The Villain Big Boss Just Wants to Spoil Me

Chapter 2


Qiu Li knew from his servants and Qiu Zhan when he was very young that he was an illegitimate child, a disgrace to the Qiu family. At that time, he was very young and didn't understand the concept of an illegitimate child at all. He only knew that everyone seemed to dislike him. No one wants to play with him.

He naively thought that it was because he was not active enough that no one would play with him. In order to be able to play with the children, he secretly learned a lot of games and even actively joined them.

He took the initiative five times, was scolded three times, and punched twice.

Since then, he looked forward to it again, and never took the initiative to find anyone.

When he was a little older, he understood, and the last bit of expectation in his heart was gone.

At home on weekdays, he is in his room by himself, playing alone and doing homework alone. Unless necessary, he basically does not leave the house.

This weekend, many people came to Qiu's house. He only glanced down through the window, then drew the curtains and did handicrafts in the room. The homework left by the kindergarten teacher requires parents and children to do it together. Even if I did, he would never accompany him to do handicrafts, especially for Aunt Xu. He only had one person, so he had to start doing it early, or he would never finish it.

He was forced out of the room by Qiu Zhan, saying he wanted him to play games with them.

He knows better than anyone how much Qiu Zhan hates him, and he will never take the initiative to invite him to play games together. But he couldn't refuse, because they were many and older than him, so he couldn't beat them.

The so-called game is to tease him.

A group of them were sitting in the greenhouse, eating snacks and playing video games, while he stood on the grass outside the greenhouse and acted like a wooden figure.

This 'game' is played every few days.

He didn't know how long he had been standing, but he felt pain in his feet and legs.

Qiu Zhan and the others might be tired of playing, one of them ran out from inside, threw him a carton of milk, and asked him to perform for everyone to drink milk for a minute.

Usually Qiu Zhan always throws him the milk he doesn't like to drink, and asks him to drink it to avoid being scolded. He didn't like drinking milk at all, and even more hated drinking the milk that Qiu Zhan threw to him. It felt like he was a trash can. He also didn't like Qiu Zhan's expression when he threw him milk, he couldn't describe it, but he knew it was not a good face.

He didn't want to drink milk for them to perform, but he was still in a hurry to go back to the room to do handicrafts. If he didn't drink, they would definitely not let him go.

He also didn't expect a female doll to come running over suddenly, snatch the milk in his hand and throw it away.

He looked at the girl in front of him whose face was flushed from running and the braids on her head were pouted because of her panting, feeling a little dazed.

What is this doll doing

He looked down at the milk on the grass, and then at the girl, who was still looking at him with her face up, without speaking, as if she was waiting for something.

He frowned, very puzzled.

Seeing Qiu Li's small brows furrowed and even the corners of his mouth pursed, Yan Xiao was overjoyed.

it works

Great, hurry up and hate me!

Milk is not a precious luxury, and a family like the Qiu family will certainly not lack milk for their children—even if it is an unwelcome illegitimate child, if she snatches his milk, he will just go get another box later. Even if you don't take it, it's okay to drink a carton of milk, the Qiu family's daily diet can definitely provide enough nutritional needs.

He just drank a carton of milk less, but it could save her life!

Thinking of this, Yan Xiao felt that her actions were very shrewd. She couldn't even control the facial expression of this small body, and the corners of her mouth raised.


She calls the system in her head.

[Here I am. ]

- Has the disgust value increased? How much did it go up

The system was silent for a moment, and then answered her coldly:

[The volume is too small to be detected temporarily, and the data will only be displayed when the value reaches a certain level. ]

Yan Xiao was immediately upset, but after thinking about it, she could understand.

After all, she just threw away a carton of milk from the big villain. Even if the big boss is unhappy for a while, he won't hate her so much because of this trivial matter.

It's like, if someone bumps into her, although she will be upset, she won't hate that person because of it.

However, if that person kept hitting her, then she would hate that person very much.


She had to get rid of the boss's dislike for her.

One time can be regarded as accidental accident, twice is still accidental... what about a hundred times? Little things add up, and she gets bored over time, as long as she perseveres in looking for opportunities, she will definitely earn enough disgust points!

The elusive system responded to her with dignity:

[Yes. ]

Just when she was full of joy and planning the great cause of eliminating the value of evil, my aunt quickly chased after her.

As soon as she got out of the car, she ran towards her. Chen Zilu admired her little niece. Even if she was at Qiu's house, she didn't feel at ease, so she said hello and hurried over.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing running so fast? What if you fell down? Everything..."

Seeing the milk on the ground and the two children who were obviously in a bad mood, Chen Zilu's face changed slightly. She knelt down beside her niece and said seriously, "Xiaoxiao, how can you throw away brother's milk? It's very impolite the behavior of… "

Yan Xiao: I know! I'm so rude! Hate me fast!

But she didn't say anything, she just looked at Qiu Li with a proud face.

Qiu Li didn't speak, his eyes drooped slightly, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow, which was extremely cold.


Yan Xiao bit her lip, a little uncertain, but she couldn't ask directly, so she was a little anxious.

Chen Zilu knew Qiu Li, and was very aware of Qiu Li's situation in the Qiu family, but the child did nothing wrong, and she would not judge a child by an adult's moral standards, but her niece's behavior today was a bit abnormal, She's not usually so rude, is she? Who did you learn this from

This is not possible, Chen Zilu frowned, thinking, she has to teach her well.

"Xiao Li," Chen Zilu looked at Qiu Li who had been silent all this time, and explained, "Sister Xiaoxiao didn't mean to throw your milk away, I asked her to apologize to you..."

Qiu Li, who was staring at his own shadow on the grass with downcast eyes, raised his eyes when he heard this, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes.


As far as I can remember, no one has ever apologized to him.

Seeing that Qiu Li raised his head and didn't look very angry, Chen Zilu was relieved. She was afraid that the child's sensitivity would have some shadows, so she shook her niece's small body: "Xiaoxiao, brother Apologize, say sorry."

Yan Xiao clenched her teeth.

It is impossible to apologize, she is going to apologize, isn't the milk lost for nothing

Seeing that her niece resisted and said sorry, Chen Zilu only treated her as a child with high self-esteem, and it is not good to force her head down. It is easy to make children rebellious, so she softened her tone: "Xiaoxiao, you threw away brother's milk, brother has no milk Drink it, why don't you give brother a piece of candy as compensation, okay?"


Yan Xiao's eyes lit up again.

That's right, in addition to grabbing and throwing things, she can also give things that the villain doesn't like!

At home, when 007 gave her an overview of the plot of the whole book, she remembered that there was a plot where Qiu Li didn't like sweets, which caused him to conflict with the hero...

She pursed her lips, revealing two sweet dimples, and said happily, "I brought a lot of sugar!"

As she said that, she went to look through her small bag, which was full of her favorite candies. She picked the biggest strawberry-flavored marshmallow from the bag, held her chin up, and handed it to Qiu Li with a proud face: " For you to eat!"

Qiu Li looked at the cloud-shaped marshmallow in pink packaging that was handed to him, then looked at Yan Xiao and Chen Zilu, but they didn't move.

Chen Zilu thought the child was embarrassed, so she smiled and said, "Take it quickly, my sister is apologizing to you."

Qiu Li blinked, but did not say a word, only pursed the corners of his mouth even tighter.

It turned out that someone apologized, that's how it was.

He glanced at the female doll, she came here to throw his milk and apologized, which is not in line with the logic the teacher said.

Yan Xiao didn't want Qiu Li to think that she was apologizing, why did my aunt keep bringing this up

Without even thinking about it, she stuffed the marshmallow into Qiu Li's hands—he would definitely hate me.

After stuffing the marshmallows, Yan Xiao took his aunt's hand, turned and left.

Hers is to make him hate himself, not to hate himself.

He is a big villain, if he offended him, he would take revenge on himself directly, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss

Because of the arrival of Yan Xiao and Chen Zilu, Qiu Zhan and his group of friends in the glass greenhouse had dispersed, and no one watched him perform and drink milk anymore.

Qiu Li looked up at the back of the girl doll, and then at the cotton candy in his hand. After a while, he gently tugged at the corner of his mouth.

He had never eaten marshmallows.

The author has something to say: Xiao Lili: Well, cotton candy! happy(#^.^#)

*[Xiaoxiao Reverse Operation +2]


Sorry, it was a bit slow to write at the beginning. Today is late, and tomorrow will definitely be updated on time. It is tentatively scheduled to be updated at 9:00 pm, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ