The Villain Big Boss Just Wants to Spoil Me

Chapter 59: Spoiler


Total darkness.

There is no glossy black.

Qiu Li couldn't see anything, he leaned against a corner, facing the monster of darkness in horror, as time passed, he became more and more frightened, he tried to shout outside, for help, except in a small space He didn't get any response, and then, this response became a satire on him.

Boundless, irony that frightened him.

He curled up his small body, nestled in the corner of the elevator, shivering for a long time, and finally collapsed, using both hands and feet, to grope for the elevator wall.

There was still no response to the button, he touched the gap in the elevator door, and pushed hard, hard...

In the end, the fingers were covered with blood, and the elevator door was still motionless.

But he still didn't stop.

Because he was too scared.

He was afraid that if he stopped, the monster in the dark would swallow him up.

Tears slid down his cheeks to his chin, and then dripped down with a snap.

He didn't care about others, he only raised his hand to wipe the tears on his face when he took a breath, and then continued to pick...

The quality of Qiu's elevator is very good, and the sound insulation is also very good.

He yelled until he couldn't make a sound, and scratched until his nails broke, but nothing changed.

In the end, he was exhausted, squatting in the corner with his head in his arms, he didn't even have the strength to cry, and his overstretched fingers were convulsed in the darkness where he couldn't see anything...

Looking at this scene, Qiu Li was very strange.

Obviously at that time, he was not like this, nor was he trapped for so long, obviously he had not experienced this before, he was just trapped in the elevator for about an hour, but the pain from his fingers to his heart clearly came from his fingertips, The hysterical helplessness and fear that made him collapse, like a gangrene, surged up densely from all the limbs and bones.

Standing there, looking at the shivering child against his face, he suddenly felt that he had experienced it.

These he has experienced.

The ubiquitous mechanical voice in his mind told him, yes. This should have been his past.

it should

He doesn't understand, what is supposed to be

The mechanical voice explained that due to some unstable factors, this past has been rewritten.

been rewritten

That is to say, Xiaoxiao didn't come to rescue her, so he just stayed in the elevator all night

Thinking that Xiaoxiao didn't come, the desperate pain and suffocating fear hit him again, the pain was so painful that he could hardly bear it, and then he yelled...


Qiu Li sat up sweating profusely with a pale face.

His mind went blank for a moment, and when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he immediately turned his head—


People are gone.

The fear in the dream still lingered in his heart, even more panic than in the dream. He went to get his cell phone to call Yan Xiao, but when he saw the note on the cell phone, he immediately calmed down.

'I'm in the ro meeting room on the second floor, wake up and go to dinner first'

With just this short line, Qiu Li felt that he was alive again.

After sitting for a while, he got up to wash up.

He didn't go to the hotel cafeteria to eat, but went directly to the conference hall on the second floor.

Yan Xiao was having a heated discussion with his brothers and sisters, so he didn't notice him coming at all. He leaned against the wall and sat down on the chair listening.

What she said, he listened to every word, but ran out of the other ear without saying a word, in his eyes, ears, heart, and brain, what can be kept, what can be kept, The only thing he wanted to leave behind was Yan Xiao.

She is serious.

Work hard too.

Whenever she gets serious, her whole body is shining.

Yan Xiao only saw Qiu Li when he was drinking water during the intermission.

Her eyes lit up and she walked towards him.

"Are you awake?" Yan Xiao still smiled like she did when she was a child, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, it means that the little girl has grown into a big girl and is even more beautiful.

Qiu Li nodded: "Are you tired?"

Yan Xiao shook her head and sat down beside him: "Have you eaten yet?"

Just as Qiu Li was about to nod, his ears were caught: "Didn't you eat?"

Qiu Li: "..."

he laughed.

Yan Xiao glared at him: "Still laughing?"

Qiu Li smiled even more happily.

Yan Xiao had nothing to do with him, let go of his hand, and pulled his arm up: "Let's go!"

Qiu Li stood up and asked strangely, "Where are you going? Isn't the discussion meeting over yet?"

This is an international academic exchange meeting, which lasts for seven days, and the big cows and top teams in the industry are here. It is a rare opportunity for learning, communication and cooperation.

He came to accompany her, but he drank the local water yesterday and was not acclimatized, so he was knocked down directly, so he rested in the room.

"Eat," Yan Xiao said hello to his brothers and sisters, and then dragged him out: "Come back after eating, don't delay."

Qiu Li smiled and let her drag her into the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed, he suddenly remembered the dream just now—or rather, himself in a certain wheel of history.

"Xiaoxiao," he thought for a while, and said, "The Christmas Eve when you were three years old, why did you suddenly want to go to Qiu's house to find me?"

The Christmas Eve when he was three years old was unforgettable for Qiu Li, and it was also very special for Yan Xiao. She almost didn't need to think about it, the scene of that night automatically appeared in front of her eyes, she could never forget Qiu Li's hateful and helpless eyes.

After 007 told her that the value was negative, she occasionally thought about what would happen to Qiu Li if she hadn't gone that day.

She found that he couldn't imagine it.

Or rather, dare not think.

It hurts just thinking about it.

Hearing Qiu Li's sudden question, she smiled: "You haven't been to school for a long time, and you haven't seen each other since the holidays. I miss you, so I'll drop by to find you."

Qiu Li held the hand, curled up the corner of his mouth and smiled: "That's it."

Yan Xiao thought his words were strange, looked up at him, and wanted to ask him why he asked this suddenly, but when Jean raised his head, he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth, relying on his height.

After kissing, she still acted obediently: "That is really a special fate, I missed you that day too."

really want.

Just like now, even if you are in front of me, I still miss you very much.

The author has something to say: It’s a bit short, so let’s take a look at it o(╯□╰)o

I wrote it hard (*/ω\*)