The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight

Chapter 104


"Why did Du Yan leave first?" Shi An's confused voice came over.

"He said to go to the cafeteria first to take a seat for us." Zhang Jing came back to his senses, got out of bed, and hurried into the bathroom without looking back in Shi An's direction.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he lowered his head and turned on the faucet, holding the cold water in both hands and pouring it on his face. Zhang Jing washed his face back and forth with cold water several times, only then did the feeling that his mind was chaotic like a pot of porridge gradually disappeared.

At this time, he had time to look up at himself in the mirror, the corners of his eyes were a little red, and the expression on his face was a little flustered.

In addition, he found a little black smudge marks under his eyes. Is it because you didn't sleep well last night tossing and turning, and got dark circles under your eyes

Zhang Jing didn't care either, pulled the towel on one side, and washed his face again, feeling that he couldn't see any abnormality on the surface, and then walked out the door.

When Zhang Jing and Shi An arrived at the cafeteria, Du Yan had already bought breakfast and found a seat by the door. When he saw Zhang Jing and Shi An walking in from the door, he immediately stood up and waved his hand to indicate his position.

When Zhang Jing sat down, Du Yan felt a little guilty.

Because he knew that Zhang Jing was actually quite image-conscious and clean, he painted him a big face this morning.

Although that kind of pen can be washed off with a little rubbing of water, Shi An probably saw his ridiculous face, and I wonder if Zhang Jing would be angry or not.

Zhang Jing is rarely angry, and once he is angry, there will be no obvious manifestations. He is usually sullen, and people who are not familiar with him can't even see it. But if he was really angry, it would be troublesome.

Du Yan felt that Zhang Jing must be angry, because the little old man didn't have anything in the morning at all, but was eating breakfast there.

The more Du Yan thought about it, the more guilty he became, and he didn't dare to look at Zhang Jing. He only dared to secretly glance at Zhang Jing from the corner of his eyes, and every time Zhang Jing's eyes came over, he quickly looked away, in short, his eyes were erratic, and he didn't dare to look at Zhang Jing at all.

In short, the atmosphere of eating breakfast was very strange. Zhang Jing was not a talkative character, Shi An didn't know what he was in a daze, and Du Yan, the most active, dared not speak because of his guilty conscience.

The three of them sitting together, looked even stranger than the new roommates who had only known each other for a long time.

After eating and walking out of the cafeteria, Du Yan felt that he couldn't go on like this. He had to try to see what kind of angry state Zhang Jing was in. He pulled Shi'an, and the two of them took a few steps behind.

Du Yan asked in a low voice, "When you woke up this morning, did you think Zhang Jing was different?"

Shi An thought about it carefully, and said, "When I got up, he went into the bathroom to wash up. When he came out, he couldn't see anything wrong, just as serious as usual."

Du Yan said, "Then he didn't kick the foot of my bed or hammer my quilt?"

Shi An looked at Du Yan in surprise and said, "Even if the sun hits the west, Zhang Jing wouldn't do such a thing!"

Perhaps because Shi An was too surprised, his voice became slightly louder. Zhang Jing turned his head directly and asked, "What kind of behavior will I not do? What are you two talking about me?"

Du Yan immediately put a smile on his face, stepped forward and put on Zhang Jing's shoulder: "Nothing, nothing. That is to say, you are handsome, even when you first wake up in the morning, your face is radiant, even if Sleeping out of the chicken coop is still so handsome."

Du Yan said these flattering words not once or twice. I don't know why this time, Zhang Jing felt a little hot in his ears. He turned his face to the side and said awkwardly, "Don't talk nonsense."


Du Yan has been very distressed recently because he offended Zhang Jing.

To be honest, Zhang Jing is rarely angry with Du Yan since he has known Zhang Jing for so many years. Even if he is angry, as long as Du Yan is playing tricks, Zhang Jing will quickly calm down, and the two are as good as before.

However, Zhang Jing's anger this time was somewhat unusual. He didn't ignore Du Yan, but Du Yan just felt that Zhang Jing's attitude was a little different.

Specifically, Du Yan felt that Zhang Jing seemed to be a little alienated from him and deliberately alienated him. Things changed from that day after Du Yan scribbled on Zhang Jing's face. For the next period of time, Zhang Jing's whole person was weird.

After breakfast that day, Du Yan saw Zhang Jing smiling, thinking that this was the case. As a result, that night, Zhang Jing suddenly fell asleep with his head facing each other, and the sound of breathing would interfere with each other, and insisted on sleeping in a different direction.

So the two went from head-to-head sleep to foot-to-foot sleep, and the bedtime chat before going to bed was also cancelled by Zhang Jing on the grounds that it would affect study the next day.

Du Yan thought that maybe it was because of the doodles that morning that Zhang Jing was so angry. He also found a special time to sincerely apologize to Zhang Jing, saying that he would never play such a prank again in the future.

However, at that time, Zhang Jing looked at Du Yan for a long time with a very strange look, and finally said, "It's not your problem, you don't need to apologize."

Zhang Jing still maintained this strange attitude to get along with Du Yan after that, it didn't improve at all, instead it became more and more strange.

The most abnormal thing is that Zhang Jing actually told Du Yan one day that he should get to know more friends of the opposite sex. Du Yan even thought on the spot that the person in front of him was a stranger who had plastic surgery.

Because Zhang Jing is quite withdrawn and has a strong sense of territory, apart from Du Yan and Shi An, he doesn't have many close friends.

Although Du Yan has many friends, considering the character and emotions of his best friend Zhang Jing, they are only casual friends.

As for friends of the opposite sex, Zhang Jing kept reminding Du Yan of the disadvantages of puppy love almost all the time during his three years of junior high school. Although Du Yan disapproved, he always subconsciously kept a safe distance from the opposite sex.

Now that he heard such a sentence from Zhang Jing's mouth, Du Yan asked him the reason bluntly.

Zhang Jing said directly that he is in high school now, and he believes that Du Yan can control himself when he is mature, and it is beneficial to properly interact with the opposite sex.

Du Yan thought for a while, and felt that Zhang Jing's decision had always been reasonable and for his own good. Since Zhang Jing said so, whether it was to calm him down or for other reasons, just listen to what Zhang Jing said.


Zhang Jing is also very distressed recently, because he feels that his best friend who grew up with him seems to have different feelings for him.

The cause of the incident came from that morning. Du Yan seemed to kiss him secretly while he was sleeping. Although Du Yan later explained that it was a prank, his statement was obviously untenable.

After he got up that day, Shi An, who was still in the dormitory, didn't show anything strange, and when he washed in the bathroom afterwards, he didn't notice any marks on his face.

After combining Du Yan's abnormal performance in the cafeteria, Zhang Jing can only explain that Du Yan made up a reason because he didn't want to be known by himself.

With Du Yan's character, if he knew about the stealing of the kiss that morning, he would probably become angry or even break up the relationship because of his anger.

Zhang Jing couldn't accept that Du Yan would never communicate with him again, so he could only pretend he didn't know for the time being.

Zhang Jing has been in a state of confusion all this time. His original life plan was that he and Du Yan would always be each other's best friends, to be neighbors for the rest of their lives, and to live out this life without missing each other's life.

Now, however, he found that Du Yan seemed to want to go further and develop a more intimate relationship than friends.

What's even more frightening is that he doesn't seem to have the slightest disgust for Du Yan's approach, and even thinks that this relationship is more in line with his life plan than being a friend.

Zhang Jing knew that he likes Du Yan, not just his friends.

Zhang Jing is a very rational person. When he realized that his closest friends had different feelings for him, and he also held the same thoughts, he began to think about the future.

He secretly checked a lot of relevant information, and even went to the Internet cafes outside to check the Internet, and found that at least in the domestic environment, it is difficult to get blessings for love between the same sex.

If he and Du Yan are really together, it may represent the complete collapse of the two peaceful and happy families.

He thought of his grandmother, Du Yan's grandparents, and his parents, Du Yan's parents, none of them would accept this.

Even if Zhang Jing was able to gamble on his relationship, he couldn't watch Du Yan become betrayed and separated from each other because of this incident, and he would never get the blessing of his family.

Zhang Jing was caught in the most difficult choice in his life. His rationality and sensibility were repeatedly tugged, coming and going, but there was no one-size-fits-all solution.

The relationship between the same sex is very difficult in today's society. Before he came up with the most appropriate solution, Zhang Jing could only temporarily distance himself from Du Yan and give Du Yan more opportunities to choose.

In the company of more than ten years, Zhang Jing knew that Du Yan was a perceptive and impulsive person, and he had to consider the possibility that Du Yan was motivated by the passion of adolescence.

So, in order not to let Du Yan be fooled by impulse, Zhang Jing suggested that he have more contact with the opposite sex.

However, when Du Yan accepted his suggestion and began to get too close with some girls, Zhang Jing found that he couldn't accept it at all.

Zhang Jing sat in the classroom and seemed to be very focused on doing the questions. In fact, his mind was entirely on the man in the corridor.

Du Yan was in the corridor, leaning against the railing, surrounded by several female classmates in the class, chatting and laughing, the atmosphere seemed very good.

Zhang Jing saw that Du Yan's face was relaxed and comfortable, but he only felt that if he really fell into the whirlpool of same-sex feelings, it might be hard to see such a relaxed smile on his face.

He felt that his decision was the right one, and he forced his mind to withdraw from the external affairs and began to work on the questions.

When Zhang Jing finished a question and raised his head habitually, he found that Du Yan's figure had disappeared in the corridor. He stood up abruptly, walked to the corridor to look, but found that Du Yan was nowhere to be seen.

Zhang Jing saw that a female classmate who was chatting with Du Yan just now was still standing in the corridor, so he walked over and asked, "Hello, how about Du Yan?"

"Ah, he went to eat."

Only then did Zhang Jing realize that when the get out of class was over just now, he really rejected Du Yan's invitation to eat together, so was he going to eat with the girls

He stood in the corridor, looked down, and soon found Du Yan's figure. After discovering that Shi An was walking beside him, Zhang Jing was relieved, but he still felt a little uncomfortable for a moment.