The Villain Big Boss Just Wants to Spoil Me

Chapter 23


Telling Qiu Li that he may not be able to come back until school starts, Yan Xiao did it on purpose.

Anyway, she brought all the things, so much, enough to make him stunned for a while, and when he calmed down a little, she would come back suddenly and give him a 'surprise', maybe his value could be doubled when he was 'excited'.

Unexpectedly, her words came true, and she really didn't come back from vacation until school was about to start.

Fortunately, in the past two months, the value has risen so much that she is very satisfied. Every day, lying lazily and blowing the sea breeze/going out to sea, the value rises up as if she has grown wings. It has jumped by more than 60 points, but spoiled the fun.

There is a sense of unearned satisfaction and a weird sense of accomplishment.

While muttering that the little villain is petty, she is flattered.

Yan Xiao didn't know that Qiu Li filled the bedroom with the big bags she gave her, whether it was to wake up early and open his eyes, or after studying and resting, or before going to bed at night... just look up, and all you see is her Even if you don't see him for several months, he is still in a good mood.

So, the value keeps going up.

Back from vacation, only two days away from school, Yan Xiao didn't have time to make a special trip to find Qiu Li, so he could only look forward to the "encounter" at the beginning of school.

Yanwen is divided into elementary school and middle school. Due to the large number of students, the start time of each grade is staggered.

On this day, Yan Xiao had put on her school uniform early on, carrying a new schoolbag, and couldn't wait to go to school.

As soon as he went out, he heard a heart-piercing sound from the Liu family diagonally opposite - "I don't want to go to school!"

Chen Ziyi looked at her daughter who had climbed into the seat and put on her seat belt, and couldn't laugh or cry.

Before we even reached the gate of the school, the road was completely blocked. When school started today, the parents who came to see off the students rushed together, and reporters and TV stations came to interview—this has almost become the annual custom of Yanwen.

Although the interview was with all teachers and students in the school, the main focus was naturally the high-profile talent class.

The car couldn't get through, so Chen Ziyi had to get out of the car early and walked to school with her daughter by the hand.

Yan Xiao's memory of elementary school was almost lost. Now that she was going to elementary school again, she was excited and also novel. She couldn't help but look left and right.

look at...

A microphone was handed to her.

"Little classmate..."

She looked up, and saw the female reporter squatting in front of her, her eyes were shining brightly: "Is the little classmate here to go to school, or is he here to send his brother and sister to school?"

Yan Xiao glanced at the camera uncle behind her who was shooting at her with a camera on his shoulders, and pointed to the school badge on his chest: "Go to school."

Although she had a stern face and thought she was very serious, the little milk voice still made the female reporter very cute, and her expression was unconsciously gentle, for fear of scaring her.

"Go to school? That's great! Can you tell my sister, what grade are you in?"

With her stature, her age was almost obvious at a glance, and she naturally knew that she must be a first-year freshman, but she didn't know whether she was in the genius class or the regular class.

The female reporter guessed that it was from the genius class, but she was afraid that if she guessed wrong, the children would feel uncomfortable, so she was very careful in her wording.

"First grade." Yan Xiao thought for a while and said, "But I'm in the international class."

The female reporter was a little surprised. To be honest, at her age, it was really too early to go to primary school, and it was not a gifted class. In fact, such a morning primary school is not particularly good for children, but parents don’t care, so she naturally doesn’t care. will say anything.

Moreover, Yan Wen is very difficult to get into. Even the international class has an entrance exam. Since you can get the admission qualification, it must be thoughtful and compliant.

"Can you tell my sister, how old are you?" The female reporter's voice was as soft as water.

Regarding the question of age, Yan Xiao had already thought about it, and she opened her mouth and said, "I'm almost six years old."

Female reporter: "..."

Camera: "..."

The surrounding students and parents stopped to watch because of Yan Xiao's cuteness: "..."

Chen Ziyi couldn't help laughing, and secretly made a 'four' gesture to the female reporter.

The female reporter was overjoyed and did not expose her on the spot. She just smiled and said to her: "Then sister wishes you success in your studies, study hard and make progress every day."

Yan Xiao thought in his heart, I'm sure I'm going up every day, you don't even know how crazy the numbers have gone up during this period of time. But she still nodded obediently: "Thank you."

The reporter was too cute, but the interview had to continue. She was about to interview another freshman, when the little girl in front of her suddenly stood on tiptoe and waved in one direction.

Due to professional sensitivity, the female reporter immediately followed her gaze, and the moment she saw the young boy not far away, her eyes lit up.

Before she got up to interview, the girl in front of her ran over.

Qiu Li had a straight face at first, and even turned a blind eye to the seemingly non-existent scrutiny around him. He vaguely heard a familiar voice, thinking that she was still in kindergarten and thought it was impossible, but when he looked up, he saw her running towards him happily.

With his previous experience in kindergarten, he saw the school uniform and the school badge on Yan Xiao's body at a glance, and he was startled for a moment before being ecstatic.

"Good morning," Yan Xiao said proudly, stretched out his hand, and pretended to say, "Long time no see."

Qiu Li: "..."

Seeing him not moving, Yan Xiao thought that he was stimulated by his 'surprise', so he stretched out his hand again, and raised his eyebrows to signal him.

Only then did Qiu Li reach out his hand.

The two little kids shook hands just for fun, and Yan Xiao did it on purpose, to make Qiu Li unhappy, and let go after only touching, but this scene was captured by the camera.

"Unexpectedly," Yan Xiao was already in a good mood because of the soaring value, but now she couldn't hide her excitement. She raised her chin and said to Qiu Li, "I'm coming to primary school too!"

The implication is that you don't want to get rid of me, I will still bother you every day in the future, it's no use being inconsistent! No matter how we pretend, we will still meet every day!

Qiu Li pursed his lips and smiled.

"Hmm." He nodded heavily.

[Ding, it's 218 o'clock! ]

Yan Xiao: "!" That's great, a face-to-face directly scored 4 points!

Just when she was about to continue looking for unhappiness, the female reporter had already walked up to the two of them.

"Is this little boy your friend?" The female reporter asked Yan Xiao with a smile.

Yan Xiao thought for a while: "We are classmates, and the kindergarten is in the same school."

The female reporter thought to herself that the students of this year's Yanwen, the children are all so good-looking, or that the living conditions are better now, so the children are so beautiful.

"Wow," she exclaimed cooperatively, "then you are alumni, what a profound friendship."

Yan Xiao: "..." Why is the sister of the reporter speaking so strangely

The female reporter was just dealing with children normally, and didn't know that she would be misunderstood by Yan Xiao. After she cooperated with Yan Xiao, she turned to look at Qiu Li: "Are you also a first-year freshman? Is it okay that the old classmates are in the same class?"

The word 'old classmate' made Qiu Li's eyebrows twitch. This was the first time he heard this title. It was unfamiliar and made people happy for no reason.

Before Qiu Li could answer, Yan Xiao said to the female reporter, "No, he is in the genius class, and he got the first place in the exam!"

The female reporter was really surprised now.

Seeing Qiu Li purse his lips slightly, Yan Xiao continued: "He's very smart!" Qiu Li hates the camera, hates being watched, and even more hates being the focus. It's a fool!

How could the female reporter not know what the first place in the genius class represented? She praised Qiu Li in amazement.

Qiu Li's reaction was very flat, he just nodded and didn't even say a word. The female reporter read countless people, and she could tell at a glance that the young genius who won the first place had the characteristics of a "god of learning".

He is cold, talkative, and mostly handsome.

I don't know how many girls' youth will be when they grow up.

The female reporter silently sighed a few words in her heart, and ended the interview with the two without asking any more questions.

Chen Ziyi looked at her daughter who had left her old mother behind when she saw Qiu Li. She was helpless and funny. After greeting Qiu Li, she said to her daughter, "Be good at school. If you need something, you can ask your teacher, or brother Qiu Li... "

Yan Xiao nodded obediently in response, and only hoped that her mother would leave quickly so that she could continue to score points unscrupulously.

Qiu Li, who had been pursing his mouth all the time, quietly clenched his small fist when he heard this.

Elementary school is different from kindergarten, he will definitely take good care of Xiaoxiao!

[Ding, it's 220 o'clock. ]

The parents did not allow her to enter the school, so Chen Ziyi only sent her daughter to the school gate.

Listening to the wonderful voice in his head, Yan Xiao smiled and waved goodbye to his mother.

After entering the campus, seeing Qiu Li pursing his lips, Yan Xiao happily asked, "Are you unhappy?"

Qiu Li was startled, and looked up at her.

Did he act unhappy


Maybe it's because we haven't seen each other for a long time, and I didn't expect that she would come to primary school without even going to the middle class and the big class.

"No," he smiled at her, "very happy."

Yan Xiao: "Haha." I believe you a ghost, you little villain is very scheming, but I like it.

"Let's go," Qiu Li looked up at the teaching building, and then at the big arrow sign under his feet: "I'll take you to the classroom."

She is so young, and there are so many people today, and it is a mess, it is better to send her to the classroom to pack the tables and chairs first.

Where did Yan Xiao expect Qiu Li to offer to send her to the classroom.

Could it be that he wants to see where her classroom is first, so that he can hide in the future

But it's useless to hide. She has feet, so she will find him by herself. Anyway, there is only one genius in the class, so it's easy to find him.

She nodded while thinking: "Yeah!"

As he spoke, he took out two candies from his small bag, one for Qiu Li and one for himself.

"For you!"

The familiar cotton candy made Qiu Li's expression freeze for a moment.

He thought he wouldn't see her today, so he didn't bring candy when he went out.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Yan Xiao narrowed her eyes with a smile, too angry to pretend? No more sugar

Without thinking about it, she stuffed the candy directly into his hand.

After stuffing it, I opened the package by myself, and took small bites of the cloud cotton candy in my hand. I was so happy that I had extra strength even going up the stairs.

Putting the marshmallows in his pocket, Qiu Li smiled and quickly caught up with her: "This way, the second class of the international class is on the left... There are too many people, I will hold you."

Yan Xiao didn't think too much, and reached out to let him hold her.

The first time he took the initiative to hold hands with others, Qiu Li's eyes turned into crescent moons.

[Ding, it's 222 o'clock. ]

Yan Xiao pursed her lips happily, she was almost embarrassed by the increase in the value...

When we arrived at the classroom, a lot of people had already arrived in Class 2, Grade 1 International. Seeing Yan Xiao and Qiu Li coming in together, the children in the class stared at them curiously.

Qiu Li turned a blind eye to these gazes, and only asked Yan Xiao, "Where do you want to sit?"

Yan Xiao scanned around, and most of the people in the class were about the same age as Qiu Li, making her look very small. She stood at the door and looked around, pointing to a place by the window: "There!"

Qiu Li took her hand and walked over.

First he took out a paper towel and wiped the stool, and then wiped the table for her.

"I'm in the building behind," he pointed to the teaching building behind and said to Yan Xiao: "The eastmost part of the first floor, you can find me if you need anything."

Yan Xiao nodded: "Yeah, I look for you every day."

Qiu Li looked at her for a moment and smiled.

"Well, I'm going to the classroom first."

Yan Xiao nodded: "Go."

Qiu Li wanted to tell her to go to the cafeteria for lunch together, but he didn't say anything because he thought he would come to her after class.

After Qiu Li left, many students approached her seat and asked in one go:

"Is that your brother?"

"What's your name?"

"how old are you?"

Yan Xiao looked at a circle of small heads, and she was a little confused by the noise.

With a quiet gesture, she said to them, "One by one, there are too many questions for me to hear."

"Is that person your brother just now? He is also a student in our school? What grade is he?"

"It's not my brother, but he is in the same first grade as us."

"What's your name?"

"Yan Xiao."

"You look so young, how old are you?"

"I'm almost six years old."

"Six soon? I'm six and a half years old, older than you, you can call me sister!"

"I'm seven years old!"

"I'm six years and eight months old!"

"I just had my sixth birthday last month!"

The children chattered again about their ages and birthdays.

Yan Xiao listened for a while, but still felt so naive, so she didn't interrupt, just listened quietly with her face in her hands.

While watching, a boy suddenly looked at Yan Xiao and asked, "How old are you when you are almost six years old? When is your birthday? What do you like? I will give you a birthday present."

"Yes, yes, I will give it too!"

"I'll give it too!"

Yan Xiao: "..."

Fortunately, the teacher came and rescued Yan Xiao from a group of beasts.

Obediently pick up the textbook, Yan Xiao, who was in class, didn't know it at all, she became angry.

Because of the phrase 'I'm almost six years old.

The author has something to say: Xiao Lili: If you are happy, you will be happy (*^▽^*)

Xiaoxiao: Are you surprised? Surprised or not? whee


The next chapter, the next chapter will grow up (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭