The Villain Big Boss Just Wants to Spoil Me

Chapter 33


When the nurse came to change the dressing, Qiu Li had already fallen asleep.

Yan Xiao made a gentle gesture to the nurse, and the nurse nodded at her with a smile, changed the medicine lightly, and then left lightly.

She breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head and gently pulled Qiu Li's down jacket over his body to prevent him from falling asleep and freezing.

When he retracted his hand, his eyes fell on his face with his eyes closed.

A good-looking person is also good-looking when he sleeps.

Yan Xiao looked at it for a while, and unconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

A young man who is obviously cool and personality, but he is surprisingly quiet when he is asleep, and he is still very good. After closing his flamboyant eyebrows and eyes, his thick eyelashes hang down softly, hiding his insightful eyes. The good-natured cub, with a straight nose, but a soft mouth, even though he has no blood color now, looks so soft and tender, it's really hard to equate him with the fierce and vicious villain in the book.

After watching for a while, Yan Xiao's eyebrows twitched, and after hesitating for a while, she stretched out her hand, wanting to poke his face, halfway, then retracted.

Forget it, she thought, it's better not to pluck the fur from the tiger's mouth. Seeing that he is so tired, he didn't get a good rest last night, so he woke him up again...

After sitting for a while, Yan Xiao's left side was a little numb because she kept the same posture. She tried to move slightly, but just as she moved, a dissatisfied grunt came from her ear. She turned her head, but Qiu Li didn't respond. Wake up, but the brows frowned slightly, as if he was uncomfortable or very unhappy.

Just when she was hesitating, she felt her clothes being pulled down by someone, she lowered her head, and the center of her eyebrows jumped.

Qiu Li held onto her clothes tightly with one hand.

Scratched her clothes.

This scene reminded her of the first time she ran into him with a fever nine years ago.

It was Qiu Yan's birthday that day, and her parents were not at home. She and her aunt went to the birthday party together.

At that time, not long after she received the task, she was in the midst of earning points, and she didn't see Qiu Li at the birthday party. After it was over, she pestered her aunt to drop by Shengyi Huayuan to see what Qiu Li was doing—see See if she has a chance to score points.

Then, Qiu Li had a high fever, and the aunt who took care of him went back to her home to work on Qiu Yan's birthday party, and left him alone in the empty villa without anyone caring.

At that time, he was only six years old, and he had a very stubborn temper, so he had to go, but he couldn't hold back her and her aunt. In the end, she and her aunt jointly sent him to the hospital for an infusion.

He had a sullen face, very vigilant, and very unhappy, and then fell asleep, just like now, holding on to her clothes all the time.

After staring at his hands for a long time, Yan Xiao blinked his sour eyes.

At that time, all she could think about was earning points and going home, but she didn't think much about it. Would he be afraid of a six-year-old child who was sick at home

And, why is he so against the hospital


Qiu Li woke up from the tingling pain in his hand.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Yan Xiao was pressing his hand, and the nurse had just pulled out the needle and left.

"Are you awake?" Yan Xiao glanced at him, and rolled his eyes: "Do you feel better? The doctor said that you have to take your medicine on time when you go back, or you'll have to come for an injection!"

Qiu Li was stunned for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "You can lie to me if you think I'm asleep. The doctor obviously said to go back and have a good rest and drink more hot water."

Yan Xiao: "..." Can you hear this too

Seeing her surprised face, Qiu Li couldn't help laughing, why is she so easy to deceive

"Let's go," he stood up, put on his clothes, and helped her wrap up the scarf again: "It's already noon, you haven't gone back for so long, Aunt Chen must be in a hurry."

She didn't know whether it was because of the heating or because she sat in one position for too long and her brain started to go numb. She let out a dumbfounded sound, and obediently asked Qiu Li to lead her out of the outpatient hall.

It was only when she was blown by the cold wind that she came back to her senses.

"Hey," she tugged Qiu Li, "My mother told you to come to my house for lunch."

Qiu Li paused.

Yan Xiao tugged again: "My mother said that she cooked the chicken soup herself, and you must praise her delicious chicken soup in a fancy way later!"

Qiu Li pursed his lips and laughed, "Yes, I see."

Aunt Chen doesn’t know how to cook. For some reason in the past two years, she suddenly became interested in cooking. She occasionally cooks. It’s nicknamed “you study hard to supplement your nutrition” or “grow your body”, Then he and Yan Xiao would bite the bullet and eat the food, and rack their brains to praise the food.

But today was a surprise.

The chicken soup was delicious. Because of the fever, Qiu Li was forced to drink two large bowls. When he got off the table, he felt like he would spit out the chicken soup after walking.

After the meal, Qiu Li didn't go home directly. Chen Ziyi felt sorry for her daughter and studied day and night just like she didn't have a holiday. She was afraid that she would be like Qiu Li. She was tired and sick, so she cut the fruit and let them watch cartoons in the living room. .

Even for the New Year's Eve dinner, Qiu Li ate at Yan Xiao's house.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Chen Ziyi and Yan Hao were busy greeting their relatives and friends, Yan Xiao dragged Qiu Li to the attic to watch the fireworks.

"I planned to go to the square to watch the fireworks tonight." Yan Xiao sat cross-legged on the carpet, gnawed on a small fragrant pear, and muttered.

"Go tomorrow." Qiu Li propped his hands behind his back, watching the bright fireworks in the night sky, and said with a smile.

Yan Xiao: "I won't let it go tomorrow!"

Qiu Li turned his head to look at her: "Let go."

Yan Xiao looked at him like an idiot: "Don't let it go, are you crazy? You only let it go on New Year's Eve, and don't let it go on the first day of the new year."

"Tomorrow is an exception." Qiu Li raised his eyebrows, smiling warmly and harmlessly: "Definitely let go."

Yan Xiao: "You know again?"

He nods.

Yan Xiao threw the pear pit into the garbage bag and clapped his hands: "If you lie to me, I will beat you!"

Qiu Li, who was about to nod, suddenly became interested, and stared at her with burning eyes: "How do you beat me up?"

Yan Xiao: "..." Provocative before the illness is cured

I originally thought you were a sick number, so I let you go, but since you are already in a hurry, then I will not be polite!

She turned over, pushed Qiu Li's shoulders and pushed him to the ground, and as soon as she lifted her legs, she rode on him.

"Just beat it like this!" Yan Xiao put on a straight face and waved his fist deliberately: "Don't think that I won't beat you if you're sick!"

Qiu Li was completely unprepared, and only realized what had just happened when she was pressed to the ground. Seeing her swearing, Qiu Li tilted his head and laughed.

That small fist was not enough for him to grasp, and he didn't know where her confidence came from.

Yan Xiao felt that she was being ridiculed. She was a little upset about scoring points today, but she was even more upset now.

I don't know good people.

Muttering something in his heart, Yan Xiao sat back with a stern face and stopped talking to Qiu Li.

Qiu Li smiled for a while, seeing that the corners of her mouth were drooping all the time: "Are you angry?"

Yan Xiao: "No!"

Qiu Li reached out and poked her face: "Why don't you smile?"

Yan Xiao, who had never been poked in the face before: "..."

[Ding, it's 902 o'clock. ]

Yan Xiao: "!!!"

You poke my face and still hate me in your heart, are you a villain sick? !

Poking and poking, seeing Yan Xiao's eyes rounded, looking at him in shock and disbelief, Qiu Li: "..."

After a long while, he coughed lightly and silently withdrew his hand.

[Ding, it's 903 o'clock! ]

Yan Xiao: "..." Oh, I see through you! You scheming boy!

After that, the two watched the fireworks without saying a word, and when sending Qiu Li out, Yan Xiao thought about it, and asked, "Why do you hate going to the hospital?"

Qiu Li, who thought that poking her face made her unhappy and would not talk to him again tonight, was stunned when he heard this.

Yan Xiao thought to herself, I have asked all the questions, and there must be a result. She raised her head and looked at him under the light at the door without blinking: "Why do you hate going to the hospital so much?"

It is common sense to go to the hospital when you are sick. If it is a child of a certain age, who is afraid of injections and medicines, and refuses to go to the hospital, she can understand, but he is almost sixteen! Not a child anymore!

She didn't know whether it was because the lights were too bright or the night wind was too cold, she seemed to see a cold light flashing in Qiu Li's eyes in a trance.

But it disappeared soon, and when she wanted to see clearly, there was only a smile in his eyes.

"The smell of disinfectant in the hospital is too strong," he bent his eyes, "I don't like it."

Yan Xiao: "..."

Qiu Li reached out and rubbed her head: "Go back, don't give it away."

Yan Xiao was dubious about this reason, but in the end he didn't ask again.

Qiu Li turned around, and the smile on his face was blown away by the cold wind on the night of New Year's Eve, leaving only a coldness in his eyes.

That night, after Yan Xiao washed up, he lay on the bed, his mind was full of those eyes that flashed in a trance.

She always felt that something was wrong.


At first, I thought that I might have read it wrong, but now the more I think about it, the more I feel that she is right, so it is true.

Just thinking about it, a mechanical sound suddenly came to mind—

[Ding, it's 933 o'clock! ]

Yan Xiao sat up directly from the bed with a face full of shock.

What is Qiu Li doing in the middle of the night

It rose by 30 points at once!

Did the villain curse her

She took the phone and looked at it. It was past twelve o'clock!

After thinking and thinking, she finally dialed the phone.

In the early morning of the first day of the new year, Yan Xiao was holding his phone in the dark, almost gritted his teeth and asked, "What are you doing?"

Qiu Li, who was tossing and turning and hesitating whether to send a New Year's greeting message now, suddenly received a call from Yan Xiao, and he was stunned for two seconds before he clicked through.

Full of joy, Qiu Li thought he would hear 'Happy New Year': "..."

I am thinking of you.

The author has something to say: Xiaoxiao: I am cursed╭(╯^╰)╮

Young Li: (*^▽^*)