led people to beat Pizarro so violently, the little devil didn't seem to respect them much, so why did he have a completely different attitude when facing Rey

"So do you have any questions to ask?" Rey asked, looking at the little devil who was kneeling almost on the ground.


Pizarro looked very tangled, maybe he looked too cowardly, the dragon that was flying over with him began to hiccup impatiently towards the sky. After struggling for a long time, Pizarro finally raised his hand tremblingly and said, "I... I have a question..."

Did I even change my address from Lao Tzu to me when facing Ray...

"Let's talk." Rey's appearance was very gentle, and he looked full of patience.

"I... With my strength, do you really think I can complete this task..." Pizarro's eyes wandered, "You probably don't know... If you want to go to the spring, you have to go through Area A and Area B, where monsters But they don’t listen to me... and now that the devil king is resurrected, they will definitely come to chase and kill me as soon as they are ordered. I can’t even stay in the devil city anymore, and I have no chance to get close to the spring..."

"Don't worry about this issue." Rey smiled and patted Pizarro on the shoulder, looking at Mirona and the head of the Knights who came towards them from afar, leading a group of refugees.

"I will arrange an escort to go to the spring with you."


The little devil stared blankly at Rey, he twisted his mouth, and finally lowered his head weakly.

"Okay... But you have to promise, don't come to trouble me in the future!"

"If you don't come to make trouble." Rey smiled princely.


Lin Tianyin could almost imagine how many times the little devil scolded Rey in his heart, but on the surface he could only give in, and waited dejectedly for Kane and the others to come to them. Then, after the prince briefly explained their plan to Kane, the loyal head of the knights immediately offered to serve as the little devil's guard—and Mirona rushed to sign up for fear that she might not be able to keep up.

"I also want to experience my sister's experience at that time!"

Did this girl think it was a spring outing... Just as Lin Tianyin was about to speak, she suddenly realized that there was no need to stop her, and she could also be equipped with a healer just in case. And Mirona should be able to protect herself well, after all, compared to the world in Eames space, this side is obviously more dangerous.

So the team was divided into two sides, and Gargaff was naturally worried about Mirona's safety, so he decided to enter the Eames space with the leader of the Knights. After exhorting each other to be safe, Lin Tianyin watched the four of them ride on the back of Pizarro's dragon and fly towards the Demon King's City.

"So what do we do next?"

Lin Tianyin worriedly looked at the monsters chasing soldiers who were shot down by Gagaff in the air, feeling uneasy. Will everything really go well? Hope nothing goes wrong.

"Reinforcements are coming soon, but the number of monsters is increasing, and we will soon be unable to resist. We must evacuate the vicinity as soon as possible, and at the same time prevent further expansion of the disaster."

Rey began to analyze the situation calmly. Although he felt that his plan was reasonable, Lin Tianyin still wanted to hear Lilia's opinion. But when she turned her gaze to Lilia, who had been standing quietly beside her from just now, she found that her figure had almost merged with the black shadow.

"Madame Lilia...?"

Lin Tianyin took a step back, and everyone reacted immediately, as if they had a premonition, and slowly put their hands on their weapons vigilantly.

"How is this going?!"

"I don't have time." Lilia stood in the shadows, her body seemed to be gradually eroded by the darkness, "Leo, please let me guide you, now I have completed my task...but I was resurrected by chaos Yes, I am no longer my original self... Soon, I will turn into a monster like those things to attack you."

"... is there anything we can do?"

Lin Tianyin looked at this woman whose body was gradually beginning to emit black air, and her heart became more and more heavy. She thought that after Leo, at least he could protect his mother, why did things turn out like this again

"How can we stop this from happening?!"


Lilia closed her eyes and shook her head lightly.

"My task has been completed. I am Leo's final apology to you. Now, please forgive my waywardness and please listen to my request."

"Please tell me, we will do everything possible." Facing this helpless sense of frustration, Lin Tianyin nodded sadly, just when she decided that no matter what Lilia's request was, she would work hard to help her fulfill her wish .

But the wish Lin Tianyin heard was so simple and cruel.

Lilia's voice fell in her ears as if floating down from the sky.

"Please kill me now with that rod of sealing."


"What are you talking about, madam!"

At this moment, Lin Tianyin suddenly felt as if she had overturned a bottle of mixed flavors in her heart. Why? Before she could ask why, Lilia suddenly smiled faintly, looked into Lin Tianyin's eyes and said, "Although it's an exaggerated request, I still hope you can help me... For more than ten years, my soul has been trapped in the There is no release in the Eames space, and my resurrected soul is still bound by darkness. Now I don't want to hurt anyone anymore... Please let me be free, at least let me leave as a human being at the end... "


There is almost no room for choice, and no one can refuse such a request, although it is so cruel.

At this moment, everyone fell silent, and Sidorum looked at the poor woman with pity.

There was deathly silence, and no one spoke.

Then in the silence, Celier took the sealing rod from Lin Tianyin's hand, and penetrated Lilia's body.

"Such a request is really too much for a little girl."

He looked into Lilia's eyes and sighed softly: "Let a guy like me do this kind of thing."

"thank you all."

The woman didn't show any pain, and there was that indifferent smile on her face from beginning to end. While the sealing staff was piercing through her body, her physical body gradually dissipated along with the black air.

"Bye now."

Lilia disappeared. With her disappearance, heavier things were implanted in everyone's hearts, and they gradually developed higher awareness and courage.

Together, they looked at the town that had been occupied by monsters. Next, the decisive battle is just around the corner.