The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight

Chapter 77


The morning sun finally penetrated all the fog and drove away the darkness of a room.

Du Yan sat up from the bed, and before he regained his senses, he covered his face and said a little dejectedly, "Have I fallen to the point where I have to rely on seduction? The love brain really degenerates people."

Xiao Ba was silent for a moment: "I think Xiao Lang should be depressed. You were too ruthless. You drove him away with blood on the tip of your tongue."

Du Yan didn't feel any guilt at all: "According to his neurotic state yesterday, if he continues to develop, he will become a ghost who is completely irrational and controlled by obsessions. I am considering the overall situation."

Now that Xiao Lang was injured, he should have returned to his body to recuperate. If things go well, the other party will appear as the ghost king next time.

Although Du Yan had already confirmed that the ghost was haunting him, it was indeed Xiao Lang who was right, but there were still too many questions in his mind that could not be explained.

For example, why did Xiao Lang suddenly become Yu and then He Jin, and his memory seemed to be confused. In his chaotic memory, there are not only his own memory as Xiao Lang, but also the memory of Cheng Yu and He Jin.

Xiao Lang then switched his memory to a different person, and this was just one of the strange things.

Another thing Du Yan still can't figure out is why Xiao Lang's friends regard Du Yan as Xiao Lang and completely forget Du Yan's existence, even Xiao Lang's parents who are not in Shunping City now. affected by this.

Although extremely powerful Specter can indeed tamper with people's memories by affecting people's brain waves. The strange situation that is happening to Du Yan right now must be caused by the ghost of Xiao Lang who haunts him, but what is the purpose of him doing these things

Du Yan stood up, walked to the window, and suddenly remembered what Xiao Lang said repeatedly last night: "You are mine, you can't look at others, and you can't leave me."

There was such a flash in his heart, and at this moment, he was connected with the train of thought of the nervous ghost last night, as if he was connected with each other. Specter acts purely by instinct and obsession, and there is not much rational thinking.

If you speculate like this, is it because the thought in Xiao Lang's heart is that he wants to lock himself in a small black room, and he doesn't want anyone to see him, and he doesn't want Du Yan to leave him. So Xiao Lang's ghost unconsciously affected the memories of his friends, completely erasing the existence of Du Yan from the memories of those friends,

Another key point is Xiao Lang's phrase "you are mine". Now that Xiao Lang is dead, he can't prove this in front of everyone. The ghost's strong obsession can only be expressed in another twisted way.

If you become me, it means that you are mine, because in the eyes of everyone, you are seen. This kind of thinking mode that is incomprehensible in the eyes of normal people is somewhat taken for granted by a Specter, so Du Yan has become Xiao Lang.

Xiao Ba finally couldn't help but sigh: "I really think you and the Lord of the Dream are a natural match."

Du Yan asked, "Why do you say that?"

Xiao Ba replied: "The brain circuits of the two people are very strange, and only you can get such a strange logic."

"… "

However, all of this is just Du Yan's speculation. Du Yan's character in this world is just a fledgling Celestial Master. His strength is good, but he has very little practical experience. He doesn't know whether these analyses are reliable.

Du Yan got up and walked to the bathroom, washed his face, the cold water made his mind clear.

To prove whether this guess is reliable, the method is very simple, perhaps because of Xiao Lang's inexplicable manipulations, he didn't think of it right away.

Du Yan mocked himself in his heart, then walked out of the room, picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

The other end of the phone he dialed was his master in this world. Du Yan's master had never met with Xiao Lang, so naturally Xiao Lang had no idea of the master's existence.

If the facts were similar to what Du Yan analyzed, then Xiao Lang would not be able to affect the memory in Master's brain.

After the call was connected, the voice from the receiver was very familiar, and the words spoken were not beyond Du Yan's expectations.

"Xiaoyan, I really want to call you. Is there something wrong with your training? Just now I saw that the jade plaque you left in the sect has a faint black entanglement, you won't be haunted by ghosts. , can't get rid of it?"

Du Yan said frankly: "Master, I recently met a person with a very special soul, he has the potential to be a ghost king, and I can see from his face that his death is coming, and he will die unexpectedly in the near future, so I directly contacted him. Look for opportunities with him."

Du Yan, after cutting the head and tail of what happened recently, told Master what happened in the past few days in a way that can be explained under this worldview.

Then, he spoke out his speculations just now.

The receiver fell silent, probably thinking. After about a minute, the master said again: "Your analysis is not unreasonable. His friend recognized you as Xiao Lang, probably because of the unconscious influence of the ghost, and his memory was tampered with."

Du Yan asked again: "Accordingly speaking, I have trapped him in my body with the formation method, and if he is not a ghost king, he has no ability.

left. He died not long ago, how could he have the ability to directly attach to me and follow me back? "

The master replied: "Actually, there are such exceptions recorded in the sect classics. At that time, there was a senior in the sect, and the ghost of the imperial envoy was his enemy. You also know that the more profound there is between each other. Hatred, the more intense the emotions, the more powerful the ghost that was refined, but I didn't expect that person's fate to be somewhat special. Before it was refined, he broke out and killed the senior. "

Du Yan asked, "Is it the same situation as Xiao Lang?"

"No, but this special soul has one thing in common, that is, compared with ordinary people, they will have stronger control over their souls, so he has been able to live and leave the body several times before."

"Even if he can leave his body, it's not that easy to leave the formation, right?" Du Yan said.

"That's true. Refining the ghosts of imperial envoys is the treasure of the sect in the gate. Even the ghost king can't get out easily." The master paused, "However, it would be much easier if only part of it left."

"Part of it?" When Du Yan heard this, he had a guess in his heart.

"Well, you know that human beings have three souls and seven souls, and the fetus is bright and spirited. Among them, the spirit is the main emotion, which is the god of desire. Since this type of person has an extremely powerful ability to control their own soul, if they only separate one soul and leave, they will not be able to. It will touch the formation."

Du Yan knew it at one point: "Master, you mean, Xiao Lang actually only had a soul that left his body, and turned into a ghost and wrapped around me. Judging from these things he did, it was Youyou who broke out of the formation. A soul?"

The master said: "My guess is this. As for the change in appearance, it is also normal for ghosts to transform into the appearance of a previous life based on memory fragments. The specific situation may be confirmed by yourself, which is the most reliable."

Although Cheng Yu and He Jin were not Xiao Lang's previous lives, this reason could also be explained. The three identities are actually the same person. Even if the experience of the first two dreams is forgotten, there will still be some fragments in the subconscious.

"Well, thank you Master." Du Yan was about to hang up the phone when he heard another explanation.

"Although you are the best disciple in the sect, but you have little experience, don't be reckless when you encounter problems. If you encounter something that can't be solved, contact me immediately and don't be brave."

"Master, I know."

Du Yan hung up the call with his master, thinking about whether to go back to the ancient village to check on Xiao Lang's situation.

ding dong—

The doorbell remembered, and Du Yan got up to open the door. Standing at the door is Xiao Lang's friend.

It's quite early now, around seven o'clock, Du Yan originally thought that these people would have to rest until at least nine o'clock before they had the strength to get up and go out after yesterday's accident.

"You got up so early?" Du Yan asked.

Everyone smiled awkwardly: "Let's go down for breakfast."

Looking at the situation, Du Yan knew that they probably had something important to talk about, so he turned around to get something and went to the restaurant with everyone for breakfast.

When breakfast was about to finish, several of Xiao Lang's friends looked at each other and looked at Du Yan with a hesitant look on their faces, but no one spoke.

Du Yan opened his mouth to break the deadlock and said, "Just say what you want to say."

Then Liang Fei spoke up. He was a straight-hearted character anyway, and he said straight to the point: "Xiao Lang, in fact, we discussed it last night and decided to buy a train ticket today. You know what happened in the ancient village. We feel a little scared…”

Over there, Zhou Tian might think that Liang Fei's words were too direct, and took over the conversation: "Xiao Lang, I'm really embarrassed about this. Don't blame them, I'm really too timid. I'm leaving today. As mentioned, in this situation, everyone is in no mood to continue playing, so they decided to temporarily buy a ticket and leave today."

Du Yan waved his hand and said with a smile, "I didn't think much about it. It's normal for you to want to leave. You don't need to make it look like you've done something wrong. It's me who is sorry for not being well entertained as the host."

In fact, everyone decided to leave this matter temporarily, but it was in line with Du Yan's intention.

The situation on Xiao Lang's side is not normal now, Du Yan will definitely find a chance to go back to the ancient village to confirm. At this juncture, Du Yan didn't have much effort to protect his friends.

Even if they don't propose to leave, Du Yan will find a reason to persuade them to leave as soon as possible, but now that they have proposed it themselves, it saves Du Yan's trouble.

When everyone saw that Du Yan was completely lifeless, the expressions on his face relaxed, and the atmosphere on the table began to liven up.

Liang Fei said, and became interested again: "Why don't we go to other places to travel together? Not far from Shunping, there is a well-developed scenic spot. I heard that it is very good. Xiao Lang, Won't you come with us?"

Du Yan shook his head and said, "Forget it, my parents will be back in two days. I haven't seen you for a long time. I'd better stay with them at home."

Everyone felt a little regretful, but didn't say much. Anyway, they were friends in the same dormitory, and there were many opportunities to come out and play together.

Now that a consensus has been reached, after breakfast, the group went straight to the train station, planning to buy today's train tickets to leave Shunping City.