The Villain Big Boss Just Wants to Spoil Me

Chapter 57


Looking at these five words, Yan Xiao burst into tears.

He was treated unfairly when he was born, no one treated him well, everyone bullied him, he was thrown into an empty house at the age of six and left him to fend for himself, now even the system is bullying him...

The more she thought about it, the faster Yan Xiao burst into tears.

She was in a hurry and dialed the phone directly.

Qiu Li answered in seconds.

Yan Xiao was choked up in tears, unable to utter a single word.

Hearing her cry like this, Qiu Li immediately suffocated, and it took him a while to say in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, don't cry." His heart ached.

Yan Xiao couldn't hold back her tears anymore, crying heartbreakingly.

Qiu Li's mind went blank for a while, and then he choked hard: "Or you can scold me, or hit me."

Yan Xiao choked for a while, then asked him crying, "Where are you?"

Qiu Li thought she was going to beat him up: "It's downstairs at your aunt's house."

Yan Xiao threw away the phone and ran out.

Qiu Li didn't know what happened on Yan Xiao's side. He only heard a muffled ringing on the phone, and then he asked something, but there was no sound on the other side. This made him very disturbed. He asked several times, but still nothing Echo, just when he gritted his teeth and decided to knock on the door...

There was a click, followed by hurried footsteps.

He looked up.

Seeing her running out of the house and seeing that she was safe and sound, Qiu Li's heart finally fell to the ground.

The fence door opened, and he was ready for her to beat him hard, but when the expected scolding and fists didn't come, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and she rushed over and hugged him.

Almost instinctively, without even a moment's hesitation, he reached out and hugged the person in his arms.

His empty heart, drowned by desolation and darkness, was instantly filled with the person in his arms, and he felt himself alive again.

That feeling was like falling off a cliff, and the moment he landed, a pair of hands firmly caught him.

The person in his arms was still crying, crying so much that his heart was about to break.

What made him even more distressed was that in such a cold day, she ran out in her pajamas, not even her shoes.

He tightened his hands and hugged her in his arms: "What should I do if I'm so cold when I wear so little? I, I'll carry you in?"

Yan Xiao cried so much that she couldn't hear him at all, so she hugged him tightly and cried hard.

Qiu Li blinked back the enthusiasm in his eyes, stopped asking her opinion, and walked into the room with her in his arms—because she held him tightly and was still very strong, Qiu Li couldn't help but face him face to face. hold her.

As soon as he moved, Yan Xiao tightened his hands again. Qiu Li, who was so strong, felt the pain, but the pain made him very satisfied, very happy, unspeakably happy.

"want… "

Just as he was about to carry her into the room, he suddenly heard what she said. Qiu Li didn't hear clearly, thinking that she was in pain or uncomfortable, and asked: "What?"

Yan Xiao hugged him tightly again, her whole body was almost embedded in his body.


she says.

Qiu Li was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was answering his question - do you still want me.

Even when she rushed over to hug him, he already knew the answer, but now hearing her say it with his own ears, he is still indescribably excited.

She always let him, so unable to let go.

After the two entered the room like conjoined twins, Qiu Li finally recovered from the throbbing state just now when he was warmed by the heat in the room.

He let her go, trying to wipe her tears to stop her crying, but she didn't let go at all, so Qiu Li had no choice but to hold her in his arms again, waiting for her to calm down slowly.

Although it hurts, he knows her temper best, so he can only do this first.

It was different from the crying on the phone just now. At that time, he felt distressed, more flustered.

After an unknown period of time, Qiu Li noticed something, looked up, and saw my aunt came out at some time, standing not far away, looking at them.

Qiu Li was startled for a moment, then his face turned red, and he called out apologetically in a hoarse voice: "Auntie."

Chen Zilu didn't respond, but just nodded, looking at her niece who was still crying and choking in her arms with a headache and heartache.

What a... headache!

Hearing Qiu Li call 'Auntie', Yan Xiaocai finally stopped crying, wiped the tears on Qiu Li's face vigorously, then let go of him, raised his head and looked at Auntie with tears in his eyes.


Choking, grievance, and pleading.

Seeing her niece's eyes were red and swollen, and her face was full of tears, Chen Zilu lost her temper. She frowned, turned and went into the bathroom, washed her face with a hot towel and wiped her face.

As soon as he raised his hand to wipe, Qiu Li took the towel and whispered, "Let me do it."

Chen Zilu wanted to throw the towel on Qiu Li's face.

It's you bastard who made my precious niece so sad!

But seeing his messy hair, red eyes, several bruises on his face, and crumpled clothes, he was not a little bit in a mess, after all, it was the child she watched growing up, she really couldn't remain indifferent.

Finally, she threw the towel to her, folded her hands and frowned.

The niece still secretly glanced at her from time to time, making it seem like they were a pair of fateful couples, but the bad guy who beat up the couples!

Chen Zilu is angry.

But the niece is close, and there is only one, what can she do

I can only swallow my breath into my stomach.

"Go and sit down!" She nodded her chin at the two of them, then turned and went into the kitchen.

Chen Zilu, who entered the kitchen to make hot chocolate, folded her arms and looked at the stove, thinking, are all the kids nowadays so good at tossing around? When she was young, let alone experience, she had never heard of such a thrilling experience! Dog blood is comparable to a TV series!

When he came out with two cups of hot chocolate, he saw the medicine box opened wide, and his niece was sitting on the carpet, disinfecting the wound on Qiu Li's hand.

Chen Zilu raised her eyebrows. She didn't know why, but she always felt that Qiu Li was trying to show misery on purpose. Otherwise, how could a boy who has always been so particular about him put himself in such a mess


how to say.

Even knowing that he is selling miserably, it is still a bit ruthless.

Whether it's true or not, he's sure to win the emotional card anyway, not to mention the niece, even she's a little... hey.

She put the hot chocolate on the coffee table with a blank expression.

With a ding sound, the two looked up at her together.

Not to mention, the two of them are in such a mess, they really look like a pair of fateful mandarin ducks.

"I'll leave later," Qiu Li explained in a low voice, as if afraid of her getting angry, "I won't disturb you for too long."

Chen Zilu's eyebrows twitched, and finally sighed: "It's too late, I'll just stay here, I'll clean up the guest room for you."

Qiu Li said embarrassedly: "Please trouble me, auntie."

Chen Zilu nodded and went upstairs to tidy up the guest room without saying a word.

Trouble is not troublesome, the main thing is that Qiu Li is going to leave now, she can guarantee that her niece will not sleep well tonight, and she will stay, just in time for interrogation tomorrow morning, ask him carefully, what is going on!

After his aunt left, Yan Xiao looked up at Qiu Li: "Why didn't you treat the wound?"

Qiu Li's eyes were still very red, they were bloodshot, and he looked tired, he smiled at her: "Forgot."

Yan Xiao frowned: "Can you forget this too?"

Qiu Li didn't speak, just looked at her with a smile, obediently being scolded.

After disinfecting the wound on her hands and putting on a large band-aid, she stood up and said to Qiu Li, "Look up."

Qiu Li obediently raised his head.

The wound on his forehead was scabbed and dirty, Yan Xiao's brows were tightened when he saw it.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Qiu Li looked at her and whispered.

Yan Xiao glared at him, and said angrily, "Close your eyes!"

Qiu Li obediently closed his eyes.

After using alcohol cotton balls to treat the wound on the forehead and the scratch on the cheek, Yan Xiaocai spoke again: "How long have you been outside?"

He blinked, and when he was about to answer, he heard Yan Xiao get annoyed—to tell the truth!

Qiu Li: " nine o'clock."

It's nine o'clock, it's half past two now, that is to say, after staying outside for five hours, the winter in Rongcheng is extremely cold, and it's night, Yan Xiao suddenly became angry: "Are you stupid?"

Qiu Li didn't speak, just smiled at her with the corners of his mouth pulled up.

Yan Xiao's eyes were red again.

"Why didn't you call me?" She asked hard.

Qiu Li: "I'm afraid you are still angry, and you will be even angrier when you see me."

Yan Xiao: "...then you just waited all this time?"

Qiu Li: "I can't think of any other way for now."

Yan Xiao: "..."

Qiu Li pursed his lips and said nervously, "I'm sorry."

Yan Xiao's tears fell again.

Qiu Li hurriedly wiped her tears.

Yan Xiao slapped his hand away, panting uncomfortably: "You don't tell me anything! Treat me like a fool!"

Don't talk about the hatred for the Qiu family, don't talk about the pressure you're under, don't talk about the system's interference, don't talk about anything!

Qiu Li was at a loss, and apologized while wiping her tears: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I won't do this again in the future, and I will tell you everything in the future, don't cry..."

When Chen Zilu cleaned up the guest room and came to tell them that they could rest, what they saw was this pair of fateful mandarin ducks, crying to each other.

She was really convinced.

If someone doesn't know about this, he will definitely point to her nose and scold her for beating mandarin ducks with a stick.

"It's almost three o'clock." She stood on the stairs without going over, and said to the two, "Hurry up and go to bed."

How old are you, why are you still like kindergarten kids, crying at every turn, when you were in kindergarten, I didn't see you two crying at every turn, how come the older you are, the more you cry

Yan Xiao only cried because she couldn't stand the pain at that moment, and she didn't want to cry too much. She wiped her tears and nodded to her aunt: "Okay, I'm going to sleep now."

When she turned to leave, she asked Qiu Li, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Chen Zilu: "..."

Qiu Li blinked: "Eat."

Yan Xiao frowned.

Qiu Li: "...No, but I'm not hungry."

Yan Xiao: "I'll cook a bowl of noodles."

Chen Zilu was completely convinced.

She came down: "Sit down, there are wontons in the refrigerator, I'll cook them, you didn't eat much for dinner, do you want some?"

Yan Xiao nodded embarrassedly.

Chen Zilu whispered to her: "Go and wash your face, put some pressure on your eyes, otherwise your eyes will be swollen tomorrow, if your parents see it, then..."

Yan Xiao immediately smiled gratefully at her aunt.

Chen Zilu refused to accept her flattery, and said with a cold face on purpose, "Hurry up!"

Yan Xiao hummed, turned around and pointed to the bathroom at Qiu Li, and hurried away.

After she finished washing her face, she applied ice cubes to her eyes for a while, and the wontons were cooked.

"Just put it in the kitchen after eating," Chen Zilu went upstairs while wiping her hands, "Auntie will clean up tomorrow, so go to bed as soon as you finish eating."

Yan Xiao continued to nod fawningly.

After eating and washing, Yan Xiao returned to the room under Qiu Li's gaze.

Before closing the door, she poked her head out and pointed to the door behind Qiu Li, signaling him to go to sleep quickly, and then made a gesture to send a message.

Qiu Li nodded, and waited for her to enter the room and close the door before he turned and went to the guest room.

As soon as he returned, he took out his mobile phone, and her message had already been sent.

"Go to bed early, good night."

Qiu Li smiled and replied: "Okay, good night."

After sending, he stared at the phone for a while to confirm that she would not send any more messages, then he put down the phone and looked at the moon shadow on the roof with his mouth raised.

Not long after he was happy, an annoying voice made him change his face.

-See, my predictions and proposals are always the most accurate, and she really forgave you.

In the darkness, Qiu Li's eyes became particularly gloomy.

-Tomorrow, you will continue to follow my suggestion, continue to play the emotional card, unite with the Yan family, and deal with the Qiu family.

Qiu Li gritted his teeth: Shut up!

-Why? are you angry? Why? I am helping you! Didn't you always want to take revenge on the Qiu family? Such a good opportunity, I have helped you so much

Qiu Li tried his best to remain calm: How can I make you disappear

This time the correction system was quiet, and after a while, the mechanical voice said coldly: I will not disappear, because the path you are taking now is all wrong, and when you walk on the right path, I will disappear automatically.

Qiu Li frowned: Right or wrong, only if I say it myself! What I think is right is right!

-If you insist on going your own way like this, you will not be able to bear 99.2% of the consequences.

Craziness appeared in Qiu Li's eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a disdainful arc: "Try it?"