The Villain Big Boss Just Wants to Spoil Me

Chapter 43


Yan Xiao couldn't remember how he raised his glass, how he finished the meal, and how he walked out of the restaurant.

It was only after she got out of the hotel and was blown by the sultry summer wind outside that she finally came back to her senses.

The driver had already driven the car to the entrance of the hotel, and Qiu Li was patiently saying goodbye to his classmates.

When he turned his head and saw that she was blinking at him, Qiu Li smiled: "Let's go, let's go home."

Yan Xiao: "... oh."

After getting into the car and driving out a street, Yan Xiaocai finally calmed down completely.

While she condemned herself for being worthless in her heart, she was also speechless for her loss of consciousness just now.

Didn't he know that Qiu Li was messing with him early on? How could he be teased so foolishly? It's too worthless!

She took a peek at Qiu Li and murmured in her heart that there was indeed a knife on the head of Sezi.

For this kind of pretentious murderer, who is also unscrupulous and scheming, you must stay awake at all times!

Seeing that she had been silent since eating, and her face was not looking very good, Qiu Li was frowning at the moment, and Qiu Li hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and rubbed the top of her hair: "What's wrong? I'm not feeling well? I'm still too tired gone?"

The moment that hand landed on the top of his hair, Yan Xiao felt the hairs all over his body stand on end.

That strange and inexplicable feeling came again!

She bit her lip, turned her head to avoid his hand, and said in a blunt tone, "Don't touch my head!"

"Well," Qiu Li laughed softly, and withdrew his hand: "I won't touch it anymore."

Yan Xiao looked at him with an expression of 'you're teasing a cat'.

With her expression, the smile on Qiu Li's face deepened: "Why?"

Yan Xiao's brows furrowed slowly, and said word by word: "You have said this no less than ten times!"

Touched after talking, said after touching, think she is a cat? !

Qiu Li lay on the backrest, tilted his head to look at her, and narrowed his eyes with a smile, like a satisfied big cat.

Yan Xiao: "..."

She looked at him and finally dropped the argument.

Qiu Li, whose question was not answered, wanted to touch her head again, stretched out his hand halfway, thinking of her swollen look just now, smiled and put his hand back.

"Are you too tired?" He said, "See, you didn't eat much for dinner."

The topic went back to the time when she was very unpromising just now, she licked her mouth and said firmly: "No, it's just that the private room is too noisy, so noisy, my ears are going to go blind."

Qiu Li didn't think there was anything wrong with the rhetoric of blind ears, but felt that she described it very vividly.

Yan Xiao rubbed his tingling ears, trying to cover up: "But it's much better now... What are your plans next? You've finished the college entrance examination, you don't need to go to school, you just wait for the scores to come out and apply for volunteering, nothing else something happened..."

Qiu Li raised his eyes: "What about you?"

Yan Xiao: "... haven't figured it out yet." I'm just waiting until the score is full, and it's still in the twenties. When the score comes out, it should be almost full.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiao couldn't help being a little excited.

After so many years of hard work, the dawn of victory finally began to wave to her.

"Do you want to relax?" Qiu Li said, "Shall I play with you?"

Yan Xiao nodded without even thinking about it: "Okay!" It would be even better if he could max out his points while relaxing!

Qiu Li narrowed his eyes again: "I'll go back and have a look, I'll sort it out and send it to you, tomorrow... let's rest tomorrow and start the day after tomorrow?"

Yan Xiao couldn't help nodding: "Yes!"

Both of them couldn't wait. Although they had completely different goals, they still shared the same goals on the surface.

However, the travel plan still could not be implemented because Qiu Zhan came back.

To be precise, both Qiu Zhan and Qiu Yan returned to China.

After Qiu Zhan graduated from high school, he went directly abroad to study business. This year he is a graduate student, and he will graduate next year. Now he is back because of a business marriage, and... to celebrate his baby brother Qiu Yan's birthday and to congratulate him on being admitted to Arnes College of Art.

Qiu Yan has been studying abroad for these years, and Qiu Zhan is even more busy with his studies, so it is good to come back. This time, the return was very grand and grand, and he looked like a successor of the Qiu family.

The relationship between the Yan family and the Qiu family has always been very good, and the relationship has become closer in the past few years. Yan Hao and Chen Ziyi will naturally go to the Qiu family for a walk. Before, Yan Xiao had been preparing for the exam, and she was afraid of disturbing her studies and did not take her to any social gatherings. Now After the exam was finally over, it was natural to take her there, not to mention that she and Qiu Zhan and Qiu Yan played very well when they were young.

Yan Xiao naturally would not refuse.

Not to mention Qiu Zhan, she definitely wants to see Qiu Yan, she needs to establish a good relationship with Qiu Yan, so that after she leaves, Qiu Yan can take more care of the Yan family.

This kind of entertainment, once started, is endless.

In particular, there are quite a lot of people who want to talk about the Yan family.

First came Qiu Zhan and Qiu Yan's comeback banquet, then Qiu Zhan's engagement banquet, followed by Qiu Yan's school entrance banquet and birthday banquet.

In just half a month, the Qiu family was full of people, and there was more than one 'lively'

The clothes are fragrant and the temples are full of brilliance. Those who come and go are the upper circles of Rongcheng. Even Yan Xiao, who pays the least attention to these things, is a little dazzled.

On Qiu Yan's birthday, she prepared gifts early and went to the star hotel under the name of Qiu Group with her parents.

If Qiu Zhan is the successor of the Qiu family, Qiu Yan is the pride of the Qiu family.

The entire banquet hall is elegantly and luxuriously furnished.

There were a lot of guests, Yan Xiao didn't look for Qiu Yan as soon as he arrived as he did when he was a child, but went to sit on the sofa in the rest area and eat fruit.

During this period of time, she was taken by her parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts... After participating in countless banquets, she was a little mentally tired.

Besides, Qiu Yan must be very busy at the moment, she'd better not make trouble, when it's over, when she's free, she'll go face to face to congratulate and connect with each other, the same thing.

After eating half a plate of strawberries, the birthday party officially began. She wiped her hands, got up and took a seat.

I haven't seen him for a few years, and Qiu Yan looks more like a male lead. Coupled with his artistic atmosphere, he is simply a little prince who is not a human being.

Yan Xiao looked at Qiu Yan on the stage, and clicked his tongue in his heart, how could the author have the heart to let him suffer such a darling

Qiu Chengyi's face was full of red today, and he was obviously very satisfied with the achievements of his two sons. He almost said directly, "My Qiu Chengyi's son is the best".

Qiu Chengyi gave his proudest son, Qiu Yan, 2% of the group's shares on the spot. The genius boy was instantly worth hundreds of billions and became one of the group's shareholders.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Although I feel that Qiu Chengyi is a bit partial to the younger son, but judging from Qiu Yan's temperament and future development, he must follow the route of an artist, and he will only be a master who only takes dividends and doesn't care about things. Looking at Qiu Zhan's happy face, it is obvious The brothers of the family have a very good relationship, and they will not compete for family property at all. One accepts the group, and the other becomes a great artist with dividends. No matter how you look at it, they are a family that makes people enviable.

Yan Xiao was also a little surprised.

But she totally understands.

Qiu Chengyi prefers the younger son, and Qiu Zhan is the ultimate younger brother. No one can compare to his precious brother in anything, let alone 2%, even if the shares are all given to Qiu Yan, Qiu Zhan will not have any opinions .

Under the bright and gorgeous lights, Yan Xiao looked at Qiu Yan who was surrounded by stars, and suddenly thought of Qiu Li.

It's also a birthday.

Qiu Yan is so grand and grand.

Qiu Li even cooked the Longevity Noodles at her house, and she also prepared the birthday cake.

No shares, no ostentation, no loud congratulations...

She suddenly felt bad.

I can't tell where it hurts, but I feel congested, my eyes are astringent, and my breathing is not smooth.

She took out her phone and sent Qiu Li a message: What are you doing? Have you had dinner

After sending, she stared at the dialog box, waiting for his reply, but she waited for a full three minutes, but did not receive a reply from Qiu Li.

She bit her lip, her brows and eyes were stained with anxiety, she waited for another five minutes, she finally couldn't bear it anymore, secretly told her mother that she had something to go first and asked her to help give the gift she had prepared to Qiu Yan, before her mother could reply , she ran away with a cat on her back.

Because she left halfway and made a sudden decision, the driver at home didn't know about it, so when she ran out of the hotel, there was no one to pick her up, and she didn't delay, just took a taxi and went home.

On a midsummer night, it is hot and noisy, full of people's voices, traffic, and neon lights everywhere, even Shengyi Huayuan is no exception.

Only Qiu left home, quietly, like an island isolated from the whole world.

She ran in from the gate of the community and saw that Qiu's house had only one light on. She didn't know what was going on, but her eyes suddenly felt a little sore. She didn't know whether it was from running too fast or from the water flowing into her eyes. Sweaty.

On the phone, the only dialogue with Qiu Li was the message she sent an hour ago.

She ran over and opened the door directly, and as soon as she entered, she saw Qiu Li sitting on the lawn in the yard, holding a bottle of beer in his hand, and many empty bottles lying on the ground beside him.

Yan Xiao: "..."

I sent you a message and you didn't reply, I was so worried, why did you drink here for a long time

Yan Xiao suddenly became angry, and she walked over in two or three steps, suppressing her anger and shouting: "Qiu Li!"

Qiu Li seemed a little drunk, and only raised his head when he heard the movement.

His face was very red, his eyes were also a little red, and he knew he had drunk a lot, Yan Xiao immediately became even angrier.

Seeing her, Qiu Li was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Why are you here?"

Yan Xiao was so angry that he snatched the wine from his hand and threw it on the ground: "Who told you to drink? You can drink when you're an adult!" What kind of brat is this

After being thrown out of the wine, Qiu Li wasn't angry at all, instead he smiled even better: "The college entrance examination is over, graduates, you can drink..."

"You can drink whatever you want!" Yan Xiao stepped forward and patted him on the head: "Alcohol will corrode your brain, and then you will become a big fool!"

Qiu Li paused with a smile, and after a while, he tilted his head and looked at Yan Xiao: "Do you still like me after becoming a big fool?"

Yan Xiao was furious, and said without thinking, "Who would still like you if you become an idiot? You have a good idea!"

Qiu Li reacted dully for a moment, then continued to smile and said, "I'm not stupid."

Yan Xiao choked on these words.

Are you not stupid

You are not stupid

I've never seen anyone more stupid than you.

But it was too stupid to reason with a drunk, Yan Xiao endured and endured, and finally held back.

Qiu Li didn't care about the change of her expression, just looked at her with a smile: "Why are you here?"

Yan Xiao said angrily: "You didn't reply to the message I sent you, and you didn't answer the phone, so I had to come back and check it! How dare you ask!"

Qiu Li touched his pocket and dragged his tune: "The phone is on the coffee table, I forgot to take it down."

Yan Xiao: "..." Are you quite proud

Qiu Li continued to ask like a repeater, "Why are you here?"

Yan Xiao was stalked again.

How come you're so talkative when you're drunk

Seeing his red face, moist red eyes glowing with stars, the way he looked at her without blinking, he was surprisingly obedient.

Most of Yan Xiao's anger disappeared instantly.

Forget it, being angry with a drunk is just angry at myself, and I will settle the score with him tomorrow when he sobers up!

"I'm afraid you haven't eaten," she slowed down her tone, and poked his face: "You're good, you're having a good time drinking alone."

Qiu Li smiled again, this time with his lips pursed, pure and obedient.

"Sitting here, isn't it hot?" Yan Xiao couldn't hold back and poked his face again.

Qiu Li shook his head: "It's not hot."

Yan Xiao: "It's no wonder it's not hot. What's good here? It's hot and there are many mosquitoes. Are you stupid?"

Qiu Li pursed his lips and smiled: "I'm not stupid, I'll wait for you."

Yan Xiao: "..."

In a daze, she saw Qiu Li tilting his head again, smiling like a cute little fox: "I've waited."

Yan Xiao: "..."

Qiu Li blinked, and the voice wrapped in a smile sounded again: "Will you always be with me?"

In an instant, the sky and the earth went away, Yan Xiao's mind went blank, and he froze on the spot as if he was stupid. Only Qiu Li's lonely figure and his handsome and cute smile were left in front of his eyes and in his mind.

The author has something to say: 007: Shouldn't you be asking me this question? By the way, I haven't shown up for a long time, and I can't wait to show off my might!


This is a plus! Don't say I'm short, I'm not short╭(╯^╰)╮