The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight

Chapter 118


Shen Heng didn't know, everything in his heart had already fallen into Du Yan's eyes, Du Yan rubbed his temples, and felt his head hurt even more, this person really regarded himself as a little boy with no strength to hold his hands. .

Du Yan only felt that the avatar was about to explode, and Shen Heng was still standing there with mixed feelings in his heart. Although Du Yan couldn't hear the details of the messy thoughts in his mind, he could feel the entanglement in it.

Du Yan decided to interrupt the other party, and now the radiation reaction is a little serious, he can't control his ability, he can't stand it if Shen Heng is entangled: "Shen Heng, you are so powerful, can you take me to see other places ?"

Shen Heng looked at the other party's bright eyes, and his first reaction was to agree, as if Du Yan could not refuse any rude request as long as he opened his mouth.

Fortunately, the influence of the few drinks in the bar has dissipated, and reason has regained the upper hand. Shen Heng controlled the urge to nod and thought about how to refuse so as not to hurt Du Yan.

For Shen Heng, a polite rejection was even more difficult than cleaning up a city. He stood up and turned around a little anxiously.

Du Yan was very patient. The negative emotions in Shen Heng gradually dissipated, and it no longer made him feel so uncomfortable. He is very patient now.

Shen Heng finally organized the language and sat down. He looked at Du Yan and asked, "Why did you leave your home? Inside the light curtain, it is the safest place on earth, and the outside is not as good as you think."

Du Yan is full of secrets, and now is not the time to tell Shen Heng about these things, he thought about it and said, "I just think it's boring, you don't know how boring it is in it, it's all the same when you come and go. face, same view."

Shen Heng laughed a little because of this young man's mentality, and felt that Du Yan was a little ignorant of happiness, so he tensed his face and said in a stern tone: "You are really nonsense, do you know that pure people can't stand the outside world. radiation."

Du Yan pouted: "Uncle, you are so fierce."

"..." Shen Heng was silent for a while, then softened his tone again, "If I hadn't happened to go home today, no one would know that you died here."

Du Yan smiled and rolled his eyes, and said, "That just means that we are destined. I just ran here and met you. Besides, isn't there an anti-radiation drug?"

Shen Heng sighed helplessly and said, "Anti-radiation medicine can't completely eliminate the radiation, and every time there will be a little residue. These slight radiation residues accumulate in your body, and it may not have any effect for a while. But your lifespan will be greatly shortened."

Shen Heng saw the young man in front of him with a pampered look, thinking that the other party might also know that there is a 100% pure anti-radiation medicine.

He added: "Even if there is a 100% pure anti-radiation agent that can completely eliminate radiation, it is not easy to get it. But you are really lucky, you have met me."

Shen Heng stood up and walked into the bedroom. After a while, he came out with a small metal box in his hand.

Shen Heng put the box on the table and pushed it towards Du Yan: "Inject the medicine, I will send you back to the resource trading center. After 24 hours of observation there, you can go home."

Du Yan raised his hand to open the box and found a bottle of anti-radiation medicine and a syringe inside. The higher the purity of the anti-radiation potion, the clearer the color of the potion.

The medicine in the bottle in front of him had no color and was as clear as a liquid crystal.

Du Yan widened his eyes and said, "This is a 100% pure anti-radiation drug? It's the first time I've seen it."

Shen Heng nodded and repeated: "Well, after the injection, you can go home."

Du Yan's focus was not on this. He said, "This potion is very precious. How could you be so generous and give it to me, a person who has only known each other for a few hours?"

Shen Heng looked at his round eyes, looking more like a cat. He opened his mouth with a smile in his tone: "I just think that you are very compatible, and I can't use this medicine anyway."

Shen Heng lied, he used 100% pure anti-radiation medicine, and it was the most useful thing for him.

Du Yan glanced at Shen Heng, closed the box, and pushed it back to Shen Heng. He didn't buy it: "I don't want it, I'm not afraid of radiation, I want to see the outside world, and I don't want to go home."

Shen Heng didn't take Du Yan's statement that he was not afraid of radiation seriously, he just thought it was a child's temper.

He could only helplessly continue to persuade: "Have you ever seen a mutant creature? Can you protect yourself? The outside world is not as peaceful as the home, and there are dangers everywhere. A teenager like you is probably a mutant cockroach. Can't beat it."

Unexpectedly, Du Yan said as a matter of course: "I can't beat you. You look very strong."

Shen Heng was stunned for a moment, but there was no disgust in his heart. He even felt that if he wanted to wander around, it was a matter of course for him to protect the person in front of him.

However, Shen Heng couldn't agree. He was silent for a moment and said, "I have seen many people who want to see the purity of the outside world. They regretted it after being irradiated. Even if they took a lot of anti-radiation drugs, they could not back to the way it was before."

Shen Heng looked directly into Du Yan's eyes, his eyes were very firm: "No matter how much they regret, the homeland will not accept them anymore, they can only live on the periphery of the homeland, looking at the light curtain and recalling the carefree before. life. These irradiated pure people have very short lifespans, and they die when they are only thirty or forty years old."

Du Yan said, "If I stay in that boring place for 60 to 70 years, I would rather choose to see the outside world. It is enough to live for 30 to 40 years."

When Shen Heng heard this sentence, a little anger surged in his heart, which was rarely emotionally fluctuating.

He frowned slightly, but saw Du Yan shrink back slightly, and Shen Heng instantly remembered that when he had a sullen face, even the infected would shy away.

For fear of scaring Du Yan, he could only press down his anger and continued to persuade him gently: "Life is always the most precious, you are still young..."

Du Yan knew about this entanglement, Shen Heng was indeed stubborn enough, and what he believed in his heart could never be easily changed.

Even if Du Yan told Shen Heng directly that he was not afraid of radiation, the other party probably wouldn't believe it, he just thought it was an excuse he came up with to leave. If you want to convince Shen Heng, you must know the exact reason.

So, Du Yan stared into Shen Heng's eyes and asked word by word, "Why do you insist on sending me back? Did you remember something when you saw me just now?"

Shen Heng was stunned for a moment, looked at the black and white eyes of the other party, and said involuntarily, "I think of a cat..."

a cat? Du Yan was a little puzzled, and wanted to continue to ask, but suddenly felt dizzy, and his mind was like a crack in the sky.

He couldn't stay awake anymore, fell headfirst on the sofa and fell into the darkness, Du Yan's last thought was: worthy of being the most powerful infected person, he can't be easily manipulated...

When Du Yan opened his eyes, he saw the pure white ceiling, and there was no sound beside his ears. His fingers trembled slightly, subconsciously thinking that he had returned to that terrible place again.

Fortunately, sanity went online soon, and Du Yan knew that he had only gone outside the light curtain, and it was impossible to return to his homeland directly. Judging from the surrounding environment and instruments, this should be the observation room of the resource trading center.

The resource trading center is not only a place for the pure and infected to trade, but also the only entrance and exit of the area inside and outside the home.

The Pure Ones are leaving their homes, fully armed and leaving the trading center. When they go back, they have to stay in the observation room of the trading center for 24 hours and make sure they are not irradiated before returning home.

Du Yan half sat up and glanced at the observation instrument at the head of the bed, which showed that his radiation level was zero. He glanced at the time again, about three hours before he passed out.

Du Yan felt a little puzzled, even if he had a special physique and could purify the radiation on his own, he would not return to normal so quickly. Thinking of this, Du Yan directly lifted his sleeves, and sure enough, a pinhole was found in his arm, which was the trace of the anti-radiation injection.

What happened after he fainted yesterday can be determined. After Shen Heng directly injected him with a 100% pure anti-radiation medicine, he tried to send him to the observation room of the resource trading center.

Du Yan scolded a bit dumbfounded, what an idiot, he managed to escape from his home, and was sent back by Shen Heng.

However, Du Yan could only waste his good intentions. That bottle of anti-radiation medicine was wasted. Fortunately, he woke up in time.

Du Yan directly operated the instrument a few times. After a while, the value on the instrument suddenly skyrocketed until it turned red and then an alarm sounded.

After two or three minutes passed, a nurse wearing a protective suit walked in. She bent down slightly, trying to determine Du Yan's situation, but was suddenly grabbed by her hand.

The nurse looked over in panic, but only saw a pair of beautiful eyes, she only felt a little drowsy, and then fell into a trance.

The observation room welcomed a distinguished guest today. The person in charge hurried downstairs from the office and happened to meet those in special uniforms at the door.

These are the people of the No. 1 Homestead No. 1 Research Institute. Almost all advanced technologies are the research results of the No. 1 Research Institute. Among them, the most important achievement for the benefit of all mankind is the anti-radiation medicine.

The people of the First Research Institute have the highest authority in the No. 1 homestead, and the head of the observation room is also the first time to see these researchers at the top of the power.

He bowed with some trepidation: "Several leaders are here, may I ask if you have any instructions."

The leading researcher didn't mean to be polite, he opened the door to meet him, and said, "We're here to find someone, the information retrieved in the gene bank was uploaded from you. From yesterday to now, where is the person who sent it? "

Seeing their expressions, the person in charge knew that the matter was important, and he stopped talking nonsense and led the way: "From yesterday to now, there is someone who sent it, and I will take you there."

Everyone took the elevator upstairs. After the elevator opened, they saw a nurse wearing protective clothing standing at the door.

The nurse nodded to the person in charge. The person in charge didn't have time to talk to her, she directly signaled the person to move away, and then led the people in the research room behind her to the observation room in front.

However, when they entered observation room No. 7, they found a woman lying on the bed.

The person in charge was a little strange and said, "No, there should be a man in the observation room No. 7..."

The reaction of those researchers was not unpleasant. They turned around and chased after them. When they reached the elevator, they found that the nurse had disappeared.

The leading researcher shouted sharply: "Blocked the trading center, he didn't leave so soon, and transferred people over to find it layer by layer!"